#fried rice


Dinner is Fried Rice with Specially Marinated Pork Chop(招牌猪排蛋炒饭) from Feng Food(台湾味“丰”) at Northpoint City. To encourage more customers to buy home to eat, there is a 10% discount for all takeaway meals so this dinner cost S$11.05 instead of the usual S$12.30.

Sister’s friend offered to buy takeaway dinner for us and these are the dishes he bought back. This Sambal Stingray is first pan-fried on a hotplate with banana leaf underneath it to give it fragrant before smothered in a spicy reddish brown paste of sambal chilli sauce. The end result is a succulent fish with a spicy kick that is oozing fragrance. And to go with it, Cincalok which is fermented small shrimps or krill mixed with chillis, shallots and lime juice.


Next up is a Bean Curd Stew with seafood and vegetables. We also gotten Sambal Sweet Potato Leaves which was tender but unfortunately lacked the spicy oomph to elevate it to the next level.


For the carbohydrate, it is Fried Rice with eggs, prawns and squids. Here is everything plated up for the final photoshoot before I gobbled it up. :D



After 13 days of sharing a bathroom with six others, a diet consisting of falafel breakfasts with chai, a platter of biryaniorbukhari rice and curry lunches and a whole chicken freshly pulled off from the rotisserie, its juices seeping through the brown paper bag its put in, with chai, and dinners that are sometimes looked over, for we opted to pray in the courtyard of the المسجد الحرام where veiled ladies will throw at your lap small packages of dates of all known varieties - on some days they’re sticky and sweet, covered in sesame seeds and on some day, my personal favourite, those not yet fully ripe and has a pleasant bite with just enough sweetness as to not make you rush to the beige barrels of cold زمزم , walking 2km to and from the المسجد النبوي‎ in the heat, I can safely say that there is no place like home. 




Still, it is bittersweet to leave a place each with its own charms - Makkah with its bustling reverie that is truly a city that never sleeps. Madinah with its dream-like mosque with minarets that practically glow in daylight (not to mention the sliding domes and butterfly wing-like canopies that automatically expand during the scorching heat). 




This is nothing new, but it is a nod to something we ate during our trip. 6 days into our eating habits we realized that drinking gallons of chai, eating simple carbohydrates and an opulence of protein can be a bit boring. So we opened a can of sardines in oil, emptied the contents into a frying pan with a buckload of chili peppers, waited for it to reduce and ate it with plain, steamed hot rice. A few slices of cucumbers and tomatoes were served on the side. It was simplicity at its best with a nutritional value to boot and so, so satisfying.

Today, nursing a head cold with mugs of mint green tea, I decided I wanted to eat this fiery concoction to flush out my system. Use sardines canned in oil and not in sauce if you can, because that way you can modify the spices and flavors to your liking. Having said that, if you happen to have a preference for sardine canned in sauces, then by all means use them. Use as little or much peppers as your palate can handle. 

On a last note, tonight is the peak of the April Lyrids, if I’m not mistaken. Anyone watching the skies?


1-2 tins of sardine in chili oil, or in any sauce you like + 1-2 red hot chili peppers + ½ of a small tomato + 1 small onion + 2 cloves of garlic + a ½ inch piece of fresh ginger + 1 teaspoon lemon juice + 2 cups cooked white rice that’s been left overnight + 2 tablespoons soy sauce + 1 teaspoon sugar + any vegetables you like in fried rice - I recommend some peas, carrots and bell peppers + eggs + fresh parsley or spring onion for garnish]






Chop any vegetables you’re planning to use into small, equal pieces. In a food processor, pulse the chili pepper, tomato, onion, garlic and ginger until you have a coarse paste. Set aside.

In a large nonstick pan over medium-high, heat a ½ tablespoon of the oil that comes with the sardine (if you’re using sardines canned in sauce, use a ½ tablespoon of vegetable oil) and saute the pulsed ingredients for 1-2 minutes.

Add in the tinned sardines and break it up with your spatula. Stir fry until the sardines pieces browns and become a bit toasty, about 5-10 minutes. Add in sugar and the vegetables you’re using. Stir fry for 1 minute until vegetables just soften before adding the cooked rice. Give it a stir and add in soy sauce and lemon juice. Toss and work the rice so that the grains are evenly coated in the sardine mixture.


Cook until rice is dry and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Fry some eggs and serve rice with over-easy eggs, chopped parsley or spring onion, a splash of chili oil and a lemon wedge on the side.






Teriyaki Tofu Cubes & Teriyaki Fried Wild Basmati Rice.

Teriyaki Tofu Cubes & Teriyaki Fried Wild Basmati Rice.

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Pretty nice lunch overall. A slice of melon for dessert. A pumpkin and bacon soup with fried rice. Finally there was a wilted cabbage salad.


Kimchi Fried rice, meat and tofu. Then there’s an orange and aside salad of corn. It was pretty good!!

Foxys Fried Rice

While I’m putting together the post and photos for the pokepuffs I thought I’d post a quick recipe for some fried rice! A staple in so many animes it’s a wonderful dish as a main or a side.


Left over parboiled rice ~ 2 cups

Butter ~ 1 tablespoon

Oil ~ enough to cover bottem of frying pan

Garlic ~ 3 cloves

Pork belly ~ cubed as much as you want!

Soy sauce ~ at least half a cup more for flavoring

Carrots ~ 2 diced

Peas ~ half a cup

Eggs ~ 2

~ now please keep in mind you can have any ingredient in your fried rice! These are just what are commonly seen and what I have a taste for but experiment!~


1) over medium heat melt butter and heat oil in a deep frying pan

2) carefully add cubed Pork belly to the pan, oil may crackle but that’s fine! Saute until lightly browned. Add garlic and stir for a quick 20seconds

3) move pork belly to one side of the pan and crack both the eggs on the other. Let them fry until whites are cooked but don’t let the yolk get hard! Once the whites are cooked mix with the pork belly and garlic.

4) add peas and carrots and saute gently for about 2 minutes make sure the garlic doesn’t burn. Keep on medium heat.

5) add rice! Mix everything together.

6) slowly add Soy sauce to the mixer tasting as you go. It’ll get darker in colour and that’s fine! Check out the picture below for reference

7) serve warm and enjoy!

◇Foxy tips◇

I like a sunny side up egg on top when making this for breakfast but add any meat or veggies as you see fit!

Also if you don’t use parboiled rice that’s fine any rice works! It’s just a preference for taste on my end.

If you don’t have left over rice make the rice at least an hour or two ahead of time so it drys a little. Leftover rice frys better then fresh.

Kimchi Fried Rice

Kimchi Fried Rice

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summertime stir fry

- ✨☀️

relatively simple, cheap, and super fulfilling summertime stir fry meal with a really easy side and a tea potion! ofc feel free to modify the recipe to what you have/like especially cause of quarantine, similar ingredients and good intention setting will do the trick~


[stir fry noodles & veggie]

  • 1pk ramen

comfort, grounding

  • ¼ red & ¼ green bell pepper

prosperity, communication, happiness, healing, protection, clears brain fog

  • 2 tsp chili paste

energy, confidence, happiness, success, protection

  • 2 tsp soy sauce

grounding, protection, stability, luck, communication, understanding, love

  • 1 tbs teryaki sauce

prosperity, happiness, peace

  • red chili flake

energy, protection, strength, banish negative energies

  • garlic powder

healing, protection, strength, confidence, communication

  • fresh ginger

healing, energy, strength, happiness, prosperity, protection, mental clarity

[ steps ]

- prepare 2 cups hot water & the ramen seasoning packet and put aside

- slice/dice up & begin to sauté your peppers on med heat with some of the ramen liquid, garlic powder, red chili flake, salt & pepper

- begin to boil your ramen in plain water (witch tip; you can add a bay leaf if you want!) cook for 2 min then strain and add back into your cooking vessel

- add in sauces, ginger & chili paste + fully cooked peppers & toss together evenly over low heat


[fried rice]

  • ½ cup white rice

wealth, good health, happiness, healing, protection, wisdom, kindness, purity

  • 1 cup water

sun water; healing, energy, renewal, confidence, strength, happiness

  • 2-3 tsp soy sauce

grounding, protection, stability, luck, communication, understanding, love

  • 1 egg (scrambled)

luck, happiness, success

  • ¼ c peas

healing, prosperity

  • ½ med carrot (diced)

abundance, joy, kindness

[ steps ]

- cook rice then add in soy sauce with your veg & scrambled egg, season with salt, pepper and garlic powder :)

- ☀️

[summertime dinner tea]

  • 1 mug of water

sun water; healing, energy, renewal, confidence, strength, happiness

  • 1 ½ tsp black tea

grounding, healing, protection, strength, renewal

  • 2-3slices of fresh ginger

healing, energy, strength, happiness, prosperity, protection, mental clarity

  • 1-2 tsphoney

healing, luck, prosperity, love, abundance, communication, happiness, wealth

[ steps ]

- steep ginger for about 3-4 minutes in boiling water then reduce to a quiet simmer; steep black tea for 4-5 minutes then stir in honey


more recipes coming soon; feel free to leave asks or comments with suggestions for recipes you’d like to see!

We had Kotetsu’s fried rice for my birthday last year. I wonder if we’ll ever have it again this year.

January 23, 2016Experimenting with creating different kinds of fried rice recipes:Teriyaki chickenWh

January 23, 2016

Experimenting with creating different kinds of fried rice recipes:

  • Teriyaki chicken
  • White rice
  • Edamame
  • Black beans
  • Red pepper
  • Broccoli

To be fair, I did cheat a little with the veggies by using an already mixed frozen veggie pack - but hey! Busy student’s gotta do what she’s gotta do.

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fried rice

Also made some Quinoa Fried (Rice). It was literally so good. Could barely tell it wasn’t fried rice.

Five Spice Fried Rice (from Thug Kitchen).

Five Spice Fried Rice (from Thug Kitchen).

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