#greek myth

lm-necromancer:asphodelon:by special request of ourlolitadaydreams, a larger version of that hol



by special request of ourlolitadaydreams, a larger version of that hold my flower doodle

BUt yall don’t understand how perfect this is.

Cause, it’s generally agreed: Hades was a pretty chill dude. He was rich and powerful and grim and kind of a moody manic sometimes, but generally, as long as you stayed on your side of the styx and didn’t much up with him he was content to leave you be. And even if you come crashing down into his realm being a jackass, he was still fair and just, if annoyed. (The story where Heracles bails out one of the guys he had punished for being rude psycho jackasses basically amounts to “leave the lead jackass to rot, but if it means that much take the other brats”)

He’s a very Lawful Neutral figure: The guy behind the desk of the great tax collector in the ancient world. The Greeks had a healthy respect and fear for him, but as long as you followed the rules and paid the ferry man there wasn’t anything to fear- and really he wasn’t the one responsible for the system…Just the guy enforcing it.

But Persephone.


There was someone you didn’t not want to piss off. There is a reason Hades name is just “The Rich One” and her’s is “The Iron Queen”. She took her job as queen of the underworld very very seriously and she had a mean streak a mile wide. When Orpheus came down to fetch his wife Hades was all for letting them go he was so moved by the man’s music, but Persephone is the one that set the trial knowing that Orpheus couldn’t resist looking- in some versions of the myth after he’s ripped apart by nymphs she seats him in their court to be their musician and it’s implied that was her plan all along- to not only keep one soul but to gain another- capable of great music to please her husband. When the whole thing with Adonis went down, she threatened the stability of all the world to tip the scales in her favor. According to Homer when men wanted to call curses down on the souls of the departed they invoked her name.

The Greeks where terrified of her. Aside from her priests no one was allowed to speak her name legally (with Hades and the others it was just social tabbo) for fear of drawing her attention. To them- she was the Goddess of Life AND Death, Summer and Winter. She command power over men’s lives and their deaths. You did not mess with her.

In all likely hood this is exactly how it would go down- Hades holding her flower while she meeted out the divine hellish punishment on the offenders.

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Self portrait at my studio. "Legendary Lovers" is what I call of the painting behind me. I

Self portrait at my studio. "Legendary Lovers" is what I call of the painting behind me. I don’t think I’ve ever posted a photo of this super huge painting I created back in 2014 (or maybe the process only, not the full image). It’s an oil painting inspired by Hades and Persephone, made for my art class exhibition. This is the biggest painting I’ve ever created, size 100x150cm. This one is special to me, but I wish I could’ve done so much better. Either way, still proud of what I did back then. Maybe sometime I’ll post the full photo!

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hear me out

Loki and Arachne team up to get revenge on the Greek and Norse gods

That would be SO epic okay

athena vs ares

i’ve seen this common mistake everywhere where when athena is referred to as a war goddess, people will say “no she’s the wisdom goddess, ares is the god of war,” and you’re not wrong. she is the goddess of wisdom but she is also a war goddess. so here’s the difference between athena’s “war” and ares’ “war.”


athena is a strategist, the tactician: she represented the ‘higher’ arts of warfare, and was also known as a patron of the ‘hero.’ she guided and supported those who did heroic deeds and was instrumental in demi-gods beating their monsters. (perseus’ and medusa), while aiding heracles during his twelve labours, and enabling achilles to defeat hector. she thinks along the lines of cunningness and not just pure violence without thought.


now ares is a much bigger difference. he represents the brutality and violence of war. it doesn’t matter who is at the end of the brutality. he enjoys it, i mean his chariot is pulled by horses that are red (the color of blood). he isn’t smart or cunning (often he is alongside another deity that will aid him in this aspect or help along with his victory like nike), he uses cruel violence. this displays who worshipped him (which surprise, wasn’t many; he didn’t have many temples either)

also so it’s clarified; greek mythology has many gods, goddesses, or deities that share aspects of the same thing. hekate and artemis share the moon aspect as goddesses, athena, hephaestus, and techne (all deities of arts)

edit: this isn’t supposed to be rude towards ares, im just explaining how he was in battle. of course, they’re both extremely important, but ares is most certainly pure violence, he does not think and represents more the mad rage on the battlefield that soldiers will have, while athena is viewed more like a commander-like figure that won’t fight but will do little things to ensure her side with being successful. war is such a difficult aspect of human civilization that needs two different deities to accurately represent it. another thing i want to explain is im not english, so when i explain something, it might come off extremely blunt. what i mean by ares not having temples was because not everyone actively worshipped war (there was a few cultures that did worship ares though (spartans)).

I apologize to anyone that thought i was disrespecting ares (thank you to @cyanide-latte for pointing out that i did use extreme unflattering words towards ares, it wasn’t intentional, english just looks weird to me.

Ch. 5, Page 39.<< Previous || Start Reading || Next >>Why, did you really think she was

Ch. 5, Page 39.
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Why, did you really think she was joking about the dragon teeth? No no, she has a full satchel of them in her desk drawer, just beside her Sailor Moon secret diary.

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Orpheus & EurydiceCommissioned illustration for Follow Me Down, a TTRPG inspired by Greek mythol

Orpheus & Eurydice

Commissioned illustration forFollow Me Down, a TTRPG inspired by Greek mythology.

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[ GREEK GODS SERIES ] HEPHAESTUS → the god of fire and metalworking. as a smithing god, hephaestus m[ GREEK GODS SERIES ] HEPHAESTUS → the god of fire and metalworking. as a smithing god, hephaestus m[ GREEK GODS SERIES ] HEPHAESTUS → the god of fire and metalworking. as a smithing god, hephaestus m[ GREEK GODS SERIES ] HEPHAESTUS → the god of fire and metalworking. as a smithing god, hephaestus m[ GREEK GODS SERIES ] HEPHAESTUS → the god of fire and metalworking. as a smithing god, hephaestus m[ GREEK GODS SERIES ] HEPHAESTUS → the god of fire and metalworking. as a smithing god, hephaestus m[ GREEK GODS SERIES ] HEPHAESTUS → the god of fire and metalworking. as a smithing god, hephaestus m[ GREEK GODS SERIES ] HEPHAESTUS → the god of fire and metalworking. as a smithing god, hephaestus m[ GREEK GODS SERIES ] HEPHAESTUS → the god of fire and metalworking. as a smithing god, hephaestus m

[GREEK GODS SERIES] HEPHAESTUS → the god of fire and metalworking. as a smithing god, hephaestus made all the weapons of the gods in olympus. he served as the blacksmith of the gods, and was worshipped in the manufacturing and industrial centers of greece, particularly athens.

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Some of the spot illustrations I made for Monocle’s ‘Quality of Life’ Conference in Athens.I loved tSome of the spot illustrations I made for Monocle’s ‘Quality of Life’ Conference in Athens.I loved t

Some of the spot illustrations I made for Monocle’s ‘Quality of Life’ Conference in Athens.

I loved the theme of mixing figures of Greek myth with modern appliances, furniture and fashion.

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If you have to go, you know I will go with you

Life post-Patroclus from Achilles’s point of view.

Andromeda was an Ethiopian princess. Perseus’s wife, queen of Argo and the first queen of Mycenae. Great-grandmother of Heracles.

A constellation in the sky.

Demeter, Midwinter
Mairead Small Staid

The only beings on the street have dogs to walk
or are them. Matte black birds startle

against the snow, swallowing light & seeds.
I remember another winter, when my belly swelled

with a ghost’s inverse, the she I’d always been
haunted by: little me, not me. I might have seen

her coming, but not what changes she wrought
to my insides: my liver & kidneys tamped down,

gunpowder; my lungs accordioned; my stomach
cramped; my heart crumpled & shoved up

into my throat. It lives there still.
My body was a haunted house, some spirit

clanging away in there at night, rattling
every single pipe. It’s always night, now,

or about to be. The crows claw the grizzled sky
from its socket, moving centers of a still world.

Another owner, another dog. Another winter,
& I think—alone & oldening—why didn’t I

have a child? What pain did I imagine
greater than this?

Today in: 

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 primordial gods and deities↳ uranus Uranus  was the primal god personifying the sky. Uranus or Fath

primordial gods and deities
↳ uranus

Uranus  was the primal god personifying the sky. Uranus or Father Sky was the son and husband of Gaia,Mother Earth. Uranus and Gaia were the parents of the first generation of Titans, and the ancestors of most of the Greek gods.

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 primordial gods and deities↳ pontus & thalassaPontus was an ancient, pre-Olympian sea-god, one

primordial gods and deities
↳ pontus & thalassa

Pontus was an ancient, pre-Olympian sea-god, one of the primordial deities, and Thalassa was the primeval spirit of the sea. They spawned the storm gods and the tribes of fish.

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