#incorrect six of crows



Wylan: are jesper and kaz having a staring contest?

Inej: jesper is having a staring contest. kaz is plotting revenge and hasn’t remembered to blink for the past five minutes

Jesper: How’d you like the kiss?

Wylan: The what?


Jesper: What makes me smile?

Wylan: I don’t know?

Jesper(laughing): Face muscles!

Wylan: Okay wow-

Kaz: I wouldn’t let an idiot join the dregs, ever.

Everyone who’s part of the dregs: What about me?

Kaz: Do you ever think before you do something?

Jesper: Should I?


Kaz(thinking): I could call her sweetheart, but nah, I’d sound like a softy-

Kaz(saying): I protect my investments.


jesper: djskalaldhsal

kaz: what is that?

jesper: it’s a keyboard smash

kaz: how do i do it?

jesper: just press anything

kaz: 7

wylan: can you do me a favor?

jesper: i would literally cover up a murder you committed, plant my DNA at the crime scene and take the blame for you

wylan: okay cool can you do the dishes?

jesper: no

Inej: Hey, Nina, what’s for dinner tonight?

Nina: Tonight I’m serving LOOKS

Jesper: *slams fists on table* WE HAVEN’T EATEN IN THREE DAYS

Wylan: are jesper and kaz having a staring contest?

Inej: jesper is having a staring contest. kaz is plotting revenge and hasn’t remembered to blink for the past five minutes

Kaz: Jesper, I said no guns!

Jesper: I thought you said no gum

Kaz: But you’re also chewing gum

Jesper: I’m a wildcard *blows bubble*

Wylan: It’s a package from my dad.

Jesper: It’s heavy, what is it?

Wylan: Must be his disappointment in me.

Jesper: Kid, you are old enough now, I think it is time we have the talk.

Wesper Child: Dad, no! I already know where kids come from. We really do not have to do this.


Jesper: Oh no, I did not mean that kind of talk. I mean the “a lot of people in your family are actually criminals” talk. So, it all started with your uncle Kaz, who–

Nina: Hey Matthias, can you spell “perfect” for me?

Matthias: Of course, N-I-N-A.

Nina: *blushing* you’re too cheesy.

Wylan: *overhearing the convo* Jesper, can you spell “perfect” for me?

Jesper: Sure darling, J-E-S-P-E-R.


Wylan: Why am I with you again?
