

Javier Pi, mixedmedia on canvas 2019 Uruguay

The Gallery


A woman in a black fitted business dress with her black hair twisted to a low bun stood in front a large painting of a woman. She studied the art crucially as if it held a greater meaning. 

She had entered the art gallery located in Gotham on impulse. She had just happened to pass by the place for the third time this week and she finally decided to go in. She didn’t expect that she would be staring at the piece before her for hours.

A man in a black crisp suit stood beside her and stared at the artwork. “Hello miss, I think you are rather entrapped by this piece.”

“Hmm, I suppose I am. I can’t  seem to understand this piece.” She simply replied not even turning to the man, who then glanced at her, his green eyes showing amusement. He ran his hand through his black hair, the muscles under his suit seemed to be more distinct due to the motion. It was clear that the man was very fit underneath the crisp suit, the skin that peeked out of his sleeves gave an alluring aura.

“But you must have some kind of opinion on it.” He added putting his hand down and looking back at the art on the wall.

“I don’t quite understand it.” She sighed and glanced at the man beside her, her violet eyes widened slightly as she realized that the man beside her was rather attractive. The faint light from the surrounding gave his bronze skin a beautiful glow that she could not help but appreciate– the paleness of her skin made her think that she was a blank piece of paper, rather insignificant compared to the man beside her.

But she also noticed how dim the place has become since she came in. Her violet eyes brushed past his strong shoulders and she noticed that it was dark outside. 

“My how the time seemed to pass.” She whispered as she looked back at the piece, perplexed, this time about how long exactly that she was standing in front of this particular painting.

“Oh you noticed? You’ve been standing on this particular piece for hours.” The man beside her said no malice in his voice. He put his hands behind him still looking ahead. “You must have your own thoughts about this piece?” He added softly unrushed despite her and him being alone in the gallery now.

“It is quite odd.” She began and then shifted her standing position with a leg out and her arms crossed. “It is clearly an image of a woman, it isn’t really that abstract– and yet it brings out a very abstract feeling inside of me.” 

“It’s simply an image of a woman, I find it interesting that you see it so abstractly and feel the same about it.” He remarked as he looked at the painting of a woman who was smiling and behind her was green grass, trees and marble ruins. 

“It really isn’t an abstract art. I just wonder if this woman is the artist’s muse.” She said and shook her head and they both chuckled at the same time. Startled by the unified laughing, she looked his way and to her surprise he was looking at her too.

“Why would you think that?” He asked sincerely. She was captivated by his gentle green eyes and she blinked a few times embarrassed and looked back at the painting.

“It just seemed that the artist–” She glanced at the plaque. “Damian Wayne captured the beauty of the woman in his eyes.” She said thinking that the name was awfully familiar. The man beside her looked at the art in confusion.

“I personally don’t agree with you.” He said his tone revealing his plain confusion to her statement.

“And why is that?” She asked as she looked at him matching his confusion as she stood up properly.

“I think I should know. I’m an artist.” He said and she was startled. “If you’re implying that the artist is in love with this muse, so to speak, you are gravely mistaken.”

“I don’t think one can make this kind of art if,” She glanced again at the plaque. “Damian Wayne, didn’t feel any sort of affection for this woman. Do you think he’d paint anyone in this way if he didn’t love her?”

“I think I would know if he loved her,” He turned to her. “Hello, Damian Wayne.” He held his hand out to her in a polite manner and he smiled at her shocked expression.

“Oh, I’m sorry– I didn’t–” She stuttered and glanced at his hand that started to look awkward. “Rachel Roth.” She introduced herself as she took his hand. “I–” 

“It’s alright,” Damian chuckled, cutting her off. “I like hearing others’ opinions on my work.” Rachel’s face turned pinkish at his words as she let go of his hand and looked back at his work. “But I do admit your statement is something I’ve never heard of.”

“It’s–” She sighed. “I just felt envious of the girl in the painting. Like what would make her look at someone with so much love. You must be a very lucky man then.” Rachel’s tone seemed dreamy but then her dreamy state was broken by Damian’s contagious but sincere laughter that echoed inside the empty gallery.

“I am serious, there is nothing going on with me and this lady in this painting.” He tried to hold in his laughter but she raised a brow at him. “I swear!” He raised his hands up. “I would never paint a lover and put them up in an exhibit.” 

“Oh really? Why is that?” She asked him as she stared at him,

“Maybe I just don’t like sharing.” He shrugged a faint smile on his lips as he looked at the blonde woman in his painting, trying to see what Rachel was seeing with seriousness. 

It was her turn to laugh, “I see.” She shook her head and gazed around her surroundings.

“You’re the only one left here.” Damian said as he looked at her and saw how she just recently noticed how completely empty the space was.

“I didn’t know– you should have said I was bothering you– I mean that you are close.” Her violet eyes glanced back at him and they locked eyes. He smiled at her and she couldn’t help but smile back.

“But you seemed so engrossed in my work, I couldn’t disturb you.” Hearing this she laughed.

“Shouldn’t the building be closed?” She asked as she looked around looking for security.

“I own the building.” He replied and she froze and she shook her head with a small smile on her lips. 

“Now, that explains why I haven’t been kicked out.” She smiled at him.

“Well you have been standing here for hours, and it is quite late, if I may be so bold, would you want to have dinner with me? We can discuss this artwork further.” He offered and she was surprised by the invitation. 

She came here out of impulse, she probably should head home.

“Alright, I’d like that.” She agreed unexpectedly. Well she did enter on a whim, whatever happens after could be considered on a whim too. Like having dinner with a stranger, something she would never do on a normal day. He offered his elbow to her and she hooked her arm over his.

“I think you shouldn’t say never, who knows, maybe one day you will have your lover hung on one of these walls.” She smiled at him as he led her out the building.

He laughed at her statement, “I don’t think that will happen, Miss Roth.” To which she silently smiled.


Almost five years passed by and there by the same wall but with a different painting, stood the same woman with black hair in a bun, but this time she wore pants and a purple hoodie. She was quietly watching the painting of a woman who was in a white dress and standing around water turning around as if twirling with a picnic hat with a white bow. The only feature that was noticeable on the woman in the painting was her soft smile and her long black hair.

“This seems oddly familiar.” A man with black hair and in a black suit said as he stood beside her.

“Hello, Damian. It’s been a while.” She replied with a faint smile still mesmerized by his artwork. “You made a lovely piece.” 

“Why thank you, Raven.” He replied and looked at his latest work.

“So, I assume this one isn’t your muse?” She asked with a hint of a jesting tone and he turned to look at her seriously. 

“At one point I did tell you I would never paint my muse.” He laughed nonchalantly as he looked at the painting with endearing eyes. “And yet, here I am– showing to the world my muse.” He said as he touched the plaque with his name and the title of his work: My One and Only Muse.

“She must be really lucky.” Rachel replied and he turned to her with a small pout.

“Okay, Raven I played along because you seemed to be in memory lane, but I’m becoming jealous.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he glared at her and she looked at him as she laughed. She raised her left hand to cover her lips and with her fingers tried to hide her amusement. The diamond ring on her finger sparkled as it caught the light around Damian’s new work and she held her laughter.

“I’m sorry,” She stifled her laughter. “But shouldn’t I be the one jealous?” She asked as she took a step forward towards him, a sly smile on her lips.

“No, I don’t like sharing.” He said as he captured her in his arms in an embrace. He rested his head on her shoulder.

“No one can see my face in that painting.” She pointed out as she wrapped her arms around him.

“I’m still a very jealous man.” He whispered as he inhaled her scent. 

“Even though we’re going to get married soon?” She asked as she gently pushed him away to gaze at his face. She extended her hands to cup his face. He smiled at her at the thought that he had proposed to this beautiful woman, and that soon she will be his wife.

“I don’t want anyone else to see you the way I do.” He mumbled lost in her violet eyes and her eyes crinkled as she smiled.

“You’re monopolizing me.” She whispered back as she started to lose herself in his green eyes.

“Won’t you let me spoil you?” He asked, his breathing was uneven as his face inches close to hers.

“If you let me do the same.” She answered back as she stood on her tippy toes to become closer to him.

“If it’s you– only if it’s you.” He replied as he leaned closer and so did she.

“Yes, only if it’s you my love.” She said before their lips met.


Bonus Scene

“When did you arrive?” Damian asked as he pulled away from their kiss, his voice gentle and his eyes oozing sincerity and tenderness.

“I just arrived.” She replied, the gallery empty except for the couple.

“And you decided to come here first?” He asked as he found himself cupping her face and gently brushing her cheek with his thumb.

“Yes, I decided to come here, to surprise you. I knew you would be here.” She leaned in on his hand as she overlapped a hand over his. “I was quite surprised to see that though.” She added as she opened her eyes and turned her head towards the painting of her.

“It was my surprise for you.” He gently replied with love in his eyes as he stared at the painting. 

“I can now clearly see how differently you painted her– seeing this.” Raven smiled dreamily. “Those many years ago, I thought she was your muse,” She looked back at her fiancé, “I stand corrected.” 

He chuckled seeing the slight mischief in her eyes. “Oh?” He pulled her closer to him. “I stand corrected too. I swore I would never show anyone my muse, but that is clearly not true anymore.” 

Damian pushed her away gently and seriously stared at Raven, “How was your business trip Miss Roth?”

Raven pulled away from him and laughed. “Well you ruined my surprise, I thought I’d walk here and cover your eyes and say: Guess who? And then we laugh.” She hugged him and rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “But this, this feels much better.” She added as she looked at the painting of her. 

“So, this is how you see me.” She whispered in a dreamlike state and she felt his chest vibrate as his soft laughter entered her ears.

“It’s only you, I see.” He whispered back and she smiled at his words.

The couple was very thankful for their chance meeting in Damian’s gallery. They finally found that special someone they had talked about the first night they met. And soon, they will be waking up beside each other as spouses. 

Bonus: Their First Dinner

“Actually, my mother calls me Raven.” Rachel said as she leaned forward a bit, clearly tipsy from the wine and she laughed.

“Raven?” He said, thinking that it was a very unusual nickname. “And why is that?” He asked as he watched her giggle at herself.

“I’m actually not that sure–” She laughed and he couldn’t help but laugh, finding her laughter contagious.

“At least you have a nickname.” He tried to reassure her and she stopped laughing and stared at him seriously.

“No. Way.” She pointed at him, her vision slightly blurry. “How can you not have a nickname!” She shook her head and he laughed.

“I do, it’s just– it…” He sighed and she stared at him intently.

“It’s not coming from a special someone.” She simply said in a somber state. The both became quiet and then Rachel suddenly gulped down her remaining wine. Damian’s eyes widened as he stood up.

“You shouldn’t drink anymore!” He said as he took the wine bottle away from her reach and she laughed at his reaction.

“I can drink a bit more.” She said in a slurred manner.

“Uh, no you cannot, Rachel.” He said as he shook his head.

“Call me Raven.” She whispered as she rested her head on her hand. He looked at her a bit startled by her suggestion before he could refuse her, she smiled and leaned forward.

“I insist.” She said softly as she rested her hand over his hand that was holding the wine bottle. His eyes widened at the sudden physical contact and he looked at her earnestly.

“Alright.” He heard himself reply in a soft tone and he too was startled by his response, something out of the norm.

She smiled at him with affection and he found himself reciprocating the same thing. Today seemed to be filled with unexpected things, responses that would never be their norm. But both parties were extremely thankful for going out of their comfort zone. 



Author’s Note:

I placed the bonus scenes because initially I wanted this fic only up to them talking again five years later. But then, I created the bonus scenes which break off from the initial way I wanted the fic written, but it does add to more depth to the story. Hope you enjoyed it!

Urban Wild Art Exhibition Opening Night. What a night!Thanks to all the friends, family and supp

Urban Wild Art Exhibition Opening Night
What a night!
Thanks to all the friends, family and supporters… we going up!!! - @stallworth_unlmtd
#themarathoncontinues #stallworthunlmtd #makeithappen #urbanwild #art #exhibition #fashion #contemporaryart #popart #urbanart #fineart #museum #gallery

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When your name’s on the wall and you’re still aliveURBAN WILD@alabamacontemporaryShout Out to

When your name’s on the wall and you’re still alive
Shout Out to one of the illest curators @blackbirdsingssadsong

#urbanwild #exhibition #art #mural #painting #fineart #fashion #urbanart #streetart #graffiti #hiphop #bmx #skateboard #graphicnovel #illustration #contemporaryart #museum #gallery #storytelling #flowers #love #respect #inspire #8stax (at Alabama Contemporary Art Center)

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Audio Manga: ✊❤️ FKiT: Issue 0See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - Octob

Audio Manga: ✊❤️
FKiT: Issue 0
See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26 : @henritakespictures
#art #love #hiphop #urbanart #streetart #contemporaryart #fineart #skateboard #cosplay #graffiti #tattoo #painting #FKiT #fashion #popart #animation #manga #comics #illustration #houseof8stax #videogames #bmx #urbanwild #mobilealabama #gallery #exhibition #audiomanga #museum #blessed #8stax (at Alabama Contemporary Art Center)

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Audio Manga: Brothers YO! I couldn’t have pulled it off without you two brothers @stallworth_unlmtd

Audio Manga: Brothers
YO! I couldn’t have pulled it off without you two brothers @stallworth_unlmtd and @rchagans Thank You! Both of my bros also have work on exhibition for Urban Wild @alabamacontemporary As a matter of fact, we’re standing in front of RC’s work. Enjoy

FKiT: Issue 0
See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26
#art #love #hiphop #urbanart #streetart #contemporaryart #fineart #skateboard #cosplay #graffiti #tattoo #painting #FKiT #fashion #popart #animation #manga #comics #illustration #houseof8stax #videogames #bmx #urbanwild #mobilealabama #gallery #exhibition #audiomanga #museum #blessed #8stax

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Me and super dope @that_so_and_so He and @famousgabetattoo Also have work on exhibition at Urban Wil

Me and super dope @that_so_and_so He and @famousgabetattoo Also have work on exhibition at Urban Wild @alabamacontemporary And @mobmuseumofart
Come check us out

FKiT: Issue 0
See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26
#art #love #hiphop #urbanart #streetart #contemporaryart #fineart #skateboard #cosplay #graffiti #tattoo #painting #FKiT #fashion #popart #animation #manga #comics #illustration #houseof8stax #videogames #bmx #urbanwild #mobilealabama #gallery #exhibition #audiomanga #museum #blessed #8stax


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FKiT: Issue 0See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26 : @henritak

FKiT: Issue 0
See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26 : @henritakespictures
#art #love #hiphop #urbanart #streetart #contemporaryart #fineart #skateboard #cosplay #graffiti #tattoo #painting #FKiT #fashion #popart #animation #manga #comics #illustration #houseof8stax #videogames #design #urbanwild #mobilealabama #gallery #exhibition #audiomanga #museum #blessed #8stax

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Audio Manga: Jet LifeFKiT: Issue 0See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 -

Audio Manga: Jet Life
FKiT: Issue 0
See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26
#art #love #hiphop #urbanart #streetart #contemporaryart #fineart #skateboard #goodmorning #graffiti #tattoo #painting #FKiT #fashion #popart #animation #manga #comics #illustration #houseof8stax #videogames #design #urbanwild #mobilealabama #gallery #exhibition #audiomanga #museum #blessed #8stax

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pallares house + studio ~ vrtical | photos © raphael gamopallares house + studio ~ vrtical | photos © raphael gamopallares house + studio ~ vrtical | photos © raphael gamopallares house + studio ~ vrtical | photos © raphael gamopallares house + studio ~ vrtical | photos © raphael gamopallares house + studio ~ vrtical | photos © raphael gamopallares house + studio ~ vrtical | photos © raphael gamopallares house + studio ~ vrtical | photos © raphael gamopallares house + studio ~ vrtical | photos © raphael gamo

pallares house + studio ~ vrtical|photos © raphael gamo

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Some phone pics from my solo show at The Institute for Art and Olfaction in Los Angeles. Open through the end of the month. Schedule will be posted on the website soon. http://artandolfaction.com/projects/i-am-the-______/

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Zac Efron, Seth Rogen & Christopher Mintz-Plasse 

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De la #exposicion #colorfilia #nolimetangere #pintura #medusa #nometoques #pompas #oleo #oilpainting

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Discovered the free library in a gallery the other day. The journals contained a Cioran essay, an article about Berlin in cinematography, some modern poetry. Headed to an exhibition opening right after.

Zión Moreno, Whitney Peak, Savannah Smith, Jordan Alexander, Eli Brown and Evan Mock foram vistos no set de Gossip Girl na Fifth Avenue, Manhattan nesta segunda-feira (19) em Nova York.

Novas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nesta sexta-feira (16) em Midtown, Nova York.

Novas fotos de Whitney Peak, Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nesta sexta-feira (16) em Midtown, Nova York.

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Novas fotos de Whitney Peak e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nesta sexta-feira (16) em Midtown, Nova York.

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Novas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nesta sexta-feira (16) em Midtown, Nova York.

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Novas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nestaNovas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nestaNovas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nestaNovas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nestaNovas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nestaNovas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nestaNovas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nestaNovas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nestaNovas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nesta

Novas fotos de Whitney Peak , Eli Brown e Jordan Alexander durante as gravações de Gossip Girl nesta sexta-feira (16) em Midtown, Nova York.

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Fever Dream by Lydia GuadagnoliThis is my piece for the Light Grey Art Lab Midnight Show. You can pu

Fever Dream by Lydia Guadagnoli

This is my piece for the Light Grey Art Lab Midnight Show. You can purchase prints and check out the other amazing works here!  

“Awhile ago I had the flu along with a high fever. I managed to drift off to sleep and found myself in a chaotic dream where I was staring down into a pond with koi fish swimming in it. After some time I began to notice the patterns on the koi fish were beginning to depict familiar silhouettes such as flowers and animals. But the one that stuck out to me the most was a very graphic skull. I was so startled that I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep for the rest of the night.” 

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Untitled n°114 Girl PortraitAvailable now on sale! Worldwidd shipping Acrylic on canvas Shopify li

Untitled n°114 Girl Portrait
Available now on sale!
Worldwidd shipping
Acrylic on canvas
Shopify link on bio or find me at Etsy page.
90x70cm canvas size
Ready to hang
#art #arts #arte #artoftheday #modernart #modernportrait #portrait #popart #poparts #artwork #artworks #homedeco #livingroom #homedecor #decoration #buyart #buypainting #compraarte #sothebys #parc #artbasel #gallery #artgallery #onlineartgallery #artsale #sales #drawingforsale #saatchiart (at Lima, Peru)

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