
Ivy Like all evergreens, the ivy is immortality and eternal life; it is also revelry; clinging depenIvy Like all evergreens, the ivy is immortality and eternal life; it is also revelry; clinging depenIvy Like all evergreens, the ivy is immortality and eternal life; it is also revelry; clinging depen


Like all evergreens, the ivy is immortality and eternal life; it is also revelry; clinging dependence; attachment; constant affection; friendship.

Christian: Everlasting life; death and immortality; fidelity.

Egyptian: ‘The plant of Osiris’, immortality.

Greek: Sacred to Dionysos who is crowned with ivy and whose cup is an 'ivy cup’; his thyrsus is encircled with ivy and one of his emblems is a post sprouting ivy leaves.

Semetic: Sacred to the Phrygian Attis; immortality. The ivy-leaf is phallic, depicting the male trinity.

[Source: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols by J.C. Cooper]

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Для нас с тобой слишком много плохих примет: Женщины с вёдрами, якоря в морях. Береги себя, пожалуйс

Для нас с тобой слишком много плохих примет:

Женщины с вёдрами, якоря в морях.

Береги себя, пожалуйста. Маме привет.
- Знаешь…

- Знаю. И я тебя.

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I remember my first mobile telephone, which was more like an offensive weapon than a transitional object, an effective brick to break a skull with. It was prestigious to own one, however, for in those far-off days that now seem to us to be of a totally different historical epoch, they were comparatively uncommon, and anyone who had one could consider himself to be at the very cutting edge in the use of technology.

I despise myself for having become so quickly dependent on my phone. The reason for this is snobbery. When I see how dependent others are on their phones, how for example they look at them even during supposedly convivial meals (in the days when there were convivial meals still), I think how foolish and degraded they are, and how little I want to be like them.

A sensible person does not have to be permanently contactable, and indeed, when I look back, some of my happiest times have been the months in which I was totally incommunicado. My recent dependence on my phone, however, has revealed to me that I am exactly like others in my folly, no worse but no better. I am humbled, if not humiliated, by my phone.


girls with no car are the most specialest and everyone appreciates picking them up and transporting them from place to place in their car (affirmations for girls with no car)
