
Gabriele Stabile photographed Action Bronson’s new cookbook Stoned Beyond Belief. Available for pre-

Gabriele Stabile photographed Action Bronson’s new cookbook Stoned Beyond Belief. Available for pre-order now and in store’s on March 19! 

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Signal boosting my friend’s cookbook! Go grab it, it’s only $5 and you’d be helping her pay for culinary school ♡

“This book is for my fellow laborers, my neurodivergent friends, and for those who live on their own.

"I am an adult with ADHD and have found that conventional cookbooks are not constructed for the way my brain functions. Too often I am overwhelmed with the amount of information in a single instruction, formatted in the traditional style. What I have done is broken everything down into simple steps that are easier to read through. "Because of this, the book is also great for those who have no experience making food, not just those of us with ADHD or autism.

"The book also comes with a shopping list so that home cooks know how much to buy, and is designed so that all the food will be utilized within the week. No more buying items for a single recipe and having to throw excess out, or have a spice you’ll never touch again. Another important feature is that these recipes are made so that someone who does not have an abundance of wealth can eat delicious food affordably.

"Single people make up a significant portion of the population. Yet cook books, and most recipes are never made for them. I found this particularly frustrating when I lived alone, so in this book, every recipe is for one person.

"Also, it doesn’t matter if you are vegan, vegetarian, or a meat eater, you can use this book.

"I hope you find this helpful.”

TSUKIMI DANGO (Moon Dumplings, Moon Viewing Dumplings)(From M/FoMT)https://www.bokksu.com/blogs/news

TSUKIMI DANGO (Moon Dumplings, Moon Viewing Dumplings)

(From M/FoMT)



  • 250g (2 ¼ cups) Joshinko, non-glutinous rice flour
  • 250g (2 ¼ cups) Room-temperature water


  1. In a large bowl, combine the rice flour and water gradually, slowly mixing by hand as you do until combined.
  2. Knead the dough until smooth and has a similar consistency to the feeling of squeezing an earlobe.
  3. Roll the dough into a long rope and cut into 15 equal pieces.
  4. Roll each piece into a little ball.
  5. Set a pot of water on high eat and bring to a boil.
  6. Carefully place the dango in the water and boil until the begin to float.
  7. Transfer the dango to cold water briefly before placing on a plate to continue cooling.
  8. Form a pyramid of the 15* little moons and enjoy under the full moon!


Like most things, everyone has their own way of making tsukimi dango a little special. Some variations we’ve seen include replacing 50g of Joshinko with 50g of Mochiko (glutinous rice flour) for a more chewy texture. Others add about 20g of sugar for a little sweetness. While we shared instructions for boiling the dough, you can also steam it if you prefer for a slightly different texture.


To steam the dango, follow all the preparations above and place the dumplings into the steamer above a pot of boiling water.Line a steamer with a damp cotton cloth or parchment paper and place the rice balls into the steamer.Cover and steam on high for 15 minutes and carefully remove each with chopsticks and leave to cool.


In eastern Japan tsukimi dango are typically eaten plain, but in western Japan they’re enjoyed with sweet red bean paste (anko) and is sometimes called kansai-style. These dango tend to be slightly larger, and are tear drop shaped. The anko forms a blanket around each dumpling. To achieve this, smear a helping of anko onto a clean cotton cloth and wrap the cloth around the cooked dumpling. You should be able to pull the cloth away from the anko.


Sometimes, the dango sitting at the tippy-top of the pyramid is colored yellow, like the glowing harvest moon. To achieve this, a small amount of either pumpkin or sweet potato puree can be added to the dough.

Other people like to make a few extra dango and transform them into little bunnies by adding tiny ears! Just take two pinches of dough and roll them to the shape of a grain of rice, press them to the top of your dumpling, gently flattening them before boiling or steaming.

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Happy October, everyone! What are your goals for this month?

My goals:

Drink 1 gallon of water a day

Meditate every day

Follow my meal/workout plan

Be grateful

Write in my grimoire more

Keep making recipes for the cookbook!

It would include:

-About me
-Vegan recipes
-Ingredient correspondences
-Crystal correspondences
-Holiday/seasonal foods
-Circumstances in which the recipes can apply
-Tips for growing your own herbs (maybe)

Would anyone be interested? It will take a year or two (or more) to put it all together because I want to be thorough and not half a** it like I do with everything else.
I’ll share some recipes and tips on this blog to give you all an idea of what it will look like.
Just let me know what you think!

Do you want to see Sean Brock smell some lettuce and wax poetic about eating his lunch straight from the garden? Like hell, you do.

See the James Beard Award-winning chef of Husk andMcCrady’s at Sixth & I on November 19 to discuss his fist cookbook, Heritage, with Michele Kayal.

#heritage    #sean brock    #mind of a chef    #fried chicken    #appalachia    #cooking    #cookbook    #southern    #cuisine    
 Jewish Book Council found this scrumptious recipe for Apple-Stuffed Challah in Rosie Daykin’s

Jewish Book Council found this scrumptious recipe forApple-Stuffed Challah in Rosie Daykin’s collection of recipes for special occasions from Vancouver’s Butter Baked Goods, new cookbook. It’s the perfect twist to add to your repertoire and table for the Jewish High Holidays!

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Blueberries, beets, and borscht, united by sour cream…We have recipes for ALL THE PURPLE SOUPBlueberries, beets, and borscht, united by sour cream…We have recipes for ALL THE PURPLE SOUP

Blueberries, beets, and borscht, united by sour cream…

We have recipes for ALL THE PURPLE SOUPSfromThe Gefilte Manifesto: New Recipes for Old World Jewish Foods available online!

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