
theinternetisaweboflies: Haunted Dollhouse at the Peculiarium in Portland, Oregontheinternetisaweboflies: Haunted Dollhouse at the Peculiarium in Portland, Oregontheinternetisaweboflies: Haunted Dollhouse at the Peculiarium in Portland, Oregontheinternetisaweboflies: Haunted Dollhouse at the Peculiarium in Portland, Oregontheinternetisaweboflies: Haunted Dollhouse at the Peculiarium in Portland, Oregon


Haunted Dollhouse at the Peculiarium in Portland, Oregon

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JoyBlu:If Kelsier and Moash/Vyre meet, what will happen? What god will they kill together?

Brandon Sanderson: *evil laugh* RAFO.
*crowd laughter*

Stumble Then Rise on Some Awkward Morning - Silver mt. Zion

#experimental    #animation    #musicvideo    #silvermtzion    #khstudios    #computer    #3dsmax    #aftereffects    #avantgarde    #filmfestival    #instrumental    #blackwhite    #beautiful    #haunting    #awardwinner    

there’s only one week left to grab your copy of HAUNTS, my 50+ page haunted house artbook, on kickstarter!

the initial goal has been reached, but there’s still one stretch goal left: if the campaign hits $69k, i will go spend the night in an actual haunted house (possibly the lizzie borden house!), do some ghost hunter-y activities, and make a comic about it!! i would love to be able to do this, so go grab a copy of the book if you’d like, and tell your friends to get one, too!

click here to see the kickstarter! (reblogs are very appreciated!)

 “Do you want company? While you wait for your beast in the jungle?”

“Do you want company? While you wait for your beast in the jungle?”

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Happy Easter followers!


I had a recent experience!

I had a vivid dream of a ghost, I couldn’t see it but it would manifest as great fears people have. Near the end of the dream I was tasked with killing it, so it appeared to me as a cat to make it harder for me to kill it (I love cats). I fought with it and it obviously scratched me up and fought back. I never ended up being able to kill it before I woke up.

When I woke up, I had to go to the bathroom so I got straight up and went into the restroom. I looked in the mirror, and saw this on my chest. It faded alittle before I could take the photo but you can still see it.

Seguin LighthouseLocated on Seguin island is the second oldest lighthouse in Maine, Seguin Lighthous

Seguin Lighthouse

Located on Seguin island is the second oldest lighthouse in Maine, Seguin Lighthouse. Although it shines a bright light onto the sea to guide sailors home, it is also known for its dark history.

Legend has it that in the 1850s a lighthouse keeper got married to a young woman. Newly-wed, the keeper decided to bring his new wife to Seguin Island. However, being isolated from everyone and everything caused the bride to become severely depressed.  In order to help with her depression and boredom, the keeper had a piano shipped to the island.

This was a great way to distract his wife at first. However, either due to only having one piece of sheet music or because she was going crazy, she played the same song over and over again.  Eventually her husband snapped. He took an axe to the piano smashing it to pieces. However he didn’t stop there. He then turned the axe on the wife, hacking her to bits. Finally, after realizing what he had done, he turned the axe on himself.

Although the lighthouse is abandoned, it is not empty. Ghostly sounds of a piano playing can be heard emanating from the building. Also, there are those who claimed to have seen the spirit of a man holding an axe drifting through the site. 

(Sources: Worlds Scariest Places)

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The Bridgewater TriangleLocated in southeastern Massachusetts is a 200sq foot area known as the Brid

The Bridgewater Triangle

Located in southeastern Massachusetts is a 200sq foot area known as the Bridgewater Triangle. This area got its name because of all of the strange happenings that occur within its boundaries. It a zone that is overloaded with the paranormal.

Here there is an abnormally high amount of poltergeist and other spirit activities within the local areas and in residents homes.  One of the most haunted places is the Hockomock swamp. This area is believed to be cursed by the Native Americans that used to live here. It is also the site of a 8,000 year old Native American Burial ground. It is said that when archaelogists opened the graves, a red ochre bubbled up and then disappeared. No one was able to take photos of the site as none of the pictures developed. People now here mysterious voices and will smell smoke at random times. There have been reports of a bonfire on top of a large rock that will disappear when a person gets too close to it. People have also reported seeing ghostly figures dancing a ritualistic dance. Other famous ghosts in this area include a redheaded hitchhiker on Route 44 in Rehoboth, a spirit near the Hockomock swamp on route 138, and a ghostly truck driver from Freetown who will blare his horn angrily at other motorists and speed past them.

The Bridgewater triangle is also well known for its cryptids. A Bigfoot like creature has been seen throughout the area, usually near Hockomock swamp. In the 1970s reports of a 7ft tall creature, along with footprints prompted the police to search for a bear. Neither human being or bear was ever found in the area. Other than Bigfoot there have been reports of thunderbirds. These massive birds have a wingspan of 8-12 feet and have been spotted in Hockomock swamp and Taunton. Another mysterious report is that of a phantom dog. It was reported that a large dog with glowing red eyes was found killing two ponies. Supposedly the dog was as big as the two ponies were. There have also been reports of giant snakes in the area.

Other than ghosts and cryptids, the Bridgwater triangle is home to many UFO sightings. These sightings date back to 300 years when settlers in 1760 saw a glowing ball of light up in the sky. Other UFO sightings include Halloween of 1908 when UFO sightings made the local newspapers, in 1968 when five people claimed to have seen a strange ball of light floating among the trees in Rehoboth, A string of UFO sightings in the 1970’s, with one report in 1976 claiming that two UFOs were seen landing along route 44, in 1994 an officer saw a triangular shaped craft with red and white lights, and in modern times there are still frequent reports of glowing balls of light which float over the ground a the local dog track in Raynham.

As if the above were not enough, this area has been home to grisly murders (including an underground bunker with chains and bindings made for children), mysterious will-o-the wisp type lights, animal mutilations, satanic rituals, and mysterious black helicopters that patrol the skys.


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I know these memories will haunt you, just like they’ll haunt me.

HALO.CAME PARTS #NUMB 3D(hearse parse #nun n #too)u will leve meu will desaparejest liek Joanu donteHALO.CAME PARTS #NUMB 3D(hearse parse #nun n #too)u will leve meu will desaparejest liek Joanu donteHALO.CAME PARTS #NUMB 3D(hearse parse #nun n #too)u will leve meu will desaparejest liek Joanu donteHALO.CAME PARTS #NUMB 3D(hearse parse #nun n #too)u will leve meu will desaparejest liek Joanu donte

(hearse parse #nunn#too)

u will leve me
u will desapare
jest liek Joan

u donte LOV me

u Nevere LOV me

u donte red my Tween poams

u dont navir Evan herd my MEMOIRIES

u donte no
u dont wan 2 kno
u only wan 1 theng

u Fukien ANAMY


i kno.
HEAR wat u wand form GARY FIELD:

there is a 3 thinf about me:

1. les noir
1. Lenore
1. la nuit
2. hat Mondale
3. the fire that feeds me has grown low.

everythinge is nothinge.

live is oaver.

u jest usien me 4 plesure

my pane

my endinge


n i m stick hear 5ever

n thes gay ass hell

n em6ty voide

no1 can c me

no1 can 7ouch me

no1 has 2 care a bot a monsdare
no1 can LOV a morrdener
U kno i h8 mondes but do u kno i h8 murdaringe

at lest beleif wat i teld u

wat i rote

it rely hapen

n 4 me

ther no escappinge it

traped hear


these is my reality:

Gon is Gon.

(pls reed picjurs n reveres form botam 2 tap jest liek orgainals)

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