#dont mind me



PROMPT: based on all too well by taylor swift. After Fred’s death, George and Y/N decide to go separate ways. 


WARNINGS: fred’s death, slight mention of ptsd/depression. angst. tears. 

A/N: it’s inspired by all too well, arguably the saddest ts song.. of course it has to be angsty. also, nobody asked for this but i couldn’t help myself. i had to write it. 



all too well (g.w one shot)

The pictures that hung on your walls seemed to taunt you now. What used to be happy memories filled with love and promise now served as a reminder of what you’ve lost. You thought you’d be able to work through it— you both did, but the reality of life seemed to have a will stronger than both of your desire to stay together. 

You couldn’t blame George, he lost a part of himself in that war. Losing Fred destroyed him and a part of you knew that when he promised you the night before it all fell apart that you’ll stay together no matter what the outcome, he never once expected Fred’s death. 

The flat above the shop no longer boomed with laughter. There were no random wheezes and gurgling coming from their workshop as they created new products. There was no obnoxious singing at 3 in the morning when they stumbled upon your collection of muggle CDs. There was no more life in the flat. When Fred died, he took George with him. 

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Mikasa: can you do the the thing?

Y/N: what thing?

Mikasa: You know, the thing that makes me happy

Y/N: oh! *smiles*

Mikasa:thank you

I’m so here for one of the major themes of this show being: Men want to rule the world. Women do. 

Hi I’m having a breakdown because of website visibility, for me it doesn’t exist, at least this is what I see and I’m struggling so much with my art, I feel so bad everytime I look at the stats
I feel bad and I can just cry my heart out because there’s nothing else I can do 

So, I’ve been getting a headstart on the Summer of Whump prompts for June; I’ve already figured out what I want to do for the prompts, and it’ll be a multifandom endeavor as before.

But with one slight complication.  Obviously, I’ll be doing some BTTF fics.  This time around, I’m also doing some Pokémon Legends Arceus inspired fics surrounding the Subway Twins, Ingo and Emmet.  Meanwhile, one of the main characters of BTTF is named Emmett.  Both stories involve time travel.

Do you see my problem here?  I’m already messing up their names so much, it’s not even funny–

(Also I know that PLA Subway Twins reunion fanworks are a dime a dozen, so I apologize in advance for an extremely unoriginal plot that has been done before multiple times by others, but the prompts just fit too well…)


grocery shopping, ft iwaizumi hajime [requested by anon]

it was so stupid how something as simple as shopping for food could become a part of the week that iwaizumi genuinely looked forward to.

dressed in clothes that bordered on sleepwear (baggy tops and bottoms), you would drive to your local supermarket. you were armed with a list you had spent last night compiling, with iwaizumi in charge of steering the trolley and holding all the bags (one of the many things his arms were good for - the list was extensive, ranging from lifting you off your feet during a hug or pulling himself up into the loft with no need for a ladder).

you would take the lead, guiding him through a maze of aisles which were easy to get lost in. despite the rigid straight lines and the easy to read labels, you still managed to loose track of where you were going at times, finding yourselves in the meat aisle when what you were really looking for was the milk. your brows would furrow in frustration as you grabbed a packet of mince in a huff, grumbling that it wasn’t what you were looking for but you needed it nonetheless. your reaction always caused iwaizumi to laugh, part of the reason behind your ability to get lost.

whenever a look of confusion would pass over your face and your finger would skim down the list, he would know that you had forgotten to add ingredients for (or even think of) a meal. this would lead to a shared look as you would both turn to grab the food you most wanted, a playful argument ensuing over who should choose the final meal.

“i compromised on almost every meal this week,” you would declare, to which iwaizumi would shrug.

“i have better taste,” he would tease. “i’m more cultured because of all the travelling i do.”

he would recieve a middle finger for his light teasing, the twinkle in your eyes telling him it was all in jest. usually, he would let you put what you wanted to eat in the trolley unless it was something truly strange.

there had been one time when you had grabbed pasta (which was not what he was objecting to), chocolate sauce and marshmallows. he had to put his foot down. not only was it a weird food combination, but he was a personal trainer and knew just how unhealthy that was as a dinner. the only thing you had said in response was to ‘blame tiktok’. later that same week, he had seen you curled up on the sofa eating a bowl of it.

the only thing both of you hated about your weekly food shop was packing the food away at the till. neither of you were skilled packers, often having to rely on your friends (oikawa) to help you pack for holidays. it wasn’t that you were messy or disorganised, it was simply that the both of you didn’t know how to place the food to achieve maximum bag space. despite the number of bags you would bring (and you would bring a lot), you would always end up buying one from the shop.

“nope,” you protested as iwaizumi reached up to grab one of the bags hanging from a hook. “they have to fit. they have to.”

he looked down at you, a comically grave look on his face. “it won’t, y/n. we’ll just buy another one.”

“just load me up, haji,” you declared, holding out your arms as a gesture for him to begin placing the small mountain into your hold. he simply ignored you, handing the cashier the correct money and loading up the bag. he glanced over at you, at the adorable frown tugging at your lips.

“help me pack,” he said, grinning at the huff you let out as you dropped your arms and began to shove things haphazardly into the bag. a mocking tone took over his voice. “we’re going to need another one at this rate.”

“nope,” you said while you shook your head. “you’re going to pile me up if it doesn’t fit. i am not spending another penny on any more bags during this shopping trip.”

it goes without saying that you ended up buying more bags.

“i swear we buy more food each week,” you grumbled.

“well, if you stopped inviting our friends over for dinner, we’d have enough bags…”

“makki invites himself over,” you protested, reaching into your bag for the car keys. “besides, you’re the one who always wants to 'cook for the team’ and 'build your bonds of trust’ and some other bullshit i can’t remember right now.”

“we should start charging a dinner fee,” mused iwaizumi.

“or we could stop inviting people over.”

“we both know that’s not going to happen.”

Vincent Winchester | AUAfter losing his mother in a car crash, Vincent following in his estranged

Vincent Winchester | AU

After losing his mother in a car crash, Vincent following in his estranged father’s footsteps joins the marine corps. 

He becames a test subject in a failed military experiment. They injected him with a serum that spliced his DNA with that of multiple species, resulting in Vincent developing enhanced strength, speed, reflexes and sharper senses.

However the serum was unstable, resulting in considerable side effects; whenever he experienced a rush of adrenaline he would become extremely aggresive and animalistic.

John Winchester gets in contact  with his two sons, Sam and Dean Winchester. He needs help tracking a beast

Together, they find Vincent but it’s too late and he has already transformed. They try to capture him but the beast fights back and gets away.

Since when do we care about capturing but not killing these things? Look at Sammy’s face! We almost got killed tonight. This thing is vicious’.  said a furious Dean.

‘Since we’re talking about your half-brother.. Vincent’. confessed John.

'Our.. What?’ asked a shocked Sam. 

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why is finding political theories to fit our study so jdklsajfalmdakslda










someone recommend me some good fantasy books that aren’t centred on a war, please, my crops are dying

The Greta Helsing novels by Vivian Shaw - practical doctor to the undead defeats mildly ominous interdimensional threats with the aid of domestic vampires and a demon accountant.

Sunshine by Robin McKinley - practical baker is captured by vampires, escapes, reluctantly teams up with better vampire to kill the bad one.

Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones - young hat maker ages 60 years overnight, proceeds to upend the life of a disaster wizard while learning self-confidence.

the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett - hard to encapsulate, but equally funny and hard-hitting, tackling race and gender and corruption and other forms of inequality while also, like, making fun of post offices and Hollywood and Shakespeare. Three or four tackle war, true, but there’s something like 35 others to choose from.

the Accidental Turn series by J.M. Frey - recent Ph.D of colour lands in the Fantasyland™ she did her thesis on, goes off about agency and diversity while recovering from the Dark Lord’s attentions and learning the truth about her fictional crush.

Middlegameby Seanan McGuire- evil alchemist creates superpowered children to assist world takeover; children just want to be a family; family is complicated.

Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik - young woman takes over family business, must outwit fairies with a love of gold.

the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede - princess runs away to become a dragon’s housekeeper, fights off rescuers, solves problems large and small, melts wizards.

the October Daye novels by Seanan Mcguire - Half-fae detective solves murders, finds missing persons, develops found family, can’t stop self from upending the social order.

The Golem and the Djinni by Helene Wecker - A quiet golem, a tempestuous djinn, Gilded Age New York. Immigrants, identity, friendship, hope, and self-discovery.

An Unkindness of Magicians by Kat Howard - A witch from an outsider House enters New York’s magical Hunger Games, to prove a point. The problems of magic were notintended.

Zoo City by Lauren Beukes - Part-time con artist gets hired to find two missing pop stars, with the help of the magical sloth on her back. Noir ensues.

Child of a Hidden Sea by A.M. Dellamonica - Nature photographer lands on water-world, discovers lost family, tries to convince self magic is impossible.

Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips - Greek gods, washed up in North London, curse Apollo to fall for the cleaner. Existential crisis, meet rom-com.

Among Others by Jo Walton - Loner teen sent to boarding school, discovers science fiction, might know fairies and do magic.

Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton - Austenesque story except all the characters are dragons.

Every Heart a Doorway (and sequels) by Seanan McGuire - the children of portal fantasy end up in boarding school coping with being kicked out of their various worlds, then some of them start getting murdered. 

The Gracekeepers by Kirsty Logan - the world is flooded, there’s a lady who works with a bear at a circus that sails to different places to perform, and a lady who is sort of an undertaker, and they fall in love

Lud-in-the-Mistby Hope Mirrlees - there are fairies but no one talks about them anymore because That’s Just Not How We Are except this state of affairs cannot possibly last and people start getting lured to fairyland

The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison - fifth son of emperor who’s lived his whole life away from court abruptly becomes emperor when his father and older brothers are killed in an accident, spends entire book trying to make friends and figure how the fuck to do a) confidence and b) ruling ethically

The Various by Steven Augarde - girl spends summer at uncle’s farm, finds the group of “various” (no direct parallel, but think somewhere between gnomes and pixies) that live in the woods, mysterious history, flying horse, The Cat Is Evil (this is technically middle grade but it’s so good I can’t even)

Turning Darkness Into Light by Marie Brennan - working on the translation of an ancient text is complicated when it might have a huge impact on the public perception of a highly stigmatised group; subterfuge, found family, mythology, and the rejection of men who steal other people’s work. 

So You Want to Be a Wizard orStealing the Elf-King’s Roses by Diane Duane.  

Tam Lin, Juniper Gentian and Rosemary, andThe Secret Country by Pamela Dean (all different stories).  

The Spellkey by Ann Downer.  

Swordheart  or Summer in Orcus by T. Kingfisher.  

The Curse of Chalion or the Penric series by Lois McMaster Bujold.

Green Year Dragonfly by Kaye Bellot.  

If by “no war” you mean “no or not focused on violence”:

The Terrier/Bloodhound/Mastiff series by Tamora Pierce
Teenage former street rat aspires to and joins law enforcement in pseudo-medieval fantasy land, proves to have moral code forged of adamantium and more determination than an entire battalion. Also talks to unquiet ghosts carried by pigeons.

the Winding Circle books by Tamora Pierce (with the exception of Battle Magic)
Four teenagers are snatched from the jaws of peril, discover they have incredibly strong yet overlooked magical powers, slowly become a found family, survive an earthquake, pirates, forest fires, plague, and puberty.

The Keeper Chronicles,by Tanya Huff
Magic user accidentally gets roped into running a boarding house in Toronto. The decor is from the 50s, the handyman is an incredibly handsome and pureminded myopic Newfoundlander, and there is a (literal) portal to Hell in the basement. The third book adds lesbians and a mall that eats street kids to the mix. (Enchantment Emporium and its sequels are in the same world btw)


If by “no war” you legitimately just mean that war is not the driving plot force:

the Hawk and Fisher books by Simon R Green 
Fairytale-destined prince and princess decide that destiny is bullshit, ditch their kindgoms, become the only honest pseudo-cops in fantasy-Gotham because strangely being a prince/princess doesn’t actually give you life skills that are not applicable to being a mercenary. Buildings eat people, gods are murdered, street drugs turn people into animals, Hawk and Fisher are so very tired.

Oath of Swords and its sequels, by David Weber

Guy from a species generally (unfairly) derided by “civilized people” as barbaric and evil thinks he’s going mad, but actually he’s been chosen as paladin by a god and he’s just stubbornly refusing to listen. Continues to go off and do heroic shit while doing the equivalent of jamming his fingers in his ears and saying “LA LA LA”. This does absolutely nothing to dissuade the god in question.

The Thief, by Megan Whalen Turner
A thief’s prison sentence is cut short when he is sent on a mission to steal an important (and magical?) object for the King. BIG plot twist at the end. Imagine going on a fun road trip through the fantasy pseudo-Byzantine Empire, except that all your fellow travelers have their own secret agendas.

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, by Catherine Webb 
In this universe, there are a handful of time travelers –  people who are forced to live the same life over and over, retaining their memories with each rebirth.  As Harry nears the end of his eleventh life, a little girl appears at his bedside with the following message: the end of the world is getting faster.

Dark Lord of Derkholm, by Diana Wynne Jones
The citizens of a fantasy world are getting really tired of being overrun by non-magical tourists from our world. This year, the role of Evil Wizard falls to Derk, who wants nothing more than to be left in peace on his farm/magical genetic engineering laboratory. Derk’s 2 human children, 5 griffin children, and 1 enchantress wife feel much the same. Wouldn’t it be a shame if someone were to sabotage this planet’s shitty contract once and for all? 

(For personal records)

The Athena Club series, by Theodora Goss
Daughters and/or female creations of mad scientists from 19th-century literature team up to figure out what their “fathers” were up to and what, exactly, the secret society that seems to control all such experiments intends to do next. Sort of an all-female League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, in the best way. Kind of an odd frame narrative, but you get used to it pretty quickly.

TheRuby Red Trilogy by Kerstin Gier

Love, Time travel, secret societies, and a dark secret at the heart of a prophecy.

Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

A hidden world of magic wielders in modern day Ireland, a skeleton detective and his associate solving crimes, a race of Gods trying to conquer the world, and a dark prophecy declaring the end of all things. This one does have battles in every book but it isn’t your classical war.

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver

Set in a time when the woods were still dark and dangerous (European Bronze Age, most likely Finland), a boy and his wolf friend have to survive beasts and other clans. Includes Demons, Soul Eaters, Spirit Walkers, and Changelings.
