

The stellium in the 5th house is one of the most impactful. A house stellium in the 5th indicates heavy activity concerning matters of the 5th. The 5th house is primarily important in creating a distinct sense of self.  A stellium of multiple planets in the 5th house creates ample potential for dynamic individuality.

The 5th house is connected with the need to express self in creative ways. Forms of creative expression take a prominent role with many planets in the 5th house. A packed 5th house offers dynamic interest in music, drawing, writing, poetry, drama, or acting as means of self-expression. Usually, there is so much passion and focus on creativity, that a 5th house stellium can’t help but be interested in at least one of these forms of self-expression. Often many forms of self-expression are pursued with multiple planets in the 5th.

The 5th house in Astrology is known as the house of leisure and hobbies. A stellium within this house creates the potential for a variety of hobbies and interests. Those with many planets in the 5th house loved to be entertained. A great deal of time is spent enjoying acts and scripts from a variety of sources. They could enjoy passions like sports, tv, video games, and theater.

With such diverse leisure energy playing out through the 5th, there is always the potential for struggle with real-life practicalities. Responsibility can take a back seat to make way for pleasure and fun. Such a stellium may create one who takes less of a job to pursue pleasure and interests. There may be that intricate nature to avoid conflict and enjoy fun and leisure to the fullest.

This is not to say the 5th house stellium is particularly damaging to adult responsibilities such as career and work. In actuality, the reverse can be true. A 5th house stellium individual is apt to be pushed toward work that inspires them. After all, the 5th is the house of inspiration in of its many primary functions. As long as there is inspiration, there is a doorway to making money. It’s just that a routine service job may feel particularly boring and uninspiring.

One of the most hidden secrets of modern astrology is the 5th house being a house of education. A stellium of planets in the 5th pushes a desire to be educated in matters of the planets within the house. Such creates the potential for a very broad education creating career and work opportunities. Since all planets in the 5th house look straight at the 11th house opposite themselves, a doorway is open for these planets to work toward society’s function. Thus education received through the many planets of the stellium is the foundation for making money through society in the 11t house.

Creative and inspiring energy in the 5th house stellium will often create a love of script writing. This happens because the 5th house is 3rd from the 3rd, such the 5th is the highest potential of the 3rd house (of writing and communication.) Many planets in the 5th can focus intensely on not only script writing, but also on media in general. The 5th house planetary stellium ramps up a desire to create media to be enjoyed by others

Love, Romance, and dating are other key factors of intense focus with a 5th house stellium. Multiple planets in the 5th create not only a heavy interest in dating but most likely many opportunities with potential partners. The 5th house is also associated with sex which falls in the realm of dating.  Here it is not uncommon to see a love of sexual activity go along with the dating focus.

The youthful energy of the 5th house stellium often creates a love of children. Children are great for the 5th house stellium to relate with. Young kids are full of creative energy which mesh well with how the stellium expresses through the chart hold holder. It would not be uncommon to be friends with children or younger types in general.  Working and relating with children can also be integrated heavily into the life scheme.

Certainly, many planets in the 5th can bring about a desire for birthing children.  The 5th house stellium can indicate many children may be had throughout life. The number of planets can potentially indicate how many children may be had. Each of the planets tends to represent some prominent nature of each child. A stellium of Mars, Saturn, and Uranus, for example, can show three children. One child can show Aries traits, another shows a Capricornian nature, and the final a prominent Aquarius flavor.

Aside from having children alone, the 5th house can show a parenting style of raising children. Many planets in this house naturally incline many dynamics to the parenting style. Depending on the nature of each planet shows how the parenting plays out. This is why judging the planets in the stellium is important. Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn in the 5th can bring a warm and generous parent. They can also love to educate and may promote religion, but also believe in structure, order, and teaching values of ambition.  The sign of the planets makes a major difference too.

The 5th house is the house of risk-taking. Many Planets in the 5th house offer potential for taking risks more than the average. Risk taking by its nature is a double-edged sword. More risks more potential for success.  Yet, too many risks can leave you high and dry draining resources (and such) in the process. The 5th stellium can also bring a desire for gambling and such addictions are not uncommon here.

The 5th house is also associated with speculative trade.  Here we see stocks, share-markets, currencies, and commodity trading. The 5th house is the foundation of the 11th house of society. Multiple planets in the 5th pave way for heavy investment into markets to try and benefit from society. The nature of the planets certainly creates the interest in speculative trade, but the nature of the planets may show what someone invests in. For example, Mars and Saturn in the 5th together may create interest in investing in weapons and oil.

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In 2014, Russia annexed a part of Ukraine (Crimea) and since then has been funding and arming Pro-Russian separatist and terrorist groups that have seized Donbas, an eastern region in Ukraine. Russia has been funding a civil war in Ukraine, essentially. Recently, the separatist groups have been sending civilian women, children and elderly out of Ukraine and into Russia, but leaving fighting-age men inside. These separatist are directly controlled by Kremlin (the government of Russia) and they are how Russia has been leading a proxy war on Ukraine since 2014. 

But now, Russia has sent their own troops in, which is an invasion. They are doing it under the pretence of ‘peacekeeping’, but this is an obvious lie.

Russia accuses Ukraine of aggressing on Donbas and on Russia, prompting the war on Russia and conducting genocide on its own people. None of this is true. Russia is the one arming Pro-Russian terrorists in Ukraine, Russia has been surrounding and provoking Ukraine with military, and is the one that has been spreading misleading historically-inaccurate disinformation. It’s what Russia did in Georgia in 2008 and similar to what Germany did in Poland in 1939.


Making this post cuz I don’t see anything on tumblr about this, and to spread links and information. 

If I find any more donation fund links, I will add them to this post.

Putin justifies this as an effort to ‘de-militarise’ and to ‘de-Nazify’ the territory because of the abuses going on - which do not exist. At the moment, there are air raids going on and 5 ‘enemy planes’ have been shoot down. People are panicking because there are explosions going on, emergency state is on and everyone just fucking says not to panic. Please spread.

otulissa:A friend of mine shared this fantastic resource over Discord, so did a few studies in-betweotulissa:A friend of mine shared this fantastic resource over Discord, so did a few studies in-betwe


A friend of mine shared this fantastic resource over Discord, so did a few studies in-between working on homework!

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Hey guys! I’ve been inactive here, so I’m just letting anyone who sees this know that I’m more active on my side blog for art, @cassecorrea

If you get a notification saying that I followed you or commented on your post from this blog just know that if you want to contact me/check out my art and where I’m active, it’ll be on the other blog (unfortunately tumblr prevents me from doing any of those with my side blog)


 ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (via Alfons López Tena on Tw

― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

(viaAlfons López Tena on Twitter: “Carl Sagan’s forecast in 1995”)

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Yellow Striped Bush Cricket (Tettigoniidae sp.), insitu at Mitsinjo (Analamazoatra) Forest Station,

Yellow Striped Bush Cricket (Tettigoniidae sp.), insitu at Mitsinjo (Analamazoatra) Forest Station, Madagascar.

© 2015 - Joshua Ralph - All Rights Reserved.

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Guibe’s Bright-eyed Frog (Boophis guibei), insitu at Mitsinjo (Analamazoatra) Forest Station, Madaga

Guibe’s Bright-eyed Frog (Boophis guibei), insitu at Mitsinjo (Analamazoatra) Forest Station, Madagascar.

© 2015 - Joshua Ralph - All Rights Reserved.

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After having to listen to a group of my friends argue for 20 minutes on where to get dental dams and what they are, I decided to make a little informal pamphlet on sex education that includes information on stis, contraceptives & lubrication, safe sex, kinks, how being transgender impacts sex, and more. You should be able to make a copy of it for yourself to have, and I’ve hosted it on a sock account so don’t worry about my privacy :) The Q&A section is for questions that come up that aren’t answered inside.



Honestly being overworked makes people unobservant and passive and it literally kills people every day. People don’t seem to realize that an overworked nurse might not notice your sepsis symptoms and a tired truck driver might not notice your car when he’s merging into the lane. Failing to protect worker’s rights impacts nearly everyone

SO TRUE. We really aren’t talking enough about how sleep deprivation ravages our brains and the connection to capitalism run amok. I recently read a book that deep dived on this topic and it made me realize how interconnected survival-driven “workaholic” behaviors, mental illness, and abusive behaviors were in my family growing up. My parent who routinely worked 100-120 hours a week (yes you read that correctly) was never operating on enough sleep to have any semblance of a healthy existence.


Some people write to me in the tumblr chat! I totally fine with this, love to have fans feedback! But, some ask me question and i can answer back because their chat is closed to receive message… Please make sure you can receive chat message before asking me stuff.

Finally, i don’t take request from tumblr’s chat! I have a request thread on my image board for that. Sometime (like now) it might be close to new request, this means i have to many request pending or the thread with be renew soon.

You can find all my links to my board, discord and tutorial at the top of my main page on tumblr!

Leftover sales are now OPEN from September 20 to October 19th!

We have a variety of choices available for you to choose from: check under the cut for all options!

Our original bundles are still up for grabs at the same prices! Check our original thread for prices. Only available as supplies last.


In addition, we also have individual items available in store! Some are in lower quantity than others: check the description in store for more details.

All supplies are limited: once they are sold out we will not be ordering new ones! All orders will be shipped at the end of the sale period. 

Since it is the anniversary of the Balfour declaration, here is some historical background. بما أنهاSince it is the anniversary of the Balfour declaration, here is some historical background. بما أنها

Since it is the anniversary of the Balfour declaration, here is some historical background.
بما أنها ذكرى وعد بلفور المشؤوم، ها هي بعض النقاط التي تعرض مرجعية تاريخية للحركة الاستعمارية و فلسطين.
من كلمة رئيس وفد المجلس الوطني الفلسطيني إلى الدورة 62 للاتحاد البرلماني العالمي المنعقد في لندن من 4 - 14 سبتمبر 1975
مأخوذ من كتاب “فلسطين و أوروبا، دبلوماسية المواجهة” لخالد الحسن

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Information to share ..مأخوذ من كتاب “فلسطين و أوروبا، دبلوماسية المواجهة” لخالد الحسن

Information to share ..
مأخوذ من كتاب “فلسطين و أوروبا، دبلوماسية المواجهة” لخالد الحسن

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“All our knowledge brings us nearer to death,But nearness to death no nearer to God.Where is t

“All our knowledge brings us nearer to death,
But nearness to death no nearer to God.
Where is the Life we have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
The cycles of Heaven in twenty centuries
Brings us farther from God and nearer to the Dust.”
~ T.S. Eliot
[The World of Wikipedia - Jon Robson] 

• T.S. Eliot, the 1948 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, is one of the giants of modern literature, highly distinguished as a poet, literary critic, dramatist, and editor and publisher. In 1910 and 1911, while still a college student, he wrote “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and other poems that are landmarks in the history of literature. In these college poems, Eliot articulated distinctly modern themes in forms that were both a striking development of and a marked departure from those of 19th-century poetry. More: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/t-s-eliot 

• Jon Robson: “This map aims to highlights the journey of the first time reader. It highlights the technical problems I see; the social problems amongst our communities. The obstacles our readers must overcome to access and edit our knowledge. If you start in the bottom left corner - The Land of the Reader you may find some familiar paths to the sum of all human knowledge.” More: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:World_of_Wikipedia_by_Jon_Robson.png 

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‘Huia’ - ink / digital I did a few drawings of extinct birds recently and this is the second one in

Huia’ - ink / digital

I did a few drawings of extinct birds recently and this is the second one in this series.

The Huia  was the largest species of New Zealand wattlebirdendemic to the North Island of New Zealand. Its extinction in the early 20th century had two primary causes. The first was rampant overhunting to procure Huia skins for mounted specimens, which were in worldwide demand by museums and wealthy private collectors. Huia were also hunted to obtain their long, striking tail feathers for locally fashionable hat decorations. The second major cause of extinction was the widespread deforestation of the lowlands of the North Island by European settlers to create pasture for agriculture.

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it all started with an article in the daily mail where they said that this girl had put on weight and was delighted with her new weight and showed how a girl could embrace her new curves. no one would have thought that that girl would become something more than just curvy, she began to love her curves more and more and now she is a fat girl who promotes obesity, but that it is thanks to this that she found her happiness . I think there is a reason to all this, isn’t it that fat is beautiful and makes you feel good? she is clear proof that fatter = + happiness

Alis bonython Weight gain someone send this a aliss PLEASE
