#five umbrella academy


Klaus: Can you make a sentence without using the letter ‘A’?

Five: You thought you just did something, didn’t you? Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon

requested: hey could u make a five x reader where the reader has the power to manipulate reality (go wherever u want with it) and then five disappears. when he comes back and r is mad and stuff but eventually forgives him? (she stays young by just manipulating reality so everyone sees her as a kid whenever she wants) thnxxxxx (pls lots of fluff and angst)

You relived it in your dreams every night. Every single time you closed your tired eyes, you saw it all play out on the back of your eyelids. For years, you had woken up shaking and sobbing, your skin freezing cold but boiling hot at the same time. Whatever you did, you couldn’t get the memory out of your head. Nothing worked.

As usual, Five was testing his boundaries with Father. You knew he was going to cause trouble before you were even called to dinner; you could see it in the way he fiddled with his fingers and impatiently tapped his feet on the floor. Cautiously, you had attempted to persuade him to leave whatever it was alone, but of course, he didn’t listen. He was always convinced he knew best.

You knew Five had gone too far with Father when his voice raised to a decibel that reverberated around the room, bouncing off of the walls and carefully selected paintings. You flinched as his knife and fork clattered loudly against his plate as Five turned to leave the room. He ran, and you hesitated for just a second before following him out of the Academy. Your chair scraping against the polished wooden floor was the only sound in that room as you raced out of the front doors, your head turning left and right as you tried to find Five. Further up the street, you saw a sudden flash of blue, and then nothing. Fuck, fuck, fuck, no.

Continuing to run further down the street, your feet kissing the pavement as your muscles tensed. Your eyes scanned the entire street, but Five wasn’t there. He was gone. He had attempted time travel despite the warnings against it, and he hadn’t come back. Your breath caught in your throat as thoughts raced through your brain, and you stumbled along the pavement. Gasping, you managed to weakly call out, “Five?” There was no answer. Nor was there an answer the hundreds of times you asked after that, not even as Ben and Klaus came to drag you back to the Academy, a consuming fear cutting deep into your heart.

The panic and hurt racing through your veins had lasted weeks after his disappearance, and as much as you hoped and prayed to whatever Gods existed, Five didn’t come back. Every night, you stayed up with a lit candle by the window of your room, just in case he did. You planned what you would tell him, reciting it over and over in your mind; ‘I didn’t forget you at all, and I missed you so much that it hurt to think about - promise me you’ll never leave again.’ You never got to tell him those things, though, as a decade passed and he still had not returned.

As a child, you had used your power to manipulate reality to conjure an image of Five who sat in your room and talked to you for hours on end, reassuring you that he was trying his best to return home. You never told anyone about those private conversations - not even Klaus, who was your closest friend at the Academy besides Five.

Without Five, you didn’t want to grow up. You didn’t recognise the person that stared back whenever you looked in the mirror, so you resorted to appearing like your 13-year-old self to everyone you met. You knew who that girl was, and you didn’t have to imagine a terrifying future without Five.

As days passed, you grew used to his absence, sharp jolts of pain no longer stabbing you whenever anyone mentioned his name.

One day, you stood in your room, allowing yourself to see what you looked like now after years had passed. As you released your tight grip on your power, the face reflected in the mirror became one you didn’t know. A frown grew on her face as she glared back at you, grief and sadness the only thing glimmering in her eyes. You hated her. It was her fault Five wasn’t here; if she had just told him not to do it then -

A blue light flashed through the windows of your room, illuminating everything as if deep underwater. Wind rattled the glass window panes, and - gripping your hold on reality again - you ran out of the room to find your siblings racing downstairs. You followed them outside to confront whatever the disturbance was, slightly behind due to the difference in your strides.

Staring at the blue light, you noticed a distinguishable face beginning to form within it, making your heart stop beating for a singular moment. You’d recognise that face anywhere, regardless of age or distance. Stepping forward towards the light, your hands began to tremble slightly as Klaus moved to pull you back.

A body fell to the floor, clad in an oversized suit, landing with a thud on the courtyard floor. As he stood, hot, stinging tears welled in your eyes as you scanned his features - nothing had changed. He looked exactly the same as the day he disappeared. His eyes locked on to yours, and a cry of despair sounded from deep within your chest. You turned on your heel, marching away from all of your siblings so they couldn’t see the tears that began to fall down your face.

It washim. He was home. But all you felt was pain and anger. Anger that he left you alone for all those years. And despite everything, he could stand in front of you with the same smile that had crossed his lips whenever you made a joke. Slamming your door, you sank to the floor, your knees making contact with the carpet as you buried your face in your hands. Your body doubled over as agony blossomed in your stomach, the image of his face staining your thoughts.

A while after - you couldn’t tell if it was minutes or hours - there was a soft knock at your door. “Y/n?” a voice called from the other side, caring and concerned. The tone elicited another stab of sharp pain in your side, a groan sounding from your lips. You stood, moving as far away from the door as physically possible, offering no reply to the boy who was only separated from you by a panel of wood. The urge to run to him was excruciatingly difficult to resist, but the anger remained in your veins.

“It’s… it’s me. Five,” the voice continued as he hesitantly lent his forehead on the door. After so many years without you, he yearned to touch you, to hold you, to apologise a million times over. He closed his eyes against the returning silence, startled by your sudden reply.

“What do you want from me?” Were the only words you managed to find, your voice cracking with emotion. The door opened timidly, creaking on its hinges as it revealed Five’s apologetic face. Refusing to look up, you twisted your hands together angrily.

Slowly taking steps into your room, Five’s brows creased together. “Why are you so angry at me?”

That question set off an explosion of emotions inside of you, volatile anger coursing through your veins. “Angry? Why am I angry, Five? I’m pissed at you because you left me for years, with no explanation or goodbye. Do you know what it was like to lose you?” Raising your eyes to his, you were unable to stop the salty tears that spilt. Breathless, you continued, “But I’ve lived without you for quite a while, so if you want to leave again - go ahead. I think I can survive a couple more years without you.”

Five now stood in the middle of your room, tension evident in the way his fists clenched. “I never left you, y/n, I got stuck in the future. Do you think I wanted to leave? Do you honestly think I didn’t try everything to get back to my family - to you? I loved y- You know what? Forget it.” Turning to leave your room, he muttered, “It doesn’t matter anyway.”

His words caused guilt to course through you, remorse growing at the way you had shouted at him. Clearly, Five’s time travelling experiences were rather scarring, or at least, you guessed they were from the way his eyes flashed with pain when he spoke about it. Swallowing your pride, you reached out towards him.

“No, Five, wait. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blamed you, but I…” You sighed as you struggled to find the right words. “Do you wanna tell me what happened? And…why you’re still in a thirteen-year-old body?”

Gently grasping his arm, you pulled him back to face you. You lifted his chin with your fingertips until his gaze met yours. “I’m glad you’re home,” you whispered. Suddenly, Five grabbed you, pulling you into a tight hug. You honestly thought your ribs might crack at the force he held you with, but it felt right to be in his arms again. Safe.

Hours passed, and Five explained everything. The apocalypse, his time with the Commission, how long it had truly been. You winced whenever his voice broke with tears, reaching out to hold his hand in comfort. His fingers tightened around yours as he finished, raising his gaze to yours.

“You know what the hardest part was?” He smiled sadly, continuing bashfully, “Living every day without you.” As you smiled back at him, leaning closer, he added, “And coffee.”

Playfully, you shoved him, exclaiming, “You ass! Way to ruin a moment.”

Your laughing was cut off by Five’s lips crashing against yours. The kiss only lasted for a single moment, but it said a thousand words at once. “I’m kidding,” he mumbled. “I missed you much more than the coffee.”

a/n: uwu i’m soft this is such a sweet one :’)

TAGLIST:@sandalwoodstudy@ameliatrh@edgy-teen-wannabe@dadzawas-eyebags@moonflowersandsparkles@maddiecl14@just-a-bit-odd@wittysidecharacter@campcampie@classyasssuperbitch @waffle-loving-dragon@five-hg@lucyrocks86@idklol707@gespirida@xxitsaeonxx@yuukiahim@thepotatopeel@winchester-and-proud @sheerhotspace @alexander-reformed@sociopath-ravenclaw@sweet-hyunjinn @roryrooroo @scream-kiwi79 @belinhameow@missingyoucth

Five from the Umbrella Academy

I finally found some time to watch the second season of the Umbrella Academy. I really enjoyed it and had so much fun while watching it. So, I decided to draw a fanart. Hope you like it :)
