#ed memes


I have all the making for this outfit, but i’m too fat to pull it off

Wearing my boyfriends pyjama pants makes me feel skinny bc they’re baggy as fuck lmao

Ana buddy search!

I’m looking for a friend to support and help me keep on track - don’t fret, the same goes on my end if you want any support and help!

There are a few lil guidelines just so that it’s easier for both of us (or whoever is down y'know:)

  • Must live in the same time zone (UK, I live in Wales but the UK is the same time zone)
  • Non-homophobic
  • Willing to send meanspo or sweetspo sometimes (you don’t have to, it’s all good in the hood)
  • Be 14-21, i’m 17 yo and i’ve had my fair share of creeps that i’d really not encounter again

If you’re willing to share numbers/social media that’d be sick too bc sometimes its easier to text and yanno it’d just be nice to have someone to talk to abt something other than weight sometimes:)

I really don’t mind what gender, or if you prefer to be neither thats neat.

So if you’re interested, just dm me yo, I swear i’m not scary.

Me: I’m gonna eat under 600 calories today, I gotta lose this weight.

Ana: OR you could eat absolutely nothing, and lose it even quicker;)

Me: Why do I feel so tired?

My brain: Bitch, maybe it’s cause you haven’t eaten all day and this is your third hour making exercise

Me: Nah! It must be by the hot weather

My brain:
