#written aesthetic

great things to do
  • take a walk through nature.i find this to be very relaxing, especially when you’re walking paths that you never walked before. you keep spotting new things and can be alone with your mind for a minute
  • read a book. especially after studying, this is a good way to let your mind rest a bit. you can sit at home and make it as cozy as possible
  • photograph. this way you can appreciate the details nature has to offer, whilst also being quite busy with getting the right angle and things like that
  • write something. try to build a world, and make it your own with the rules and characters you want. this is also a great way to escape reality. you can also let your deepest thoughts out without getting judged
  • put on some music. do i even need to explain this one?

Written Aesthetics / Types of People as Tim Burton Films



Obsessed with the occult and the afterlife, Air Sign Vibes, “I, myself, am strange and unusual”, loves The Addams Family, blunt bangs, gothic throw pillows, reads Edgar Allen Poe, morbid sense of humour, Poison by Dior, rescues spiders, wears funky hats and hair accessories, old wooden bannisters, collects strange things they find in thrift shops, probably makes sculptures or models.


Reads/watches true crime, city lights reflected in puddles, good at keeping secrets, listens to Lana Del Rey, knows about all the secret raves and underground clubs, running across intersections in heels, Great Gatsby quotes, smashing champagne glasses, neon signs, jewellery is the way to their heart, police chases, holds grudges, charming, owns at least one item of leather clothing.

Edward Scissorhands: ✂️

Perfectly manicured gardens, can’t decide on a hairstyle (or an aesthetic for that matter), hopeless romantic, hardcore crushes on emo boys, writes poetry, gothic architecture, white roses, probably grew up in a small town, believes opposites attract, cautiously optimistic, the first snowfall of the year, yearns for the extraordinary, daydreaming, wants to stand out but also wants to belong.

The Nightmare Before Christmas:

Likes Christmas but LOVES Halloween, unconventional pumpkin carvings, mood lighting, spiderwebs on wrought iron fences, knows how to sew, collects Halloween masks, has tattoos and piercings, injury prone, cemeteries at night, owns way too many candles, herbal tea, full moons, secretly a romantic, loves snow globes, winding tree branches, pining love ballads, black nail polish.

Corpse Bride: ‍♀️‍♀️

Listens to classical music, skin is always cold, petals falling off dead flowers, clings to the past, trusts the wrong people, corsets, lanterns, someone brushing your hair for you, sad eyes, blue butterflies, believes in soulmates, self sacrificing, midnight walks, long dresses/skirts, blue veins, cobblestone paths, bruises/scars easily, earthy perfumes, “if you love something, set it free”.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: ❄️

Sweet tooth, can’t dance but does it anyway, purple velvet, watches slime videos, flamboyant sunglasses, heavily saturated landscapes, daddy issues, has no volume control, low key terrified of children, rolls their eyes a lot, eccentric, collects strange objects, has a unique laugh, expensive boots, avoids answering questions, fireworks, childhood flashbacks, the smell of burning sugarcane.

Sweeney Todd:

Has a nice singing voice, high functioning crazy, wears lace clothing, cool toned scenery, mysterious vibes, enjoys the doomed lovers trope, intrusive thoughts, stressed and depressed but well dressed, carnivore, bites their fingernails, can bake a mean meat pie, old horror movies, the little devil that sits on peoples’ shoulder, long skirts dragging along the floor, makes direct eye contact.

Alice In Wonderland:

Stoner, drinks out of irregular sized cups, patterned tights, cat person, rambles about philosophical topics, adventurous, talks to plants and animals, old garden furniture, vertigo, always losing their keys, lucid dreams, optical illusions, rebellious, can be stubborn sometimes, has strange celebrity crushes, probably vapes, bumps into furniture, abstract paintings, listens to pop punk music.

-,’ types of people ,’-

hobbits: tiny houses, oversized sweaters, a good book, introverts, writing, gardening, staying up to watch the sunset, fuzzy socks, nice food, tending to keep things to yourself, playing instruments, just wants to live a peaceful life

dwarves: nights out with friends, lives out of spite, really stubborn, sneaking out of your window at 1am, loves animals more than their family, hot chocolate, karaoke parties, road trips, summer nights, cunning folk, believes in old legends

elves: getting lost in the woods, loves photography, wants to travel the world, neat notes, pretty handwriting, athletic, loves fashion, love astrology, curious, hunting, wolves, the smell of wet grass, very artistic, easily embarrassed

humans: messy bun, staying up til midnight, too little sleep, writing poems, loud laughs, loves music, camping, in love with the way nature works, driving at sunsets, determined, a bit of a mess, german shepherds, eye gazes

-,’ types of people: zombie apocalypse ,’-

leader: looks that could kill, too little sleep, moonlight, hard workers, rainy days, following your instincts, ancient ruins, mythology lovers, archery, cottages in the woods, midnight hours, competitive, determined, decision makers, cats

warrior: bruised knuckles, the colour black, wants the best for everyone, ripped skinny jeans, loud music, always searching for adventure, piercing gazes, messy hair, amazed with the universe, risk takers, flannels, haunted houses

medic: fuzzy socks, quick thinkers, knows a lot of random facts, bookworms, indie music, getting lost in the woods, bright eyes, the mom friend, curiousness, rooibos tea, pretty handwriting, easily embarrassed, calming energy

brains:old books, soft and stone-cold at the same time, oversized sweaters, intelligence, ready to make sacrifices, coffee shops, collecting journals, night owls, the sound of rain, snow, writers, freedom, the scent of vanilla

“supernatural creatures” as we call them, weren’t once considered supernatural. long before history was written they existed and their blood still flows within us, humans, as we do the things we like and excel at.

you can see mermaids in the ways professional swimmers keep their breath for a long time underwater. you can see it in the little girl who constantly wants to go to the pool. you can see them in teenagers who you find surfing on the beach. you can sense them in the way their body gracefully moves on their own.

you can see werewolves in the way some people look at the moon. you can see them in the way they eat more meat than the rest of your friends. you can see them in the way they always sense and know what’s wrong without someone telling them. you can spot them making walks in the darkness of the night.

you can see elves in the way they admire nature. you can see them in the people who love taking walks through the forests. you can see it in the way how they’re faster, more agile, and taller than your average person. you can see them in the little kids who always climb trees. you can see them in the old people who prefer to live in cottages in the woods instead of the big cities.

you can see dragons in the way some people long to the summer. how your little brother wants to visit hot places. you can see them in the people who always had a love for money. you can see it in the way some people always want to know more. you can spot them feeling at ease with their hair in the wind.

you can see faeries in the way your neighbour’s daughter takes flowers with her. you can see it in the young boy who made his own spot in the forest. you can see them in the people who remember the smallest details you told them. you can sense them in the way they use body languages. how their eyes speak.

-,’ types of people ,’-

moon: neat notes, oversized sweaters, mythology, pretty handwriting, artists, mountains, music, cottage in the forest, turtlenecks, rainy days, writing letters, rooibos tea, hiking in the woods, painting, wants to save the planet

stars: crop-tops, curious beings, fuzzy socks, radiant smiles, having a crush, never ending roadtrips, scrunchies, outgoing, messy buns, competitive, dying of laughter, could beat you in a snowball fight, good at reading people

sun: dimples, healing energy, thrift-shopping, honey, sunflower fields, deserts, soft lips, glowing skin, scrunchies, freckles, museums, ocean waves, wanting the best for other people, playing the ukulele, great at makeup, intelligence

meteors:vintage shirts, bruised knuckles, untied shoelaces, journals, messy ponytails, pretty hands, black coffee, wanting to explore the world, late night horror movies, mist, easily embarrassed, loves a good book, thunderstorms

-,’ types of people: middle earth ,’-

hobbits: oversized sweaters, honey, listening to music, traditional, flower fields, animals over humans, sunrises, finds nostalgia in everything, books, the joy of youth, old folklore, loves to paint, homemade meals, plants, thick socks

elves: mythology, loves nature, sharp features, ancient forests, loves to learn, intimidating, sharp tongued, archery, freckles, old notebooks, cottage in the woods, perfectionists, very determined, humour that only they get, autumn

dwarves: bruised knuckles, eye-rolls, either sleep for the week or sleep is for the weak, great music taste, extremely passionate, smarter than you’d think, abandoned cities, alcohol, doesn’t care about opinions, competitiveness

humans: always searching for adventure, messy hair, loud music, random road trips, loyal to the people they love, fire, midnight hours, black coffee, hates humanity, procrastinators, dad jokes, bloody noses, courageous, kind

-,’ types of people: autumn things ,’-

scented candles: laying in your bed at night whilst it’s storming, notebook fanatic, enjoys thrift-shopping, in too many fandoms, loves going to fairs, dogs

knitted sweaters: extremely loyal to their loved ones, movie nights with friends, obsessed with hardback books, cozy homes, believes in the supernatural

hedgehogs: big scarves when it’s cold outside, baking cookies, loves with the vintage aesthetic, pretty handwriting, halloween is their favourite holiday

pumpkins:staying out late with friends, probably writes, fuzzy socks, fascinated by nature, wants to live in the forests, freshly baked oven bread, spooky stories

bonfires: playing truth or dare at night, remembers the little things, cares a lot about the environment, really emotional but doesn’t want anyone to know

-,’ types of people: flowers ,’-

tulip: daydreams a lot, has a cute fashion style, often forgets things, the smell of fresh baked cookies, can be very touchy, soft features, is good at keeping secrets, smiles a lot, truly wants the best for their friends, deep down insecure

rose: in love with femme fatale movies, eye-gazing, dark lipstick, doesn’t want people to know they’re emotional, has a weak spot for animals, most likely writes poetry, very understanding, never judges people, dancing to music at 2am

orchid:the “i don’t give a fuck” vibe surrounds them, likes to draw a lot, reads fantasy to escape reality, messy hair, can be clumsy, stands for what’s right, most likely an activist or tries to be, fantasies over a zombie apocalypse, cats 

waterlily:seems unreachable, organized, works hard for school, actually super kind once you get to know them, is obsessed with the tiny house movement, tries to be environment friendly, loves to photographs nature and their friends

sunflower: the mom-friend, has gone through a lot of self-growth, a powerful presence, tries to be healthy, loves watching pretty sunsets, loves their friends a lot, not afraid to tell the truth, they’re in love with dimples and freckles, dogs

-,’ types of people ,’-

sun: bright smiles, actually has discipline, knowing their worth, knows not to judge people, those everlasting summer sunsets, takes care of others, green tea, positive attitude, learned to be mentally strong, would kill for their friends

stars: daydreaming in class, has a love for cartoons, goes thrift-shopping often, would rather die than ask for help, acts unemotional but cries easily, goes to art museums, gets easily attached to things, a bit socially awkward, a great friend

moon: dreams about living somewhere in a forest, has a great passion for houseplants, can be a bit mean sometimes, scrunchies, in love with the vintage aesthetic, ice cold gazes, knows directly when someone can’t be trusted

meteors: knows a lot of random facts, lives for fuzzy socks, wanderlust, stays up way too late, lives of caffeine, disappears every now and then, adventurous, in love with 2d characters, down-to-earth, wants to overthrow the government

aries: bonfires, competitiveness, hand veins, loud laughs, messy hair, sneaking out at 2am, abandoned beaches, stray dogs, candle lights, body language, creaking floorboards, ouija boards, having no regrets, karaoke nights out

taurus:house plants, oversized sweaters, soft hands, fuzzy socks, visiting big cities, snoozing your alarm clock, the colour yellow, vanilla scented candles, aloe vera, fruit smoothies, baking cookies, the mom friend, loves the ukulele

gemini: femme fatale movies, in love with female villains, sharp eyeliner, quick-witted, does things out of spite, do no harm but take no shit, in love with dogs, probably cries during sad movies but won’t admit it, easily excited, ripped jeans

cancer: mermaids, easily infatuated by love, smelling flowers, picnics in open fields, gets sad when thinking about the past, impressed easily, daydreaming in class, plucking fresh fruit, loves skirts and fashion, would die for their friends

leo:confident in what they do, kill them with kindness, high ponytails, probably wants to visit paris once, not afraid to tell the truth, in love with cute animals, the one to lift others up, good at teamwork, the warm feeling of summer, dragons

virgo:pastel markers, the smell of lavender, has an welcoming vibe around them, actually organized, scrunchies, neat notes, loves going to museums, probably into photography, neutral colours, handwritten letters, stardust

libra: soft blankets, cuddling the ones you love, always standing up for your friends, hopeless romantic, can be very distant, can be a little dramatic, pretty hair, dresses nicely, tries to be popular on social media, optimistic, humorous

scorpio: cottages in the woods, in love with greek mythology, vintage t-shirts, really emotional but doesn’t want anyone to know, determined, moonlight, pretty handwriting, into the retro aesthetic, rainy days, doesn’t judge people, cats

sagittarius: always ready for an adventure, street smart, wants to travel the world someday, doesn’t easily trust people, alcohol, paintbrushes, can’t sit still, untied shoelaces, tangled up earphones, blasting music at midnight, eye-gazing

capricorn: cold aura, coffee is what keeps them going, probably haven’t slept in two days, actually a big softie, high-waisted jeans, cute pet videos, small apartments, has too many notebooks, often goes to the library, writing essays

aquarius: loves to paint and do any kind of art, wants to live at the seaside, knows a lot of random facts, shares food, messy notes, bullshits an entire essay, graffiti, has their own distinct style, wants to live their life like they want to

pisces:old teddy bears, unsent love letters, mom-jeans, loves to sing, feels at home by the ocean, writes poetry, hard-workers, always up for deep conversations, probably did the stupid thing, open curtains, a soft breeze

gryffindor: bonfires, dancing alone in your room at midnight, coffee stains, steaming showers, can be a bit socially awkward, licorice, jean jackets, photograph sessions with friends, road trips, sunrises, animal lovers

hufflepuff:determined, leather jackets, earphones, works hard and smart, sarcastic smirks, treats people with kindness, blasting music, respects rules, constantly sends memes to their friends, not afraid to stand up for what’s right

ravenclaw: inspired by nature, scrunchies, bullshits an entire essay and still gets a high grade, really messy, oversized hoodies, artistic, goes to coffee shops for the aesthetics, loves reading fantasy books, street smart, random facts

slytherin:very emotional but doesn’t show it, houseplants, old cottages in the woods, probably an artist, cries during sad movie scenes but won’t admit it, loves hiking in the forests, greek mythology, easily embarrassed, sharp minded

-,’ types of people: school subjects ,’-

english: determined, messy buns, the smell of vanilla, old libraries, cold hands, sharp features, studying until midnight, witty remarks, black coffee, espresso

math: organized, classical music, theater plays, earphones, birds chirping early in the morning, green tea, morning showers, knows a lot of random facts

art: dancing in the rain, vintage cars, finding beauty in everything, soft smiles, road trips, competitive, fairy lights, horror stories at 2am, sunflower fields

history: oversized sweaters, into mythology, pretty handwriting, aesthetic journals, asks the questions others are afraid to, high motivation, chocolate

biology: logical thinkers, wants the best for their friends, traveling, spring, photography, morning walks through the forests, cute cottages, instruments

science: courageous, probably did the stupid thing, sneakers, sketchbooks, exploring the city at midnight, dogs, fights for equality, blasting music at 3am

-,’ types of people: girlfriends ,’-

faerie girlfriend: brings you to festivals, buys you food, is always worried about you, loves to watch you be you, takes videos of you, hand-holding, lets you wear her clothes, buys you flowers, brings you fruit, loves to go on road trips

music girlfriend: is kind of shy, writes songs for you, takes you to concerts, is really passionate about things, gentle kisses, loves to explore the city at midnight, feeds stray cats, obsessed with mythology, will not stand for bullshit

museum girlfriend: takes you to theater plays, very charming, loves to hug, loves to explore your body, movie nights, does your hair, easily embarrased, does photography, writes you poems, takes you to fancy restaurants 

river girlfriend: wants to explore the world, loves animals dearly, goes hiking, loves to go on adventures, proudly introduces you, passionate kisses, watching the stars at night, eye-gazing, takes polaroids of you, brings you surprises

which one would you fall for?

oh to wear dark turtlenecks and oversized blazers, consume unhealthy amounts of coffee, study during rainy nights whilst the moon stares at you, go to long lost ruins of old castles with your friends and make poetry about your secret lover
