#daniel craig


Can I have the pleasure of your company?

Reblog to ask out fellow users for a talk the walk date.

Films in Frame - Midnight in Paris, About time, Notebook, La la land, Before Sunrise, Once, 13 going 30, Begin again, No time to die, One day

 A British Film Institution by Skuggzi Via Flickr: The British Film Institute IMAX Cinema, - decorat

A British Film Institution by Skuggzi
Via Flickr:
The British Film Institute IMAX Cinema, - decorated with a colossal poster for the 24th James Bond film “Spectre” - Waterloo, London. (Architect Bryan Avery of Avery Associates 1999)

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craig’s bond (2005 - 2020)

SpectreDOP – Hoyte van HoytemaFormat - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic DragoSpectreDOP – Hoyte van HoytemaFormat - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic DragoSpectreDOP – Hoyte van HoytemaFormat - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic DragoSpectreDOP – Hoyte van HoytemaFormat - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic DragoSpectreDOP – Hoyte van HoytemaFormat - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic DragoSpectreDOP – Hoyte van HoytemaFormat - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic DragoSpectreDOP – Hoyte van HoytemaFormat - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic DragoSpectreDOP – Hoyte van HoytemaFormat - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic DragoSpectreDOP – Hoyte van HoytemaFormat - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic DragoSpectreDOP – Hoyte van HoytemaFormat - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic Drago


DOPHoyte van Hoytema
Format - Arriflex (50D 250D 500T) Arri Alexa XT and 65, Red Epic Dragon
Lenses - Panavision Primo 70, Zeiss Master Primes and Zeiss Master Anamorphic Lenses
Aspect Ratio - 2.35 : 1
Delivery- Digital Intermediate 4K

Notable Strengths – Composition, Geometry in the Frame, Low Light, Movement, Wide Shots, Leading Lines, Colour, Use of Practicals, Soft Light, Action Sequences

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The show must not go on.

I forgot this was even a thing.

Theatre is rebounding though and that’s a great thing. Rafe Spall is receiving incredible reviews in Aaron Sorkin’s take on TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.

Here, stateside, after a delay due to Daniel Craig contracting Covid-19, his MACBETH - opposite Ruth Negga is doing well.

-From the Scottish play, to a Scottish actor-After a successful run in the UK, James McAvoy CYRANO came to off-Broadway.

The crowds were out to see Daniel Craig in Betrayal - New York City, New York

The crowds were out to see Daniel Craig in Betrayal - New York City, New York

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Daniel Craig’s final outing as James Bond…

He’s rejuvenated the character for the 21st century, and I look forward to both Craig’s future work and the next 60 years of Bond in cinema

As we now come to the end of Daniel Craig’s dynamic dynasty in the history of JamesBond… An alternative poster for his first outing, the gutsy and visceral Casino Royale

“I want you to help me catch a killer of women”

Cold and calculated; two words that could be used to label American director David Fincher, the man who made two of the great films of the past ten years, in ZodiacandThe Social Network, and the man who made Fight Club, one of the best films of all time. His latest project, an adaptation of Steig Larsson’s best-selling novel The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, however, marks his first mis-step since 2008 – albeit a very slight one.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo follows Mikael Blomkvist, a disgraced journalist, as he investigates the murder of a Swedish businessman’s grand-niece with Lisbeth Salander, a prodigious computer hacker and investigator whose traumatic childhood has made her hostile to society. As the two investigate the murder, they stumble upon something far more sinister than they could have imagined.

If there’s a flaw in the film it’s in the character of Lisbeth Salander, a wildly exaggerated caricature of an outsider. Her black clothes, dramatic hairstyles, fuck you attitude and love for tattoos all make for a very stereotypical perception of what disillusioned youth looks like, and embodies everything that the middle aged middle class fear about young people. This is something that was unavoidable due to the heavy-handed nature of the character in Larsson’s novel, and is no reflection on Rooney Mara’s depiction of the character – she’s only doing what’s required and she does so very well – but Fincher seems to exaggerate it further, making Lisbeth wear a t-shirt emblazoned with the words “fuck you you fucking fuck”, for example. It’s unusually heavy-handed for Fincher, and something that occurs sporadically throughout the film. The rape scenes, for example, are unnecessary and gratuitous, and serve no other purpose than to hammer home what we already know - Lisbeth hates society as much as society hates her.

Still, it’s not all bad, and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is far better than its flaws suggest. The mystery at its centre is always fascinating, and Fincher’s meticulous visual style works wonderfully when transposed to snowbound Sweden. Of course, there are certainly going to be comparisons to the Swedish original as it’s so fresh in the mind, and, admittedly, much of the film feels familiar, but Fincher’s film feels more streamlined that Niels Arden Oplev’s original, and is certainly a far more rewarding experience.

It stands as testament to Fincher that even when he’s off his game he can make something so great, and, even in spite of its many flaws, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is an elegant, ferocious film that only enhances David Fincher’s reputation as one of Hollywood’s best working directors.

pixalry: No Time to Die - Created by Sam GreenYou can follow the artist on Instagram and Twitter.


No Time to Die - Created by Sam Green

You can follow the artist on InstagramandTwitter.

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Watch “No Time To Die The Making Of The Film” on YouTube

Holiday Commission for my buddy Ralph. James bond riding an elephant. That’s what he wanted and that

Holiday Commission for my buddy Ralph. James bond riding an elephant. That’s what he wanted and that’s what he got. 

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