#dark fantasy

Gothic Twin, Carpe Diem & Carpe NoctemI have somewhat been a bottle hoarder for some years now, Gothic Twin, Carpe Diem & Carpe NoctemI have somewhat been a bottle hoarder for some years now, Gothic Twin, Carpe Diem & Carpe NoctemI have somewhat been a bottle hoarder for some years now, Gothic Twin, Carpe Diem & Carpe NoctemI have somewhat been a bottle hoarder for some years now,

Gothic Twin, Carpe Diem & Carpe Noctem

I have somewhat been a bottle hoarder for some years now, though not necessarily consciously. I tend not to throw away sauce bottles or jam jars which I find attractive. It is also rather peculiar that I have never thought of using my bottle collection in my artwork … until a few days ago.

A couple of days ago, I was staring at my “empty bottles” shelf, thinking if I should just take them all to the recycle bin to create some space for “more important kitchen stuff”. But it was not meant to be, because my plan immediately backfired when fascinating Gothic-looking images began to take shape in my mind. I immediately got down 2 of the bottles, which were Woodward’s Gripe Water vessels in their past lives, and swiftly ferried them to my workspace.

Thus, the Gothic Twin was born. Carpe Diem and Carpe Noctem.

Find this and other items at http://alteredalchemy.etsy.com

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Quick portrait of the Dark Vicar. Since you guys wanted to know more about this character, I made a

Quick portrait of the Dark Vicar. 

Since you guys wanted to know more about this character, I made a thread on twitter about him and his story. I’ve also uploaded there some images I never shared. So… it should be interesting. 

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characterdesignreferences:Art by  Innocent Prime March’s Theme: #KnightsTournament Presented by CDQ


Art by  Innocent Prime

  • March’s Theme: #KnightsTournament
  • Presented by CDQ Magazine

Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!


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New work-Transformation

The greatest magic is magic of transformation, where you can transform all your sadness and pain in to light…and that light has a name….knowledge and wisdom. Don’t ever be afraid to face the darkness in you because without night there is no day, without pain there is no growth…so grow my dear human, grow and transforme your self in to the light you already are…the Light of transformation.

One of my personal projects is largely centered around exploring the isolation of grief. It’s gettin

One of my personal projects is largely centered around exploring the isolation of grief. It’s getting hard not to notice sometimes the real-world feelings it’s mirroring

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hiraeth-wayfarer:cosmopoliturtle:~ Omens of Spring is now available for sale as physical copies. ~Wrhiraeth-wayfarer:cosmopoliturtle:~ Omens of Spring is now available for sale as physical copies. ~Wrhiraeth-wayfarer:cosmopoliturtle:~ Omens of Spring is now available for sale as physical copies. ~Wrhiraeth-wayfarer:cosmopoliturtle:~ Omens of Spring is now available for sale as physical copies. ~Wr



~Omens of Spring is now available for sale as physical copies. ~

Written from the point of view of a travelling archivist, Omens of Spring is a fully illustrated dossier featuring 35 unique and storied entities who have emerged during a perpetual Spring, signalling the end times.

The journey is a macabre one, but also surreal and whimsical in its own strange way.

~The free, digital version is also still available for download on Payhip. ~

If you enjoy my creative writing work, my creature designs or my world building, Omens of Spring features all three. It is very much a passion project like Hiraeth and one that is very personal for me. 

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Boobmeme and some obscure creature that came out completely by accident, because I wanted to draw a Boobmeme and some obscure creature that came out completely by accident, because I wanted to draw a

Boobmeme and some obscure creature that came out completely by accident, because I wanted to draw a dancer, and it came out like this х) It’s been a long time since I drew something so simple and funny
_( :“3 」∠)_
! Do not repost/use in any way !

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His tattoos look good, but they are too complicated… ಥ‿ಥ! Do not repost/use in any way !♦ Pat

His tattoos look good, but they are too complicated… ಥ‿ಥ
! Do not repost/use in any way !

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