#janus sanders


Roman: How am I? Really? As if you care. I’m so SICK of small talk. I want someone who asks about my day and MEANS it, wipes my tears and tells me I’m beautiful without makeup on, but all boys do is lie. Love wasn’t made for people like me

Janus: Sir, this is a Walmart.

{group chat}

Janus: hey guys, did you know if you post your password in the gc it’ll block it out?

Janus: *******

Janus: see?

Remus: *******

Remus: that’s so cool!

Logan: wait-

Roman: fairprinceybabe69


[Roman has left the chat]


{group chat}

Remus: who the fuck added me to the fucking group chat?

Patton: >:o language

Logan: yeah watch your fucking language


Janus: ‘The fuck word’

Roman: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time

Janus: oh my god he censored it

Logan: just say fuck, Roman

Virgil: do it, Roman. Say fuck

June 11-15: Shooting/mixing the new music video w/ Joesph/James, running stuff, Gavin texts, Remus being Remus…

Patton: How did you two finally get together?

{Janus and Roman smirk at each other}

Roman: Well we hated each other and fought all the time. And since we saw each other regularly for our meetings with the rest, avoiding each other wasn’t an option.

Janus: Remus has an “amazing” idea to get us to get along.

Patton: And what was that?

Roman and Janus: Handcuffs.

Virgil:kissing” is such a dumb word. “Face battle” sounds way cooler.

Remus: You may face battle the bride

Janus: Face battle me in the rain

Remus: Hey Jan, I challenge you to a face battle, good sir

Janus: I accept

{they make out}

Virgil: No that’s not what I meant STOP

Smol Theory Time: Ok, there’s one thing that always stuck with me in SvS, when Deceit calls Logan to the stand, and Logan asks why didn’t they get him in the first place, it’s a courtroom scenario? Deceit lies and says ‘Patton insisted we leave you alone’ and in that SPLIT SECOND Logan actually believes him! He turns to Patton with surprise on his face, but why? Logan should be smarter than that to believe Deceit?

What if that means that one of Logan’s fears is being rejected by Patton because he takes Patton’s morality seriously, even if he doesn’t act like he likes Patton most of the time. Logan can usually call falsehood on Deceit, but this one time? Yikes.

I think that Logan is Deceit’s biggest obstacle in his plan to do whatever it is he’s going to do in the season finale. If Deceit can isolate Logan and possibly tell him a lie that would cause him to step away (duck out), it would leave Virgil, Roman and Patton exposed and vulnerable to Remus’ suggestions.

For instance, a lie might be Patton saying he ‘doesn’t trust Logan’s logic.’ Logan respects Patton’s opinion above all else. Because of Thomas’ moral way of living. So if ‘Patton’ tells Logan that he’s not making sense anymore, and with Remus encouraging Logan with ‘who do you really wanna scream…at?’, Logan might get fed up and leave.

So it’s possible that Deceit’s next move will be to appear as Patton again. I think Patton is the key to Deceit dismantling the light side hierarchy. If Deceit (as Patton) can convince Logan he’s not needed and unimportant, and Roman that he’s not creative or useful, Virgil might be the only hope left to see through the BS.

I was watching Nightmare Instead of Christmas recently and paused it right here

And my brain went ‘where have I seen this before?’

Can we just call it and label it

The Dark Side Smirk?

Virgil relishing in being a little dark is


Paranoia/Wrath (aka Analogical) Headcanons

- Logan and Virgil are both in love and so their ‘dark-side’ versions hold some feelings for each other. Although most of the time when one is turned, the other will calm them down, there are times that both are in that state and when they are they have a complex relationship.

- Wrath’s glow is orange and Paranoia’s is silver (sun and moon vibes?). Paranoia has spidery aspects (the 6 extra legs, eyes and fangs) and the patches on his hoodie turn grey.

- Paranoia likes to try and wrap Wrath up in webs, which only makes him angrier but Paranoia finds it hilarious.

- Their relationship is built on their shared experiences (aka being the darker versions of ‘light sides’) and hating their other part. Still, they annoy each other a lot but have built a mutual respect and will work together most of the time. Although, when they disagree on things they both hold grudges for a long time.

- Play fighting of sorts is common, but they can’t actually hurt each other so most times it turns into a battle of wits or even dancing (which is treated extremely seriously).

- Wrath hates Remus while Paranoia loves him, but Paranoia hates Janus while Wrath has had a few (albeit feeling) moments of agreeing with him.

- Logan and Virgil hold hands a lot, mainly so Virgil can just fiddle with Logan’s fingers, but Paranoia will cling into Wrath’s back with his hooks in and that’s about the extent of physical affection they show (apart from semi aggressive make-outs). On occasion though they have ‘aggressive cuddling’ sessions.

Halloween Decorations (Spider Virgil Headcanons)

Tw: This may be a little gorey and includes a human-Spider molt and kinda modification of that, also fainting and attempted cannibalism is mentioned. I guess technically human taxidermy but not fully. If there are more let me know.

Virgil molts a week before Halloween and so decides to utilise it as Halloween decoration. He stuffs it and sews it, and hangs it from the fan in the living room.

When everyone comes down they all get a fright (except Remus and Janus). Roman screams, Logan is worried as to why Virgil would be hanging from the ceiling (as usually he sits or crawls on it) before realising, and Patton faints. Janus laughs at him and then lightly shakes Patton awake and Remus tries to eat the molt.

Virgil runs out apologetically to make sure Patton’s alright (he is) but they just have a bit of a laugh after and cuddle while watching black and white horror movies.

Protecting (Spider Virgil Headcanons)

Virgil likes to web up areas since the vibrations in the web let’s him know what’s going on around the place, although he respects if a side takes it down.

When a side is upset or being mean to themselves, he’ll add extra webs around their rooms as an attempt to make them feel safer and protected. At first none of them really understand what it means and think it’s just Virgil feeling territorial or something.

After a while though, they start to realise and collect the webs he leaves around the entrances to their rooms the night before he takes them down (cause he likes to keep things tidy and clean). The aim is to keep them so Virgil knows they appreciate his efforts.

Their plan backfires, Virgil thinking they don’t like it. It scares him to think he was just annoying them the whole time but when he leaves his room the next day at Patton’s call for breakfast, he discovers webs strung up, half sticking to the walls and some clumping up. It’s messy but the sentiment is there. Needless to say they group hug, followed by Virgil trying to teach them how to properly web things up, not quite remembering that they can’t create webs themsves until Logan reminds him.

Dukexiety Supernatural Shop AU

TW: death mention (as an unborn baby) and talk of death (with ghosts)

-Virgil (Age 19) is a young witch who runs his family’s plant shop but sells potions on the side (at least to the people who know about it) and prefers to keep to himself.

-Remus is a runaway (Also age 19) who finds his way to Virgil’s shop and immediately breaks six plants and try’s to eat the dirt when Virgil turns his back. Needless to say, Virgil is smitten.

-He let’s Remus stay on the top level of his shop (aka his house) and finds out how Remus will talk to a ghost called Roman. At first he brushes it off as Remus just talking to himself, but later, when they get more comfortable, he asks. Remus shares his story of how Roman was his twin brother that never made it but still followed Remus around as a ghost, aging alongside him.

-After that, Virgil comes clean about his Witch-ness and the two grew closer, becoming the creepy couple on the outskirts of town.

-After helping Virgil’s grandma clean her attic, they find an old spell book with a potion recipe to bring ghosts to life. It takes a long time as most of the ingredients have different names that have changed over the generations and they mess it up multiple times, in the process resurrecting a deceased Naga who calls himself Deceit.


-After Roman’s resurrected the first thing he does is run to that bathroom and shave off the moustache (since he had to modeled his ghost form after Remus).
