

With superpowers or super skills or without any of it they still can be very strong and powerful…

Happy International Women’s day!!!

Motion - ishani

I’d be lying if
I said that it didn’t hurt me
a little bit when he just
wasn’t that into me.
This is becoming a circular
motion of all the reasons why
no one can love me.

Time to heal the broken, it never does - ishani

Hello, and I am not sorry,
this is not a goodbye,
more like a salutation
of a farewell,
this is our little dark age
watch me find light in this
darkness, as I’m sat in the
air conditioned emergency
room, my eyes burning
with mint, wearing a mask
is worse when you chew gum.
Everyone is staring,
it makes me feel intimidated,
I’m used to being the
intimidating one,
the scary one who makes
their skin crawl.
I’m the youngest one here,
well minus that toddler who
has barely been alive for a
minute – he doesn’t count.
This place smells of bleach
and anti bac, and the all too
familiar stench of the oncology
wards all around, I remember you
here, with your
liquorice all sorts that
were disgusting by the way,
but I “liked” them still, only for you,
I hope you know that.
You probably do, you’re my
guardian angel, I believe you
still visit me every now and then,
maybe my clairvoyancy isn’t as
good as it should be, because I
miss you every day.
They say it gets easier as time
passes, but everyday passes
and it never gets easier,
instead it makes my heart
reach out to make me miss you more,
because du er et minne (you are
a memory) it’s time to let you go now,
instead of grasping onto
the smoke of my past,
you need your peace
and all I cause is chaos
all around me.

I hope you don’t notice my facade - ishani

I’ve suicide inside
of my body, hurting me,
yet I’m finding it hard to leave,
so when it continues hurting me,
these insecurities disconcerting me,
I like to disguise it down into the gutter,
spilling these feelings down like water,
flushing it down and throwing it out,
I hope you remember;
I still want you to believe in me,
even though I am trying to
deceive you, me too.

Summer with a Pisces - ishani 

I once wrote a list of 
sixteen different things, 
oh Tommy why didn’t you
want me? Scared that 
you would leave me… 
but guess what, he 
already did.

It’s ironic now, 
that sliver of hope
left behind when 
you left me in the 
dust, that burden 
lingering around 
for months to come - 
and it did. 

Tommy who’s the 
piper now? While 
you’re messaging me 
pictures of girls when 
she’s not the one that you
want - and I’m many 
miles away, drinking 
prosecco  and smashing 
pinot gorigio wine bottles 
because the guy that 
I wanted was kissing me 
and no one else. 

I guess I should thank 
you for leaving me
well enough to not spend 
summer with a pisces, but 
learning to love myself 
just the smallest amount. 

This is why Anita Sarkeesian is the perfect example of a women. After all, this is NATIONAL WOMENS D

This is why Anita Sarkeesian is the perfect example of a women. After all, this is NATIONAL WOMENS DAY <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

She is not only independent, she is willing to fight against degenerate white males that oppressed her because of her beliefs. Especially any male that participates in playing video games. Those are the worst scum on the planet, and she collided head on to those who opposed her. She is brave, courages, and the face of feminism itself. She will helps us fight these white males for we are more powerful than they think we are!

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None of the hijakers were women, gay, or black. The real murderers of 9/11 are straight white men.
