
tolkienianos:Happy Hobbit Day to all the amazing hobbits out there! Such amazing and lovely creatu


Happy Hobbit Day to all the amazing hobbits out there! Such amazing and lovely creatures do more than deserve a day for they own! And I hope that The Shire will always be there to us even if our feet cannot stand there again.

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Sergei Iukhimov, Illustrations for the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.

Sergei Iukhimov, Illustrations for the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.

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Happy Tolkien Tuesday! It’s also the first day of the #circleofbookishfriends August Awesome A

Happy Tolkien Tuesday! It’s also the first day of the #circleofbookishfriends August Awesome Author challenge I’m co hosting with @authormichaelreidjr
This month is all about the authors, less about individual books. I’m really excited about it.
How cute is my postcard and the Prancing Pony bookmark? I have really loved my 3 month term as a rep for @riddlesteashoppe so much so, I will always be a fan and a customer! Juli is choosing new reps today so good luck to all who entered! ☕️
#bookstagram #tolkien #tolkientuesday #lotr #hobbits #hobbitstyle #bookstack #booksandcoffee #postcard #bookmark #bibliophile #lordoftherings

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Riding with Hobbits is like driving with children.




not to make everything about lord of the rings but everything is actually about lord of the rings thank you good evening

What do you mean by “good evening”?

















also consider: LOTR but hobbits have Tapeta Lucidum

Boromir gets the fright of his life their first night on the road

Boromir: *glances over his shoulder* ??!!!!???!!


Hobbits: what

i will never get over that you used an image of raccoons for this purpose because it is incredibly accurate

LOTR au but instead of hobbits literally raccoons

Gandalf: well this raccoon found the ring and has been carrying it around. unfortunately we can’t take it off him or he gets very bite-y. so I figure, the raccoon is the ringbearer now

Elrond: what are those other three raccoons doing here

Gandalf: he brought his buddies. I call this one ‘Merry’



Aragorn: *watching Frodo & Sam scamper off in the direction of Mordor* our hopes lie with those raccoons now

Legolas: do they… know where they are going

Aragorn: I sure hope so

Faramir: father why is this raccoon in the livery of the citadel

Denethor: haha doesn’t he look precious

Elfhelm: Dernhelm, is that a raccoon in your bag?

Dernhelm: *sweating nervously* Uh no, sir.

Eowyn, later: And I said no, you know, like a liar.

Denethor: WHY did you let a raccoon go off with the Ring??

Faramir: ….it just seemed like the right thing to do

Gandalf: he scratched you up real good huh

Faramir: ……………gouged my FUCKING arm and bit me on my face

Witch King: no living man can kill me - AUGH FUCK, RACCOON, RACCOON ON MY LEG ARGHHHH

Eowyn: *stab*

Wraiths break into the room at the prancing pony: *UnHoLy ScReEcHiNg*

Trash Panda Hobbits:

Wraiths: Oh, what the fuck, whAT THE FUCKIS THAT?!

Treebeard: Baroom, humm, where are my small, impatient friends?

Merry and Pippin:

Don’t go where I can’t follow, Mr. Frodo.

~~~~~~The Hobbitinterlude~~~~~~

Thorin: You’re the burgular.Go on and…burgle something!

Saruman: Well since some fucking TREES took over Isengard I guess I’ll take over The Shire.
Farmer Maggot and ever other Halfling down to the Sacksville-Bagginses:

To all my Tolkien peeps

YES thank you!

have you seen that video where every time sam takes a step in lord of the rings he says it’s the fur

have you seen that video where every time sam takes a step in lord of the rings he says it’s the furthest he’s ever been 

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Book Frodo: linguistics nerd, hoards books, thinks he is very smart, acts chill but is actually stressed out 100% of the time, will infodump at you about elvish poetry

Film Frodo: Some kind of hipster, probably has anxiety, Elijah Wood’s Beautiful Blue Eyes, has bruises he doesn’t remember getting bcos he’s a clumsy fuck, too good for this sinful (middle) earth

Book Sam: cries when overwhelmed, writes poetry (but is too embarrassed to show it to anyone), Soft ™, drinks beer directly out of the tap, made of feelings and determination, basically a humanoid golden retriever

Film Sam: winner of world’s biggest Dad Friend award, smacks orcs w a frying pan, loves bacon, has accidentally punched self in face at least once,  (ง •̀_•́)ง

Book Merry: acts like a jaded elderly man even though he’s the hobbit equivalent of like 22, fantasises about being a Brave Knight so he can protect his friends, Brandybuck Pride!!, loves pipeweed to a near sexual degree

Film Merry: definitely a stoner, steals vegetables, says ‘fight me’ to people twice his size, Sarcasm is his primary weapon, can eat his own weight in ham

Book Pippin: baby bi, Smol, has 0 impulse control, calls everyone ‘fellow’, does not listen when people talk to him because he is thinking about sandwiches

Film Pippin: literally the dumbest hobbit alive

-,’ types of people ,’-

hobbits: tiny houses, oversized sweaters, a good book, introverts, writing, gardening, staying up to watch the sunset, fuzzy socks, nice food, tending to keep things to yourself, playing instruments, just wants to live a peaceful life

dwarves: nights out with friends, lives out of spite, really stubborn, sneaking out of your window at 1am, loves animals more than their family, hot chocolate, karaoke parties, road trips, summer nights, cunning folk, believes in old legends

elves: getting lost in the woods, loves photography, wants to travel the world, neat notes, pretty handwriting, athletic, loves fashion, love astrology, curious, hunting, wolves, the smell of wet grass, very artistic, easily embarrassed

humans: messy bun, staying up til midnight, too little sleep, writing poems, loud laughs, loves music, camping, in love with the way nature works, driving at sunsets, determined, a bit of a mess, german shepherds, eye gazes

-,’ types of people: middle earth ,’-

hobbits: oversized sweaters, honey, listening to music, traditional, flower fields, animals over humans, sunrises, finds nostalgia in everything, books, the joy of youth, old folklore, loves to paint, homemade meals, plants, thick socks

elves: mythology, loves nature, sharp features, ancient forests, loves to learn, intimidating, sharp tongued, archery, freckles, old notebooks, cottage in the woods, perfectionists, very determined, humour that only they get, autumn

dwarves: bruised knuckles, eye-rolls, either sleep for the week or sleep is for the weak, great music taste, extremely passionate, smarter than you’d think, abandoned cities, alcohol, doesn’t care about opinions, competitiveness

humans: always searching for adventure, messy hair, loud music, random road trips, loyal to the people they love, fire, midnight hours, black coffee, hates humanity, procrastinators, dad jokes, bloody noses, courageous, kind


Inktober Day 21- 25

