#dialogue prompt


Whump dialogue prompts:

“_______, please sit down, you’re shaking. Can you tell me what happened, or what I can do?”

“You look like you’re breathing kind of weird, are your ribs ok?”

“How many hours of sleep have you gotten this week? You look horrible. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

“Ok, you just sit here and try to catch your breath. I’m going to find you some water, and then we’ll figure out what to do from there, alright? I’ll be right back.”

“Please try to be more careful next time, the goal is to cut the vegetables, not your fingers.”

“I know it feels like I’m coddling you, but you really do need to take it easy. You’ve been through a lot in this past week, and now you need to let yourself be taken care of so you can recover.”

Person A: “Am I the only one who feels like this isn’t actually a gameanymore?”

Person B: “Honestly, I’m starting to doubt it ever was.”

Person A: “We’re going about this all the wrong way, aren’t we?”

Person B: “I believe we are, yes.”

Person A: “….Should we scrap everything and take it from the top?”

Person B: “I don’t think we have any other choice.”

Person A: “….Uhh….I’m pretty sure that’s meant to stay on the inside.”

Person B: “How the hell are you still standing?!”

Person A: “Honestly, your guess is as good as mine.”

Person A: “So, what are youin for, pipsqueak? Shoplifting from the toy store? Saying a bad word in front of a police officer?“

Person B: “I tortured and killed my parents, then burned down the building they were in, alongside several of their unconscious lackeys.”

Person A: “….oh.”

Person A: “Happy birthday! Is there anything you want as a gift?”

Person B: “Oh, thank you, but no, spending time with you is more than enough. Honestly, I’m just glad you didn’t dump another surprise party on me this year.”

Person A: “Of course, no surprise party this year! Just you and me all by ourselves!…. On an unrelated note, lets eat dinner out tonight, my treat!”

Person A: “You killed them, didn’t you?”

Person B: “I did…. Are you not going to ask why?”

Person A: “….I’m pretty sure I already know.”

Person A: “what…. what’s happening?”

Person B: “Shhh sweetie, don’t worry, everything’s going to be ok…. just…. keep your eyes closed for me, ok?”

Person A: “Did you block my number again?”

Person B: “I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t keep sending me random emojis every few minutes, while I was trying to fucking sleep.”

Person A: “Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but I fail to understand the reasoning behind your actions… you could have avoided allof this…”

Person B: “Not without risking your lives, and despite what you all seem to think, that has neverbeen, and never willbe, an acceptable option.”

Writing Prompt: Dialogue

“Beauty is subjective,”

Writing Prompt: Dialogue

“It’s gettin’ away! Don’t let it go!”

Writing Prompt: Dialogue

“Don’t thank me. It’s not an apology, it’s a ‘fuck you’.”

Writing Prompt: Dialogue

“Oh, wow…”

“Is he gonna do it?!”

“He is. He is!”

“It’s about damn time.”

“I guess congratulations are in order for the newly engaged couple. We should take them out to celebrate,”

“We’re not even supposed to be here,”

“Or know,”

“[—-]’s gonna be so pissed when he finds out,”

“Not as pissed as he’ll be when he finds out [—–] recorded the whole thing,”

Writing Prompt: Dialogue

“But what about the key?!”

Writing Prompt: Dialogue

Why is he here?!”

“I don’t know.”

Writing Prompt: Dialogue

“Who knew my girlfriend was such a wily little thief,”

“Wait-What did I steal?”

“…My heart,”

“Ugh, you-! You’re such a cheeseball!”

“You love it,”

“Sadly, yes,”

“And I… love… you~!”
