

Liberalism (pronounced: HU-UR-UR):

The political stance of justification for vile, inhuman behavior as a result of significant mental illness, deficiency, and willful ignorance. Demonstrated by a renowned ability to radicalize, promote violence, depravity, and hypocrisy. Generally, the blind following of an authoritarian regime and desire to restrict freedoms, reserved for an elite caste. Supporting decriminalization, Liberals promote a tolerance for mental illnesses while equally criminalizing freedom of speech. Supporting draconian laws for insane ideals of criminalized non-violent acts, they promote ignoring existing laws that protect against violent acts. Saying they’re against something, they intentionally pave the way for that something to exist. Inasmuch as they claim they’re against sexual abuse, they have neither investigated nor convicted any of Jeffery Epstein’s clients which include elected officials, and he didn’t kill himself.

Liberalism is a mental illness.

A question for liberals…

History has shown that traditional gender roles work incredibly well, they produce better off children, and make both parties happier over all.

History has shown that the “2 gender” system, having expectations that biological females are women and biological males are men, has worked incredibly well. Science shows that the majority of people fall into these categories.

Both of these “bigoted” beliefs are what lead to booming populations, big and advanced civilizations, lower rates of depression and suicide, and over all order in the family.

So I ask you, what is your purpose in opposing these things? Do you fight against normalicy for a false sense of heroism, or is it because you are bored? What good do you expect to come from tearing the foundations of civilization away? What do you think you are helping?

You’d think I made a typo in my title, there, but hear me out.

A sequel to Frozen has been in the works for years, but Disney kept pumping the brakes until they found a story that made sense as a follow-up to what was literally the highest grossing animated film of all time. And while Frozen 2 had 1.2 billion-dollar-sized shoes to fill, I’m happy to say that this sequel is enjoyable and undeniably high quality, even if Disney stopped just shy of MAKING FROZEN GREAT AGAIN.

To wit, Frozen 2 falls a bit short of the original in almost every way: its story is less original, its songs less interesting, and its overall execution less impactful from start to finish. It also borrows liberally from a lot of other animated classics. It’s plot is a little bit Pocahontas mixed with Moana, as Elsa feels the call to explore the unknown and finds herself suddenly sharing her world with a culture not her own. Visually it takes cues from How to Train your Dragon and Tangled (again), and its story structure focusing on harnessing the different elemental powers of nature has been done over and over again, ad nauseum.

None of that is to say Frozen 2 is a bad movie. It’s really quite good. Olaf the snowman is even more hilarious this time around, the art director’s color palette is bold and visually captivating, the empowering feminist slant of the franchise holds strong without being ham-fisted, and its themes of perseverance and moral responsibility are poignant and worth learning. But when it comes to its most important piece of messaging, Frozen 2 punts.


To elaborate, the major story arc in Frozen 2 revolves around a bordering tribe of shamans called the Northuldra that have been cut off from the kingdom of Arendelle by an impenetrable wall of magic fog. Some distrust their exotic ways and see them as threatening, as the woodland people are largely blamed for a bloody conflict that caused a rift between the two kingdoms decades prior.

If you aren’t already thinking about our country’s own “struggles” with “immigration”, Frozen 2 takes it a step further. As the story stumbles to its mystical climax, we learn that the militaristic (at least in comparison) nation of Arendelle built a massive dam to cut off the Northuldra’s access to the powers of nature. However, when it was constructed, the people were told that the huge stone wall was a gift, and would usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. But, as the movie puts it, “It was all a trick.” As such, the only way for Anna to save the day is to tear it all down, even if that means putting your own people at risk. As it turns out, dividing the world is always more dangerous than sharing it in the long run.

For better or for worse, Frozen 2 never puts this messaging front and center. Xenophobia is communicated through only side comments, and conflicts between two “warring” tribes take a backseat to much safer plot elements such as reindeer singing about heartache. One can almost hear the discontented grumbling of Disney focus groups trying to make sure this movie doesn’t alienate the wallets of the 40-45% of this country that still want Trump in office.

If there is one moral to the story of Frozen 2, it’s this: Do the next right thing. I think I know how Elsa and Anna would apply that lesson next November. I just wish they had been brave enough to say so a little louder.




This is the easiest way to piss a conservative off though… Like ask for a specific source and they FLIP

That boy short-circuited

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put this on my tombstone
