#soc incorrect quotes


Kaz:No, I am

Nikolai:No, I am

Kaz:No, it’s me


Inej: What are you two arguing about?

Nikolai:Which one of us is the better Bastard™️

Kaz:Tell him it’s me, Inej

Inej:…. I hate you both

The Twelve Day of Christmas, But The Crows Sing It

Jesper: On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 12 sticky bombs, 11 corroding acids-

Inej: 10 hat requests, 9 withering glares-

Matthias: 8 lewd comments, 7 embarrassing moments-

Wylan: 6 bad decisions, 5 silver bullets-

Nina: 4 giant waffles, 3 condescending looks-

Kaz: No.

Kaz:…… 2 huge betrayals, and oneeee impossibleeeee heistttttt

Nina: Hey, do you have a bag I can borrow?

Kaz:The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they’re specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence.

Nina:Literally all you had to say was no, edgelord.

Wylan: Some people are like slinkies.


Wylan: Not really good for much but makes you crack a smile when you push it down the stairs.

Jesper: Please don’t push Kuwei down the stairs.

Wylan:You can’t stop me!

Pekka: You’re really campaigning for asshole of the year, aren’t you?

Kaz: As defending champion, are you nervous?

Kaz:Can we talk about that text you sent everyone in the group chat?

Nina: It was a critical update.

Kaz: It just said “I miss Mattias”.

Nina: The people needed know.

Kaz, to Inej: You’re too good for this world.

Kaz: But that’s okay.

Kaz: I’ll be an asshole for the both of us.

Kaz: How to kiss someone.

Kaz: Grab their waist.

Kaz: Slip your hand into their pocket.

Kaz: Steal their wallet.

Kaz: Don’t even kiss them.

Kaz: Just run.

Mattias:Hey can I be frank with you guys?

Nina:Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.

Wylan: Can I be Ralph?

Jesper: Shh, let Frank speak.


Pekka: We can’t tell you because you’re not part of the club.

Kaz: What club?

Van eck: The hating Brekker club.

Kaz:…The fuck? I should be the leader of that club.

Inej: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for you health so you shouldn’t do it.

Kaz: I know, that’s why I bottle up all my emotions both positive and negative so it cancels out.

Inej: Tha-that’s not how that works…

Kaz: Jesper, not a word.



Kaz: I said no words.

Jesper: Oh, I see. Two weeks ago when we were playing scrabble, it’s not a word? And now suddenly it is a word because it’s convenient for you.
