

a cool little ad for iced coffee i found in a “Post” magazine - circa 1944


Hey guys. Doxx girl is back. Let’s get this blog deleted, and I hope y’all can feel assured justice will be served, because I WILL be emailing her college with the receipts behind her continued harassment of 2 users. She’s gonna get the hammer. I will also add on some texts that she sent from a new blog (she’s done this 4 times), and I’ll be adding the username for what appears to be another blog of hers.


To all my followers:

thank you. thank you. and thank you again.

i am truly in awe at how incredibly kind this little community on tumblr is.

After months of negativity added onto personal stresses, you have restored my faith in the bloggers of this app.

-vintage darb

if you needed further proof of @lykabobias / @angelikamariebobias carelessness and unkindness towards this whole situation, here’s her response (as a 21 year old) to a fellow blogger her on tumble when confronted.


please block/report @angelikamariebobias (her other blog)

i am overwhelmed by the amount of support my followers have given to me over the last couple of hours. I love you all and i cannot be more proud of you.


the blogger who spoke about me and my friend in this way is:@/lykabobias

PLEASE REPORT HER (i am a minor. she is 21)


spending time reading classical novels, playing with a cat, wearing vintage dresses, collecting flowers near the house, watering plants, wandering in the nearest park and talking with myself loudly, being at home and feeling safe

p.s: photos are not mine! If you know the owner, write me, please!

Strawberry stickers!!!!!! I wanted the packaging to look like a little seed pack and I think they came out sooooo cute!

Etsy Shop

I updated my shop with some springy items! Cant wait for the snow to melt

Etsy Shop

Bakery cat 2 ways! Hoping to make the second one into a little sticker sheet.

Etsy Shop

I’ve been a bit obsessed with cakes recently. Fulfilling my bakery dreams one drawing at a time.

Etsy Shop

Here’s some stickers that are available on my new online shop!!!

