#gnc positivity


If a label is comfortable to you, it is your label. No one but you can define your own labels. Not your friend. Not your family. Not the cryptid staring at you in the corner- you: wait there’s a cryptid staring at me in the corner- not an exclusionist. The point is. Be proud of your identity. No one can ever tell you who you are. Your existence is vaild.


Butch girls are so incredibly hot, I’ve been dreaming about them for what feels like a solid week

sending love to all fat people struggling with gender stuff, to those whose dysphoria is worsened by gendered views of weight and body type, to those who are denied transition related medical care bc of their weight, to those who feel alienated even in lgbt and gnc spaces, to those who struggle to find gender affirming clothing designed to fit them, to those who feel they need to work twice as hard to have their identities respected. you deserve better. you’re lovely and deserving of respect and autonomy just as you are.

“Summer Closing”

My patreon illustration for the month of November! Starring my trans OC, Adam, sharing a memory of the closing days of summer.

If you’d like to check out my patreon, all links are in my description!
