

Watch “Non-Binary Star Ezra Miller Groomed A Child???” on YouTube

The very reason why I created schooltrashers.com was to expose teachers like this. There’s a lot of sex predators in our school system grooming or preying on their students.

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@cyan-opinions@yimra@libertarianblue fucking answer for this

Why is it my responsibility to account for the actions of a stranger I’ve never interacted with? What exactly do you want me to do, tell his mom on him? If someone brings their own bullshit to me I can respond to it as I see fit.

I’m not a circus monkey and I’m not gonna perform the “go scream at anyone you tell me to” trick on command to appease you, also a complete stranger to me. Please grow the fuck up and attend to your own business, as I do to mine.

what the fuck??¿

“answer for this”. The complete entitled AUDACITY

And then they proceed to threaten me with murder if I don’t obey them.

Not that they’ll kill me, but some nebulous group of anti LGBT people will find me and kill me bc *rereads post* I don’t support grooming children.

“nebulous group” okay i get paying attention to homophobic violence is only something carelords do but if you don’t see how calling us pedos for not trusting the gop is dangerous then idk what to say.

Literally nobody did that, you delusional little violence fantasy having freak

so can we criticise the bill or not?

Criticize whatever the fuck you want, I’m not your goddamn dad. But if you want schools teaching sexual topics to little kids you’re either a predator or laying the groundwork for predators.

@cyan-opinions so theres literally nothing I can say that will get u to stop insinuating we’re child molesters. but sure I can “criticize whatever the fuck i want”  

You can stop advocating for schools to teach sexual topics to prepubescent children

And you can stop approaching ME and coming onto MY posts and tagging ME in your own to begin discussions with me and then act like you gotta ask my permission to be left alone fucking lmao

so children shouldn’t be armed with an understanding of their own bodies and knowledge of what molestation is? you can say this subject or that subject is unexceptionable but the 1 reason for sex ed before puberty is to PREVENT grooming. and considering just how often parents fuck their own kids, the hysteria around the very idea of teaching these things is disturbing. especially when they just make shit up and say that teachers are giving masturbation lessons or whatever demented shit they read online.

I want you to find Florida HB 1557 and quote me the segment that outlaws the teaching of what abuse is and how to avoid it. And then I want you to shut up forever.

^ i am responding to u now not the bill. dont say things you don’t mean. you people are always making overbroad statements and then getting mad when they aren’t interpreted correctly.

People like you are greasy little weasels who will abandon the actual topic of conversation entirely and openly refuse to return to it if they think they found a “gotcha”

Telling children to tell an adult they trust if someone touches their privates isn’t a sexual topic, it’s a safety topic. You don’t have to explain that the adults are jacking off to kids or want to fuck them. You just have to explain their privates are off limits to others. If you go any further into it, you are, and I CANNOT express this clearly enough, disgusting.

You don’t have a gotcha. What you have is no spine and the tiniest dick energy I’ve seen all week.

funny thing about this post is that this pedophile before he had lost his account, don’t know how - still baffled about it; um he went to target me over a reblog i had made on here; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/ppgxrrblove/685345809724751872?source=share and replied back by stating the most - dense thing ever, which, since his blog is gone, again encase he returns with a new one just a heads up to anyone following me - or anybody else new, please avoid them they are in fact a child predator.

anyway they told me this as a reply for the first time;

i never bothered to give him any attention until he then decided to target a terrible ask i had gotten by some unhealthy minded person on here to then state the most lunatic reply ever;

bro i am *so* lost as to how did this happen..just wow..wow..

Post link

since the blogger predator who posted this up took down the ‘reblogs’ i have to post it this way, so just my thoughts;

this is way too funny, i am glad this happened <3 another thing, this just exposes drag to having a nest of pedophiles,and doesn’t that make you wonder; why are there sooo many drags that are upset about this bill? the worst part is that some of them hide it to a point that they will lie out of their mouth, because how can you be against this while being drag while be okay with them growing up to be 'mature’ which by your logic the 'mature’ age from what i’ve seen is 18 i think? which is biologically incorrect not even mature at that age still a minor but i digress to my point, growing up to be mature enough to get taught this type of perverse topics? …that’s conceding at your own word, you are in fact okay with grooming children you’re just making an excuse to justify said desires.

i have read the other posts before where people admitted that as long as the person is “mature” enough to learn about it - it should be fine but don’t touch them as their children, alright but see that logic falls apart when you are still gonna end up being groomed by such sinful lifestyle that has led to the same people that were taught as adults and mature - to losing their minds over the anti-grooming bill, killing their selves cause this does in fact happened, and now this as well. - really everything backfires down on that toxic manipulative, well hardly, manipulative mindset. all in all none of this is okay to be taught or learned at any age, - drag needs to go, the people who are in drag need to be investigated and need help badly because from a person who’s found out that the ones that 'leave’ the lgbt community, lots of you people sure shun the ones that tell stories about the matter of them being groomed as *children* and then they - because of the matter that they got groomed, their psychological state believe this is an okay healthy thing to state but, then they state in a twisted sad fate that - that’s how they got into drag..because their “parents’ decided that, 'hey let’s allow our little boy dress up like a girl, behave like one, put make up, heck even possibly go to drag bars’ even before this entire situation got off the charts this year; all of this has occurred but people sure like to shun those who were ex drag down to keeping them quite on how jacked up it is.
but yeah just my two cents on this topic her
