

This is a cartoon by artist Clay Jones, who runs a blog for showcasing his cartoons called Tales from the Trumpster Fire. This piece specifically looks to target the racial targeting involved in the collection of censuses and Jared Kushner’s overseeing of the secret coronavirus task force. There aren’t a ton of symbols in here, but we can point both to the Nazi armband on the census taker and the SS insignia on his hat as a representation for the artist’s belief that these practices are racist and totalitarian and comparable to certain nazi practices. We also have the dress shirt and tie on the father, which is meant to symbolize that he is a hard working man. This is meant to emphasize the injustice of the family being ignored and looked over by the man looking to take census information from only white people. Things are labeled for clarity, such as the word Jared on Jared Kushner’s body. His head is already exaggeratedly long with the long outward ears and big lips for which he famously has. I believe the labeling of Kushner is to let people know who it is despite the fact they’ve already done a caricature of him, only because he isn’t yet a household name, so some folks might not recognize him on appearance alone. Here, there isn’t so much an analogy, as much as there is a heavy exaggeration of what is actually happening. Jared Kushner isn’t involved in actually going door to door and ignoring the censuses of black citizens, but that is what him and his organization are doing in a metaphorical sense. They’re not literally hollering out for only white voters to complete the census, it’s just that they’re ignoring and not putting the same sort of emphasis on collecting black votes. The cartoonist is saying that this is obviously a bad thing and thinks it resembles nazi-like fascist. Even though I agree, I don’t really find this piece that persuasive, as it is both very basic, and the view it argues against isn’t one I can see many people agreeing with in the first place. There aren’t a ton of people who believe censuses of white people are more important, because most average people would see that as a cartoonishly evil view to hold. However, I can imagine that some diehard Trump supporters who view immigrants as evil outsiders, and think white is the national race of America, would take issue with the comic. I definitely don’t think those people would be persuaded, though. 

by artist Tornoe for The Inquirer

Symbols: Face mask, Phillies Jersey, Foam Finger. The face mask represents coronavirus prevention measures, the Phillies jersey and foam finger represent sports fandom.

Exaggeration: No noticeable exaggeration, other than there only being one fan in the empty stadium. Either the event wouldn’t allow an audience, or there would be more people at this event. Also it is exaggerated here that the man would have no problem going out in public to watch the sport, but he’s not willing to accept a hot dog from a worker who potentially has the virus. 

Labeling: Very limited use of labeling here, besides the Hot Dog vessel, which would be labeled in real life, as well as the jersey. 

Analogy: Not really any analogy here, it is more poking fun of the current situation by presenting us an absurd hypothetical scenario. 

Irony: I think the irony here is that the fan is so devoted that he made his way out to the sporting event during quarantine and he’s so loyal to his team, but he’s still cautious about the guy serving hot dogs. I think it could also be joking about how unsanitary the hot dogs are known for being. 

This cartoon is about the closing off of sporting events to audiences and the fans who are heartbroken by it. I don’t think the cartoonist feels any particular way about it, except for that it’s ridiculous how devoted sports fans are for their teams. I see this as a cartoon that’s more trying to find humor in a political situation than try to take down a specific figure or issue. 

by artist Loujie for Cagle Cartoons

Symbols: Steak, Statue of Liberty, Coronavirus Cells, Fat guy, Torch, Tablet from the Statue. 

The steak is a symbol of wealth, as well as the “fat cat” representing greed and wealth. The coronavirus cells represent the pandemic, and calamity affecting the people outside the window. The statue of liberty in this case representing America, as well as her torch representing freedom and democracy, and the tablet representing the Fourth of July and the declaration of independence, which the fat cat is eating his steak on. Red wine on the table also represents luxury.

Exaggerations: The fat guy is exaggerated in his rotundity and the poor people outside are exaggerated in their panic pounding at the window. The statue of liberty is also scaled down to be able to fit into the room, which is the opposite of exaggeration. 

Labeling: The Rich, The Poor.

Analogy: America bailing out the rich and doing little for the poor is like our values bending over to serve the rich. They’re luxuriating while the average person is suffering. 

Irony: The rich are comfortable and profiting more than others, while the poor are left to get sick and suffer below. It’s ironic because America wasn’t founded on those values, but Lady Liberty is bowing to the whims of the elite. 

The artist is clearly saying it’s wrong that this is happening as the average Americans build the backbone of the country. He thinks income inequality is out of control and the wealthy are controlling America to benefit them. People who disagree with them would be rich people or the poor people who worship the rich and want to become part of that class. Not a very convincing piece, more just solidifies what people already know about the upper class. 

by artist Steve Benson for Creator’s Syndicate

Symbols: Death, Grave Stone, Covid Face Masks

Exaggerations: Not everyone is going to die so the right side is a bit of an exaggeration, but the death representing America reopening represents the massive casualties that can occur from reopening early amidst the second wave of covid-19. 

Labeling: “First wave: America Shuts Down” “Second Wave: America Re-Opens 

Analogy: Opening up businesses early is like inviting death into the country.

Irony: By trying to save our economy, we’d be killing our people, and thus doing devastating irreversible damage to the economy. 

The artist is concerned about America Reopening early and believes we will suffer many casualties because of this. Opponents of this message would be conspiracy theorists, conservatives, and business owners afraid of losing profits or going out of business. I find it fairly convincing as political cartoons go, but I don’t think it’s really gonna sway anyone.

by artist Tom Stiglich for MediaNews Group

Symbols: Foxes, Feathers, Joe Biden Campaign Pin, Chickens, Chicken Coop.

Exaggerations: The New York Times, DMC, and Joe Biden have been anthropomorphized into foxes. Joe Biden is shown to be murdering chickens, which is not what he actually has done. 

Labeling: New York Times, Democratic National Committee, Biden. 

Analogy: The New York Times and DMC are in cahoots with Joe Biden aka fellow foxes, so them saying they’ll investigate him fairly, is like foxes saying they’ll investigate a chicken murder perpetrated by a fellow fox fairly. 

Irony: They all committed the crime and are covering it up together.

This cartoonist is untrustworthy of Joe Biden and the people who claim to be investigating his claims of wrongdoing. People who disagree with this would be staunch liberals, or people who like Joe Biden. For me it is fairly persuasive, because even though I am a liberal, I am wary of trusting Joe Biden, or the New York Times, or the Democratic National Committee. I think it’s a cartoon that reaches both sides of the aisle because Joe Biden is a terrible candidate, and even us liberals who are voting for him are really not happy with him as an option. I do appreciate that during a time of corona-virus, this is one of the few up to date cartoons that chooses to tackle another topic, and I applaud it’s originality while still being timely. 






Somehow this’ll help

This works for femmes too yall !

DPR LIVE will be featuring on “어부바 (Hop in)” on MINO’s 2nd Full Album “TAKE”.

DPR LIVE will be featuring on “어부바 (Hop in)” on MINO’s 2nd Full Album “TAKE”.

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[Image source] What exactly is “redshift”?  Redshift is defined as: a shift toward lon

[Image source]

What exactly is “redshift”? 

Redshift is defined as: 

a shifttoward longer wavelengths of the spectral lines emitted by a celestial object  that is caused by the object moving away from the earth.

If you can understand that, great! But for those of us who cannot, consider the celestial bodies which make up our night sky. Did you think they were still, adamant, everlasting constants? They may seem to stick around forever, but…

Boy, you were wrong. I’ll have you know that stars are born and, at some point, they die. They move, they change. Have you heard about variable stars? Stars undergo changes, sometimes in their luminosity. (We are, indeed, made of the same stuff as stars).

So, stars move. All celestial bodies do, actually. You might have heard about some mysterious, elusive thing called dark energy. Dark energy is thought to be the force that causes the universe to expand at a growing rate. If it is proven to exist, dark energy will be able to explain why redshift occurs.

Maybe you can understand redshift by studying a visual:

[Image source]

These are spectral lines from an object. What do you notice is different in the unshifted, “normal” emission lines from the redshifted and blueshifted lines?

The redshifted line is observed as if everything is “shifted” a bit to the right– towards the red end of the spectrum; whereas the blueshifted line is moved to the left towards the bluer end of the spectrum.

Imagine if you were standing here on earth and some many lightyears away, a hypothetical “alien” was standing on their planet. With this image in mind, consider a galaxy in between the two of you that is moving towards the alien. You would then observe redshift (stretched out wavelength) and the alien would observe blueshift (shortened wavelength). 

Here,Symmetry Magazine explains redshift in their “Explain it in 60 seconds” series. 

A simple, everyday example of this concept can be observed if you stand in front of a road. As a car (one without a silencer) drives by, the pitch you observe changes. This is known as the Doppler effect. Watch this quick youtube video titled “Example of Dopper Shift using car horn”: 

(You may not be able to view it from the dashboard, only by opening this post on the actual blog page. You can watch the video by clicking this link). 

Notice how as the car drives past the camera man, the sound changes drastically.

Understanding redshift is important to scientists, especially astronomers and astrophysicists. They must account for this observable difference to make the right conclusions. Redshift is one the concepts which helped scientists determine that celestial bodies are actually moving further away from us at an accelerating rate.

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Fractal Geometry: An Artistic Side of Infinity Fractal Geometry is beautiful. Clothes are designed f

Fractal Geometry: An Artistic Side of Infinity

Fractal Geometry is beautiful. Clothes are designed from it and you can find fractal calendars for your house. There’s just something about that infinitely endless pattern that intrigues the eye– and brain. 

Fractals are “geometric shapes which can be split into parts which are a reduced-size copy of the whole” (source: wikipedia). They demonstrate a property called self-similarity, in which parts of the figure are similar to the greater picture. Theoretically, each fractal can be magnified and should be infinitely self-similar. 

One simple fractal which can easily display self-similarity is the Sierpinski Triangle. You can look at the creation of such a fractal:

What do you notice? Each triangle is self similar– they are all equilateral triangles. The side length is half of the original triangle. And what about the area? The area is a quarter of the original triangle. This pattern repeats again, and again. 

Two other famous fractals are the Koch Snowflake and the Mandelbrot Set

The Koch Snowflake looks like: 

 (source: wikipedia)

It is constructed by going in 1/3 of the of the side of an equilateral triangle and creating another equilateral triangle. You can determine the area of a Koch Snowflake by following this link.

The Mandelbrot set…

… is:

the set of values of c in the complex plane for which the orbit of 0 under iteration of the complex quadratic polynomial zn+1 = zn2 + c remains bounded. (source: wikipedia)

It is a popular fractal named after Benoît Mandelbrot. More on creating a Mandelbrot set is found here, as well as additional information. 

You can create your own fractals with this fractal generator. 

But what makes fractals extraordinary?

Fractals are not simply theoretical creations. They exist aspatterns in nature! Forests can model them, so can clouds and interstellar gas! 

Artists are fascinated by them, as well. Consider The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai: 

Even graphic artists use fractals to create mountains or ocean waves. You can watch Nova’s episode of Hunting the Hidden Dimensionfor more information. 

Post link
 Differences Between Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim - Skills.

Differences Between Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim - Skills.

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This is a Finnish symbol for the God of the weather, harvest and thunder, his name is Ukko. The symb

This is a Finnish symbol for the God of the weather, harvest and thunder, his name is Ukko. The symbol has several names; Ukonvaaja,UkonkirvesandUkonvasara. The translation in english is the Axe of Ukko.

Many people mistake this to be Mjölner (Thor’s hammer), even most of the Finns call this symbol Thor’s hammer when they see it. I want to spread the knowledge, so that more people would notice that the old beliefs in Scandinavia are completely different from the ones in Finland. They have similarities, but we both have our own traditions, mythologies and creatures.

Post link

Last updated: 02/07/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)


1. Do not request smut or anything suggestive for members that are minors.

2. Do not request writings about rape or abuse - I am lucky to not have any traumatic experiences like that, but that also means I have no idea what that does to a person and their loved ones, so I don’t think it’s right for me to write about it. 


What groups I write for

the groups I write for the most




Stray Kids

the groups I write for a bit less



Monsta X

If you like a group that isn’t mentioned here, you can always send in an ask and I’ll tell you if would write for them in the future ♥

May’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 42 - “a” vs “an”

“a” is used before words that start with a consonant sound and “an” before words with a vowel sound.

Ex: This could take anywhere between an hour and a week.


#WritingTipWed 43 - Re-writing over and over again can do more bad than good. Once you’re satisfied (which means there are still tweaks you could make), let someone else read it or let it stew for a few days. You’re looking for fresh eyes.

#WritingTipWed 44 - Remember that a critique can be based on a personal preference and not objectively. No one writer would write the same scene the same way. These should still be considered but remember your preferences are just as valid.

#WritingTipWed 45 - Use “There is”/“There are” at the beginning of your sentences as little as possible for better sentence variety. Because if every other sentence began as such, the work would be unnecessarily repetitive.

May: Brain Cancer Awareness Month

The most common symptoms of brain cancer are:

  • Headaches
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty thinking/speaking
  • Personality changes
  • Tingling/Stiffness on one side of the body
  • Loss of balance
  • Vision changes
  • Memory loss
  • Nausea
  • Disorientation
  • Muscle weakness
  • Anxiety/Depression

These are not all the symptoms of brain cancer, and brain cancer is NOT the only cause of these symptoms. If you suddenly or frequently experience any of these, go to your doctor so they can determine the cause.

[ID: An illustration of the side view of the human brain, with each lobe colored differently, with the most common symptoms arranged to follow the shape of the brain/lobes. The lobe-specific symptoms of brain cancer are in list formats outside the brain and correlate in color to the lobes. Frontal lobe: Personality changes, Increased aggression/irritation, Apathy, Weakness on one side of the body, Loss of smell, Difficulty walking, and Vision / Speech problems. Parietal lobe: Difficulty speaking/understanding, Problems reading/writing, and Loss of feeling in part of the body. Occipital lobe: Vision problems. Meninges: Headache, Nausea/vomiting, Sight problems, and Neck pain. Pituitary Gland: Lack of energy, Weight gain, Mood swings, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Enlarged hands/feet, Irregular/infrequent periods, and Infertility/impotence. Temporal lobe: Forgetting words, Short-term memory loss, and Seizures (often associated with strange smells/feelings). Brain Stem: Issues with coordination, Eyelid/mouth droops to one side, Difficulty swallowing, Difficulty speaking, and Double vision. Cerebellum: Issues with coordination, Uncontrolled eye movement, Nausea/vomiting, Neck stiffness, and Dizziness. Spinal Cord: Pain, Numbness, Weakness in legs/arms, Loss of bladder/bowel control, and Difficulty walking. End description.]

April’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 38 - A sentence doesn’t always have to be grammatically correct, especially with commas. If the sentence your grammar checker flagged for not having/having a comma flows better the way you wrote it, then keep it.

#WritingTipWed 39 - Don’t be afraid to create new words or phrases in your works. With the right context clues, they won’t confuse your readers. And then, one day, they may be added to the dictionary, and to the common vernacular.

Like Shakespeare who invented over 1000 words in the English language, like “bedazzled” and “addiction”, and many of them are used in everyday conversation to this day.

#WritingTipWed 40 - Cliches are not inherently bad. There are bad ones sure but using some in your writing doesn’t automatically make you a bad writer. You shouldn’t avoid them completely and should incorporate some into your writing.

Using selective cliches adds familiarity to your writing. Readers can get excited because they somewhat expect what’s going to happen. And then, if you subvert the cliche, it’ll create surprise/intrigue in your readers and it’s a great way to make a statement/critique.

#WritingTipWed 41 - If you cringe at what you’ve written before, whether it was years ago or yesterday, that’s good! You’ve grown as a writer and are more certain of how you want to write, even if you don’t know how to fix it at the moment.

March’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 33 - Learn from other people’s mistakes. Check out @/menwritewomen on Twitter to see how not to write female characters, especially how not to describe their appearance and behavior.

You can also check out this article.

#WritingTipWed 34 - When writing a long passage, you should create a new paragraph when: the “camera” moves, a new idea/topic is introduced, time passes or reverts, the setting changes, the mood shifts, and/or you want to create dramatic effect.

#WritingTipWed 35 - Never compare your writing speed to others because everyone writes at their own pace. Some can write thousands of words in a day, others write hundreds, and others write a few sentences. All are equally good because all make progress.

#WritingTipWed 36 - Writing takes energy, always. Even if you enjoy it, it takes a toll. If you’re unmotivated to write or hating writing, take a break (at least for one full day). Do not feel guilty about it, never feel guilty about self-care.

#WritingTipWed 37 - If your dialogue sounds stiff, try adding crutch words. They add no meaning or value to a sentence but are commonly used: “Actually”, “honestly”, “basically”, “like”.

Ex: So, basically, I was like, how could this happen?

February’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see theFebruary’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see theFebruary’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see theFebruary’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see the

February’s WritingTipWed! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip on my Twitter! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 29 - While it can be frustrating, it’s perfectly normal to keep rewriting your story before it becomes the first draft. Major world/character changes are often the cause and this will inevitably make your story better in the end.

#WritingTipWed 30 - When writing about love, try not to prioritize romantic love over platonic love. Don’t fall into the tired trap that friendship is below/lesser than romantic relationships. 

#WritingTipWed 31 - Authors should support authors, but we don’t always know the best way, especially for minorities. It’s #BlackHistoryMonth, so here is an article to explain 10 Ways to Support Black Authors.

#WritingTipWed 32 - It’s#AromanticSpectrumAwarenessWeek! The aro character I want is the one whose partner is also fine with not making anything a “date”, not doing generic romantic gestures, and needing alone time. Add what you want to see!

Post link
Post 5: What Is My Aromantic Label?This is a brief/incomplete guide. Visit lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/Arom

Post 5: What Is My Aromantic Label?

This is a brief/incomplete guide. Visit lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/Aromantic_Spectrum to learn more and find more labels!

Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week 2021

Each day I’ll be posting something to spread awareness and positivity about aros!

Post 1: It’s a Spectrum;Post 2: Aromantics Aren’t Broken;Post 3: What Not To Say to ArosPost 4: Aros Are AwesomePost 6 (Final Post): Have Pride!

[ID: A infographic with arrows pointing to rounded corner blocks that have the name and definition of a aromantic spectrum label based on factors and yes/no questions. From the title block “What is my aromantic label?” four arrows point to four blocks, two on each side. First block on the left is “Alicoromantic: I know I’m somewhere on the Aro-spec but no Aro-spec label fits or I don’t know which Aro-spec fits me best”. Second block, below first, is “Aroallo: I am aro or aro-spec and also allosexual (not asexual)”. On the right the first block is “Greyromantic: I relate with aromanticism, yet feel there are parts of my experience that aren’t fully described by the word aromantic”. Second block, below first, is “Quoiromantic: I challenge or reject romantic orientation as not personally useful, don’t know my romantic orientation, or don’t want to define my orientation”.

From the title block an arrow points upward to “Am I repulsed by/aversed to romance?”. “Kinda” points upward to “Acoromantic: I want to act on my romantic attraction but I have a strong aversion to do so because of apprehension or bad experiences with romantic relationships or activities”. “Yes” points to the right, then up, then right again to two blocks, with “or” in between them (all multiple blocks have “or” between them). First block is “Apothiromantic: I am romance repulsed, either for myself or in general. I don’t seek out romantic relationships and dislike romantically coded acts like kissing or cuddling”. Above it, second block is “Omniaromantic: I do not feel romantic attraction under any circumstances, I am not interested in engaging in romantic activities or relationships, and I don’t wish to talk about romance or romantic activities”. “No” points to the left to “Do I desire romantic relationships?”. “Yes” points up to “Cupioromantic: I do not experience romantic attraction but I still desire a romantic relationship. I may also sometimes feel romantic attraction but want a relationship even without that attraction”. “No” points to the left, then up, then to the right, and then down to two blocks. First block is “Aegoromantic: I enjoy the concept of romance but have a disconnect between myself and romance. I enjoy romance in media, but don’t desire a relationship. My romantic fantasies may be viewed from a third-person perspective where I’m just a disembodied observer”. Second block is “Bellusromantic: I am interested in traditionally romantic activities, like kissing/cuddling, but not in the context of a romantic relationship.
I don’t feel romantic attraction and don’t want a romantic relationship”.

From the title block an arrow points downward to “Dependent romantic attraction” which an arrow then points to the right to “Aliquaromantic: I only experience romantic attraction under certain circumstances. This can be considered an umbrella term”. Arrow points down to “Is my attraction dependent on other’s feelings?” and “Yes” points downward to three blocks. First block is “Apresromantic: I experience romantic attraction only after another attraction is felt, such as platonic, aesthetic, sensual, and/or sexual attraction”. Second block is “Demiromantic: I don’t experience romantic attraction until I have formed a deep emotional connection (platonic, sexual, or other) with someone”. Third block is “Frayromantic: I only experience romantic attraction towards those that I am not deeply connected with, and I lose that attraction as I get to know the person”. “No” points to left and then down to three blocks. First block is “Lithromantic: I may experience romantic attraction but I do not want it reciprocated, and I am uncomfortable at the thought of someone being romantically attracted to me”. Second block is “Proculromantic: I only feel romantic attraction to those who I can never be in a relationship with, such as fictional characters, or celebrities”. Third block is “Recipromantic: I do not experience romantic attraction unless I know that the other person is romantically attracted to me first”. From title block an arrow points down and then left to “Fluctuating aromanticism” and another arrow points to three blocks below it. First block is “Aroflux: My romantic orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the aromantic spectrum. I may feel very strongly aromantic one day and less aromantic another day”. Second block is “Aro-jump: I am normally alloromantic, but I experience sudden and intense brief spikes of aromanticism before returning just as suddenly to my normal alloromanticism”. Third block is “Arospike: I experience rare and sudden spikes of romantic attraction for a varied amount of time (one day to months) before returning to my normal level of aromanticism”.

In the middle of the infographic at the top there is a block titled “Neurodivergent”. Arrow points up to “Arovague: My orientation is partially or fully influenced by my neurodivergency”. From main block arrow points right, then up, and then right again to “Nebularomantic: I can’t distinguish the difference between romantic and platonic attraction”. “Neurotypical?” points downward to “Platoniromantic”. From main block arrow points down to “Requisromantic: I have limited or no romantic attraction, interest, or activity due to emotional exhaustion from romantic experiences, dealing with romance, or from something else that is emotionally draining”. End description.]

Post link
Post 4: Aros Are AwesomeA reminder to all my fellow aros! We are amazing!Happy Aromantic Spectrum Aw

Post 4: Aros Are Awesome

A reminder to all my fellow aros! We are amazing!

Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week 2021

Each day I’ll be posting something to spread awareness and positivity about aros!

Post 1: It’s a Spectrum;Post 2: Aromantics Aren’t BrokenPost 3: What Not To Say to ArosPost 5: What Is My Aromantic Label?Post 6 (Final Post): Have Pride!

[ID: Three horizontal arrows in a stacked formation with a phrase coming up from the top of each arrow. 1st phrase: Aros are awesome. 2nd phrase: Aros are adored. 3rd phrase: Aros are amazing. End description.]

Post link
Post 3: What Not To Say To ArosDon’t ever say these things to an aromantic, but also to people in ge

Post 3: What Not To Say To Aros

Don’t ever say these things to an aromantic, but also to people in general when talking about romance/dating.

Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week 2021

Each day I’ll be posting something to spread awareness and positivity about aros!

Post 1: It’s a Spectrum; Post 2: Aromantics Aren’t BrokenPost 4: Aros Are AwesomePost 5: What Is My Aromantic Label?Post 6 (Final Post): Have Pride!

[ID: Three statements on what not to say to aros. 

1. You just haven’t fallen in love yet. This is a dismissive/invalidating statement. just like allos can want to date after seeing people dating in media/real life, aros can know they don’t feel romantic attraction/want to date.

2. You’ll find the right one eventually. This a dismissive/invalidating statement. you are equating an aro’s lack of romantic attraction/desire to find a partner to them not meeting “the one” yet. There is no such thing as “the one”; no one is made for another person. Aromanticism is not something to be “cured” by a “special someone”. It is an orientation that doesn’t need to be fixed.

3. You’ll change your mind. This a dismissive/invalidating statement. While it is perfectly normal for an aro’s aromanticism to fluctuate, it is not for you to decide/assume that it will and it is certainly not up to you to decide that an aro will stop being aro after XYZ. Aromanticism is not a phase. End Description.]

Post link
Post 2: Aromantics Aren’t BrokenThere’s nothing wrong with not wanting a romantic partner. Hav

Post 2: Aromantics Aren’t Broken

There’s nothing wrong with not wanting a romantic partner. Having a life partner isn’t required to be happy or to have a fulfilling life. What other’s assume will make you happy may only make you miserable. Do what makes you happy and comfortable.

Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week 2021

Each day I’ll be posting something to spread awareness and positivity about aros!

Post 1: It’s a Spectrum; Post 3: What Not To Say to ArosPost 4: Aros Are AwesomePost 5: What Is My Aromantic Label?Post 6 (Final Post): Have Pride!

[ID: There is a vertical two-headed arrow splitting the image into two sections. Both sections have a title with three statements underneath it; statements are separated by a small heart in the middle. The smaller section on the left is titled “Broken”. First statement is “A romantic relationship is the ultimate life goal”. Second is “You can’t be happy without a partner.” Third is “Assuming all attraction is romantic/sexual.” The larger right section is titled “Not Broken”. First statement is “Being happy with yourself is the ultimate life goal.” Second is “Being happy being single/with your friends.” Third is “Aesthetic, Platonic, Alterous and Sensual Attraction exist.” End Description.]

Post link
Post 1: It’s a Spectrum!Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week! Each day I’ll be posting something

Post 1: It’s a Spectrum!

Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week! 

Each day I’ll be posting something to spread awareness and positivity about aros!

Post 2: Aromantics Aren’t BrokenPost 3: What Not To Say to ArosPost 4: Aros Are AwesomePost 5: What Is My Aromantic Label?Post 6 (Final Post): Have Pride!

[ID: Text at the top reads: In the Aromantic Spectrum the attitude towards romance varies from person to person. There is a two-headed arrow with a heart on either end and in the middle below the top text. A line descends from each heart to just above the text below it. Text on the left reads: Romance-repulsed; romance or romantic activities are disgusting, revolting, or otherwise uncomfortable for themselves and/or in general. Text in the middle reads: Romance-neutral; no strong feelings about romance one way or another for themselves and/or in general. Text on the right reads: Romance-positive; enjoys romance and romantic activities for themselves and/or in general. End description.]

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The rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you wanThe rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you wanThe rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you wan

The rest of my January WritingTipWed on my Twitter! Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.


#WritingTipWed 27 - Your words speak to your values. You have to make it clear what you condemn, and what you uphold. You have to condemn characters’ bad values in the story or it can seem that you are excusing/encouraging those values.

Things to condemn include but are not limited to:

  • Racism
  • Sexism
  • Homophobia
  • Transphobia
  • Exclusivism in the LGBTQIA+/Queer community
  • Ableism (physical disabilities and mental disorders)
  • Abuse (physical, psychological, and financial)
  • Not asking for consent/ignoring boundaries

#WritingTipWed 28 - Listen to your characters. If it feels like you’re making them say or do things they wouldn’t say or do, stop and think it over. You may be writing them how you think they should be (norms/tropes), not how they need to be.

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The rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every WThe rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every W

The rest of my 2020 and the very relevant first two of my 2021 WritingTipWed. on my Twitter. Every Wednesday I post a writing tip! If you want to see these weekly, follow me @/EmilyLaJaunie.

Stay safe out there y’all. Keep track of your mental health.


#WritingTipWed 17 - If you can’t find the word you’re looking for you can use onelook.com/thesaurus/ to describe the concept/definition of the word you’re trying to find. The description can be a single word, a few words, or even a whole sentence. 

#WritingTipWed 18 - “That”: gives essential information to a sentence.
Ex: The article that covers math was boring.
“Which”: can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Ex: The article that covers math, which I didn’t read by choice, was boring.

#WritingTipWed 19 - Definitely vs Defiantly
Definitely: adj; without doubt (used for emphasis)
Ex: I will definitely be going.
Defiantly: adv; in a manner that shows open resistance or bold disobedience.
Ex: She defiantly refused to follow orders.

#WritingTipWed 20

#WritingTipWed 21 - According to “The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase” by Mark Forsyth adjectives in the English language follow this order to make sense:
“opinion-size-age-shape-color-origin-material-purpose Noun.”

#WritingTipWed 22 - I cannot stress enough that as this year comes to a close, it’s okay if you can’t find the motivation to write. Don’t feel guilty. We are living through something very traumatic. Your mental health takes priority.

#WritingTipWed 23 - Holidays, weekends, or scheduled “rest days” shouldn’t be the only time you take a break from writing. Sometimes what’s best for a story is to let it stew in your brain, even for months. Let your subconscious work for you.

#WritingTipWed 24 - Do not beat yourself up if you didn’t meet your writing goal(s) this year. This year’s been insanely stressful and just be proud that you made it through. You are still an author, whether or not you’ve put words on paper.


#WritingTipWed 25 - It’s the new year, but the hardships of the previous one carried over. Don’t feel obligated to make/stick to writing goals or strict deadlines. Take this year one day at a time and do what is best for your mental health.

#WritingTipWed 26 - Insurrection. More threats of violence. If you’re like me, you’re glued to your phone, to the tv, anxious, afraid. Don’t worry about meeting any writing goals you’ve set for the near future. Take care of your mental health.

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