#tua klaus


allison: i know we don’t get along, but i got you this bath bomb as a peace offering. whenever you feel stressed, just run yourself a bath and throw this in. i promise, all your worries will be gone in seconds

leonard, opening the package: this is a toaster

Vanya: Whats the best way to diss an adult

Diego: O K B O O M E R

Vanya: what if they’re not a boomer though

Klaus: *hits blunt* Boomer isn’t an age it’s a state of mind

Klaus and Dave starGAYzing

Klaus: Sometimes I just like to look at the stars and wonder what it all means.

Dave: *looks up at the stars*

Stars: Wanna make out

Dave: *looks at Klaus*

Klaus: *winks at him*

Klaus: I eat Cheerios because they’re heart healthy

Klaus: And my heart has been severely damaged

Klaus: *trying to summon Dave’s ghost* so Dave if you’re out there

YoungLuther: Do you even exercise

Young Klaus: I’m a runner

Young Luther:Really?

Young Klaus: Yeah, I run late, run from my problems, and run my mouth *finger guns*

Klaus: What’re you doing Five

Five: *writing in a journal* Making a hit list of everybody taller than me

Klaus: Cool! Am I on it

Five: Dont worry you’re sixth on it
