

Our new buckling Arnie

The violets and dandelions are back, the trees are blooming, I found some buzzy bois and everything is perfect.

My girls are laying again and I couldn’t be happier.

Tumblr likes to decrease the quality of videos so I’ve included a (hopefully) higher res screen cap of the video. We’ve got a few streams and ditches on our property that connect to the springs up on the mountain so when they overflow the yard gets some little babbling brooks. I love the moss that’s grown on the inside of the rusted out pipe, it makes it so pretty. So, yeah, fill your cottagecore life with this little brook.

Look at my gorgeous birb boi. His feathers are so pretty.

Here’s another beautiful nature baby. This was taken a little over a year ago in late spring. My neighbor up on the mountain has an old barn that owls like to nest in. I’ve got some trees on my property that owls like too, but it’s mostly screech owls that come in. Also, fun fact, I can imitate a screech owl call so I can get the owls to come down within 20 feet or so of me when I’m out by the fire pit.

Tbh, I wish I could just LIVE in my reenactment clothes. I just love the way it feels wearing them. Its like I’m waking up in the shire every day.  Also, mind the gross tape and dirt on my mirror lol.

What do I do in my spare time you may ask? Why, stalk friendly animals of course! I met this little girl down south when I was visiting my grandparents over the summer. She’s semi domesticated hence why I got so close, but unfortunately she’s not fit to be released back into the wild so she stays on the wildlife reserve I went to.

welcome to my little blog! do you like baking, vintage things, & weathered books? or do you like

welcome to my little blog! do you like baking, vintage things, & weathered books? or do you like the aesthetic of cottages, fields of flowers, & picnics?well you’re in luck! anyone can embody cottage core, which is why this blog is all-inclusive <3 do I know what I’m doing? NO. do I really love cottage core and like posting aesthetic pictures? yessss.

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#Cottagecore aesthetic, also known as farm or countrycore is based on romanticized ideas of western agricultural life. This branch of philosophy or ‘way of living’ is closely related to other nature-based aesthetics. Cottagecore praises agricultural life, naturalism, and cultivates everything simple.

Beautiful English cottage, Oxfordshire countryside, South East England.


Cottagecore month on @mynocturnality

Tudor architecture refers to the particular type of architecture, in a time period between 1485 to 1558. It occurs with the reign of the Tudor monarchs and becomes the final development of Medieval architecture in England and Wales. As many other styles, Tudor architecture had a number of distinctive features that separated it from Medieval period and later designs. An excessive usage of half-timber work and masonry, wide chimneys, inglenook fireplaces, four-centred arches, jettied top floors, heavy doors, large windows, landscaping and little gardens around the house, etc.

Benthall Hall in the town of Broseley, Shropshire, England.

⚜ Tudor month on @mynocturnality

After finishing all the details on the pattern I realized that the onomatopoeia “Mu” is in Spanish, After finishing all the details on the pattern I realized that the onomatopoeia “Mu” is in Spanish,

After finishing all the details on the pattern I realized that the onomatopoeia “Mu” is in Spanish, and it should be “Moo”. 



Before I forget, you can find this wallpaper on Patreon 

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im just out here trying to eat fruit and stay moisturized and drink water and recover from childhood trauma and protect my vibes, man

geopsych: I walked this trail back to the ridge many times when I was younger.


I walked this trail back to the ridge many times when I was younger.

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