#doug judy


Jake: Okay, here it goes. Ames, I love you. I love how smart you are. I love how beautiful you are. I love your face, and I love your butt. I should’ve written this down first.

Amy: No, no, it’s okay. Go on.

Every group of friends has:

A bimbo: Doug Judy

A mean bisexual: Rosa Diaz

An even meaner lesbiangay: Raymond Holt

She/they: Amy Santiago

He/they: Jake Peralta

A token straight that’s on thin ice: Terry Jeffords

An astrology bitch who has everyone’s birth chart memorized: Gina Linetti

And a short king: Charles Boyle

Inktober Day 17 - The Pontiac Bandit (Brooklyn 99)

And for the final Brooklyn 99 character, an special extra appearance! Great vibes, love him. Tomorrow I gotta switch my Inktober topic, no more fanart for a week, hope I don’t flunk the idea

okay but…

imagine Lin Manuel Miranda making a guest appearance on Brooklyn Nine Nine.

just imagine the mayhem.

like…just imagine Jake and Boyle sitting at the bar when Miranda starts to talk to Jake, and by the end of the night, they’re both best friends and having an intense drunken rap battle while Charles watches sullenly from the corner.

I LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogue

I LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogue, every interaction. I loved how they brought back crucial characters even for a second, I loved Holt and Kevin’s story, I loved how the squad went into diffrent directions but the viewer still could feel that their bond is gonna last no matter what. I just adore Brooklyn Nine-Nine ❤

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