#cheap tarot readings


readings are open !!

three card spreads for $3.33 until slots fill up

just message me on tiktok @ rodent.witch for your reading! you can also send a message here if you don’t have tiktok, no worries!

Now offering Tarot readings


Please reblog to spread around my post


  1. Obviously you must pay me first before I can give you a reading. I know there’s conflict with trust and that’s why my prices are as low as I can put them so you won’t lose too much if my services aren’t up to your expectations. However I doubt any problems will arise :)
  2. Unless there’s a logical reason behind a difficult to answer question I won’t answer it (ex: life or death/ health related , will I get to marry/get together with ____ , will I get this job, will I get ______ on the 11th or 20th this month?)

Current spreads I offer:

Birthday spread:

- cost: Free (must prove date of birth) or pay whatever you would like.

- what: A 7 card reading to give you a hand in the next year until your next birthday. 3 to represent the short term into the year 3 to represent long term events into the year and 1 to represent the general theme/idea of your year.

Yes or no:

- cost: $1.00 for each question

- A basic to the point yes or no reading for breaking decisions or simplistic questions/wonderings. You might be asked a question or two so I can do the reading better for you.

Basic reading/ Daily reading:

- cost: $2 per a Question

-what: A 2 card reading for something to focus on everyday, guidance for the day or Answers to basic needs. You will be asked for a small amount of info regarding yourself and the question/situation brought to me.

In depth / For more serious issues:

-Cost: $5 / Each issue brought to me

-what: A 5 card spread for more serious matters, when two cards isn’t enough, or if you would like something discussed more in depth compared to the basic 1 card reading. You will be asked questions so I can gather info for your reading

Monthly themed spread:

-Cost: $3.00 / 1 reading for the month that is currently going.

- What: A 3 card reading based off differently themed spreads for each month.

  • January: Prosperity spread - A spread that will show you a path towards prosperity
  • February: Relationships: A spread for all questions regarding all kinds of relationships
  • March: Non-Monetary goals: A spread to help you reach your non money related goals
  • April: Growth: A spread that will show a path to help you grow as a person
  • May: Hobbies and Careers: Do you need a change? To start New? Or maybe to strengthen a skill? Come find out!
  • June: Negativity: what needs to be done to remove negativity from your life
  • July: Positivity: what needs to be done to bring more positivity into your life
  • August: self care: what do you need to do to take care of yourself more?
  • September: Education: How can you better your education? Or , what can you learn this month ?
  • October: The big picture- What are you struggling to see and how can it help you?
  • November: Fortune cookie: A glimpse of rewards to come and how to achieve them faster.
  • December: Endings- How you can prepare for the next year to come so that it is successful, and what can you take from this year?

How to get a reading / how to pay

  1. Message me through tumblr messages NO SUBMISSIONS VIA ASK , you can also use snapchat or discord. Indicate a name I can identify you with and tell me which reading you would like and I will get to you ASAP (My snap is: boy.andthebeast and my discord is orange-juice221#1595)
  2. Once I have recieved your message I will send you my pay pal account email or link (whatever you prefer) so that you can send your pay.
  3. Once I have gotten your purchase I will conduct an interview so I can gather the info I need for your reading.
  4. After I have gotten enough information I will pull out the cards, reveal them to you and discuss what it all means !

Further information

I use “The wild unknown” tarot deck by Kim krans

My cards are very blunt and aren’t vague about anything. So there is a chance for you to get an answer you aren’t ready to hear / don’t want to hear due to whatever personal reason you’ve got.
