#jungkook fanfic



Enchanted To Meet You || 10.


◈ summary: no one ever told you that you had a soulmate or—soulmates for that matter. humans don’t have soulmates but shapeshifters do. what are you supposed to do when the seven members of the worlds biggest boy band turn out to be your soulmates—only for you to realise that they aren’t even human.

the band is on a hiatus and army thinks they are completing their mandatory military service. you believe that too, at least you did, until you realized that you had adopted them and that one way or another they were gonna live with you—as hybrids because apparently you all are soulmates.

◈ (hybrid au // soulmate au // idol au) (fluff // humour // smut // angst  // eventually nsfw) (nc-18) (ot7 x reader) (slow burn)


☆ chapter ten.


sweet dreams of holly and ribbon

mistakes are forgiven

everything is icy and blue

& you would be there too 

Keep reading

While I’m mostly just happy to know you’re still alive

This is another wonderful chapter and relatable and every good thing.


pairing: fwb!jungkook x f. reader

genre: fwb, smut [18+]

summary: it’s the middle of the night and Jungkook’s in need of you


warnings:slight enemies to lovers, alcohol mention (oc and jungkook are sober and consenting), quickie, semi-public (car sex), hickeys, biting, fingering, spanking, pussy slapping, degradation, mention of oral sex, begging, crying, unprotected sex, creampie

April 22, 2022

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PART 01 OF 02 | PART 02

Pairing: Jungkook x Reader | [slight] Yoongi x Reader

Genre: fluff, angst, smut, roommates!au, college!au, fuckboi!jk, enemies to friends to lovers

Summary: Star basketball player Jeon Jungkook has a reputation as the ultimate fuckboi. He’s loved by everyone. Everyone. And you would have followed suit if he had not broken all your strict Roommate Rules™ within the first week of his stay. Jungkook, on the other hand, thinks you’re absolutely bizarre. But there’s a silver lining — Mr. Fuckboi here knows basketball captain Min Yoongi, your dreadfully clueless crush. He strikes up a deal with you: he’ll teach you the ways of flirting if you lessen your load of rules (so Jungkook can continue perusing his way through the ladies on campus). Yet the longer Jungkook spends with you, the more he realizes that maybe he doesn’t want to be the campus fuckboi anymore. The problem is, how does he prove that to you?

Rating: 18+ sexual content.

Warnings: protected sex, oral (f. receiving), handjob through clothes??, cumming in pants :D, slow burn, a lot of making out, titty sucking, cursing, alcohol consumption from parties, drug (weed) consumption (but not main pairing), marking with nails (not from y/n tho omg), jk sleeps around, and he’s a basketball player oof, honestly jk and y/n are just hella confused

Word Count: 20.6k

a/n ✑ it’s here, part uno! thank you so much for your patience!! i hope you enjoy this fic that was originally supposed to be 15k max… i appreciate all the support/motivation mwah mwah <3 the warnings for part two are included here as well (so if they dont show,,, it’s cuz it’s in the next one)


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✿: Jungkook x Reader

✿ :  The one where Jungkook, a second year student in the Auror Academy, keeps a journal to vent about his unsuccessful attempts at wooing you. 

✿ : crack, humor, romance, Harry Potter Au

/: I haven’t decided if this will become a thing or not. For now, it’s a short little work for Imagine a World Like That. 

Also, this is a Harry Potter AU but you don’t have to read Harry Potter to understand it. If you have any questions just let me know!

°•. ✿ .•°

November 4th, 10am

There’s this girl in my antidotes class - Y/N - that I swear to Merlin must have done this fucking class at least twice, because she has the answer to every question on the tip of her tongue. No one even gets the chance to speak before her hand is up in the air waiting to show just how much smarter than all of us she is. And when she gets it right, she gives the professor the brightest, most annoying smile, like he just handed her one million galleons or something. 

I mean, this is an antidotes class, not the Wizard Nobel Prize. She needs to calm down.

Ugh, anyway. Back to what I was saying: There’s this girl in my antidotes class - Y/N - and I kind of want her to have my babies.

November 4th, 12pm

“Dude, you’re drooling” Taehyung says to me in the cafeteria later, when we’re sitting down for lunch “You gotta do something about this Y/N crush, it’s driving all of us insane” 

“Yeah, man” Jimin agrees, but that’s just because he agrees with everything Taehyung says and that’s why they had matching puffskein tattoos on their asses “Either ask her out or let us Obliviate you so you can move on”

See, this is all Taehyung and Jimin’s fault really. Before them, Y/N was really just the girl that I copied the answers off of in Advanced Herbology who I had only ever seen the back of her head. But then they started talking to her- like we even needed a fourth friend! -and before I knew it, she started casually greeting us when she walked into class and I finally got to see her face and BAM! I have chosen our children’s name and Hogwarts Houses (one Gryffindor boy and a Slytherin girl, because Y/N was a Slytherin and she would probably fight me if I tried to get both our kids in Gryffindor and, let’s be honest here, she would win).

Now, I’m not necessarily the most romantic wizard in the world. I don’t think I even qualify in the top five thousand. But, back in my school days, Professor Trelawney had told me I would eventually find the love of my life and  stay with her for the rest of my days. Granted, I was pretty sure that woman was just a crackhead posing as a witch to buy drugs and she also told me I would get electrocuted and die in a month, but still. She got 1 out of 2 and six years later I am in love and terrified of microwaves. 

“I’m gonna ask her out” I defend myself from my nosy friends “I’m just waiting for the right time.” 

The right time would be whenever I could get my hands in some Liquid Luck, but due to that being a highly complicated potion and that my last few attempts of brewing it ended in bleached brows and violent diarrhea, that specific day was looking further and further away.

November 4th, 12:30

One of the things I love the most about Y/N was how kind she was. Was she an annoying know-it-all? Absolutely. Did she also make sure to share her knowledge with the entire class and help everyone out? She sure did.

I still remember when I was failing my Demons and Beasts class and she sat with me for hours and carefully went over the entire subject of the semester with a gentle tone and the patience of a saint. 

Sure, I did still fail the test and had to redo it, but that was not her fault. She was not to be blamed for my inability to listen to her go on about wraiths when her perfume was all over me and her shirt was cut just low enough that I could look down her blouse and catch just the slightest peeks of her bra that would haunt me and cause me to almost fail 2 other classes.

I wished I could gather the courage to tell her that. Not the bra part, the part about her kindness. 

November 4th, 1pm

I take it fucking back. How can she just be nice to everyone?

Like that dude Namjoon. I know he doesn’t need help with his paper on counter-curses because I know he used to tutor that class. He’s just pretending to suck so she would help him and as a person who actually sucked I find that very offensive to my culture. 

He’s sitting next to her all the way across the cafeteria and even I, who probably burned off my retinas with my attempt to brew Felix Felices in my guest bathroom, could tell that he was staring down her blouse. Was he not aware of the unspoken rule that whatever was hiding down there was only for my eyes? Had I not made myself clear enough by… I don’t know, sending positive energies to the universe? Did Trelawney not write our love in the stars?

We are fated, Kim. Meant to be. The only thing you are meant to be is big and clumsy and probably like a model, because you are real jacked and I respect that.

Whatever. I don’t care. I’m sure Y/N will shake him off soon. Maybe slap him. I don’t really have to step in. She can take care of herself.

November 4th, 1:05pm

I jinxed him. 

November 4th, 1:07pm

Namjoon is being taken to the hospital wing. That will teach him a lesson.

 November 4th, 1:10pm

Y/N is going with him. She’s holding his hand.


November 4th, 1:11pm

He winked at me on his way out. The absolute disrespect, the gall of this dude.

November 4th, 1:12pm

I jinxed him again. Got caught and now I have to help train the freshmen in hand in hand combat. 

Bugger it all to hell.

°•. ✿ .•°

[Permanent taglist: @imknewattis;@dreamamubarak;@onlythebest-106;



✿: Jungkook x Reader

✿ :  The one where everytime you get dumped you pretend that you never met the guy before to mess with their heads. To the point that if you run into them somewhere you reintroduce yourself and act like you’ve never seen each other before.

Enters fuckboy Jungkook who disappears after your night together, not knowing how much he was about to regret that choice. 

✿ :  Romance, Humor, Fluff, Angst, College AU

°•.  .•°

Preview - Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.

°•. ✿ .•°

(Fanfic masterlist)

(support me on my ko-fi <3)

Part one this week? Mayhaps


✿: Jungkook x Reader

✿ :  The one where everytime you get dumped you pretend that you never met the guy before to mess with their heads. To the point that if you run into them somewhere you reintroduce yourself and act like you’ve never seen each other before.

Enters fuckboy Jungkook who disappears after your night together, not knowing how much he was about to regret that choice. 

✿ :  Romance, Humor, Fluff, Angst, College AU

°•.  .•°

Preview - Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.

Part one - Manifestation slut. 

°•. ✿ .•°

(Fanfic masterlist)

(support me on my ko-fi <3)

✿:  Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Reader

✿ :  The one where your best friend of years and love of your life is getting married and wants you to be the maid of honor. Luckily for you, the best man is not exactly happy either.

✿ :  Romance, Humor, Fluff, Angst

°•.  .•°

Part one - Baby really hurt me

Part two - I notice everything you do or don’t do (full)

Part three - Miss misery

Part four - All I can be is sorry

Part five - Healing

Part six - Right Time

Part seven - Something Else

°•. ✿ .•°

(Fanfic masterlist)

(support me on my ko-fi <3)


Summary: The one where your best friend of years and love of your life is getting married and wants you to be the maid of honor. Luckily for you, the best man is not exactly happy either.

Pairing: Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Reader

Tags: Romance, Humor, Fluff, Angst

A/n: The speech was the first thing I ever wrote for Liability, 2 years ago. It’s still in my notes app. I’m glad it will finally see the light of day.

°•. ✿ .•°

Part seven: Something Else

(Fanfic masterlist)

(support me on my ko-fi <3)

(<<<Part six)

You had several regrets in your life, way more than any self-help book said you should have, some borderline concerning and some were just a proof of how stupid you could be.

If you had to rank them, obviously falling in love with Taehyung would be at the top of the shamefully long list, even though it was not a conscious decision. After that, probably starting reading porn way too early and cutting your own bangs with squiggly crafts scissors, not necessarily in that order. 

But right below those were the dumbass decision of coming to this wedding and every step you took towards that chapel made that choice climb higher and higher in your list. 

You showed up a bit later than a maid of honor probably should, skipping any helping obligations you would have. Instead of arriving early to help bring in flowers and other decorations, you woke up at noon and took a 45 minute long bath, during which you had a dragged out phone call with Hoseok and Yoongi, who could be the pettiest, most creative human beings on earth.

“I say we post his number on like a Facebook group and say he’s giving out free pomeranian puppies” Hoseok said “Aren’t those puppies super expensive?”

“I hope he gets so spammed he has to change his number” Yoongi added  and even though you would not follow through with that plan you appreciated their dedication in talking shit.

After soaking up all the water and petty energy you could, you got out of the bathtub to lie down for a long existential crisis that led to an even longer nap. Then finally, sighing the whole way through, you resigned yourself to getting up and ready.

The church was already packed when you got there, the pews filled with family and friends. You walked slowly, making sure to showcase in every step how much you did not want to be there. You hid behind the crowd, ducking under big hats and bigger gowns, but when people shuffled around you could still catch glimpses of Taehyung in the altar, shifting around and rolling his neck like he did when he was nervous. His eyes were everywhere as if searching for something and you wondered if he was looking for you.

You made sure to approach the altar by walking around the pews, avoiding the center aisle. You did not need that image, Taehyung in a tuxedo waiting for you at the end of a long pathway of flowers, stuck in your head sending a couple weeks back in therapy.

So you walked by the sidelines, like you usually did, your floor length dress dragging on the floor, fabric snagging on the petals spreaded around like hands digging into the dirt, slowing you down, holding you back. You watched from the back as Taehyung’s mother fussed over her son, already crying before the ceremony started, kissing both his cheek. You saw his own eyes filling with tears, matching hers in shape, color and emotion. 

You observed everything with a morbid fascination, letting every ounce of love dig its claws into your skin, filling you with its pain and beauty. You held back tears, took a deep breath and then let go of as much hurt as you could. You were aware that your feelings were not something you could alter manually, to you will, but you were a firm believer of fake it until you make it and in that moment you decided to fake being happy until you tricked yourself into thinking you were.

Almost as if he heard your final decision, Taehyung’s eyes found you in your hiding spot behind a 6 foot friend of his. Even a good few feet apart, you could still see his surprise and the moisture overflowing from his eyes as he mouthed your name. No point in hiding, you finally directed yourself to where he was, your heart going a mile per second. 

“You came” he said as soon as you got close enough and for a moment he looked like he was going to hug you before he decided not to.

And oh, that one hurt. His hesitance paired together with the soft tone of his voice sure did pack a punch, hitting your faux happiness to the ground. Still, you did not cry, just nodded in silence as you could not find your voice.

In all your years of friendship, you mastered the art of recognizing the signs of sadness in each other and at that moment you could both be kilometers apart and still see it, a dark cloud of hurt contrasting against the bright flowers and brighter smiles.

“I never thought things would come to this” he whispered. Taehyung had a gaze that could bring civilizations to their knees, so expressive that even when avoiding you could still feel it weighing you down like a phantom hand on your shoulder “I’m so sorry for all the pain that I caused you, but I’m still too much of a selfish jerk not to be happy that you’re here.”

Well, you were not about to deny that “At least you’re self-aware” you muttered, bringing a smile to his face, albeit small.

Taehyung looked like he had a hundred more things to say and he might have said them if people weren’t told to find a seat at that moment. For a second, he looked like he wanted to tell people to wait a bit so he could finish talking, but it was clear to you as he walked away to his position  that clearing things with you was not his priority. So you directed yourself to your spot next to Aera, already familiar with your spot in the back, hurt by your own resignation and lack of outrage for the treatment you received. 

And then the organ started playing like a Death march, voices being hushed and heads turned to the opening doors to watch Haewon emerge from them, head to toe in white, blinding like an angel.

For a moment, it felt like too much. Too overwhelming, this romanceless existence exposed to too much love, too much light. For a moment, you thought it would all overflow, that either your knees or your heart would give out. Your eyes started going everywhere, restless and nowhere seemed to be safe to look at until you saw him and he was already looking at you.

Dressed in a perfectly fitted suit, Jungkook walked by Haewon’s side down the aisle. You remembered that being mentioned in one of the many wedding meetings, Haewon proposing the idea of Jungkook stepping in for their late father. That detail must have escaped your mind in the following troubling weeks and his arrival with the bride surprised you, leaving you blindsided at the altar as he gave you the biggest of smiles, looking like he was holding himself back from waving.

When they got to Taehyung, Jungkook gently placed his sister’s hands in his hyung’s, giving Haewon a gentle kiss on the cheek before stepping away to the opposite side of the altar from you. Like they had a life of their own, your eyes followed the loving wrap of Taehyung’s long fingers over his bride’s and their intertwining. You watched as if it was some sort of exposure therapy, as if you could numb yourself to it.

You couldn’t.

A movement caught your attention, something twitching on the sidelines. Your sight blurred and refocused, searching. On the back, in line with the other groomsman, Jungkook tried very subtly to wave at you, without drawing too much attention to himself. When he noticed you looking, he smiled and pointed at his face. “Focus on me” he muttered.

You nodded and for the rest of the ceremony you kept yourself there, blind to everything else. Vows were said and rings were exchanged but you didn’t register any of it. Jungkook didn’t look away either and you appreciated that so much. It was selfish, you were aware, but Jungkook looking at you, unblinking, while his sister was getting married… It made you feel special.


The feeling didn’t last.

“I thought it was going to be you”

You took a sip of whatever champagne you pretended to choose weeks ago with Aera, wondering how many people would turn to stare if you just started screaming your frustrations.

“We all thought it was going to be you, actually. Since you were, like, 8”

How irreparable would your relationship with Taehyung’s mom would become if you just… Dumped the entire glass of champagne on her and ran away?

“Am I a bad mom if I said I was a little disappointed, still? I love Haewon, I do, but you…”

Taehyung’s mom had been a third parent to you for as long as you could remember, all the way from your childhood christmas mornings to that day when you first realized you were in love with her son and she calmed you down from a panic attack, shaking on the floor of her bathroom while you thought about how that could ruin everything you had.

None of you could have predicted this outcome.

“I’m sorry” she said and you didn’t respond, unsure if any answer would be fitting “I’m sorry he asked you to be here today. I’m sorry I’m glad you are.”

You could hear her voice waiver, teary and shaking. Your fingers were digging into the palms of your hands, creating tiny crescent indents in your flesh. The sting grounded you, a little bit.

“You’re still my daughter” she continued, like she was actively trying to make you cry “Despite all this. Even when you find someone else, their mom is just going to have to get in line”

You laughed softly “If I find someone else” you said, looking down at your glass.

She bumped her hips to yours to catch your attention and pointed slightly with her chin to an approaching Jungkook, smiling knowingly in that way that only mother’s could “When you find someone else” she repeated before stepping away.

“Y/N!” Jungkook greeted you, excitedly “I’m so glad you came! How…” he hesitated before continuing in a quieter voice “How are you?”

You shrugged “I’m in my fourth glass of the day and I unknowingly ate my friend’s space brownie so… I’m either having a mental breakdown or a breakthrough. I’ll let you know at the end of this.”

“Can’t wait to find out” he said, but his excitement seemed to dim a little bit “I don’t know how this will affect your current status but… Haewon wants you to do a speech.”

“What?” would that woman ever leave you alone? 

“I tried to say no to her!” Jungkook tried to justify himself, raising his hands in surrender “But she wouldn’t listen and she’s so scary! Brides are super scary, did you know that?”

“Jungkook, not only do I have nothing prepared but I am also slightly high” you whisper-screamed, hoping that the grandma that sat next to you was partially deaf “So unless she wants me to perform a song from A Very Potter Musical… Jungkook, come back here! I only know Voldemort’s songs!”

But he was already running away, like the big tittied little bitch he was “Choose the most romantic one!”

You didn’t have much time, but you tried to type something in your phone’s notes app until the dreaded speech time, trying and failing to come up with something endearing but funny and not at all depressing. You had barely written a paragraph before some idiot started clinking their glasses with their cluttery, cutting your time short. Haewon smiled at the guests around, charming, and before you knew it someone was passing you a microphone.

You stood up shakingly, almost knocking over your chair “Hello” you said, hearing your amplified voice echoing around “I didn’t really prepare a speech… At least not for this, but I do have some prepared for the fake Grammy I win in the shower” and that was the brownie speaking, making guests laugh.

You took a deep breath, preparing yourself to read the few sentences you had, hoping that either your heart or edible marijuana would lead you to the right direction 

“When I was younger, I used to believe in soulmates” you started reading and the laughter quieted down “I believed in a greater plan and set in stones love, I believed that every choice were means to the same end, that the forces of fate had my back and that every mistake i made would lead me to the one person that could forgive them all and keep me from repeating.”

That was all you had time to type, but somehow you continued, gathering words from poems and journal entries that you had never allowed to see the light of day “Now, i believe in a less optimistic version of this… I now see love as a city, a neighborhood at best, with, like, streetways and avenues that could lead anywhere if you try hard enough. I believe that within the infinite combinations of directions, destiny gives us a choice. Small enough not to overwhelm you, just enough to make you feel in control but still get lost.”

You tried to control your breathing and expression, focusing your stare in the now sleeping, hard of hearing grandma and wishing to chanel her calmness and lack of fucks. “If you’re lucky, the universe will tilt itself until every street is a downhill, pushing you towards the right address. Others can only hope not to get hit in the way.” you continued “Having walked beside Taehyung for as long as I have, it is so obvious to me that every single path led him to Haewon. Somehow, even though his heart is the biggest of towns, every street is one way. Seeing these two fall is the closest I’ll ever get to that initial idea I had of love - the love that you didn’t have to fight for, that you had earned just being you and never made you doubt how much you deserved it. So i’d like to propose a toast, to Taehyung and Haewon and the forces of fate that for once seemed to know exactly what they were doing. No one in this world will ever be able to replace what you found in each other.”

As that last sentence left you, your body sagged slightly forward. People were clapping, but your ears were ringing too hard to listen. You sat back down and as Aera started her own speech, allowing yourself to tune it all off.

After that moment, you had barely any memories of the wedding. You remember hugging Haewon, vaguely registering the warmth of her skin. Remembered seeing Taehyung across the room before leaving, looking at you with eyes that carried too much sadness for a happy day. Remembered mouthing “I love you” before stepping away, not waiting to see if he would say it back (he did).

The one part you wished you could remember more clearly was Jungkook taking you home. There was a fog around the corners of your recollections, his face hazy like he was a dream. Not much information to hold on to, just a couple of feelings that stuck and resonated.

Lightness, when he carried you on his back again. Warmth, when he cleaned your makeup and helped you climb on your bed.

And something else, something you carried around for weeks, unable to label. Something that echoed long after you left, born after he kissed both your cheeks and walked away.

°•. ✿ .•°

[Taglist:@fangirling-gallifreyan ; @atwistofme ; @lovelyseomin ; @scoobertandnorville;@thequeen-kat;@lolalee24;@leuchtendesstrassenlicht;@deeepvibes;@oerangdoongi @akaashisus ; @unspokenthoughtsdiary ; @posijeon ; @marvelovernfan;@staerryminimini;@hoefortaeshands;@miniiimee;@xmessaroundx;@tinyoonsblog;@drownforryou;@kokoandkookie;@xmessaroundx;@fairytaeel;@hiimfate12]

 [Permanent taglist: @imknewattis​ ; @dreamamubarak;@onlythebest-106;

@betysotelo18 ; @havetaeminforbreakfast​ ; @uno7​ ]

Map of the Soul Series:


Summary: Sometimes the universe has a personal vendetta against us. Or well… you in this case. You didn’t ask to go on a hunt across the universe to collect your broken pieces of soul, and you certainly didn’t expect to become aquatinted to 7 people (8 times over) along the way, finding a new home with each of them even if each version were so different across the planets in the vast universe.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Destination one of the ‘Map of the Soul’ series

Title: Aliferous

Definition:Having wings; winged.

Paring: Jung Hoseok x reader (ft. the tannies)

Genre:puppeteer au || fantasy au || isekai || fluff || angst || strangers to lovers || non-idol au ||

Series summary: Waking up in an unfamiliar world is one hard pill to swallow, being told your time was limited and you had find a piece of your cracked soul was even worse, paired with the fact that the people in Gardenia were convinced you were an angel sent from above to help them with the recent dilemma.

Series masterlist : Coming soon

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Destination two of the ‘Map of the Soul’ series

Title: Stellify

゚☆Definition:[transitive verb] to turn into or as if into a star : place among the stars

Pairing:Min Yoongi x reader (ft. the tannies)

Genre:19th century au||jack the ripper au || fantasy au || isekai || fluff || angst || strangers to lovers || non-idol au ||

Series summary: ???

Series masterlist: Coming soon

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Desitantion three of the ‘Map of the Soul’ series

Title: Hiraeth

゚☆Definition:[NOUN]: deep longing for something, especially one’s home

Pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader (ft. the tannies)

Genre:mafia au || fantasy au || isekai || fluff || angst || strangers to lovers || non-idol au ||

Series summary: ???

Series masterlist: Coming soon

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Destination four of the ‘Map of the Soul’ series

Title: Thalassophile

゚☆Definition:anyone who loves the sea and the ocean.

Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x reader (ft. the tannies)

Genre:daechwita au || fantasy au || isekai || fluff || angst || strangers to lovers || non-idol au ||

Series summary: ???

Series masterlist: Coming soon

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Destinationfive of the ‘Map of the Soul’ series

Title: Peregrinate

゚☆Definition:[VERB] travel or wander around from place to place.

Pairing: Park Jimin x reader (ft. the tannies)

Genre:hybrid au || fantasy au || isekai || fluff || angst || strangers to lovers || non-idol au ||

Series summary: ???

Series mastlist: Coming soon

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Destinationsix of the ‘Map of the Soul’ series

Title: Solandis

゚☆ Definition: a delicate flower

Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader (ft. the tannies)

Genre:prince au || fantasy au || isekai || fluff || angst || strangers to lovers || non-idol au ||

Series summary: ???

Series masterlist: Coming soon

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Destinationseven of the ‘Map of the Soul’ series

Title: Cosmogyral

゚☆Definition:whirling around the universe.

Pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader (ft. the tannies)

Genre:alien au || fantasy au || isekai || fluff || angst || strangers to lovers || non-idol au ||

Series summary: ???

Series masterlist: Coming Soon

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Destinationeight of the ‘Map of the Soul’ series

Title: Serendipity

゚☆Definition: [NOUN] the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Pairing: OT7 x reader

Genre:idol trainee au || fantasy au || isekai || fluff || angst || strangers to lovers

Series summary: ???

Series masterlist: Coming soon

Map of the Soul series

Prologue: Soul

Pairing: Ot7 x reader

Genre: fantasy au || Isekai || fluff || angst || strangers to lovers ||

Series summary: Sometimes the universe has a personal vendetta against us. Or well.. you in this case. You didn’t ask to go on a hunt across the universe to collect your broken pieces of soul, and you certainly didn’t expect to become acquainted with 7 people (8 times over), finding home with each of them even if each version were so different across the planets in the vast universe.

Prologue word count: 784 words.

tags and warnings: will be added above each chapter.

Notes: this is going to be a long long long project. i’ve had the idea to do this series for years and now that my platform has grown a little (and i’m not a 13 year old whose grammar and writing is iffy) i think i’m ready to finally take on the challenge. each ‘destination’ will have multiple parts so its basically 8 series within the map of the soul series. chapters may be a little shorter than my other series/ writing just so i can keep a schedule and update regularly and its easier than writing 10k every week to two weeks.

my masterlist

map of the soul masterlist||aliferous masterlist ||part one


soul | səʊl | noun the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal. • a person’s moral or emotional nature or sense of identity

The soul is one of the many components that make us… ‘us’. You and me alike; one of the fundamental pieces of any living being, be it beast or man. What is a body without a soul? or better yet, a soul without a body?

The simple answer: an empty shell, a ticking time bomb where each second is uncertain. Because the ‘you’ of this world is connected to the souls of the other versions of ‘you’ wherever they may be. And like any good story there is often a flaw in the system. And in each millennium, there is one unlucky person that the dilemma is forced upon. And they’re unaware of it until it’s too late.

The multiverse has never been a concept the people of our world took seriously, their focus on science and the development of technology that has, and will never be able to fully explain the worlds that live beyond us. It’s easy to depict a rough outline of what the multiverse may be like in far-fetched action-packed superhero movies. But they are only partially accurate, the concept of the multiverse lacking because no one in the world has actually met their counterparts. It’s impossible. That’s the universe’s first hidden rule about the soul.

Because souls are tricky things, in the making of a person, one soul is assigned to them, split up like slices of a tangerine and handed off to each of ‘you’ from a different timeline. An invisible string connecting each of you to each other, a way for each of you to never meet, a map being sketched out to pinpoint where each fragment of soul has landed and where exactly it is in the universe.

So, they’re all ‘you’ but each version is slightly different. Because environment has as much of an affect as genetic make-up and the characteristics that are imbedded within your soul. It’s expected that a soul is split and spread across multiple timelines, universes, places, another of the many hidden rules engraved into the universe.

However, every so often a problem occurs. Sometimes there’s only one body, one universe and one timeline, one place with multiple pieces of fragmented soul. When the soul cracks, a slice of that soul is assigned to one body, the other pieces being abandoned across the universe where the other versions of ‘you’ are meant to be but never were. And this poses as a problem, because slowly your body will start to pull the fragmented pieces of soul in, as each piece tries to weave its way into at least one version of you. They were assigned to you for a reason.

Either one of two things happen, the better option is: you are forgotten. With only one version of you, you don’t have your intended impact on your timeline and slowly those that you love and the current world that you’ve grown up in will forget you ever even existed. Slowly your body will start to break down, your reason for living slowly dwindling until the universe decides that you are a waste of space. Your lost pieces of soul slowly start absorbing back into the abyss ready to be regenerated into another being. And so, the only version of ‘you’ will slowly deteriorate. Until you are no more.

The second outcome is the worse of the two. Each fragment will try and pull you into its timeline, to absorb into the only version of you that exists in the world. And having multiple parts of a soul doesn’t pose as a problem, because they have technically achieved their intended purpose in being a part of ‘you’. However, for your fragmented pieces of soul to be absorbed, time warps, something akin to a black hole forming. And as your body is pulled in multiple directions at once, your limbs will be ripped from your body, and ultimately you die an excruciating death where no one knows what happened. You vanish from the face of the earth.

There is a solution to this problem. And more often than not the outcome isn’t favourable. How were you ever meant to know you were the unlucky one, whose soul had been shattered and left to lay stagnant because there is only one ‘you’?

And it seems that you are the unlucky one of this millennia that will face the consequences of the universes mistake.

Hopefully someone has the map of your soul so each of your fragments can be retrieved before you’re either forgotten or ripped to shreds by the universe.

Destination one: map of the soul one: ALIFEROUS


To Build A Home (Part Nine)

Part nine: Copious Kisses

Pairing: Ot7 x 9 tailed fox Hybrid! Reader

Fox Hybrid! Jin, Human! Namjoon, Human! Yoongi, Wolf Hybrid! Hoseok, Cat Hybrid! Jimin, Wolf Hybrid! Taehyung, Fox Hybrid! Jungkook

Genre: Hybrid AU || Fluff || Angst || Smut/ implied smut || Strangers to lovers AU || Best friends to lovers AU

Summary: All Jin can think to do is try and kiss it all better.

Word count: 7.6k

Tags/ warnings: blood is mentioned a lot, lots of crying, angst/ comfort (it’s more comfort), fluffy-ish, violence (but its deserved), the pain if finally over, hybrid mistreatment, me thinks that is all

Notes: second to last chapter lets gooooo. i also planned for like super soft smut in the next chapter, like a cute way to end the series but oh my god the cringe, jail time, will never see the light of day. so idk if there will be which im pissed about and i’m too scared to ask someone for help :’( and i’m shy but i’m open to suggestions! i’ve also been stressed because i have to write a graduation speech and my brain has fully stopped working so this chapter is a lil late and i’m a tiny bit unhappy with it because i feel like something is missing but my brain is fried.

my masterlist

series masterlist


At some point throughout the late morning, you’d staggered to the other side of the cell.

Keep reading

make it three | eleven

⨽ summary: everything made sense to you, until it didn’t. you expected the name of your soulmate to appear on your shoulder the day you turned twenty one. and on the day of your twenty first birthday, that happened, but instead of one name, there were three.

⨽ pairing: vminkook x reader

⨽ genre: fluff , soulmate au , slow burn (?)

⨽ warnings: none

⨽ word count: 1.9k

⨽ a/n: how do you actually play overwatch?

“And we’re here.” Jimin softly sang, looking out the window at their apartment complex. “Can you wake y/n up?" 

Taehyung nodded before gently shaking your body. "Wakey, wakey, y/n.”

“Wake up, princess,” Jungkook whispered, tapping your cheeks. “Hm?” You groaned, opening your eyes. 

‘We’re here, princess. You can sleep more in our place.“ Jimin smiled at you before opening the door once it had parked in the parking garage. 

"We don’t need masks or anything like that?” You asked, rubbing your eyes, and they laughed. “We don’t really need to, but if you want to, take this,” Jungkook put the cap on your head.

“Let’s go. We don’t want anyone to see us or y/n,” Jimin chuckled before hopping out. And you finally got out after him. 

“Hm, we need to fix the cap. Can’t afford to let anyone see you,” Jungkook said, coming out after you. 

“Can I?” He asked. You weren’t sure of what he was asking permission for, but you just nodded, too sleepy to give it thought. 

Jungkook smiled before pulling down the cap and wrapping his arms around you, burying your head in his chest. 

“I’ll let you go once we’re in the elevator, okay?” He whispered while Jimin and Taehyung chuckled. 

Are they clowning me?’ You thought to yourself. ’Or do we actually have to hide from the public eye?

“Come on, let’s go in." 

"So this is where you guys live?” You asked as the four of you walked through the corridor. “Yup." 

"I’ve passed this building a lot of times. It looks just as good from the inside,” you giggled. “You think? Ah, there’s Minho Hyung!” Taehyung smiled. 

You looked in the direction where Taehyung was pointing. “Is that Minho from Shinee?” Your eyes widened. 

“So you know K-pop idols?” Jimin chuckled. “I know some K-pop idols. I just don’t know a lot,” you huffed. 

“Hyung!” Taehyung called.

“Now we actually have to hide you,” Jungkook said, pulling down the cap and pushing you behind him.

“Ah, Taehyung-ah. How are you?” Minho asked. “Hello to you, too. And the person you’re clearly hiding.”

“Hey,” Jimin bowed. “Uh, we’ll head inside and let the two of you talk.”

Taehyung nodded before turning to his friend. “We live in the same building and on the same floor, but we rarely see each other.”

“I’m guessing it’s because of your busy schedule,” Minho said, flashing him a smile. “Congratulations on your success, Taehyung-ah.”

“Thank you, Hyung. But I think we don’t see each other because of your schedule too. I’m pretty sure you’re just as busy as I am,” he chuckled. 

“Hm, I guess you’re right. You guys are preparing for a comeback, right?” Mingo asked, and Taehyung shrugged. “Don’t know. Maybe we are. Maybe we aren’t." 

"Okay. I’ll find out soon,” Minho said, winking at him. Anyway, who was Jungkook hiding?“ Minho asked. 

"Ah, that’s our soulmate.” Taehyung smiled. 

Inside their apartment, you followed Jimin and Jungkook to the living room. 

“Why did you guys hide me from Minho?” You frowned. “Hm, because we don’t want anyone to see yet. Even if it is an idol friend,” Jimin told you, sitting down.

“Is that even a valid excuse? It’s not he’s going to tell the public who I am and what I look like. I wanted to meet him,” you frowned. 

“What’re you? A fan of Shinee? Are you a Shawol? Jungkook asked. "I wouldn’t say I’m a Shawol, but I occasionally listen to their music. It would’ve been nice to speak to him.”

“You can talk to him another time, y/n,” Jimin said.

“Do you know if any other famous idols live here?” You asked. “When did you realise he lived here?’

"Actually, as surprising as it is, many famous people live here. Celebrities, actors, actresses, idols. You bump into a lot of those kinds of people." 

"Really? Is that we didn’t need to hide when we came in?” You asked. “We didn’t really have to hide, princess. We had to hide you.” Jungkook chuckled, causing you to frown. “So you guys weren’t teasing me?" 

"Nah, we were. You being half asleep made it funnier,” Jungkook laughed. 

“We were teasing at first, but then we realised it would be better to keep you hidden from anyone other than us,” Jimin told you before flicking your cheek.

“I need to prepare for some questions,” Taehyung said, walking into the living. “Done talking to Minho Hyung?” Jimin asked, and he nodded. “Yup.”

“Anway, why do you need to prepare for some questions?” Jungkook asked. “Ah, I told Hyung that the person you were hiding was our soulmate.”


"Yeah, now I need to prepare for the number of texts the other Hwarang Hyungs will send me once Minho tells them,” Taehyung sighed, sitting next to Jimin. “Anyway, what do you you guys want to do?" 

"Hm… y/n, are you still sleepy?” Jimin asked. “Hm, not really. I’m actually pretty hungry, though.”

“Should we order or make something to eat?” Jungkook asked. “I don’t mind cooking." 

"We’ve been ordering a lot of food this week. Why don’t we cook instead?” Taehyung offered. “Are you okay with us cooking, y/n?" 

"I’m okay with anything. As long as I get to eat, I’m good." 

"Alright, we can make Jjigae or how about Bulgogi?” Jungkook asked, getting up from the couch.

(Jjigae - Korean stew)

“We had bulgogi the other day, so how about Jjigae? Kimchi Jjigae?” Jimin said. “Come on, you two. Let’s go make something to eat.”

“Doesn’t it take time to make Jjigae thought?” You asked, following Jimin and Taehyung to the kitchen.

“Not if all of us help make it.”

“Alright, I’ll marinate the pork belly with the rice wine and ground black pepper. Jimin, baby, can you please cool the kimchi. Uh, Tae, you can slice the brown onions and mushrooms. We already have sliced tofu. y/n will help the green onions when she’s done with the base,” Jungkook said as he washed his hands. 

“Princess, are you okay with making the base?” He asked you. “I don’t mind." 

"Alright, let’s get to work.”

“Hm, thank you, Kook.” Taehyung hummed as he took a bite of his food.

“Why are you guys thanking me? You helped me make it,” Jungkook chuckled before picking up his chopsticks. 

“What should we do when we’re done eating? There’s still a lot of time before we should take y/n home,” Jimin asked. 

“Hm, we can watch a couple of movies.” You told him. “Or we can play some games.”

“Yeah, games are a must. We can play some overwatch or COD,” Jungkook smirked. “Ah, yes. I’d like to redeem myself-" 

"You won’t be able to redeem yourself if you’ll play against him in Overwatch or COD,” Taehyung chuckled. “You’ll get embarrassed.”

“You think I don’t know how to play?” You asked, putting down your spoon and folding your arms over your chest. 

“You sucked at simple arcade games, princess. How will you beat me in a game these two can’t? Any they actually know how to play it,” Jungkook asked, leaning forward and resting his chin in the palm of his hand. 

“Fine. Jimin and Taehyung can teach me the basics of the game. Once I know it, I’ll be able to win and prove myself.”

“Let’s bet on it, princess. If I win, you’ll grant me a wish, and if you win, vice versa, okay?” Jungkook offered, and you hummed in response. 


The four of you finished eating rather quickly so that Taehyung and Jimin could teach you the basics of Overwatch.

They spent almost an hour helping you while Jungkook lounged in their room, waiting for you to be done. 

“Good luck, y/n. Someone needs to bring this boy down for once. We’re rooting for you!” Jimin said. 

“Do you think you’re ready to play? Or do you want us to help you some more?” Taehyung asked.

“I think you’ve given her enough training time. Don’t worry… I haven’t played in a while, so I might be a little rusty,” Jungkook said, sitting on the cushion next to you. 

“Team, or do you want it 1v1?” He asked. 

“Hey, how will team versus team be fair?” Jimin frowned. “Just play 1v1. She’ll use my account to verse you." 

"Wait, but how will you play 1v1 using the tv? Doesn’t y/n need to play off another device? It doesn’t work like Fifa, where we have a player(team) one and player(team) two,” Taehyung said.

“I think they’ll have to play in the game room?” Jimin said, but it sounded more like a question. “Game room? You guys have a game room?” You asked, and they nodded. 

“Yup. now let’s go so I can beat you!” Jungkook exclaimed, getting up, almost skipping away. 

“How many rooms do you guys have?” You asked as you followed them to their game room. 

“This is a three-bedroom apartment. We turned the bigger spare into our game room since we game a lot in our free time,” Jimin told you. 

“That’s so cool,” you muttered. 

“Will you three hurry up? I need my wish to be granted!” Jungkook exclaimed, causing you to chuckle. 

“That’s our soulmate,” Taehyung smiled. “He already thinks he’s going to win.”

“We’re coming!" 

Once you were sitting down in front of one of the monitors, Jungkook turned to you with a smile.

"May the best soulmate win.”


Jimin gasped as he looked at your monitor. You, too, were surprised to see the gold capitalised words: victory on your screen. 

"No, no, no, no!” Jungkook whined. taking off his headsets. “How is this possible? What?”

“Jungkook got beaten? y/n actually beat Jungkook?” Taehyung asked with wide eyes. “Seems so…”

“I won!” You exclaimed. “I actually won!" 

"This isn’t fair! This is beginners’ luck! Let’s play for two more rounds, please?" 

"No~ Our deal was for one round and one round only. We play more rounds for fun,” you told him. “But later, these games aren’t my kind of thing.”

“Well done, princess!” Jimin said, raising his hand to give you a high five. “It usually takes us a lot of rounds to beat Jungkook in 1v1. You did it one go!”

“Beginners luck…” Jungkook muttered. “Beginners luck.”

“Accept defeat, baby. Let’s just go and watch a movie,” Taehyung said. 

“First, let me grant whatever wish y/n has,” Jungkook sighed. “What do you want to wish for?”

“Hm,” you hummed, rubbing your chin as if you were in deep thought. “I’ll think about it.”

Jungkooks mouth fell open. “Nah, you don’t even know what you want to wish for? Come on, y/n.~”

“What would you have wished for if you won, huh?” Jimin chuckled, placing a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. 

Jungkook blushed and looked down at his lap. He had a wish in mind, but he wasn’t sure if it really counted as one. 

“Come on. What were you going to ask for, hm?" 

"I-I would’ve asked for another date." 

"Of course, that would’ve been your wish,” Taehyung chuckled. “We can y/n out on a date sometime next week, Kookie.”

“Where do you think we should take her?” Jungkook asked. “We can think about that later. Let’s go watch some movies. y/n’s probably waiting for us in the living room." 

"Wait, do we have any microwaveable popcorn? Do we have snacks?” Jimin asked, and they shrugged. 

“We should have some snacks. Not sure about popcorn, though,” Taehyung frowned.

“Well, we’ll see once we get to the kitchen.”

prev / next masterlist

taglist // (inbox me, or messege me if you’d like to to be added)

@bluemooncnblue ; @emu007 ; @malewife-supremacy@4evahevahhh ; @xx-sikki-nixx-xx ; @morklee02 ; @ayoo-bangtan ; @taeeflwrrrr ; @svrcegi@brit97 ; @thereaderwholovesyou​ ; @potaetopic , @yoonabeo​ ; @doublebunv ; @btsizlyfe : @al-granger

make it three | ten

summary: everything made sense to you, until it didn’t. you expected the name of your soulmate to appear on your shoulder the day you turned twenty one. and on the day of your twenty first birthday, that happened, but instead of one name, there were three.

pairing: vminkook x reader

genre: fluff , soulmate au , slow burn (?)

warnings: none

word count: 1.5k

a/n: beginning to become a bit fluffy i think :)

It had been almost two weeks since you went on your first date with your soulmates. And the three idols were rather upset that they didn’t get to see you often due to their schedules.

“What’s our schedule for next week looking like?” Jimin asked with a sigh.

“We’re actually free next week!” Hoseok cheered, causing their eyes to widen.

“The whole week?” Jungkook asked, and Namjoon nodded. “Yup. I can finally spend some time with Jaymi.”

“Have you not spent enough time with her? Jaymi has been coming during practices, and you’re almost always at her place. I’m beginning to wonder how Dispatch hasn’t caught you yet,” Yoongi huffed.

“That’s because everyone thinks I can’t drive,” Namjoon chuckled before taking a sip of his coffee.

“Oh my gosh! Since we’re off next week, we can finally see y/n, too!” Taehyung cheered, clapping his hands. “We should ask her if she’s got anytime next week.”

“Have any of you guys seen their soulmate?” Hoseok asked.

“I have. I’ve talked to y/n too. The girl seems like a sweetheart.” Jin said, causing Taehyung to send him a glare. “Lucky. I was hoping to talk to her, but Taehyung ended their call before I got to see or hear her.”

“So her name is y/n?” Namjoon asked, causing Jin to gasp. “You haven’t told the others her name?”

“How long did it take for Namjoon to reveal what Jaymi Noona looked like? He wouldn’t tell us her name, either.” Jungkook said, raising his brow.

“I was shy, okay?”

“Why would you be shy off showing us who your soulmate is?” Yoongi asked. “I’d show my soulmate off.”

“As if. You’d take the longest to give us any information on that person,” Jimin laughed. “Anyway, why don’t we call y/n once we get home? Isn’t she in the middle of a class right now?”

“Yeah, she’s supposed to be in the middle of a Sociology lecture,” Jungkook said.

“You guys know her timetable?” Jin asked with wide eyes, and Taehyung hummed in response. “We didn’t know it off by heart, but we have it.”

“Is that not… weird?” Yoongi frowned, causing Namjoon to chuckle. “Nope. When Jaymi was still working time, I had a timetable of when her shifts were.”

“That’s flipping weird.”

“I honestly think it’s cute. I can’t wait to find my soulmate,” Hoseok sighed. “Me too, Hobi.”

“Wait, are we done for the day too?” Jungkook suddenly asked. “You know your soulmate’s timetable, but you don’t know your own?” Yoongi scoffed, causing Jungkook to send him a glare.

“I know our timetable, hyung. It’s almost always changing.”

“Yes. We have the rest of the day off, Jungkook.” Jin told him, giving him a small smile.

“Jiminie! Tae! Why don’t we go to y/n’s school and pick her up?” Jungkook asked as he checked the time. “If we leave now, we’ll get there just before her class ends!”

“You’re right. Let’s do that!” Taehyung said, getting up from his seat. “Let’s not tell her we’re coming. I want it to kind of be a surprise.”

“Look at how excited they’ve become,” Namjoon chuckled. “They suddenly gained all their energy when they realised they’d finally get to see their soulmate.”

The four other members watched as the soulmates grabbed their things and rushed to the door.

“Shut up, Namjoon. You were just and still are the same when it comes to Jaymi!” Jimin exclaimed before closing the door.

“Mingyu and I are going on a date tonight! That should honestly make my Friday ten times flipping better.” Yeonjun groaned as the two of you walked out of your Criminal Law lecture.

“You haven’t been able to go on dates because he’s been busy with work, right?” You asked, and he hummed in response.

“Yup! So I’m happy we finally get to spend some time together,” he cheered, causing you to sigh.

“I wonder when’s the next time I get to see the guys. As far as I know, we won’t be seeing each other for a while since their schedules are packed.”

“Ah, that’s right… your soulmates are flipping kpop idols…” Yeonjun muttered. “Don’t worry, babe. I’m sure you’ll see them soon!”

“Hopefully, I will. Anyway, what do you and Mingyu plan to do?” You asked. “Also, where are we supposed to meet Yuna?”

“Hm, probably a movie night? I don’t want much, hey… Just some time together. And uh, we’re supposed to meet up with Yuna at the entrance.” Yenjun told you, checking his phone to make sure he was correct.

“I’m so happy it’s Friday,” you sighed.

This week had been a bit stressful, and you just wanted to get home and rest.

“Friday~ Friday~ Fri- Oh, who’s calling?” You muttered. “Junnie? Be a dear and take my phone out of my backpack?”

Yeonjun groaned before opening your backpack and taking out your phone.

“Who’s calling?”

“Uh, Jungkook. Damn, you saved your soulmates with their names?” Yeonjun asked, handing you your phone. “Yeah… is there a problem with that?” You frowned.

“Pick up the call, sweetie. We’ll talk about this later.” You eyed him weirdly before answering the call.

y/n~” Jungkook sang, causing you to smile. “Jungkook~ What’s up?”

What’re you doing? Like right now?” He asked. “I just got out of class with Yeonjun, and we’re on our way to the entrance to find Yuna. What about you guys? Just finished practice?

Nope. We’re looking for you.” This time it was Taehyung that spoke. “Looking for me? What do you mean looking for me?”

We were given the rest of today off, and we came here hoping to see you. We’re parked in a parking lot, where there weren’t many students around,” Jimin told you.

“You guys wouldn’t have seen me if you’re parked there. I’ll come there right now. Uh, how should I know it’s you guys?” You asked, picking up your pace.

When we see you, we’ll hoot. - And I’ll stick my hand out and wave!

“Alright. I’ll see you three in a bit,” you said before ending the call.

“Looks like somebody will get to see her soulmates after all,” Yeonjun teased, causing you to playfully roll your eyes.

“You looked so disappointed earlier. Thought it’d be long before you’d see those boys again, but look at you! All smiles and stuff.~”

“Yeonjun… shut up, will you?” You groaned, and he laughed. “There’s a lot more teasing to come, babe.”

You let out a sigh and shook your head. “Anyway, so what do you think we should get for lunch? Yuna- shoot! The three of us had plans!” You muttered before looking at your friend.

Yeonjun smiled. “It’s okay. You see us too often to turn down once in a while chance you get to see those guys. I’ll tell Yuna.”

You smiled before giving him a hug. “Thanks, Junnie. See you guys whenever!” You exclaimed before running out the entrance.

“y/n! There you are- did she run past me like that?” Yuna frowned as she watched your figure disappear.

“Her soulmates are here. So she’s going to spend time with them.” Yeonjun suddenly said, appearing behind her. “It’s hard to believe she was upset earlier.”

“What the heck, Yeonjun? Don’t do that!” Yuna exclaimed, clutching her chest as she tried to calm her beating heart.

“Sorry, babe. Anyway, Let’s go get food, shall we?”

“Where are they? Where are they?” You asked yourself once you reached the parking lot.

“Let me give them a call-” *Honk*

You quickly looked up, and in the distance was a black SUV with a hand sticking out of the window and waving at you.

“y/n!” You couldn’t help but laugh before making your way to the car.

The door slid open, just wide enough for you to get in. “Come!” Taehyung whispered-yelled, extending his hand for you to take.

As soon as you were pulled in, the door was quickly closed behind you.

“y/n!” Jungkook exclaimed, shifting aside, creating space for you to sit. “Sit here. Between Tae and I.”

“Hey, Jungkook. Hey guys…”

“Gosh, you don’t know how much we were dying to see you again,” Jimin smiled. “Mhm!” Taehyung agreed.

“I think our hyungs were tired of us constantly asking what our schedule looks like even though we know,” Jungkook chuckled. “Anyway, how was your day?”

“The same…”

“This week was tiring, huh?” Taehyung asked, and you hummed in response. “I feel exhausted, and I just want to rest.”

“Hm… do you want to go over to our place?” Jimin suddenly asked, causing his boyfriends to look at him wide-eyed. ’Huh?

“Our plan was to go somewhere. But since you’re tired, we can just chill there. Unless you’re not comfortable with that yet…”

“Anything is fine. As long as I’m with you three… I don’t mind,” you softly chuckled before closing your eyes as you got comfortable. “Anything… is fine. As long as I’m with you…”

The three males couldn’t help but smile as they watched you slowly fall asleep.

‘You must’ve been super tired, huh?“ Taehyung whispered, gently moving your head to rest on his shoulder. "Mhm.”

“Is this okay?” He asked, and you nodded.

Taehyung hesitantly wrapped an arm around you before pulling you closer.

You two look cute,’ Jimin mouthed before turning to the front.

“Hyung… to our place, please.”


taglist // (inbox me, or messege me if you’d like to to be added)

@bluemooncnblue;@emu007;@malewife-supremacy;@4evahevah;@xx-sikki-nixx-xx ;@morklee02;@ayoo-bangtan;@taeeflwrr;@svrcegi;@brit97;@thereaderwholovesyou​ ; @potaetopic,@yoonabeo​ ; @doublebunv;@btsizlyfe:@al-granger


make it three | nine

summary: everything made sense to you, until it didn’t. you expected the name of your soulmate to appear on your shoulder the day you turned twenty one. and on the day of your twenty first birthday, that happened, but instead of one name, there were three.

pairing: vminkook x reader

genre: fluff , soulmate au , slow burn (?)

warnings: none ( i think)

word count: 1.1k

a/n: i kinda hate this part. i’ll probably improve it later lol.


“Tell me why those three have been staring into the distance with stupid smiles on their faces?” Yoongi asked as he looked at the lost looking members.

“They went out with their soulmate yesterday. I guess something must’ve happened. Like a kiss or something,” Jin chuckled. 

“Reminds me of how Namjoon. He was like this when he and Jaymi Noona started going out,” Hoseok chuckled. “Yeah, but I’m better. This is three times worse than I was. Literally.”

Finally, snapping out of his thoughts, Taehyung let out a sigh. "Did I act like this when the other two kissed me on my cheek?" 

"A kiss on the cheek!? Acting like this because of a kiss on the cheek?”

“You wouldn’t understand. It’s from a soulmate,” Namjoon told him. “And to answer your question. No. You guys did act out of it. A lot, actually, but it wasn’t to this extent. I think it’s because the three of you were already close before you found out you were soulmates.”

“I can’t wait to see her again,” Jungkook sighed. “Me too, Kook.”

“Unlucky for you, our schedule is packed this weekend and next week. Good luck trying to meet up with your soulmate again,” Yoongi grumbled, causing the three to frown.

“Yoongi!” Jin exclaimed. “What?”

“Don’t worry, guys. I’m sure you’ll be able to see her again soon!" 


"So… how was it?” Yuna asked. “Yeah! I texted you last night. Heck, I even called, but you never picked up!” Yeonjun whined. 

“It was good. Beat the boys in a dance game, but then Jungkook redeemed himself in a shooting game. I also discovered that they suck at claw machines,” you chuckled. 

“So… did anything happen?” Yuna asked, wiggling her eyebrows. “Yeah, like a kiss or something…”

“If she kissed one of them, I bet you it was Jimin!” Yeonjun scoffed. “Just because she met him first doesn’t mean he’s the one who’s going to take her first kiss. I bet you it’s Jungkook-”

“It was literally our first date! I didn’t kiss any of them! Actually, I did… but it was on the cheek and…, and they had their masks on,” you told them as a pink tint spread on your cheeks.

“Now, why would you do that?” Yuna asked with wide eyes. “Why didn’t you pull their masks down, huh? At least one of them?" 

"I couldn’t have possibly done that. I don’t even know how I mustered up the courage to kiss the guys on their cheeks!” Yeonjun let out a sigh as he sunk into his seat. “You’re hopeless. Way worse than I was." 

"What? You had one soulmate. I have three,” you grumbled. “Such a comparison is unfair." 

"When do you think the next time you guys will go out is?” Yuna asked. “I don’t know, honestly. The guys are idols, and I’m sure they’ve got busy schedules. It’ll honestly depend on the next time they’re free." 

"Next time you go out, make a bolder move, babe. Like hold hands or- wait, did you even hold hands with any of them?” Yeonjun asked, and you slowly shook your head. “No…" 

"Oh my gosh, and here we were thinking you would’ve already kissed them-" 

"Come on! It was our first date. Why would you think that?” You groaned. “It was my first time going on a date…" 

"Fine, but who do you actually think will be your first kiss-" 

"We will not talk about that!" 


"I’ve just gotten in,” you told him as you kicked off your shoes before closing the door behind you.

Taehyung had decided to give you a call just before you reached your apartment door. 

“Good. How was your day?” he asked. “Hm, it was good. I didn’t have many lectures to attend today,” you said, making your way to your bedroom. “You? How was your day?" 

"It was good too. We didn’t have dance practice today.”

“Do you not like your dance practices?” You asked with a chuckle. “Hm, not always. Sometimes it’s nice, but it can be really tiring. I just want to go on holiday,” Taehyung softly whined.

You let out a soft sigh as you plopped onto your bed. “When do you think you’ll get a break?”

“Not anytime soon. We’re preparing for our comeback… so yeah- Tae? Who are you on the phone with?” Your brows furrowed in confusion at the new voice. It didn’t sound like any of your other soulmates, so it was probably one of his members.

“With my soulmate- Oh? The one you just found?. Switch to video call. I wanna see her!

"Sorry, y/n. Is it okay if we switch to video call? One of my older members would like to see you,” Taehyung asked. “Yeah, sure.”

“Hi,” you waved as soon as the call switched to video. “Hi.”

“Aye, look at you taking screenshots,” the male behind Taehyung chuckled. “Hyung…”

“Hi, there, pretty. My name’s Seokjin. Kim Seokjin but everyone just calls me Jin. Nice to meet you,” he introduced himself. “Nice to meet you too, Jin. My name’s y/n." 

"You know, your soulmates were so out of it today. They kept staring into nothing with stupid smiles on their faces-" 

"Hyung…” Taehyung interrupted, sending his friend a glare but Jin didn’t seem fazed by it at all. “Because you kissed them on the cheek. What made it funnier was all of them were out of it.” Jin laughed, which also caused you to laugh. 

“Stop embarrassing us, hyung.”

“It’s not embarrassing, Tae. I’m sure y/n find it cute. Don’t you y/n?” Jin asked. “I do find it cute, actually,” you giggled, causing Taehyung to blush. “Awe, you’re blushing.~" 

"Can you let us talk in peace?” He groaned, which only made Jin laugh. “I can’t wait to do this to you when you find your soulmate.”

“Pfft, as if I’d let you. Y- Jin, hyung! Where are you? I need your help!

“Yes, go to wherever you’re needed and leave us alone,” Taehyung grumbled, causing you to giggle. 

“Fine. It was nice talking to you, y/n. Let me do what this kid wants and leave you two alone. Bye, pretty~” Jin sang. “Bye, Jin." 

"Flipping, finally,” Taehyung muttered before giving you a smile. “Sorry about that. He likes to tease us sometimes." 

"It’s okay. Yuna and Junnie are like that too-”

Oooh, who you’re on the phone with?” A new voice said. “I swear to God… why won’t you guys talk to y/n in peace?” Taehyung groaned, and you giggled. “y/n? Your soulmate? The one guys were gushing over? Oh, can I see her?

“Oh my God! Remind me to never call you when I’m at the dorm, okay?" 

"Okay,” you said with a laugh. ‘Looks like having him and the other two as my  soulmates is going to be eventful.’



taglist // (inbox me, or messege me if you’d like to to be added)

@bluemooncnblue;@emu007;@malewife-supremacy;@4evahevah;@xx-sikki-nixx-xx ;@morklee02;@ayoo-bangtan;@taeeflwrr;@svrcegi;@brit97;@thereaderwholovesyou;@potaetopic,@yoonabeo;@doublebunv

he makes you insecure


Jungkook x f!reader

Genre: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort

WC: 2.3k

<series masterlist>



Climbing into bed and making yourself comfortable, you pull the blankets up to your chin before turning onto your side and grabbing your phone, the bright screen momentarily blinding you. Blinking rapidly for your eyes to adjust, you scroll to find Jungkook’s contact on your phone. Tapping on his name, you press the audio call icon, smiling softly as the adorable profile picture you had set for him takes over your whole screen. 

It was a cute selfie you two had taken together with Jungkook holding up the phone and taking the picture while placing a kiss on your cheek as you smile brightly. But it’s bittersweet because the picture only reminds you of how much you miss him. Jungkook’s been so busy with work lately that you haven’t seen him for nearly a week. You didn’t want to be clingy or annoying but you had gotten so used to being with Jungkook that it felt strange to be apart for so long.

Ever since Jungkook started staying at the dorms with the other members to compensate for their super busy schedule, you’ve called him every night to make sure everything’s okay and that he’s taking care of himself. And deep inside, although you’ve never told him, you also call him because his voice never fails to comfort you and help you fall asleep without him physically by your side.

You patiently wait as the phone rings before Jungkook answers your call, instantly making you perk up. But when a heavy sigh comes from the other end of the line, you falter. “Jungkook?” you ask worriedly, “Is everything okay?” Hearing concern bleed into your voice over the phone, Jungkook runs a hand through his hair tiredly. “Yeah, everything’s fine,” he sighs through the phone, causing you to frown at the disinterest in his voice. 

“How’s practice going?” you try to ask him about his day, hoping that he’ll share his worries with you so he doesn’t have to bear them all alone. “Good,” he answers simply before the line goes quiet. You remain silent, giving him a chance to expand if he wants to but he never does. You secretly hope that he’ll try to keep the conversation alive and ask you something—how your day was or what you’ve been up to—anything to show that he had the slightest interest in having a conversation with you. 

You let out a small sigh of defeat when Jungkook doesn’t say anything, curling into yourself slightly as you wonder whether Jungkook really wants to be talking to you or if you’re just being a bother. “Are you sure everything’s okay? You can talk to me you know,” you try asking one more time. “Mhm,” he hums in acknowledgement. You curl into yourself more and more each time Jungkook gives you a dry response, a feeling of insecurity washing over you as you burrow deeper underneath the covers.

It was strange. Jungkook’s always been the epitome of comfort to you but talking to him now, you were suddenly feeling unsure of yourself. Discouraged by how one-sided this conversation was, you open your mouth to let Jungkook go and wish him goodnight but he beats you to it. “I’m busy, I have to go,” he mumbles into the phone, immediately hanging up the call without even giving you a chance to say goodbye to him, let alone say goodbye to you. 

You pull the phone away from your ear in disbelief, Jungkook’s cute profile picture staring back at you almost mockingly as it reminds you of the times you had that are now gone. You can’t help but feel hurt. Jungkook’s never treated you so coldly before but you give him the benefit of the doubt, hoping that he really was just busy.

You: goodnight
You: i love u <3

You send him a couple of texts since you didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to him over the phone and you’re about to turn your phone off when three dots appear on your screen, signalling that Jungkook was typing. You settle back into your pillow, patiently waiting for his message before going to bed.

Kookie <3: plz stop calling every night
Kookie <3: i don’t have time to text and call you every single day

You read Jungkook’s message over and over again, your vision starting to blur with tears as you pray for a “jk” or something else to pop up. But it never comes and after staring at his message for nearly five minutes, you give up on any hope that this is just some prank. With tears in your eyes, you reply with a simple “ok” before turning your phone off and placing it on the bedside table.

Turning to face Jungkook’s empty side of the bed, you shut your eyes tightly to hold back your tears, trying to forget about all the events of the night and fall asleep. because you have an early morning tomorrow Please stop calling. I don’t have time. But Jungkook’s words flash behind your eyelids, forcing you to open them and focus on something else in the room to make them disappear. Gripping the blankets tightly in your fists, you let out little sobs as your tears soak into your pillow.


The next morning when Jungkook wakes up, the first thing he does is reach for his phone since it’s become routine for him to check for your good morning texts. Squinting at his lock screen, still half-asleep, his brows furrow in confusion when he doesn’t find any notifications from you wishing that he has a good day and to take care of himself. Slowly starting to wake up, Jungkook recalls your conversation last night, or rather lack of, and how cold he was to you.

He curses under his breath, sitting up and unlocking his phone to check your messages and make sure it wasn’t just some nightmare. But the proof is right in front of his eyes as he reads over the message he sent you last night. Falling back onto his pillow, Jungkook lets out a groan as he throws his arm over his eyes. Regret immediately washes over him and he wants nothing more than to drive home and apologize to you. 

He shouldn’t have said that to you. He didn’t mean it. He was just feeling so overwhelmed with work lately to the point where answering your texts and calls felt like a chore. But now that he was rested and able to think straight, it registers in his mind just how much he must’ve hurt you. But his schedule’s packed and he knows he won’t be able to return home to you in at least a week.

Kookie <3: im sorry

After sending you a quick apology, Jungkook throws the covers off himself, begrudgingly getting out of bed to get ready for the day.

Slowly coming to consciousness, you let out a groan as you bury your face in your pillow, not having the energy or the motivation to get out of bed. Listening to Jungkook’s voice before bed always helped you relax and soothe all your worries. But after last night, you felt more anxious than ever and didn’t fall asleep until around 3 am, resulting in you waking up feeling extremely groggy and fatigued.

Turning onto your side and picking up your phone, a message from Jungkook immediately catches your attention. Tapping on the notification, you stare at his apology, contemplating sending him a message. You type out a short but sweet message to wish him good morning, hovering your thumb over the send button but you’re unsure whether you should send it or not.

But when your eyes move up to your messages from last night, the answer is clear as day as you delete the message you typed out before putting your phone back on the nightstand. Rolling onto your back, you let out a sigh as you stare at the ceiling. Even though he apologized, you can’t help but hesitate every time you think about sending Jungkook a message, afraid you might be bothering him.

Jungkook knows his short apology isn’t enough. Of course it isn’t, insecurities can’t be washed away just like that. He isn’t able to apologize to you properly because of how busy his schedule is but when he doesn’t receive a single text or call from you for the next 3 days, Jungkook can’t take it anymore. And after talking to the company about how he was feeling so overwhelmed that answering his loved ones’ texts and calls felt like a chore, they were quick to understand and give them a break.

Leaving the company building, Jungkook decides to apologize to you and surprise you, picking up some takeout from your favourite restaurant and your favourite flowers on the way home. Entering the apartment, Jungkook sees your shoes and keys are still gone, meaning you’re still at work. He smiles, knowing he has time to prepare everything for you. He gets to work, setting the table nicely and arranging the flowers nicely in a vase.

Your eyebrows furrow in confusion when you walk in through the front door to find the lights on. You haven’t been able to get a goodnight’s sleep ever since the last time you talked to Jungkook so you assume that you just forgot to turn the lights off in your exhausted state when Jungkook suddenly pops his head around the corner. He quickly approaches you and pulls you into his arms. “You’re home,” he whispers into your hair, cradling your head to his chest.

You bring your arms up to wrap around his waist, clutching the fabric of his shirt in your fists. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes sincerely, “I was just feeling so stressed and overwhelmed but I promise I didn’t mean anything I said. I always look forward to your good morning texts and your phone calls at night. These past few days have been hell for me.” When he finally pulls away, he takes a closer look at you, quickly noticing the dark circles under your eyes and the exhausted look on your face. “You look tired,” he observed out loud, “Have you not been sleeping well?” 

You shrug your shoulders at him, avoiding eye contact as you move your gaze to the floor. No matter how much he hurt you, you didn’t have the heart to tell him the reason you couldn’t sleep was because of him. But he can see right through you, blaming himself for saying harsh things to you, for being away from you when you needed him. “It’s because of me, isn’t it?” he asks sadly, looking at you with big, guilty eyes. He hates the fact that he’s the reason you haven’t been well when it was his job to make sure you’re well taken care of.

He pulls you back into a hug, whispering over and over again, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” You bring a hand up, lightly patting him on the back to reassure him. “It’s okay, Jungkook. I know you’re busy, you’re doing your best,” you try to reassure him but he frowns down at you, shaking his head stubbornly. He guides you to the table, picking up some food with a fork before holding it out to you. “Jungkook you don’t have to-” you try to protest but he gives you a look that says he won’t let you raise a finger.

Giving in with a sigh, you open your mouth, allowing him to spoon-feed you but not without making sure he’s feeding himself as well. Jungkook keeps feeding you until you physically can’t eat another bite and you feel like you’re going to explode because of how full you are. He already failed to make sure you were well-rested and he’d be damned if he failed to make sure you were eating well too.

Once you two finish eating, Jungkook rushes to throw all the takeout containers into the garbage before coming back to you. He picks you up bridal style, carrying you to your shared bedroom and gently seating you on the bed. “I’ll run a bath for you. Wait here,” he tells you as he turns to enter the bathroom but you reach out to grasp onto the fabric of his sleeve, stopping his movements. He turns around at your hold, looking at you with questioning eyes. “

It’s okay, Jungkook, I know you’re tired too. Let’s just go to sleep,” you tell him with a soft smile. His bottom lip juts out as he pouts at you, his desire to make it up to you clear in his eyes. “Please?” you ask softly, “I just want to be with you right now.” Jungkook can’t deny you when you ask him so nicely, immediately giving in as you scoot over on the bed, creating room for him as he climbs into bed beside you. 

He pulls you into his arms, engulfing you in his warmth and washing away all your worries. Laying your head on his chest, your eyelids start to grow heavy as you listen to his steady heartbeat. “Jungkook?” you mumble drowsily, on the verge of falling asleep. “Hmm?” he hums in acknowledgement, the vibration rumbling through his chest. “Can you sing to me, please?” you request softly as you mindlessly trace the tattoos on his skin. 

Jungkook immediately agrees, beginning to sing softly to you. His angelic voice fills the bedroom as he combs his fingers through your hair, lulling you to sleep. When he finishes the song, he looks down to find your cheek squished against his chest, fast asleep. He smiles softly at your sleeping face, placing a kiss on your forehead before cuddling you closer to his chest, comforted by the fact that you were now in his arms.


↳ Thank you to @kim-seok-jin for the beautiful banner and dividers, and to @chillingtae​ for helping her with it! ^^


Heartbroken and done with relationships, Y/N decides to vent about her breakup to the sweetest bartender. Yet just a glance in his dark eyes is enough to tell her that maybe, just maybe she won’t spend the night crying for an ex-boyfriend, but drowning in her lust for him instead.


↠ Pairing: Jungkook × f.reader

↠ Word Count: 10.9k

↠ Genres: Angst, smut, fluff, (slight) crack (if you squint)

↠ Rating:18+

↠ Trigger Warnings: Breakups and toxic relationship, cheating, swearing, physical fight, drama, alcohol, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, hinted voyeurism, one night stand, long foreplay, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, degrading, creampie


This story was written as a birthday gift to @rubinora. We hope you had an amazing day! :D


Soojin:Y/N come quick.

You take a deep breath. I’m almost there, Soojin, I’m almost there. The sound of your footsteps against the pavement is the only thing you hear. You would’ve made it. You would’ve made it in time if it wasn’t for your pesky co-workers.

To the usual person, it is a cool Friday night. 

To you, it is one of the worst days of your life.

… Or maybe you wouldn’t go as far as to call it that. Maybe, in the future, you would even call this one of your good days.

But for now? 

You smile bitterly, uncaring who sees. Right now- there’s nothing more you want to do than scream. Yell. Anything to take away the fury and pain burning bright in your chest.

Your eyes fall on a couple as you pass them by, reminding you of the reason you’re out in the streets this late at night, instead of relaxing at home. 


Your boyfriend. 

Someone you had a deep admiration for. Someone you loved

Someone who doesn’t feel the same way anymore. 

It had all started when you had seen him come home hours later than usual. You gave him the benefit of the doubt. You told yourself that he must be out in town with his friends while you were at work, since he must’ve been bored alone. Because the deal is, he wasn’t employed. He had neither a job nor a penny in his bank account.

And that’s where you helped him. You were the worker. You put a roof over his head, you were the reason he had food on the plate everyday. You were there when he needed to buy anything. It felt more like you were a single parent providing for a child rather than a real, romantic relationship. And that should’ve been more than enough of a reason to leave him but you didn’t. 

And now you regret it.

The next thing that came were the hickies on his neck. Purple bruises put on display, with his flushed cheeks- sometimes he was even drunk. Still, you helped him. Still, you gave him the benefit of a doubt, even when his ears turned red when you asked him if he was lying about just hanging out with friends.

Because there was no point in asking and answering. You already knew what he was doing, already saw the truth in his eyes. 

And somehow still, everytime your friends would show you Jihyuk kissing some other girl, every time they’d tell you that they saw him out with some chick, you’d tell them they had to be seeing things. That the pictures could be photoshopped. Or maybe this was just a joke to make you dump him. But those things weren’t things you were saying to them, as much as it was to yourself, to convince your mind that what you saw or heard wasn’t it. It wasn’t the truth. 

The truth is everything that has yet to be revealed today.

And at this point, you had gotten over the crying, the weeping, the sorrow and the regret. What is left is the anger- the feeling of being used. 

You had given him everything, literally everything, only for him to treat you like some side doll. It hurt then. It hurt even now. It hurt a lot, especially on those nights, when you’d greet him after he came home, the smell of perfume thick on his body, lips bitten and swollen, cheeks red and flushed.

“Do you want dinner?” you’d ask, your eyes wandering anywhere but his face. 

“Uh, no, I’m full. I ate out with friends, one of them treated the group.” 

Lies. So many lies, told just so you’d keep him under your wing, protected and financially secured. 

You smile widely even though inside, your heart wrenches. Why couldn’t he just tell you? It wasn’t like he thought you hadn’t noticed his aloof behaviour. How it affected you in turn.

Or did he? Maybe, he just thought that you were actually that dumb.

Maybe you really were that ignorant.

“Oh… okay. Well… I still have to eat,” you waited for this douche. You can’t believe it. Starved yourself so you could eat dinner with him when he probably was out with a girl. “So… do you want to talk as I eat?”

“Uhm,” his eyes met yours for a moment before he turned them away. “Uh- babe, I’m sorry… I’m tired after the long day, so,” he gave you a small smile. A smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “If you really want, I can go, but uh, let me take a shower first? Honestly… my, uh, friends can be so rowdy… I’m exhausted, but I guess you were waiting for me and all…”

You bit your lip as the warring thoughts of indignation, and yet also guilt filled you. “No- no, nevermind. If you’re tired,” you clenched your fists, “you should- go rest now.” 

“Are you sure, babe? I wouldn’t want you to think I was avoiding you. Maybe I should-”

“No! No, I told you, I’ll be fine.”

“You’re the only person who understands and loves me best,” he praised you-and you felt a spark of fury, of hate and love grow in your chest. Was that all he could say to you? “See you tomorrow, then,” he said, his smile fainting away before walking past you to the bedroom. You stared at him until he left, until you couldn’t see him anymore as his silhouette disappeared upstairs. 

The next day went similarly. You had arrived at your empty home.


Then there were days where you felt a little too insecure and asked him instead. 

“Baby, are you… cheating on me?” 

His body froze. He didn’t say anything for a moment, sitting on the couch as you had begged him a little earlier to watch a K-drama with you. Maybe it would’ve made the relationship a little better. Maybe you could’ve bonded. But he only seemed to be interested on his phone screen.

“What makes you say that?” Still, his eyes did not lift up to look at you. 

“Eun says she saw you with this girl,” you muttered quietly, so quietly that you thought he wouldn’t have heard it. But he did. “She must have seen someone else,” he replied in a nonchalant manner.

“But it really looked like you, she said…”

“Do you believe her over me?” You watched him as he finally looked at you. “I’m your boyfriend, for God’s sake,” you bit your lip, then sighed heavily. It didn’t let all the words escape you. “I know, but…”

“If you want to end this relationship, I won’t stop you. But just know, you won’t find a better guy than me. After all, here I am, taking the time to watch with you, and you accuse me of cheating?” 

Maybe you won’t find someone better. But even so, you knew that you didn’t deserve this. Didn’t deserve the late nights, wondering where he was, why he wasn’t home, if you’d done something wrong. No, you deserved better- and even if that better wasn’t from someone else, it certainly wouldn’t be from him. 

Jihyuk huffed before standing up, wearing his coat and moments later, you heard the front door open and close. Moments of silence filled the room. You waited for Jihyuk expectantly, waiting for it to open and reveal him, but it didn’t. 

“I wish I didn’t meet you.”

You are so over it. You are so over him. 

You and Soojin had decided to catch him in the act. Your best friend had come up with the plan, and initially you had been in denial of it. But you had to end this cycle. You were so tired of it, of the constant stress you had to live with, of the burden that you weren’t supposed to carry.

You chose to set him up. If he agreed to Soojin’s advances, you were going to catch him red-handed and break it off right there and then. 

And he had done exactly what you didn’t want him to. 

Of course he had. You should’ve caught onto him a long time ago, but you really were a fool. And now that disgusted you. Hate intended for him enveloped you for your own self. 

Walking into the dim-lit club, you are greeted by the sight of bodies pushing up against each other on the dance floor, the faint smell of alcohol lingering everywhere you step, and a bar, shining the brightest in the place. Silhouettes with their lips’ on one another, people drinking down glasses of liquor by each second that passed. A part of you is disgusted that Jihyuk took Soojin to a club, and the other isn’t surprised at all. No wonder the marks on his neck, his swollen lips.

Y/N:I’m here.

Soojin:Ok I’m in the bathroom hiding he was getting too close

Y/N:Right… lets meet up at the bar then.


Walking swiftly to the bar, you hope Jihyuk doesn’t see you, though in the wild crowd, you know he likely won’t.  

You search for a familiar face as you reach the bar. Your eyes wander and land on the blonde that seems to be looking slightly lost. 

“Soojin!” You call out and walk over to her, knowing fully well what is next. “Where is he?”

“Follow me,” you hear her voice above the loud music. Her disheveled figure makes its way to the seats. You can barely see her in the dark place, if not for the neon lightings flashing here and there.

You take a deep breath in.

Under a stray lighting, you catch sight of the hair you used to so fondly caress. Another one beside it, too close for them to be anything but sitting close, closer than friends, and definitely strangers. A few steps closer and you’d be close enough to see them clearly, close enough to catch him cheating perfectly.

Your heart feels numb, for a moment, contrary to before, but- 


It’s funny how you can hear your heels echoing even in this noisy club. Or maybe that’s the beating of your heart.


Thinking back on everything that you’d gone through with him, if there’s any emotion that you think you should be feeling right now, it’s disbelief. Why? Did all the tender touches, all the kisses, all the ‘I love you’s mean nothing then?

It must, or else this wouldn’t be happening at all.


Yet even so, your ever traitorous heart still weeps at the sight before you, as your gazes both match.

Jihyuk’s eyes widen as he sees you. His lips are pressed to the side of a girl’s neck, and even under the dim lighting, you can see the dark splotches of color on her pale skin. The girl beside him whimpers, leaning in closer, seeking his touches, the way he used to make you feel oh so good, your mind whispers.

He only pushes her away, frozen in place as he locks you down with guilt in his eyes. 

The loud, deafening music somehow doesn’t matter anymore.

“Y/N,” his voice can barely be heard, but for someone like you who’s watched him utter your name with adoration before, you hear him perfectly. 

“Well… I guess I’m not that surprised.” Your words are dry, devoid of feeling. Your fists are clenched. Your smile is wry. “What do you have to say for yourself?” you are going to do this quick, you tell yourself. But the crowd of people overhearing the matter already have their eyes on you. 

As it is, even people lost in the rhythm of the club’s music are interested in your confrontation, bodies stopping in motion, only for strange eyes to stare at you with curiosity instead. 

It’s scary. You can’t do this, a part of you wants to say- but how long has it been since you’ve kissed someone and felt the butterflies dance in your stomach, telling a tale so similar to the one of your lips? How long has it been since you’ve wanted to do something like that?

Your heart burns.

Truth be told, too long. Too fucking long. You’ve spent too much time in misery for you to turn your back on the person that brought you it. You want to be free. Breathe air without feeling suffocated, sleep without having to think about a person being next to you as you do so.

Free, at last. 

“I-” he tries to speak, but you look at him quietly, face devoid of any emotion, only your lips tightening a clue to your current mood.

“Don’t you feel like shit? Leaving me alone on those nights when I actually put a roof over your head, when I’m the main reason you get to eat food every day? Why did you do this to me?” 

You know you sound desperate. Here he is, clearly in the arms of another, yet you’re asking him, staring at him, waiting for an answer, an excuse, but he is able to give none. It only makes it all the worse, it only makes you gasp for more air, because each time he doesn’t reply, the walls get tighter and tighter.

Fuck, if you wanted someone to give you a good time in bed, why couldn’t it have been me? We were in a relationship!” you exclaim. More people are gathering around, but at this point, you can’t care less.

“Could you not control yourself for once?! Do you have no shame coming home each day smelling like sex? Do you not love me?” The last words leave you as a whisper, your voice choked up and your tone vulnerable. It is evident he didn’t love you, if he did then he wouldn’t have done this. But you still wanted to ask. In case there was the smallest chance that he would give you something to hold onto.

“What about the times that you lied? Do you have no heart?” A single tear slips down your cheek. 

Fuck. You hatethis.

Seconds pass, and nothing but his silence answers you. And when he does- it does nothing but rile you even further.

“Babe…” There’s the guilt in his eyes, that’s true, but it’s eclipsed by the panic, the way he’s obviously trying to assuage your anger. Instead of just admitting it. Instead of asking for your forgiveness.

Not that you would at this point, even if he begged on his knees.

“I didn’t think you’d be here,” he winces and you sharply smile.

“What, you can, but I can’t? Besides, shouldn’t I be the one telling you that? There I was, wondering where my boyfriend was, someone without a job staying out so late without even a message,” you laugh, as though the entire matter is funny to you, but anyone can easily hear the mockery in your voice. “Then I find out he’s in a club, busy whoring himself out.”

He bristles at that, guilt fading into anger as he stands up. “I’m whoring myself out?”

“Well, what else would you call it? You certainly don’t have any money, after all, not even to afford partying at this club. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that why you ask me for money?”

At that, you turn to face his previously ignored companion. Seeing the surprise and growing disgust against your soon-to-be-ex, you ask her gently. It’s all too obvious she didn’t know, after all. And as angry as you are, you won’t blame her for something that’s not her fault.

“Miss, dare I ask, did he have you pay for the drinks?”

She startles, but answers you steadily after a moment. “No, not at the start… but he did insist we pay for our own drinks, and then later on, he told me he left his wallet at home…” Realization colors her features as he reddens in embarrassment and anger. “That asshole, I must have spent more than a hundred dollars by now!”

“Tsk, tsk,” you mockingly shake your head at him, a part of you roaring at the highly humiliated look on his face. Just a glance downwards, and you can see how his fists are clenched, perhaps as tight as yours, veins already bulging out. Just a little more, and you could get him to explode. “Here I was, all but raising you, looking after you and feeding you, taking care of you, and you can’t even learn to have basic decency. Maybe I should feel ashamed, after all… more than being a couple in a relationship, our relationship turned more like mother and son, didn’t it?”

At the very end of your words, you raise your head, laughing. Jihyuk’s face colors to the point that it’s almost violet, and you feel vindictive satisfaction fill you.

“Y/N, you bitch!”

“What,” you scoff. “Did I say something wrong?”

If glares could kill, Jihyuk’s would have long gutted you, but it doesn’t, so you continue to hold your head high, smiling nonchalantly. 

His next words make you hiss.

“If you weren’t always so busy, I wouldn’t have to look for someone else. When you came home, you never want to have sex with me, so why is it my fault if I look for someone else, huh!?”

You feel the flames inside you consume you even further, raging inside you and there’s nothing you can do to help relieve yourself of it. Before you know it, you’re stepping forward, arms being raised-

All you want is to make him hurt, like he did you, even if it’s only a fraction of what he’s made you feel. That motherfucker, daring to place the blame on you!?

Hell no.

Hitting him all that matters at the moment- that’s all that runs through your head- but then you suddenly find yourself unable to move, restrained. When you look back, you see Soojin’s face, twisted in worry. 

“Soojin,please, let me go!” You hiss furiously, struggling in her hold, trying to get away. Yet, to her credit, Soojin keeps a tight hold on you, not letting you take another step forward. “Are you seriously stopping me from hitting him!? Are you taking his side!?” You ask her in disbelief, even if you know it’s not like that.

“Y/N, I’m not!” Immediately she shakes her head, yet she doesn’t let you go. “But you know you can’t start this here, you-” she bites down on her red lip, shaking her head. “You can’t. Please, you know he’s crazy, what if he hurts you!”

It doesn’t matter, I’m already hurt where it matters most anyway! You want to shout at her, but then you change your mind, glaring at the man you were once stupid enough to call yours.

“If I was ever busy, or tired, I hope you realize that it was always for you! And if I didn’t want to have sex, what did that have to do with you cheating!? Do promises mean nothing to you!? I never asked you for anything more than you being faithful to me, even when you kept asking me for money, even when you lived free at my house, even when you made me into your personal bank and caretaker! You asshole, motherfucker, I hope you rot in hell where cheaters like you belong!”

“Shut up!” He yells back at you, beginning to step forward, and Soojin is dragging you away- but you hold your ground. Let him come, if he wants-

“Shut up!? How can I when I’m not even done yelling about what you did! What, are you ashamed now!?” Only a step away. “How can there be someone as stupid as you who dares to cheat but can’t admit they did!?” His hand raised, curled into a fist. “Not only that, you just took advantage of me because I loved you! You no good, lying, coward-”

You see his punch descending down on you now, yet still you stubbornly look up at him, gritting your teeth. You won’t say sorry, if he wants to punch you, then let him punch you. 

Yet still, at the last second, your eyes shut by themselves. You’re angry, yes, you’re furious, but it doesn’t take away the fact that you’re well aware Jihyuk’s stronger, and you’ve never been punched before-

A second passes. You feel nothing. Not the feel of his hand against your face, not the harsh, stinging pain that’d come with it, not the screams of Soojin as she cried.

Two seconds pass. Time is a mere fraction of what it used to be, and yet it’s slowly returning to you as you open your eyes, realizing you were seemingly waiting for nothing at all.

Three seconds pass. Your eyes land on the stranger holding Jihyuk’s wrist with a strong grip, brows furrowed with an intimidating scowl on his face. You step back out of fear.

“I assume, when you came in, you knew the rules of this bar,” the stranger says, voice low, a certain weight behind his every word. “No starting fights. What makes you think you’re an exception to that?”

“Let me go!” Jihyuk hisses, struggling to free his arm from the stranger, yet the other just easily holds him back. “Fuck, you heard what that bitch said about me!?”

“You mean, your ex?” The stranger sighs. “I don’t know if you’re just as stupid as she said you were, if you don’t realize that it’s your fault-”

Whatever he says next, you don’t hear, as you take this advantage to step forward-

-and slap Jihyuk as hard you can. 

Your palms immediately sting, but you can’t be bothered to care about that, not when you see the bright red imprint left behind on his face, and the stunned look on his face. Grinning viciously, you hiss at him.

“That’s just a part of the pain you owe me, but considering you’re too dumb to understand something as simple as respect, I’ll just take this as payment.”

“From now on, I want you to fuck off and never appear in front of me again.”

The ringing silence that follows makes you feel like you can finally breathe again.

“… Satisfied?” The unknown man raises a brow at you- and your heart skips a beat for the first time in a while as you swallow, finally calming down a little… It’s loud, crashing, dizzying all at once but you nod at him. Your hands are trembling. You’re about ready to cry but still.

The rest of the words your now ex screams out blur out into the background as Soojin thanks the stranger, leading you away.

The rest of the events happen in what feels to be a flashback you get as you’re taking a sip of beer from the cup leisurely.

The stranger, Jungkook, he had told you his name, was told by your best friend about the problem. He called security, but came first to mediate just in case. After that, he let them take care of Jihyuk. The crowd around you dispersed upon finding out that the scene you had created was over, and Soojin went home after giving you the tightest hug someone had given you in a while now. 

Though she tried to persuade you to go home too, you were in obviously no mood to go home- where every inch of the walls was filled with the presence of your- your ex.

It was only after a lot of convincing and reassuring her that you were safe with Jungkook did she leave, her own baby calling for her.

And you stayed at the bar, quietly watching Jungkook work.

During that time, you find out that he’s, overall, a nice guy. He has a cute smile that shows off his teeth perfectly, dark hair that you could imagine him brushing through with his hand, and the cutest, biggest eyes you’ve seen, like a deer caught in the headlights. Adorable.

What surprises you is that he works as a bartender at this place. Which does make sense now that you think about it. But between your dunk mind and slurred words, every little piece of logic is thrown aside.

He had asked if you wanted him to walk you home. You being… well, you, denied almost immediately. Tonight seemed like a good night to get wasted, after all.

“Whatever you say… but you do have the keys to your apartment, right?” the dark-haired man asks, face resting on his hand. He blinks at you under the bright lights of the bar, staring as you take another sip of the alcohol. “Just so your ex doesn’t get in?”

“Of course, I locked it too,” you roll your eyes slightly, glare set on the table below you as you seethe, remembering him. “He’s probably gonna stay at some friend’s place for the night, the jerk. I hope he does, all his friends live miles away. I took the car keys so he can’t drive either, only either walk or take a cab. And considering he barely has any money left…”

You smirk.

A fleeting smile touches on Jungkook’s face as he regards you with awe. “Huh. I guess you put more to your plan than just charging in and breaking up with him, huh?”

“I’m heartbroken, not stupid. It’s an emotional stupidity, not a mental one.”

You huff, once again laying your head back on the cool glass of the table. Fuck, you’re tired. Not just emotionally, but also physically. The night’s events leave you wanting nothing but to stay and drink your sorrows away, uncaring in which bed you’ll be waking up tomorrow.

After all, it’s not like you’ve been to any besides your own for the past few months. Maybe that will bring you some variety at least. The thought makes you laugh bitterly, and in turn down another glass of alcohol.

You hear someone sigh beside you.

“…Right,” he mutters in response, eyes widening shortly after you take another huge gulp of your drink. You suppose, if anything, Jungkook knows how to make delicious drinks. “Don’t drink too much, Y/N, you’re already-” you watch with droopy eyes as he reaches out to you, your head only propped up by your elbow, before stopping with a sigh. “You’re already drunk.”

Ignoring him momentarily, you finish your drink, savoring the taste.

“Sh-shhhuddap,” you slur, the end of your words becoming a sigh. You set the cup aside, only for your head to plop back onto the bar table, a deep breath making your chest rise up- then down. Jungkook frowns at your small figure laying over the bar, the frown forming into a quiet pout.

“Let me… lemme just drink a little bit more, m-m’kay? ’ll jus…jus’ drink ‘nough to not f-feel…”

Whatever words you’re about to say dissolve into incoherent mumblings as you yawn, feeling the effects of numerous glasses of alcohol finally taking their toll on you.

“‘Night, Kook…”


When you wake up, your surroundings are awfully quiet, awfully dark. That is, until you rub your eyes and can see straight. Jungkook’s body comes into view, hand shaking you awake. His low whispers are barely addressed by your ears, and you numb them out until he kneels down to meet eye to eye with you.

Then a sweet smile plays on his lips, and wow. 

For a moment, you wonder if this is what heaven feels like.

Then he flicks your forehead, and you’re hurtled back to earth.

“Good, you’re finally awake,” he remarks, smile turning wry on his face. You pout in response, getting up. Your head hurts, it hurts bad, and there seems to be nothing you can do about it as you lean over the bar for support. 

“So…urgh, so tired… feeling sick,” you utter beneath your breath, sighing when you realize Jungkook heard it. 

“Why’d you even get wasted then? You’ll have to deal with it now,” he frowns, patting your back. 

“You don’t get it, dumbass. I’m trying not to remember my ex?” you cross your arms, eyes wandering the place.

The club’s a lot less crowded now, barely any people left except for the ones who are cleaning it up. The music is quieter, playing softly in the background as you turn to Jungkook. Closing time already, you guess.

“… sorry,” you finally say, feeling remorse make space in your heart. “I don’t mean to be so crabby, but fuck, I just feel-” You scrunch up your nose as you try to mull over what you say next. “Actually, I don’t even know what I’m feeling. Except- what the fuck was I thinking, letting it go on for so long?”

Jungkook hums, shrugging. “Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has their own stupid moments. I completely understand.”

“Yeah, and mine lasted for god knows how many years,” you grumble.

For a moment he pauses, and you watch him put away bottles.

“You know, you fell asleep quickly earlier,” he suddenly mentions, making you flush. Ah. Right.

“Oh… yeah, I’m sorry about that,” you sigh. “I must’ve caused you a lot of trouble, having to look after me while you’re also busy with your work.”

“You don’t have to apologize,” he shakes his head. “You just broke up with your boyfriend of how many years again?”

“Besides,” he continues, smiling. “If anything, your performance earlier more than made up for it. His face when you slapped him was hilarious.”

That startles a laugh out of you. “It was, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah,” he agrees. “… You looked amazing then too.”

“Thanks. … to be honest, just a single slap wasn’t enough, so I definitely had to make it count,” you say, scoffing at the end. 

“Yeah, I figured,” the hint of laughter in his voice makes even you smile. “You didn’t yell at him enough, huh?”

“Nope,” you emphatically shake your head. “Which is a shame, because let me tell you- I have a whole speech in my head for him and his douche-assery. I didn’t even touch on the other major fuck ups he did!”

At that, he really does laugh, and you can’t help grinning yourself. “No, I mean it! I was hyping myself up all evening, but then when I actually saw him, my head blanked and- damn it, I should have let him have it even more in front of all those people,” you dramatically groan.

A smile forms on Jungkook’s face, even his eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons and somehow, it makes you somehow feel better just by looking at it.

“Well, there’s only the two of us left inside now, but if you want, I’ll listen to your speech,” he nonchalantly states. 

“What, really?”

“Really.” He takes a deep breath, turning your body around so you completely face him. “C’mon, shout at me. Vent. I’m the bartender, I’ll listen. Besides, I’m curious to hear how terrible this guy was that you went so far to set him up.”

Reluctantly listening to the alcohol, you sigh before you start listing off all the reasons for why you’ve never felt okay with your relationship with Jihyuk. Jungkook hums and nods along in all the right pauses, quietly telling you to continue.

“… and not just that, he never came home when I needed him most, ghosted me on dates, forgot our anniversary two years in a row, made me break off friendships, never once paid for his own food, never made me cum even once. Like, what a dick!? And I mean the bad kind, not the good one-”

“Wait wait wait…” Jungkook raises a brow, stopping you. “He- He never… made you cum? Not even once?” He stares at you in bewilderment, shaking his head with a smile of disbelief. “He must’ve really had it good,” he crosses his arms. 

“I know, right,” you moan. “What was past me thinking? At this point, I don’t think any man will ever treat me right.” 

The man shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe the next one will.” 

You feel the urge to laugh at the ridiculous statement, though you hold it back. “You’re kidding, right? I’m never getting a boyfriend ever again,” you huff, shaking your head in disapproval. “Boys, pfft- no, thank you.”

Jungkook only turns his back to you in response, walking to the stools of the bar. He huffs loudly as he sits back down, and you can barely contain your laughter before it bursts out of you, ringing loud in the club. Nudging him by the arm to get his attention, you try your best to turn him around, but when he doesn’t, you move to sit next to him instead, on the bartop. The cool glass makes you initially shiver, but you don’t let it show.

“Did you say something?” You grin as you look at him, at the way he rolls his eyes just a little. “I know I heard you say something.”

“It was nothing,” he scoffs.

“Come on,” you cajole him. “You listened to me earlier and let me rant. I’m not going to laugh or be snarky, I swear.”

A moment passes, while you wait for him to speak up. At this point, the silence of the bar is comfortable, though while you look around, you see that no one else is left inside but the two of you.


You look back at him. “Hm?”

“I think it’s just a little sad to declare that every guy out there is hopeless, because of one jerk,” he repeats, back turned to you as he fiddles with the display case.

You lean back on the bartop. “I guess so,” you say. “But it’s true that it’s disillusioning. I used to have high expectations when the relationship started, you know- but now that I ended it, it’s like- what happened? When did my expectations get so low? I deserve better, you know?”

“But it didn’t seem that way to me then. He seemed so great, so amazing… and now here we are. It scares me a little to think that I might fall for someone, only to find out how much of a jerk they are years down the road.”

“But you’ve got to try again, don’t you?” He softly says. “After all, you said it yourself. You deservebetter.”

At that, he finally faces you - before glancing down and turning away just as quickly.

“Eventually, though,” he clarifies, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. “I’m not saying you should right now. Just that you shouldn’t give up on love.”

You chuckle softly. “Alright, alright, I get it.”

Quiet fills the room again, a comfortable one. You watch Jungkook clean the last of the bar, wiping the surfaces and glasses.

And as you do, you can’t help but think of something a little too inappropriate.

‘I wonder how it’d feel to ride him.’

Okay, maybe it’s absolutely inappropriate. But it’s not your fault, you tell yourself. Not when Jungkook looks that good. Clad in a neat outfit with a silk black vest and a cute bow tie around his neck, he seemed as though he was a five star meal- and you feel yourself starving.

It really doesn’t help that you haven’t had sex in months, nor have you orgasmed in that time. You need release, one way or another.

Still, it’s bad form to ask him, this kind bartender who literally was just consoling you moments ago from a nasty break up if he wants to fuck, so you try to keep the thought down, but-

You extend your leg, toes barely brushing against his back, watching as he shudders at your touch.


You bite your lips to stop yourself from grinning.

“Hey Jungkook… why aren’t you facing me?”

“I-I need to clean up the bar,” he huffs, but you hear the slight stammer in his voice, and oh, does it make you feel even bolder.

“Yeah,” you nonchalantly respond, “but you’d think you could at least try to appear like you’re listening to me, especially when we were having such a good chat.”

“You-” He stops, sighing, and you goad him even further, slowly feeling more sure the longer he hesitates.When he turns around- finally- you laugh as you slide your arms to rest on his shoulders, trapping him in front of you.

Furthermore, you cross your legs, a daring smirk on your face as you lean forward and over him close, close enough that as you look down at him, the tip of your noses brush against each other. The slight tremors that you elicit out of him at this close range doesn’t escape your notice, and you feel a rush of giddiness fill you up.

“You know, you were so insistent earlier, when we talked about what I deserved. But considering my past experiences, that feels a little hard to believe… do you think you can convince me otherwise?” You hum, fluttering your eyelashes at him. To his credit, Jungkook stills for only a moment, onyx eyes staring straight back at you. As if to ask permission, as if to wait for your next move. But you only continue to smile, letting him know you want this, asking him if he wants it.

Just as you think he’ll pull away, he only answers you back with a smirk of his own- and then, you can’t help but be entranced by the sudden, daring gleam in his eyes. Just as your arms are perched on his shoulders, you feel fingers gently trace over the edges of your lips.

“Why don’t you find out?”

You wouldn’t, normally. One night stands aren’t your thing. You rarely give your heart away, and even more your body.

But tonight, staring at the man in front of you, the challenge and interest visible in his eyes, you find yourself wanting to do otherwise.

Maybe I will, you think. 

And then you dip down to kiss him.

Immediately, you can taste the hint of mint on his lips, the sweet aftertaste of what seems to be banana milk- it’s strange and surprising, not exactly what you’d think a bartender would taste like. It isn’t something you’ve tasted on someone else before either, but as his tongue glides over your lips, silently asking for permission, you find yourself coming to like the flavor. Especially when he kisses you hard enough to make you feel like you’re drowning.

You whimper in pleasure when you suddenly feel him press his bulge against your core for one moment, breaking the kiss only to groan again as he repeats the gesture, grinding your lower bodies together. You can only hold on to his back as tight as you can, feeling the rising tides of lust slowly pull you under its current. A breathless moan leaves you, echoing loudly in the quiet of the empty bar.

“Got something to say, sweetheart?” Jungkook coos, and the words are soon accompanied by a sharp pain on your neck, something that makes the pleasure taste all the more sweeter in comparison. That doesn’t even take into account his hands, which you now notice to be gliding over your stomach, stopping under your breasts as he fondles them and makes you arch back in pleasure for a moment.

“God, just continue doing that,” You whine out and he pauses to laugh, smirk turning into something softer, but just as wild. “Jungkook,” he corrects you, flicking your nipple and you flinch as a sharp wave of pleasure rushes over you. “Don’t call out anybody else’s name but mine, or I’ll punish you.”

How can I think about anybody else when you’re making me feel so good right now?’ You almost tell him that, you want to tell him that, but as Jungkook switches his attention from your collarbones to your breasts, tongue lavishing over each mound equally, you find your thoughts slipping away from you.

You don’t even register that you’re being pushed to lie back until the cold glass makes you jerk - and Jungkook firmly keeps you pinned down, another moan leaving you as you feel his fingers probe against your core. You feel him place butterfly kisses down your legs, the touch light yet the effects tremendous on you as you shiver and tremble from each one.

“We barely started and you’re already this wet, huh,” he grins as he slides a finger up your panty, where your slit would be. Juice already coats his finger well, and even though he only teases you against your panties, you find that you’re sensitive, too sensitive not to feel even more turned on by such a small gesture. “Or were you already wet earlier? What a naughty girl.”

“Fffffuck,” you groan, thrusting against his fingers so that they rub against you harder. “Just slip it in already,” you whimper. “Don’t be a fucking tease.”

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” Jungkook purrs as he flicks your nub, making you clench hard at the frustration and anticipation. It infuriates you even more when you feel his fingers leave your skirt, and he leans away a little. You can clearly see the smirk on his face again, amusement swimming with lust in his eyes. “You weren’t being so nice earlier either. Maybe if you were a good girl, I’d listen.”

At that, you pull yourself up, coming closer to him until you bite his shoulder, leaving marks over his neck as well as you can under the raging pleasure. “Or you can listen now, before I make you regret it.” You roll your hips against his, relishing in the quiet groan that leaves him as the delicious friction threatens to drown you both in pleasure.

Honestly, in the face of Jungkook’s ministrations, you find it’s all too easy to let yourself loose, to wantmore.

You’re surprised when he bends, pushing you back down - and the flash of pain and pleasure on the inner part of your thighs makes you hiss.

“What are you doing?”Jungkook’s answer is light, but the cocky tone is all too evident anyway. “Didn’t you challenge me to make you cum?” Another hickey blooms on your thighs and you whimper as he leaves a trail of them on his way down. “So I’ve made it my mission to make you cum as much as I can tonight.” You feel his nose nudge your panty and you can’t help groaning in anticipation. “Starting with eating you out.”

“You don’t mind, do you?”

“A-Ah, I’ve never been eaten out before,” you stammer, heart beating fast as you can clearly feel his hair brush against your skin. Lust, excitement, and yet also nerves envelop you then.

For some reason, you can’t help but feel a little self conscious. No one, not even your past boyfriends have done this, after all.

Still, Jungkook only chuckles. “How mean. There I was, making you drinks the whole night, but you won’t even let me have a taste of you now that I’m thirsty.” You can’t see him over the skirt you’re wearing- why, again, are you still wearing it- but you can imagine the chiding smile, the mischief in his eyes. Especially when you feel him blow on you down there, making you shudder. 

“Look, you’re even overflowing. Bet you’d taste sweeter and better than any wine here.”

With that, your skirt is taken off, and you gasp as you suddenly taste something on your lips. Yet that isn’t the end of it as for some reason, you suck on his fingers, imagining it to be his cock. 

Fuck, you taste good.

Just as that thought reaches you, you think- you want to taste him too.

“Can I, sweetheart?” He asks you again. “I’ll make you feel good.” There’s a chuckle in his words, but before he can say anything more, you tug him up.“Wanna taste you too,” you admit, before blushing. Still, you continue. “So get up here.”

“On the bar top? Kinky,” he grins, but follows your instructions. Moving so that your whole body is laid down on the bartop, you hiss as the cool temperature of the glass makes itself known to your thighs. Not for long though- as the warmth of Jungkook’s body envelops you moments later.

In this position, Jungkook’s crotch faces you, and you find your mouth watering over it. Eager hands cup it for a moment, before you pull down the zipper and admire his member.

God, even his dick is pretty. 

Long and veined, what it lacked in girth, the slight curve certainly made up for it. You immediately took it into your mouth, moaning around it when you felt him move your panties to the side and immediately dived in.

On Jungkook’s side - he loves it, every single second of it. He loves how he can make you a mess, how he can wreck you, you bucking up your hips to meet him as you suck and moan around his dick. There is something about you that he couldn’t help but be attracted to. He can’t believe your ex had cheated on you. Just from that moment in which you confronted your ex, he could sense that you were far, far more better than any girl he had ever seen.

Moans and whimpers filled the room as you tremble under Jungkook. Every lap of his tongue, sucking on your nub- hell, just the way he moves his tongue inside your walls is enough to make you push your thighs together.

The pleasure inside you only rises higher and higher, making you continuously grind your hips against his face. True, it’s the first time someone’s eaten you out, but all the same you know you wouldn’t cum just from it if the other person wasn’t good enough.

Jungkook aims to go beyond your expectations it seems. In response, you take him in even deeper, slightly gagging on his dick. One hand reaches out to fondle his balls, rolling them over your hand. Soft, pliant in your hold. You squeeze them slightly, and a sense of accomplishment fills you as you feel him physically stutter, thrusting his dick deeper into you. Jungkook is obviously way more experienced though, or perhaps it’s a sense of competitiveness that’s driving him to make sure you come first, because as you feel something inside you continue to tighten - you pant, recognizing the signs of an impending orgasm. A distant part of you is amazed you could reach an orgasm so quickly - the other is very, very pleased.

“I’m… so close,” you say through uneven breaths, chasing your high. His tongue works at an even faster pace, making you cry out in pleasure. Your walls tighten around his finger, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel it. “Then come for me, sweetheart,” you hear him say.

And that does it.

White warmth, inside and out. Your lower body jerks against him, but Jungkook only rides out your orgasm with you, lapping up the juices that gush from you, the messy sounds of slurping and sucking turning you on even more, if that’s possible. You feel feverish, your oversensitive clit being given a little too much attention. What more, the feeling of your body contrasting against the cold surface of the bartop, shivering a little when his finger traces the curves of your body as you continue to feel the last trembles from your orgasm.When

 he finally leans back, Jungkook smiles at the glistening digit and licks his fingers clean. You taste even better than he thought. Truly, you’re an angel. Just as he prepares to get off of you, you give one good suck to his dick, making him jerk. For you, you can feel his hard member twitch in your mouth - and it doesn’t take much to figure out that Jungkook himself is close to release. Still, as he lets out a quiet groan, he moves away. You make to protest, but-

The way he quickly moves on top of you, fingers deftly unbuttoning your shirt and grinding his member against your core makes you moan, long and loud.

“I don’t wanna cum just yet,” his voice is distinctively lower now, and something heady rushes through you at the realization that you did that. He hisses when you experimentally roll your hips back against him.

Hunger like you’ve never known spreads across you like a wildfire. You want all of what Jungkook has to offer.

“You ready, sweetheart?” He cooes. “You’ll have to be quiet if I put it in, don’t want anyone else hearing how beautiful you sound when I’m fucking you thoroughly.”

Instead of answering, you meet him up in an eager kiss, your hands spreading across his chest - God, you don’t know when he unbuttoned his shirt, but you’re definitely thankful he did. Otherwise, how could you so clearly feel the muscles on his smooth skin?

And then you feel him enter you and fuck.

If what you felt before was something new, then this was definitely out of this world.

Jungkook’s dick fills you up just perfect, the wetness of your vagina and the slick on his dick makes the slide inside so much smoother, and both of you sigh in pleasure. For a moment, you’re both content to lie like that, just basking in the feeling of being connected to each other. 

He himself doesn’t know how to explain it, how you differ from others. Everything you do somehow seems to draw him in, and in this moment- he feels like he could just stay like that forever and be content.

You, on the other hand, feel different.

“Jungkook, please, move already,” you eventually plead. Your body arches up as he pulls out for a moment, before beginning to thrust his hips into you at a fast rate, clearly giving you no mercy. Fuck, how in the hells did you ever think any previous sex you had could compare with this?

It’s easy to lose all coherence in this moment, the overwhelming feeling of bliss making you think of nothing but Jungkook’s dick, and the way he drags it against your walls, teasing you before slamming it inside, drawing out the pleasure and then drowning you in it.

The sound of flesh hitting flesh resounds in the empty room, alongside your mixed groans and whimpers. Jungkook spares you no mercy, and you soon find yourself hurtling towards another orgasm, this one even more intense than the last. It doesn’t help that you feel him leave hickeys over your chest, biting and then soothing them afterwards, sliding his tongue over them. Tears prick your eyes as the pain and the pleasure mix together, making each feeling all the more intense to you.

Fuck, where had he been all your life? You’ve never felt so good in sex- not like this, not with your previous encounters. But right here and right now, you swear that if there’s a god, then Jungkook must have been his favorite, and you were blessed to have been touched by him.

“J-Jungkook, I-I’m coming again-!” Rather than slow down, it seems your words just urge him to fuck you harder, faster, making you sob as another wave of pleasure threatens to drown you under

“Then come all you want,” he growls, dragging you into a fierce kiss, wanting to taste you- but also to silence you. 

“A-Ah!” You scream out, panting, as you ride another wave of orgasm-

The harsh smack on your bottom makes you jerk off the table with a sob. Jungkook hisses as he pulls out, leaving you feeling empty- but not for too long, as you’re turned over, and he shoves his cock back inside your hole. You moan, long and loud in pleasure, before you feel another smack on your bottom.

“What part of ‘keep quiet’ didn’t you understand?” He reprimands you sternly, each word accentuated by a hit on your bottom that makes you jerk, each time. “I told you to be quiet, or we’d both get in trouble. There’s still the club’s bodyguard standing outside. If he heard us, how much do you want to bet he’d come in and see your pretty little body all laid out under me, huh?”

“I-” You try to explain, but end up heaving deep breaths instead as he thrusts his hips particularly hard, leaving you a whimpering mess as you drop your head onto the table again, the ache at the back of our head barely being addressed by your numb mind.

“Youwhat?” He growls, hands snaking forward to pull your head back with your hair- making you groan as he lowers himself right next to your ear. “You what, Y/N? Got nothing to say right now?”

He tsks. “Or maybe him seeing you is what you want. How many hours has it been since we just met, and how you’re gladly taking up my cock in your cunt right now? I guess you’re nothing but a slut.”

“I-I,” You try again, but all that remains in your head is him calling you a slut. The humiliation it draws from you, reddening your cheeks, somehow only serves to make you feel even more aroused. You can’t think of anything else, but how to just push yourself back into Jungkook’s dick because clearly, he is drawing it out and depriving you of what you need!

“What are you, Y/N?” his voice is hoarse as he asks, his dark hair a mess that covers his beautiful face. “…Wanting others to see you looking so pretty for me,” the knot in your stomach tightens as you try to think of a reply, yet nothing comes. Fuck fuck fuck.

“I don’t, I-” you stop. You can’t, you just can’t, if you don’t get what you want right now, you might as well die.

“Disappointing,” he clicks his tongue dismissively, and you feel your eyes burn out of desperation. “And here I thought you’d be good for me?”

“I’m sssssorrryyyy!” You whine out when he won’t let you off, the tears falling down your face now. “I’m a slut! A fucking slut! Your slut,” you cry out. “P-Please, put it back innn!”

“Mm, I still don’t know,” he drawls. “I already warned you to be good earlier, but you just kept on pushing me. And now you clearly disobeyed me. Only good girls, not sluts, get rewards, don’t you think?”

“I’m s-sorry,” you repeat, whimpering. “Please, I can be good, so please-!”

Hands rub your bottom, a slight sting reminding you that he’d already hit you there earlier. Yet somehow all it did was make you even more sensitive to not just the pain, but also heightening the pleasure you felt.

“If you take your punishment obediently, I might let you off,” he suddenly offers. Jungkook’s voice has become sweet again, soft and sticky and coaxing. Not that you need it though, considering he has you in his palms either way.

Not to mention that the thought of the punishment at hand makes your core throb.

You bite your lips, hoping that he doesn’t see how flushed you are. You don’t doubt that you’re dripping down so much on the glass bartop that at this point, that there must be a puddle right below your cunt. But at the thought of what he’s about to do, you feel yourself secreting even more. “Oh?” He chuckles, dragging a finger along your clit. At this point your labia are puffed up, swollen with Jungkook’s relentless attacks on it, but still it doesn’t hide how aroused you are at this moment. All it is is overly sensitive, and still asking for more. 

“Seems to me that you like that, huh? I guess I was right. Being good doesn’t suit you at all, slut,” he tsks. “You just wanted to get punished.”

“I-I can take it,” you meekly tell him, shaking your ass a little. At the sight, Jungkook smirks wickedly. “Alright then. I want you to count each strike, sweetheart. And if you lose count, we’ll be starting all over again. … Do you understand that?” 

Near the end, you hear Jungkook’s tone soften, and it’s all too easy to hear the way out he’s offering you. You want it, though. “H-How many?”

He pauses, before continuing. “How many do you think you deserve?”

You swallow loudly. “I… I don’t know.” You bite your lips. “I’ve, uh- I’ve never been spanked like this before.”

You feel embarrassment course through your veins for a moment as Jungkook freezes, and you wonder if you should’ve just said a random number-

But then the loud smack of a hand against your ass rings out loud in the room, and you jerk wildly against the bartop, a silent scream in your throat.“Until I say stop, then. That was one already,” Jungkook purrs. 

You whimper, but nod along as he starts.






“F-Four,” you whimper.

At each hit of his hand against your ass, you can’t help moaning, louder with each one. Jungkook’s hands are swift, and absolute- no mercy left for you, only his feather-light gentle caresses after each hit making you weep.

At the eight count, you’re absolutely gone, panting, a mess of tears and pain and pleasure and overall just too fucking sensitive. But the sheer amount of thrill and joy that settles in you as Jungkook finally stops is just short of euphoria, and you look up at him, your eyes pleading for his praise and reassurance.

Sure enough, Jungkook doesn’t disappoint.

He slides you off the counter and into his arms, your legs crossed around his, into a long, sweet kiss, swallowing up the sounds that leave your lips, the little whimpers and groans.

“You took your punishment so well,” he compliments you as he pulls back, making you preen. “I suppose you deserve a reward then, don’t you?”

“P-Please,” you plead, rutting your core against his erect cock. It slides against your core all too easily, making you groan. Still, you don’t dare put it inside, waiting for Jungkook’s permission first.

“Since you asked so nicely,” he grins, and-

Jungkook’s kiss swallows up the scream that leaves you as he thrusts back into your hole in one smooth movement, bringing you back into that land of sheer pleasure and lust.

In this position, held up in the air only by his arms, you keenly feel every movement of his cock inside you as he bounces you, forcing you to go up and down repeatedly. You’re almost delirious, your hands no doubt leaving scratch marks on his body as you hold him as tight as you can, feeling everything just too much.

It doesn’t take more than a minute or two to bring you to your third orgasm. It seems that Jungkook himself senses that as well, because the moment you feel it coming, he speeds up his thrusts again, making you scream. 

“J-Jungkook!!” You wail out his name as one final jerk of his hips brings you crashing down, bliss enveloping you fully as you almost white out, spasming and losing control of your body for a moment.

When you come to, a second later, you feel him desperately moving in you, but the stuttered way he does so tells you all you need to know.

“W-Where should I cum?” He grits the words out his teeth, and you hiss in pleasure, in over-sensitivity and pain as his member remains inside of you even after you’ve orgasmed for the third time. You’re determined to get him to come as well though, something warm blazing in your chest. You don’t owe favors, and you won’t anymore, so maybe that’s the reason why.

For whatever reason it truly is, though, you tell him with a steady voice. “Just come inside me,” you give him permission. Jungkook groans at that, looking straight at you, as if to ask, are you sure?

You nod, drawing him into a sweet kiss. There’s nothing but elation inside you at this moment.

When you squeeze his member inside your cunt, you moan as you feel him paint your walls white, something hot and warm and sticky filling up your cunt. If your nails didn’t leave marks before, well, they had to by now.

It’s only when you feel it drip out of you that you finally pull back from the kiss.The both of you are panting, visibly exhausted, though you’re pretty sure Jungkook can still run a lap around the club, while you’re all ready to collapse on the floor. Fuck, where does he get all that stamina from?

“I work out at the gym.” The amusement visible in his eyes as he answers you tells you that you probably spoke out loud. Sheesh.

“Yeah, you were.” Jungkook’s chuckle brings your attention back to him, and you blush for the first time since a while now, burying your head in the crook of his shoulder. Honestly, if you tried to move right now, you don’t doubt you’d just lay down on the floor, so you opt to remain in his hold.

That decision definitely wasn’t influenced by how secure you felt in his arms, or how good he smelt, even after you both just had sex.

His chuckles turn into laughter- and you’re only dimly aware of it as he sets you down on a nearby sofa, grabbing a washcloth nearby to start wiping you off.

When you look down at him again- it’s as if he’s seamlessly switched back to the adorable guy you met earlier. Huge, doe eyes and bunny smile on display as he grins happily.

It’s then that you hear the door to the bar being clicked open, and you’re thrown back into reality. 

“If you’re done fucking on top of the bar, I think it’d be good if we officially wrap things up around here,” you see a blond man barge through, wearing a poker face despite the words that make even more heat rise up to your cheeks. The connotations of the sentence… you’ll ignore that.

“And I think that included your dick, but okay,” he eyes Jungkook warily. He looks at you for a brief moment, before clicking on his tongue as he shakes his head.

“Anyway, out of this place, both of you, before Seokjin-hyung threatens to kill me again for not being a good enough caretaker.”

“And what exactly were you doing while we were… in here, Yoongi-hyung?” Jungkook raises a brow out of suspicion. 

Sleeping. Now hurry up.”

Peals of laughter escape Jungkook, even as both your cheeks redden at being caught.

“Alright, alright,” Jungkook reassures him, before turning back to you. “Let me just finish up cleaning that mess, and we’ll get you home for real,” he tells you softly. Placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he lays you down to rest.

“Take a quick nap in the meantime, okay?”


Giggling under the blanket of the dark night, you run under the bright stars as the stars reign the heavens above your heads. With Jungkook hand in hand, you experience freedom like you’ve never felt before.

The gentle breeze of the cold wind at 2 am, in perfect contract to the feel of his warm hand enveloping yours is the sweetest sensation, one of accepting, letting go and moving forward.

You swear you’ve never laughed like you do when you dash through the abandoned streets of neighborhoods too hazy for you to remember in detail. His laugh rings in your ears like the song of an angel, a far cry from your own booming on


Alice in the Madness of Wonderland: The Stygian Fairytale | Walkthrough


↳ Banner and dividers made by @kim-seok-jin​. Thank you^^. 



Alice in the Madness of Wonderland: The Stygian Fairytale

Stygian (the madness corrupts me, and you, my saviour)


Though Alice ‘Y/N’ Liddell is overshadowed, and she doesn’t seem to think much of it, she yearns for a world which notices her- gives her a chance- a part of her wanting for a turn to be on the pedestal. But of course, nothing can change that-

Or can it?

One chance encounter with a boy with bunny ears and a strange hole, and she arrives at the world of Wonderland- a world of magic, mystery and madness. Protecting her life is one thing, but-

What more when everyone seems determined to capture her heart?

Take care, Alice…


✉ Information: 

➠ Pairing: Seokjin × reader, Yoongi × reader, Hoseok × reader, Namjoon × reader, Jimin × reader, Taehyung × reader, Jungkook × reader, OT7 × reader

➠ Genres: Angst, fantasy, alice in wonderland!au, reverse harem, isekai (teleported to a fantasy world), mystery 

➠ Overall Rating: PG-18

➠ Warnings: Violence, suicide, comatose, disturbing scenes, weapons, fights, yandere, insanity, mental illnesses, torture, massacre, serial killers, violent riots, executions, murders, large amount of people die, stalking, people lead other people on, threats, madness (but it’s wonderland so), tea parties and the white rabbit


✉ Character Profiles:

March Hare ‘

Ace of Hearts ‘

King of Hearts ‘

Cheshire Cat ‘

Clockmaker ‘

Mad Hatter ‘

White Rabbit ‘


✉ Beta-player [a.k.a. me, blog writer and walkthrough maker!] comments:

Several crashes may occur while playing the game, as the developers told me. This is still a beta version of the game, after all! The game also contains a lot of violence… hrmm, well, you’ll see for yourself. I’ve been told not to give too many spoilers, but the developers hinted to me that as the player, we have a special power!

If you complete a route, you don’t have to continue to the next one. You can pick whichever route you’re on and make it your true end. When that option pops out in the game, and you pick yes, Wonderland will close, and Alice and her suitor will be able to leave! It’s our choices while reading that matter!

Or… at least that’s what they said. Still, I’d warn you guys to be careful in choosing! This game is tricky, and it has several bad ends too… ah, I shouldn’t spoil anymore. This is an online game, so I put the links below if you want to play the beta version too! Careful though~ It links straight to the prologue, so for any players replaying, just choose the route after!

Oh, and one last thing- though all of the main cast are dateable characters; it’s of course, only one character per route though… or is it? Hehehe!

If you go through all routes, you might get a secret ending! Bonus scenes! So complete the full game when it comes out, okay?

No, the developers totally didn’t ask me to say all that to promote the game~

Have fun playing, and I hope this walkthrough helps you!

Reader discretion advised.


Preview the Prologue here.

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[Routes are still in development, please visit from time to time to check for a new update.]



[Sidestories will be available after the release of the full game, please look forward to them.]


All rights reserved © 2020 kimtaejin [bangtan-dreamland | taerseok]. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed.

Recommended Song: When The Seasons Change by Five Finger Death Punch



After a fateful day in an Egyptian tomb, things have never been the same for Jungkook, or you, after a certain vengeful god decided to make him its fist.

Genre: Angst, Actiony, Romance, F2L UWU

Pairing: Moon Knight!Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)

Warnings: Swearing,Violence, Blood, Death of Major and Minor Characters. Body Horror.Talk of what its like to die.SMUT.

Word Count: 1179

Note:Jungkook will not be having DID in this fic. Khonshu has had many avatars over the millenia and I’m pretty sure Marc is the only one that has DID. Although there will be some slight overlap between Marc and Jungkook such as mercenary work.

I apologise for my shitty photoshop, my partner who does freelance design tried to help. Needless to say photoshoping is hard. In fact other than Jungkook, my partner did this whole little banner.


Jungkook had just wrestled his assailant off him when he saw your neck get sliced open by the undead thing’s nails. It was ugly, jagged, like it had been trying to tear your throat out. Time seemed to stop then, when the thing let go, your body falling to the ground as he just watched in shock.


This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be happening.

And then time kickstarted again and he was seeing red. He jumped up to his feet and grabbed the creature closest to him and thrust it face first into the wall, its head exploding from the shear force behind the action, covering his hand in viscera that splattered on to him as well. The next one, the one with your blood on its hands leaped onto his back, trying to rip and tear its way through his suit but failing. Jungkook flipped it over his shoulder and onto the floor, stomping into its chest cavity, crushing its heart beneath his boot. For extra measure, he took one of his crescent blades and hacked at the thing’s neck until it had separated from its body.

His breathing was ragged when he finally stopped, dropping his blade to rush over to where you lay unmoving. His mask dissolved away.

“No no no.” His hands hovered over you, unsure of what to do before pulling up into his arms, he called forth Khonshu’s power to heal and watched as… nothing happened. “Khonshu! Why isn’t it working? Heal her please!” He pleaded.

She is beyond my reach, my son.

“Bullshit. You brought me back. Bring her back too. Bring her back!”

That’s because I chose you for my avatar. I can only have one at a time.

“Then make her your avatar! Take this power and bring her back to me!”

… You know she would never agree to that.

Jungkook wailed, holding you tighter and trying again to revive you, tears falling freely as he pressed his head to yours, “Please, please, if there are any other gods out there, any listening, please… she didn’t deserve this. I’m begging you, bring her back. I’ll do whatever you ask, just don’t let this be the end.”


You poor little human, touched by Khonshu. Slain during your quest to keep humanity safe before it even began. Those guardians don’t know friend from foe.” Came a regal voice.

You opened your eyes, finding yourself in a lounge of some kind. Across from you sat a goddess with a lioness head. They were either Hathor or Sekhmet. The problem of knowing which was in front of you currently was that they were essentially two halves of one whole sharing a body. 

“Where am I?”

This is a vessel travelling outside space and time, inside theOthervoid and you, little human, are dead.”

“I kind of gathered that.”

The goddess chuckled, “We have an offer for you, so you can return. We are Hathor and Sekhmet, goddesses of love, war, healing, destruction, transition, vengeance, protector of pharaohs in war and death. The eye of Ra. Normally we keep out of human affairs but we cannot risk Ammit being released. So, we are in need of a warrior. Bind yourself to us to protect this world and the one you love, be our hands and eyes in the mortal world.” The goddess stood and held her hand out to you, “In exchange for your life, do you swear to love and protect those who are worthy and to avenge them should they come to harm?

You reached for her hand, so much larger than your own, “I do.”


Light filled your vision, much like when Khonshu had given you his sight. With a gasp you pulled air back into your empty lungs. You could feel the gash across your neck stitch itself shut. You were still getting your bearings so it took you a second to realise you were being clutched in Jungkook’s arms, he was quaking, sobbing. You raised a hand onto his shoulder, getting his attention. Jungkook startled, pushing you away just enough to get a good look at you. And you him.

His suit was covered in blood, whose you didn’t know, his mask was down. His face was red and blotchy from crying, hair a mess and his eyes not glowing.

“Y/N! Oh thank the gods! Whichever one answered my prayer. Khonshu said there was nothing we could do and I- I- Y/N… Don’t you dare die on me again.” 

He pulled you into him again, squeezing you tightly, using your breathing as an anchor for his volatile emotions. 

You wrapped your arms around him, “It’s okay. I’m back, I’m here.”

I see you have become the avatar to the Eye of Ra, little starling… or should I say little sun?

Strange, you still couldn’t see him.

Honestly, cousin, I can’t believe you let your avatar’s lover die like that. Look at the poor boy, he’s shaken beyond belief. Although, I doubt you would understand. You’re still a child.” You jumped a little when you saw your goddess appear, arms crossed and a playful smirk on her features. “Little human, what would you like to wear as our warrior?

“Something practical I guess.”

So be it.

The goddess clicked her fingers and Jungkook let go so you could stand. Red linen snaked around you like how Jungkook’s bandages did when forming his suit. But unlike his suit, your arms were left bare from fabric, instead adorned with golden braces. You had no cape or mask either. Instead you were in a red thigh length tunic with slits up to the hip, over that you had a type of kilt Egyptian men wore in the ancient times, on your hips was a golden belt with two Khopesh blades. And luckily your legs were covered in a pair of loose fitting white trousers, similar to sweatpants but… better was the only way you could put it. It was like a mix of the modern and the ancient past had formed your attire. 

“Wow, I’m almost jealous,” Jungkook praised, “but your eyes aren’t glowy… Is that not compulsory?”

“I guess Khonshu has a flare for the dramatic,” you offered, “now come on, we have a jaded ex to stop.”

Be careful, little starling, Sekhmet is not a goddess to be trifled with. Her bloodlust is legendary,” Khonshu’s voice echoed in your head as you made your way deeper into the tomb, Jungkook close behind.

You were aware of this already. In myth Sekhmet was made from Ra’s anger at humanity. You had read how Sekhmet decimated humanity and ignored Ra’s orders to stop. How she had to be tricked into drinking beer for her rampage to end. And how, for a time, she left the gods in anger at being tricked, making Ra’s power diminish and Thoth had to persuade her to return. 

You took hold of your Khopesh, which were lighter than you expected, and prayed that Hathor would be the one guiding you through this upcoming fight.


Note: So this version of Hathor/Sekhmet is different from the Marvel comic depiction of them and is hopefully more in line with actual Egyptian mythology. I’m no expert so if you guys have any useful tid bits or nuggets of info that’d be great :)

This work of fiction is copyright © JungkookieNoona and protected under UK and international law. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, copying or reposting will constitute an infringement of copyright.

Total Eclipse Pt5

Recommended Song: The Beginning by ONE OK ROCK



After a fateful day in an Egyptian tomb, things have never been the same for Jungkook, or you, after a certain vengeful god decided to make him its fist.

Genre: Angst, Actiony, Romance, F2L UWU

Pairing: Moon Knight!Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)

Warnings: Swearing,Violence, Blood, Death of Major and Minor Characters. Body Horror.Talk of what its like to die.SMUT.

Word Count: 1430

Note:Jungkook will not be having DID in this fic. Khonshu has had many avatars over the millenia and I’m pretty sure Marc is the only one that has DID. Although there will be some slight overlap between Marc and Jungkook such as mercenary work.

I apologise for my shitty photoshop, my partner who does freelance design tried to help. Needless to say photoshoping is hard. In fact other than Jungkook, my partner did this whole little banner.

You woke with a start thanks to Jungkook’s angry shout of:


You looked around and he wasn’t in the bedroom. In fact he sounded like he was downstairs. You rifled through the draws and threw on a baggy t-shirt and a pair of boxers before making your way down. You padded around until you found him in the kitchen, knuckles white from how tightly he gripped the counter. He was shaking.

“Kook, you okay?”

He shook his head, “I have to go. Khonshu said Harrow is up to something. Something that could endanger every living soul.”

Your brows furrowed and you moved to comfort him, hand resting on his shoulder, “Where do we have to go?”

“We? Y/N, I can’t have you in that kind of danger again.”

“Yes, we. Where you go, I go. We’re a package deal whether you like it or not. So, where does Khonshu want us?”

He sighed and pushed a hand through his hair, “Egypt.”

The air seemed to turn stale. You hadn’t thought you’d be returning to the country so soon. Maybe in a couple of years after having time to wrestle with your grief and trauma. But if lives were on the line, you were willing to fuck up your recovery schedule.

“Okay then, any idea what he’s doing there?”

“He’s searching for a banished goddess. Ammit the Devourer. According to Khonshu, she’s entombed somewhere not even the gods know but Harrow got his hands on an ancient compass type thing that leads the way to it. So he has a head start on us.”

You took a moment to process what you heard before responding, “I still have some contacts with local dig teams in various cities. If Harrow is finding a lost tomb he’s going to need trained locals with the correct equipment.”

“So that gets us where?”

“It’ll give us an opportunity to catch up. If I find the team’s headquarters we can ‘volunteer’ as an extra pair of hands.”

Jungkook sagged and gave you a weak smile, “I guess you’re the brains,” he kissed your forehead, “and I’m the brawn.”

“Damn right, you book us a flight, I’ve got some phone calls to make.”

You made your way back upstairs to find your phone in your discarded clothes.


Jungkook ducked his head into the bedroom where you had been making various phone calls. You had managed to locate the team Harrow was using and, using a fake name, they gladly accepted your offer to volunteer. 

“I’ve gotten us a flight to Cairo booked for about two hours from now. Care to follow me down to the basement?”

You looked at him quizzically, “What’s in the basement?”

“Stuff. Just come with me please.”

You butt shuffled to the edge of the bed, stood and followed him down to the basement. What you saw there took your breath away. A statue of Khonshu was against the back wall, around it were crates overflowing with various artefacts, ones you had last seen in a certain temple.

“Kinda. He said I would need this stuff so I had his blessing really. I’ll return it all when he retires me.”

“Jungkook, did you loot Khonshu’s temple?!”

“How did you even get them here?”

“Y/N, I was a merc. I have connections too and not necessarily savoury ones at that.”

You groaned and rubbed your face, as an archaeologist, this was your worst nightmare.

“Anyway this stuff isn’t what I bought you down here for.” He walked over to a box, not a crate, and searched through it, “ah, there it is.” He got up and turned to you, a kevlar vest in his hands. “If you’re insistent on coming with me, you’re gonna need armour. Sadly I don’t have a secondary ceremonial suit so this is the best I can provide you. Oh, and I’ll give you one of my guns too, not gonna have you defenceless.” 

You took the vest from him and stared at it. If he had worn this six months ago, would you even be in this situation? Most likely yes because Isaac would’ve just aimed somewhere else. Like maybe his thigh like Isaac did to you. Or maybe he would’ve dispatched Jungkook quicker with a headshot. You shook those thoughts out of your head, no point dwelling on the past.

“We better get ready to go, we’re going to have to pack light I guess. You better let me look through all this stuff when we get back.”

“Of course, baby, I don’t even know what half this shit is because unlike you and Big Bird, I can’t read hieroglyphics.”


Turns out Jungkook had called in a favour to get you a non-commercial plane to Cairo. It was hot, no longer used to the heat you felt you were going to melt under the sun, especially with the kevlar vest between layers. It would be a lie to say you weren’t nervous, you did all you could to not look it though as a jeep pulled up to the airstrip to collect you. They were locals so you didn’t have to worry about them knowing you. If it had been Harrow’s men that would have been a different story.

The ride to the excavation site made your stomach twist and turn because you knew that when you arrived you would be recognised. That violence would break out and these civilians would get caught in the crossfire. You needed to think of a way to minimise casualties. You just hoped you got there in time. 

“Hey,” You whispered to Jungkook, getting his attention, “can you call the suit during the day?”

“Yeah, luckily it’s not tied to a day-night cycle.”

You nodded, a little relieved, “we have to keep as many of these people safe as possible. Keep the fight away from them.”

Jungkook hummed in agreement.

Discreetly, you checked your gun, finger off the trigger. The safety was off and the barrel loaded already.  This time you’d make sure not to hesitate, a mistake you wouldn’t be making again.


The jeep pulled up outside the excavation site, you saw the entrance to the tomb had been cleared. Shit, that meant they were already in. You jumped out, swiftly followed by Jungkook who called forth the suit immediately. In reaction, the locals quite rightly drove away, frightened. Well that was one way to keep them safe.

“If this was built to trap a goddess… we’re gonna have to tread carefully. Follow my lead, Kook.”

You held up your gun, at the ready as you entered. Slowly, carefully, you crept through the hall until you got to what appeared to be the centre of a maze. Looking around you wracked your brain for a meaning to it. You noted the possible exits and how the halls beyond them seemed to curve.

“I think I know what’s going on here, but just in case I’m wrong, can you ask Khonshu if he knows?”

It’s the eye of Horus. I shall show you the way, little starling.

Oh, you guess he didn’t need to talk through Jungkook. But it was confirmation you were correct. Jungkook took the lead, as he was the only one that could see the god. Apparently these gods existed in a separate dimension and only their avatars could see them. So yet again, gods were aliens.

You came to another room, hieroglyphics covering the walls and took a moment to decipher them.

“I uh, don’t want to freak you out, but I think we’re going to encounter some uh, underdead guardians-” Gunfire cut you off and you both turned in the direction it came from. “And that sounds like the way not to go.”

You watched Jungkook look off into the corner of the room and, after a second, nod. 

“Khonshu says there’s another exit up there,” he pointed to a ledge you hadn’t spotted before wrapping an arm around your waist and jumping up onto it. 

You would never get used to his strength, you were disorientated for a moment but Jungkook took your arm leading the way. Both of you failed to notice the shadowy figures that scuttled the walls behind you until it was too late. Something gripped your other arm and snatched you away as the other tackled Jungkook to the ground. You went to scream out but something cold scratched across your throat. Your blood spilled forth, drenching your neck.

Just like Jungkook had described to you the night before, you faded away so quickly. The last thing you heard was his anguished cry.




This work of fiction is copyright © JungkookieNoona and protected under UK and international law. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, copying or reposting will constitute an infringement of copyright.
