#dialogue prompt


Prompt #19

“Such a pretty boy for such a fowl mouth”

“You’re one to take asshole !”

“Awe don’t be like that baby, you’re absolutely adorable though when you’re mad”

“Keep talking like that and I’m gonna lose my shit”

“You never fail to look so handsome while you’re passionate about anything”

Prompt #18

“For an angel you certain are perverted”

The demon mumbled aloud, his smile full of amusement. Trailing his eyes up and down the angels body. Heat rising to the angels face as he shook his head, his eyes darting down to the floor and then back towards the demon. His expression in false annoyance, crossing his arms.

“What the hell are you on about,”

The angel scoffed, biting his lip for a moment to hold his words he wanted to slip out but just couldn’t find it in him to say if the demon was right. His wings puffing up for a moment before relaxing. The demon laughed and took a few steps towards the shorter angel.

“I see how you look at me, [angel],I see that needy look you try to hide - that blush on your face even when you just so feel the slightest hint of my presence. Don’t think I’m not observant, [angel],”

The demon answered, his smile darkening as he watched the angel tense up under his words. The angels shoulders beginning to subtly hunch forward. His breath hitched for only a second before he cleared his throat, forcing his shoulders back to stand up straight. He tried to seem as if he had composure, something to make himself at least believe he had control.

“I don’t know what you’re on about but it’s not me, [demon], don’t compare me to whatever angel you so happen to have toyed with before”

“You think I want anyone else but you ? Funny, no one else is as..interesting, as you are [angel], and even if I did have other angels at my disposal, I’d give them all up to have you”

“That’s never gonna fucking happen and you know it damn well,”

Angel raised his voice slightly, not phasing the demon as he took another few steps closer, making the angel take steps back.

“Doesn’t seem like it, [angel], your tactic to feel like you aren’t falling for me is failing - but the thing is, I’ll take you in, you can be mine and I’ll be yours”

“Never, I’m not — I-I’m not—“

“The hesitation isn’t helping, my dear”

Prompt #17

“Don’t do that..”

“Do what ?”

“Don’t play with my feelings and act like you care about me ! I..I don’t want to fucking get hurt again !”

“..[villain], but everything I said was true, I mean every good thing I say about you - I want to prove it in anyway I can”

Prompt #16

“You know, all flowers are beautiful - all full of color, innocence and meaning”

“Yes - where are you going with this”

“All flowers are to be treated with care, with love and tenderness, but you - to me you’re different. I want to deflower you”

“Do you mean as in hurt me ?”

“No no, [hero], I mean that in the best way possible, I want to claim you and keep you, and use you, love you, in ways no one else can”

Prompt #15

“It’s amusing how affectionate you’re being,”

“Ok mr/ms big words, just cuddle me back already”

“Aren’t you pouty today, love”

“I wanna cuddle and be kissed all over my face of course I’m pouty”

“As you wish my dear,”

Prompt #13

“A vague description of me ? Funny, you think that’s enough to understand me as you do claim to want”

“We can make it all better - you don’t have to be like this [villain] !”

“Don’t you know the old saying ? Good cannot exist without evil ? You’ll be out of a job if it weren’t for me”

“Please - I don’t care - I don’t care about my job ! I care about you,, ok ?!”

“Such aggression - so much emotion, I love it - one of the reasons I’m the way I am,, you just got too attached”

Prompt #12

“If you feel good doing good, why do you look so miserable ?”

“Miserable ? What do you mean ? I’m not-“

“Oh save your breath, I can sense the internalized insecurities and depression from here, been through some shit - want to protect others because no one protected [hero] when they needed it the most,”


“How was that ? Did I hit just in the right spot ? Did I get it correct ?”

“You smug fucking bastard —“

“You didn’t deny it”

Prompt #11

“You look like you have a purpose, one that you may not like - but I know you will eventually, [pet name]”

“What the..what the hell do you mean purpose ?”

“You’re purpose is to be mine, and mine to be yours, we’re destined to be together, [name], oh the stars were aligned for the two of us to finally be together — !”

“Wh-what ?..”

“Don’t worry, [pet name], you’ll understand as much as I soon enough, but I don’t plan on letting you go, my precious soulmate”

Prompt #10

“Don’t look at me like that !”

“Look at you like what ?”

“Look at me like you see anything in me ! It’s..it’s not gonna fucking work - ”

“But I do see something in you, I see so much of everything I love about you”

Prompt #8

“I thought angels were supposed to be goody-two-shoes and shit,”

“Well, I’m the exception to that rule,”

Prompt #7

“If I had to choose between my own life and protecting yours, I’m sure you’d know what I’d choose”

“What the fuck do you me-“

“I mean you’re precious to me, [hero], despite how much you supposedly say you hate me - I really care about you,”

“Don’t tell me you’re getting soft on me, [nickname for villain]”

“No,, never”

“You’re blushing and everything !”

Prompt #6

“It’s funny, you - [hero], trapped here with me..how convenient”

“What the hell do you want, [villain] ?!”

“It’s not what I want…it’s who I want”

“And who do you fucking want”

“Such a fowl tongue, I love it - however, to answer your question, who I want - is you

Prompt #5

“You think … just by - hurting me — you can break me ?”

“Well, I can certainly try,, it doesn’t seem like you’ll last very long either by the looks of it, shame really - I was starting to have fun”

Prompt #4

“Oh ? You think you’re strong enough to mess with me ?”

“Some blood and injury won’t stop me —“

“You know, for being a hero - you’re awful at self preservation. I can tell this fight won’t last very long”

“Do you love me?”

“Yeah, you’re my best friend!”

“No-what? no- i meant… nevermind.”


“Do you like them?” They asked their friend.

“What?? haha. Gross no. Definitely not. Why would i like them? they’re my best friend. I’ve known them since forever why would i ever find them attractive? they’re…they’re… jesus they’re so pretty…”


“No…no! i-i don’t like them like that!” They shook their head, pacing around the empty room, talking to themself, “I’m just lonely. I don’t actually like them… right…?”


“Did you hear that [insert character name] is getting married on sunday?”

“We are literally getting kidn- wait… thissunday?? it’s going to rain that day!


“Oh god… does… does that hurt…?”

“I don’t know. Do you think getting your head cut off hurts??”

“…Well you never know.”


“I just need more time.”

“It’s been a thousand years, how many more do you need??”

