#funny animal


TRICK MOON, my short for CN, is up!!

If you love fun, colorful Saturday morning cartoon vibes and cute animals, this one’s for you! Please share, and be sure to tell CN if you want more!

#trick moon    #trickshot    #pocket    #cartoon    #cartoon network    #animation    #saturday morning cartoons    #wolves    #funny animal    #adventure    









My horse Squidward loves the water so I took her out to a river to swim and she got so excited she shoved her whole fat dumb head underwater which I have literally never seen a horse do before

This is killing me I love her

i’m sorry but you named your horse WHAT

Their names are Chicken Nugget and Squidward, like in the Bible

I’ve literally met this person have a photo with them. They travel to colleges and speak about deafness and being queer. They are also a super funny comedian. Their horses and dogs are incredible.

@frightenedofrabbits this made my day! ❤️ Thank you so much!

And for everyone else asking yes this is the same Squidward the horse from tik tok!

I even have a video of the head dunk posted somewhere on there lol

can second everything frightenedofrabbits said tho unfortunately i don’t have a photo. i’m in grad school now teaching psych classes and i reference stuff i learned from your MBLGTACC workshop + visit to our college all the time (esp. when talking about language development)!

I cannot tell you how happy that makes me! ❤️ This whole thread is just the kindest thing

To clarify

-if you think you’ve seen me talking about LGBTQ Sign Language at your school, yes you have (and also please book me for 2022!)

- if you’ve seen my dead horse Squidward or Chicken Nugget on the trailer on tik tokorInstagram, that is also me!

I do a daily livestream on tik tok, would love to have y’all join me!







My horse Squidward loves the water so I took her out to a river to swim and she got so excited she shoved her whole fat dumb head underwater which I have literally never seen a horse do before

This is killing me I love her

i’m sorry but you named your horse WHAT

Their names are Chicken Nugget and Squidward, like in the Bible

I’ve literally met this person have a photo with them. They travel to colleges and speak about deafness and being queer. They are also a super funny comedian. Their horses and dogs are incredible.

@frightenedofrabbits this made my day! ❤️ Thank you so much!

And for everyone else asking yes this is the same Squidward the horse from tik tok!

I even have a video of the head dunk posted somewhere on there lol





My horse Squidward loves the water so I took her out to a river to swim and she got so excited she shoved her whole fat dumb head underwater which I have literally never seen a horse do before


I give ONE horse the good Christian name Squidward and every godless trashrat on this hellsite comes slithering out of the woodwork to criticize me

Squidward? Like “carcass time” squidward??

Does this answer your question

Put together an all you can eat buffet for my Albino Black Rat Snake… his face says it all. :

Put together an all you can eat buffet for my Albino Black Rat Snake… his face says it all. :D
(I pulled the bedding off the pinkies before he ate any)

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One of the Baby Angolan Pythons we had for sale at the All Ohio Reptile Show today! This one has theOne of the Baby Angolan Pythons we had for sale at the All Ohio Reptile Show today! This one has theOne of the Baby Angolan Pythons we had for sale at the All Ohio Reptile Show today! This one has the

One of the Baby Angolan Pythons we had for sale at the All Ohio Reptile Show today! This one has the cutest face. <3

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SO CUTE :PrairieDog eats Salad and Broccoli

#prairie dog    #funny animal    #lol animal    #cute animal    #funny animals    #so cute    #monaco    #vegetable    #broccoli    

We closed up the screened in porch for the winter last November. As the snow melted and the squirrels became more plentiful, the cats have been dyingto get back out there.

Even though it was in the mid-40s, we thought the cats could enjoy a good hour of porch time. Figuring they would perch on the top of the chairs and let their nostrils take in all the scents, Link, instead, zeroed in on the cat nip plant that croaked last August*.

Fresh air? Who needs it! Dead cat nip is where it’s at.

*Don’t ask why it was still out there. Sometimes it takes me a while to get to things.

#cat dad    #cat humor    #cat nip    #fresh air    #rescue cat    #outdoor cat    #indoor cat    #fluffy    #animal    #funny animal    #love animals    
 Recently we binge-watched some classic movies on Netflix, and soon after Robert DeNiro’s famo

Recently we binge-watched some classic movies on Netflix, and soon after Robert DeNiro’s famous “you talkin’ to me” line in Taxi Driver, I looked over at Link and he gave me this face.

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If I had thumbs, I

would cook a meal and not share.

Doesn’t feel good, does it?

Silly kitty shows off and never gives you privacy.

Silly kitty shows off and never gives you privacy.

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