#i want it that way

I LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogueI LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogue

I LOOOVED IT. How they ended this last season..amazing, really. I adored every scene, every dialogue, every interaction. I loved how they brought back crucial characters even for a second, I loved Holt and Kevin’s story, I loved how the squad went into diffrent directions but the viewer still could feel that their bond is gonna last no matter what. I just adore Brooklyn Nine-Nine ❤

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