

Let’s be cowboys together and let’s snuggle under a tree. No thoughts, no worries, and no stress.

Your lover telling you to come here excitingly, just to show you a round frog in their hands. You’re smitten with love over this dumb fool.


I adore you and absolutely everything there is about you.

Sometimes I remeber that there will be a last time we kiss. A last hug. The last time I hold your hand. During those moments my heart breaks but I think about how much I love you and know that loving you for our brief time on this earth is worth the pain.

My darling beautiful muse fills my heart with warmth and joy everyday. No storm is dark enough to block out her light.

my muse has lips like soft sweet mochi

You are beautiful. You are more than a body, more than your skin, more than your scars or perceived flaws. You are an amazing miricle of light. You have pushed through and preserved. You are beautiful for your strength, beautiful for your mind, beautiful for your possibility. You are an endless well of beauty and mesmerizing dreams.

You’re weekly reminder that:

You are loved

Your value is not based on your relationship status

Being single doesn’t mean your undesirable

You didn’t deserve the pain you’ve suffered

I love you, I will remind you everyday if need be.


the fact that i’m not having a picnic under a tree in the forest with my partner right now is absolutely outrageous

Thank you for sharing your love with me darlings. I love hearing about everything that makes you happy.

Today’s question is

What’s a dream or goal that makes you feel warm? Like your chest is full of honey that can’t wait to break out.

Thoughts create feelings. Feelings create actions. Actions create habits. Habits create identity. What you thought is who you’ll be. You have the power to choose which thoughts you’ll focus on. Let the unwanted ones pass.

Moving on from the hard mentality of hustle culture into softness and gentleness. No more working hard to get things to be happy. But instead, being happy where I am to attract more of what I desire.
