#greek mitology


Mitos VIII próximamente a la venta

Mitos VIII ya está listo para que vea la luz. 

 Será el último tomo de la saga. Este volumen contiene cinco mitos grecolatinos con temáticas LGTBIQ (+18) 

 Jacinto, Calisto, Dafnis, Ifis y Ámpelo

 Pronto anunciaré la plataforma en la que estará a la venta en formato digital

#mythology    #greek mitology    #greek myth    #dioses griegos    #comics    #comic books    #gay love    #gay hot    #greek gods    #jacinto    #ampelos    #calisto    #dafnis    #apollo    #hermes    #artemisa    #dioniso    
So, this are heavily inspired by this video (just switched the genders) and a comment there too. 

Hero was in a museum. The police said that they’d seem someone, something enter the museum late at night, almost 4am.

When they entered…

Had a voice. Angelic and smooth. That echoed for all of the place. Was a masculine voice, for sure, and it was so beautiful.

Hero tried to know where the voice came from, but there was nothing. Nothing in the second floor, nothing hidden in the shadows…

They could only wait and listen that so-good-for-true voice, sitting in the floor with their back in one of the columns that had statue of some god from the greek mithology. 

Hero paused and looked more interessed than scared.

It was some god? Singing for them and only for them? 

God, it was intoxing. Incredible. 

Once they come to the conclussion, the singing stopped. 

It stopped.

The next day, Hero put everyone in the work of found what god was that. 

Zeus? No, probably his voice was so grave, it was not.

Apollo? Hades? No, none of them.

They put their sibling, who was addicted to greek mytology, to search. 


It was midnight when they laid down in their bed. 

It was voice of Ares? Dionysus?! It was voice from what god?! 

For goodness sake, they were going to be insane.

Then, they’re asleep with that thought.


2 months later, the hero stopped trying figure out what voice it was. 

But then, the police said the same thing from last time. They seemed someone or something enter the museum, and Hero entered the place in a super-human speed.

The voice was singing again.

“Oh, I come from a land, from a faraway place…” The voice started, and Hero paused.

They took a deep breath, and shouted. “Who the fuck are you?! Apollo?! Hades?! Please for the love of God tell me!”

A yelp could be heard in the back. 

“Jesus christ I almost passed out. Next time remember walking!” Of behind of a column… 

Villain appeared. With his hands in his chest, breathing heavily. 

“Next time, too, don’t yell! Even if im not a god, they don’t like it, neither.” 

Hero just scoffed. And puts their hand in their forehead. And sat down. 

Villain was confused. What??? 

“What- What are you doing?” Villain asked and get closer to Hero, but them didn’t even care.

God, they was going insane because of Villain.

Hero started to laugh and looked to Villain, who was completly confused. 

“Can you sing it to me again? I think I found the god that was driving me slowly to insanity.” Hero breathed out, locking eyes with Villain.

And Villain couldn’t be more embarrased with that request. 

virtuous-thing: geekremix:xenaamazon:awkward-dark-mori-girl:takealookatyourlife:takealookaty







Athena blessed her with the ability to protect herself and men beheaded her for it.

That’s actually a really intetesting intpretation of it I hadn’t thought of. Most people seem to think Athena turned Medusa into a gorgon as punishment for defiling her temple, but thinking that she did so to protect her from being abused again is interesting and I like it!

Athena’s hands were tied. Yes, she was a powerful Goddess, but she was very much a woman in a “boys club”, and the true offending party (don’t think for a moment that Athena blamed Medusa for being raped in the temple, Athena knows better) held all the cards. There was nothing that Athena could do to punish the true criminal, and she was expected to punish Medusa by everyone else. What’s a Goddess to do when she cannot punish those who need to be punished and is expected to punish not only the truly innocent party, but her most beloved follower? Use that incredible brain power she had to protect Medusa at all costs, and of course the men would see it as punishment, to be have her beauty stripped from her and sent to live in the shadows. Medusa should have been KILLED for supposedly defiling the temple, whether she truly did or not, but she was given the gift of life, and the ability to protect herself and her daughters (who she bore thanks to Poseidon). This is why Medusa’s image was used to signify woman’s shelters and safe houses.

Medusa means “guardian; protectress”, and she was.

holy shit.

Feministic mythology is what I’m here for

Post link



Godess of love, beauty and passion


Godess of the harvest and agriculture


Godess of the hunt, the wilderness and the moon


Godess of wisdom and warfare


Godess of women, family and childbirth


Godess of retribution, revenge and justice


Godess of vegetation and queen of the underword



God of love and sex


God of wine, festivity and theatre


God of the sun, archery, art and prophecy


God of heralds, travellers and thieves


King of the gods


God of courage and war


God of the dead and the king of the underword

Les Amis Modern greek gods!AU where Jehan is Aphrodites, Feuilly is Aephestus and Bahorel is Ares, and they have a wholesome poly relationship and live happily ever after.

Inspired by, the blind woman in love with medusa.
