#lets be friends


If you have BPD you know the struggle.

*texts bestfriend at 9:30am knowing she is at work* hey babes, hope you have a good day! Talk to you on your lunch.

*does not reply cuz working*

12pm on the dot. *texts bestie* hello! How is work going?

*doesn’t reply; getting her shit together for her break*

12:03 *texts bestfriend again*


*does not text back; still getting her shit together*

12:10 *texts bestfriend again, anxiously scrolls through Instagram. Keeps closing and opening bestfriend and I messages. Keeps thinking what if I did something wrong.*


12:30 *gets reply from bestfriend*

Hey babes, sorry, I was getting my shit together and went to sit in my car. How is your day going? Work is work you know. Nothing fun.

*texts back immediately*

OH THANK GOD. I thought you were mad at me.

HEYYY message me your discord’s. Let’s be friends !!

I love (sarcasm) how I always say I’m stepping away from the daiya fandom and then turn around and write something for shiranori because I can’t let go of my two favorites.

I just want a friend I can talk about BTS and my cat and the kids I watch all the time and not feel like I’m bothering them you know!

So talk to me. Tell me things, ask me things, entertain me.

And I’ll just keep bloggin’.

Put stuff in my ask. Let’s be friends. 

I never expected that my first post would be about a happy robot velociraptor… but hey, at le

I never expected that my first post would be about a happy robot velociraptor… but hey, at least he’s happy.

I would like to start this blog with an introduction. Let’s start with myself. Hi, I’m Kat. I do random illustrations (or doodles, if you prefer to call it that way) based on my experiences or other people’s experiences… or anything that pops into my mind. I like making friends (hint hint) so let’s be friends! I would hug the reader (that’s you… yes, YOU) right now because by reading this sentence you have automatically become my friend… but sadly I can’t because hugging through the internet has not been invented yet.

Enough about me. The one up there farting rainbows is my dog named Dash. Ironically, I own a dog and not a cat (my url is catsandkats but Kat doesn’t have a cat) but I’m still happy since Dash is adorbs. Oh and about that rainbow, usually humans don’t really see it but all animals leave rainbow trails…….yup.

p.s. i don’t really have merch… and i’m not advertising myself psh (lol just kidding, i wanna meet new friends) 

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ryannshannon:HEY EVERYONE!!! Make sure you catch the big premiere of OK KO: Let’s Be Heroes TONIGHT


HEY EVERYONE!!! Make sure you catch the big premiere of OK KO: Let’s Be Heroes TONIGHT on CN!!! The episode “Let’s Be Friends” written/boarded by me and @parkersimmonsyall will be airing along with several other really great episodes!! Be sure to check it out if you can, you won’t regret it!! 

After spending the first episode introducing KO’s POV and his world, the second one is all about getting to know Rad, Enid and Boxman! We made the decision to hold off on showing Boxman in episode 1 so we could give him the extended intro here. Ever since the pilot I wanted to explore the inside of Boxmore, so it was really fun to finally get to do it. We take time to fully lay out his evil personality, his evil motivations, and his evil robot family. Ryann did a great job making us feel KO’s struggle to be as cool as Rad & Enid, and Parker nailed this episode’s very weird climax, where we make an action scene out of a friendship. So many great hilarious and heartfelt moments in this episode!

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So I made the mistake early on, of making hogwartstribune as a secondary blog on my Tumblr. Now I want to interact with everyone, follow people, and reply to comments but it does all of that from my primary account (which I lowkey don’t want people to know about because it mixes two completely different fandoms). So I’m gonna try to fiddle with all the tech-y stuff of tumblr and try to find a way to interact with you guys as hogwartstribune because everyone is so nice here and I want to be friends :(


Animal Crossing really be seeing the state of the world right now and being like

Hit me up if you play Animal Crossing

˃̶᷇ ‧̫ ˂̶᷆ 92568170100!

Please come forward. I’m lonely haha
