#healing trauma


The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of TraumabyBessel Van Der Kolk

Let it be known that I have yet to finish this book, but it has already been such an invaluable read that I feel compelled to recommend it, with a bit of a disclaimer. 

I’m on Part Four, Chapter 11, Page 171. I’ve had it for six weeks. It’s due back at the library now. I’m going to have to (gladly) purchase a copy to get through it. It’s been such a challenging read. I put it down a few weeks ago because I was experiencing unpleasant visceral reactions during/after reading it. 

On that note, I would advise exercising awareness while reading this - if you become disturbed, tense, or sick, put it down, take care of yourself, and come back to it when you’re able. This is especially important for anyone with a history of acute, prolonged, and/or repeated exposure to trauma/abuse.

It focuses primarily on childhood trauma/abuse/neglect and the effects it has on the developing brain and organism. Thoroughly enlightening stuff here. While the information presented isn’t entirely foreign to me, having it all laid out in this way has put so much in perspective for me, in terms of my own behavior and that of my partner’s, as well as a great deal of the human population for that matter. 

Anyway, it’s a must read imo. And I’m surprised I hadn’t heard of it before this year, but I guess I just wasn’t ready for it - I hardly am now. 

I did this little stiming emoji for me, but you can use it too!

I did this little stiming emoji for me, but you can use it too!

Post link

I was stuck in the past for a very long time, reliving painful traumatic moments over and over again. I was depressed, anxious and unhappy. As I learned to let go of the pain of the past and move forward my life became better and better. For me, going no contact with the toxic people in my life was essential. I decided that I was no longer going to give anyone the power to hurt me, not even my family members. It’s not easy to change, it’s not easy to let go of the past, but it’s definitely possible. The first step in healing is to protect yourself from anyone in your life that is abusing you in any way and you will begin to heal and grow from there. You deserve to have a peaceful and happy life and things can and will get better as you learn to love yourself. Sending you love and light today. ❤
