#luciel choi


AU where the toy car Jumin broke driving into V’s house as a kid was one of 707’s “babies” because he managed to kidnap Elly and everything is wholesome and happy

Okay so I’m doing Another Story route for the first time (please no spoilers, I’ve managed to get this far without knowing anything about what happens Eheh and I’d like to keep it this way) and THIS IS THE SHIT THAT MAKES ME WANNA PLAY HIS ROUTE FOR THE 10,000th TIME. I full on squealed - had to take a break. Also, I guess now you all know my name ehehe, it’s nice to meet you ^^;;

(Also, thank you so much to the people who have requested ships, I’m working on them as much as I can but it takes me a while ;-; I just try and make them as good as possible. Bear with me - thank you all so much for sticking with me, it means the world!)

To celebrate one of your favourite holidays of the year (who’s gonna complain about all-you-can-eat chocolate?) you had decided to plan an Easter party for everyone in the RFA.


  • He’d kind of been all pouty the couple days leading up to the party because you were so excited and preoccupied with planning for the party
  • But he didn’t say anything because he loved seeing you all excited and smiling into your planning binder, scribbling down ideas whenever they came to you
  • What was really strange was the night before, where you had made him go stay somewhere else for the night
  • When he asked you why, you just winked, “it’s a surprise.”
  • He decided he’d come early to see you on the day of the Easter party, since he’d really missed you a lot
  • Plus he wanted to praise you for everything that you’d done to prepare - it was gonna be perfect, he just knew it
  • So when he shows up early, he basically kneels over because it’s
  • So
  • Fucking
  • CUTE
  • You went all out with the little bunny and chick decorations, and yellow, pale pink and blue streamers all over the place and lots and lots of treats
  • And then there was you, dressed up adorably as a little Easter bunny and when you turned around to see him, he officially died and went to adorable heaven
  • “Oh! Saeyoung! You’re early!” You smile brightly, walking over with something behind your back and you lean up to kiss his cheek
  • He can’t handle how fcking cute you look, he wants to tackle you with all his love - he’s about to kiss you when you pull what you were hiding out from behind his back
  • It’s a small red felt bag with a little hand made clip of his glasses holding it closed.
  • “I’m kinda glad you came early, I didn’t want everyone to see…”
  • “You made this… for me?” He asks, slightly breathless
  • You nod, smiling and beckoning you to open it excitedly
  • It’s a series of little chocolates - chicks and eggs and bunny rabbits
  • Based on the fact that they’re a little smudgy and wonky looking, he asks if they’re handmade and you nod a little proud of your efforts and he pops one into his mouth, humming with appreciation
  • “Mmmm~ you should become a chocolatier, it tastes so much better than the store bought ones!” He praises, and you smile
  • You guide him around the place and he helps you pin up the last of the decorations before deciding all that’s left to do is actually have the party
  • “I hope they’ll like it.” You say softly, looking around at your work and Saeyoung is there, wrapping an arm around your waist and rubbing his nose against yours
  • He loves affection, what can I say?
  • “They’re going to love it.”
  • When he kisses you deeper than you expected from him, you taste chocolate
  • When he leans back, he winks at your blush


  • He was always really happy to see you planning parties, because you always seemed to really really enjoy it
  • He was so happy when you were happy
  • The day of the party, when he shows up with Yoosung (he didn’t have a ride lol), he wishes he had come alone
  • Because there was so much effort put into this party - the decorations, the pastries that you had obviously baked and dear lord, your costume
  • It wasn’t immodest at all, but something about you dressed up as a rabbit brought him back to his teenage years, where he fantasised about playboy bunnies
  • He had to close his eyes and calm himself down before he could walk over to you and tell you about how amazing it had turned out
  • Throughout the whole night, he was there, continuously praising your efforts and telling everyone about how amazing is she? Like look at all this work and –
  • You getting embarrassed by his praises
  • At first, it was just him holding your hand, but by the end of the night, his arm was around your waist
  • Whispering naughty things into your ear as he got tipsy, making you blush and Saeyoung would tease you 
  • You and Zen totally had some frisky fun time when you got home ;)


  • He legit wanted to help you plan the party
  • But you stopped him immediately, telling her that this is something I wanna do for you and the other members. I don’t want you to worry much about it, plus I want it to be a surprise for you.
  • But this is Jumin
  • He wouldn’t buy it
  • So, he made sure you had more than enough expenses (even though you were hand making most of the decorations, but okay) and he even rented out a nice place usually booked for weddings in the park
  • So, there went your plans for a surprise party for all of the RFA members
  • He wanted to know all the details
  • And when you’d try and regain control, siting this was going to be a surprise party he’d just say I’ll pretend I don’t know anything
  • Right… because I’m sure everyone would believe that, considering you rented pretty much everything
  • But when the day comes, and everyone is together and eating chocolate, he can’t help but feel a little (lot) proud of you
  • You already had enough on your plate - big parties and a part time job and college (you wanted to get your PhD finally) and then this?
  • It was a big hit with everyone
  • He was so sweet, helping you clean up in any way he could
  • Fed you chocolate ;)


  • Yoosung wanted to help you out, so you of course said yes
  • It was just the RFA members, so you didn’t really bother making it a huge deal
  • You just invited them over and shared food and drink and a shit ton of chocolate
  • You decide to put on some rabbit ears and face paint
  • You manage to convince Yoosung to copy you - he does, but only because he can’t deny you when you’re begging him with those doe eyes
  • You always get what you want ;)
  • Once the RFA leave and it’s just you and Yoosung, you get you both a glass of wine and bring the left over chocolate with you
  • So you guys eat and drink until you’re tipsy and in a food coma and you’re giggling and he’s talking and you’re both snuggled up together on the couch
  • You watch Hop pretty much three times, because you both get distracted so quickly, but you’re so determined to watch it completely through
  • But after the third trial, you both just give up and play some LOLOL together
  • You even dressed your players to look more festive!
  • You guys were the dream team
  • It’s even better than the party, but neither of you say that
  • You kind of end up making out and it tastes so sweet that you can’t really stop (so addictive)


  • Jaehee finds it so endearing when you’re planning a party
  • Like, you value her opinion so much
  • “What do you think of this design?” “What do you think of doing this?”
  • She loves how much you include her - unlike her old job *cough*C&R International*cough*
  • She offers to do things for you, but you make sure she won’t do too much because you know she can kind of get carried away
  • So you let her prepare the food, since she loves to make sweets
  • You join in with her and you both end up having lots of fun, seeing the reward of delicious looking pastries for your hard work
  • Having to remake the food because you both ate it all
  • You getting dressed up for the party and Jaehee finding you so cute she can’t really say anything
  • You finding that adorable, so you kiss her cheek and tease her gently about it
  • Lowkey having more fun preparing for the party than actually having the party
  • Oh, the party works out really well
The mobile game that is taking otome players by the storm <3Inktober #18I’m FINALLY on 707′s rout

The mobile game that is taking otome players by the storm <3

Inktober #18

I’m FINALLY on 707′s route, so please no spoilers~! <3

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Commission for @pwoo! (*´艸`*) MY FAVOURITE SHIP IN THE ENTIRE GAME TBH..

Commission for @pwoo(*´艸`*)


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Golden hair, bright green eyes. Her first impression of Rika was angelic. The way she talked with V seemed like they had a world of their own; a world where no one was allowed. It was a beautiful sight.

Golden hair, bright green eyes. Her first impression of Rika was angelic. The way she talked with V seemed like they had a world of their own; a world where no one was allowed. It was a beautiful sight. Not everyone can have someone that would share the same interests as the other. The sight of them made her want to dream, she wanted experience the same thing with someone someday. She was that happy for them. Even if she wanted to see more works of V she decided to walk away quietly from them and back to her artworks.

She could still clearly remember that afternoon,

That same woman was in front of them right now. She still has that angelic features; her lovely, golden hair and the innocent facial features, but her emerald eyes that once bear hope was now without an ounce of sympathy, it was dark. It screams of a twisted belief that she wanted to share to other people. Something that cannot be accepted by the society, a belief one would thought they’d only see in a soap opera, or in her terms, a delusion.

Then, there was a younger man. Around Seven’s age; his younger brother. Pointing the gun at V, who was risking his life for the so called ‘savior’ of this cult. But with the situation they are in, his actions was something. She could not describe it as something romantic, or heroic. It was, crazy and unrealistic. Of course, Rika was the love of his life. He was willing to protect her at all costs, heck, he was even willing to sacrifice his sight.

For an artist, their eyes, hand and emotions were one of the most important things. Without it, they cannot create art that can bring something to this twisted world. Just the thought itself, for her, a someone who was about to lose one of the tools of trade was devastating. She had no idea what she was doing, but her body was moving towards them.



Blood, a deafening ring to her ears, her body falling on the floor. The sudden silence inside the hall.

Rika screamed, Vanderwood kicked the believers who were holding him back and V’s face that was terrified for her. She looked around the room before feeling the pressure on her right chest. It was Vanderwood, he was pleading her to stay with them, his coat pressed gently to stop the bleeding. Next there was V, and then Saeyoung trying to calm his brother.

“Keep awake, I need you to stay with us!” Vanderwood’s desperate plea made her look at him,

“Stay with us, please we need you to stay with us!” V’s trembling voice made her whimper, a lump forming in her throat. “Don’t… worry.” she managed to mumble, before completely closing her eyes.

“Haaah… haaah!” She woke up. The same feeling of fear back in her mind. Her hands were shaking, she’s drenched in cold sweats all over her body. The thought of dying was something she couldn’t completely fathom. But at that moment she was the same as V, willing to give it all for someone they cherish.

The fairy lights in her room glowed a yellow color, the same color as her lampshade. The familiar vibe the room itself gave off made her feel at ease after having a nightmare. She made sure that her room looked like it did when she was still living in her apartment. The room was in calming color of sky blue, which she was thankful for.

It’s been months since she moved in to this unfamiliar place. Living in V’s house was something she did not expect. Although the man himself persisted so, she still feels as if she was someone who shouldn’t be here. The uneasiness started to build up again. So she switched the light on, grabbed her brushes, paints and a watercolor paper. Trying to paint away the idea that came to her.

She dipped the brush in the water, before lightly brushing at the pigment of her chosen color. Each stroke she makes on the paper was like a calming therapy for her, along with the scent of lavender oil that is wafting all over the room. Yes, this enough to calm her down.

The eyeglasses Jumin provided somehow eased the blurriness of her vision, enough to make her see what she was painting. But soon enough, it wouldn’t be enough for her. And she couldn’t do anything to stop it.

Her movements stopped when she heard whimpers coming from the other room. Maybe he was having that dream again. Ever since she moved in, he was having a nightmare for at least twice a week. She went into the kitchen to get him a glass of water before walking closer to V’s room which was next to hers.

The whimpering didn’t stop, which made her worry. She carefully opened the door, before peeking inside to see V. The dim light in his bedside table was enough to reflect the beads of sweat in his forehead. She quickly went to him, putting the glass of water aside,

“V?” She tried to wake him up gently, but him just shaking wouldn’t stop. She held his hand while trying to shake his shoulders. It had become a routine, them looking out for each other. V takes care of her needs during the day, while she takes care of him when this time of the week comes. If only she could chase that dream away, then, both of them would be alright.

“Rika… no, don’t…” she pity V so much, to have undergone such experiences himself. She tried to shake his shoulders more forcefully this time, hoping for him to finally wake up. V reached out for her hand, holding it tight as he could, as if it his only way to calm down. Seconds later, his breathing returned to normal. His expression finally calm.

She had no idea what to do; his action took her by surprise. Trying to softly get her hand out of his made him grasp it a little more.

“Don’t go…” he murmured in his sleep. In his dreams, did he thought of the hand he is holding was Rika’s? The thought itself made her a little disappointed. Even so, she decided to stay with him for the night. Taking a chair and slept there, their hands intertwined the whole night.
The bright sunlight on the room gave it a warm glow. V woke up to the light of early morning. He found himself holding someone’s hand. He tried to make his eyes adjust to the light, before somehow seeing her even though it is only a blur. She was holding his hand tight, and she’s sleeping on a chair. He tried to remember what happened last night, until it came to him that he dreamt of the same incident that happened three months ago.

V brushed away the hair strands covering her face. He may not be able to see clearly but he can identify the dark circles under her eyes. He felt sorry for always keeping her up for weeks now, dreaming of the same thing again and again.
She looked uncomfortable in the position she was in, yet he could tell she was sleeping peacefully.

It was always like this. He wasn’t sure if he can carry her into her bed next room, especially without his cane. V thought of only one thing. He gently lifted her so that she can sleep in his bed, tucking her in his blanket, he was worried at first that it would smell of him.

As soon as she lay down she immediately reached for the pillow. Seeing her sleeping form made V felt at ease. She has her mouth agape, his spare pillow between her legs while she hugged the beige duvet. It’s been almost three months since she moved in, and the way he feels about her was making him confused. V knew that she was somehow like Rika, and staying with her made him feel scared at times. But those worries immediately come and go; she’s stable, calm and even most of the time rational and logical, yet she still knew how to perfectly have empathy.

His eye surgery was scheduled the next week, and it is making him anxious and at the same time excited. But, she was there to reassure that things will be fine. Truth be told he never saw her face clearly, and he wanted to so bad. He wanted to see the angel that saved his life, and to see the world with her.

His thoughts were abruptly stopped when the doorbell rang. Reaching for his gray cardigan on the headboard, V stood up and went to the front door, wondering who might visit them early in the morning. Good thing his house didn’t have any stairs, or else it would become a problem for him. just as he was about to turn the knob and open the front door, he heard footsteps coming near him. She was running towards the front door. Her hair tied in a messy bun while her eyeglasses was tilted on the side.

“Good morning V!” she greeted him, “Um, sorry but I was expecting Saeyoung today.” She held his arm for her dear life, she was panting. A sight quite new for V. “I don’t look too presentable right now, but… haha. Could you talk to him for a while…? I’ll go wash my face first, just wait!” She said, before he could protest, she was already looking at his eyes. V was hesitant to tell her ‘no,’ after all, it’s only been three months of not being able to talk at all to Saeyoung, this would be the first time to meet him.

He wasn’t sure if he would be able to face him or to tell him he is sorry, that he never intended for things to happen that way, all he could do was to look down to his feet. She must have been able to see the hesitant and troubled look on his face. She squeezed his arm gently, urging him to look into her eyes. V looked at her, she gave him a warm smile.

“It’s okay, I know you’re scared. But I think it is time for you to talk to each other. Everything will be fine, Jihyun. But, if you still cannot, just call me.” She reassured, before walking back to her room to wash her face and comb her hair. Those words were enough to push him to open the door and face his ‘younger brother’.

Saeyoung greeted him with his goofy smile, V could feel getting teary eyed. The way this boy smiled at him was like when he used to before the whole incident happened. They stood at the doorway for a few minutes, before another man with a bleached hair stood behind Saeyoung.
Seeing Saeran after what happened at the Mint Eye made him froze in place. He did not know what to do. He still felt guilty about what has happened to the both of them. He couldn’t help but–

“Good morning!” her voice cut through their little moment. She stood beside V, her smile making them all break into ones as well.

“… hello,” Saeran greeted shyly, his eyes were still the color of Mint. V had asked them to go inside. It was without a doubt that their atmosphere was still awkward, despite (Name) and Saeyoung’s desperate attempt to break it down.

She had asked Saeran to help her make breakfast, V knew that it was to give him and Saeyoung a chance to talk. Although he was not sure if it was the right time to talk, especially when they have yet to have their breakfast. Silence filled the entire living room, all they could hear was the chirping of the birds and the talking from the kitchen. V cleared his throat, he really has no idea how to start. He has a lot to say, but he does not know where to start.

“Saeyoung.” He tried to start, but the words were once again stuck in his throat. He found himself acting funny, his desperate attempt to apologize to Saeyoung was making him embarrassed. Although, he promised (Name) that he’ll try to become more open to his feelings and be dependent to others around him, he found it never easy to do so. but she was always there to reassure him that everything would be fine, but this time he should do it alone.

Saeyoung’s golden eyes were fixed on him, and V could feel it. He decided to be honest, to just say whatever he has to say,
“Saeyoung, I’m sorry.” He started off, his body facing towards him, “To be honest, I don’t think I still have the right to talk to you, or to Saeran. After what I did, I thought at that time that it was the right thing to do, to keep it from all of you from hurting. I understand that things have never been easy for the both of you. I can never apologize enough, I have so many things to apologize, for failing to take care of you and Saeran, for failing to becoming a responsible head of the RFA, and for even failing to protect all of you.” V finally said, “But, if possible, I want to start with all of you again, I know it will never be the same, I don’t even know if you can still forgive me, if I you don’t, then I understand too. It’s a karma I deserve, I created a secret I couldn’t control, and this is where it has brought me, to be honest, I don’t even know how to ask for your forgiveness.”

“Forgiving, hyung is not an easy thing to do…” Saeyoung finally responded. V was looking on the floor, unable to look straight into Saeyoung’s face. He had no courage to face him. he was once more afraid, but he took a risk. He decided to ask for forgiveness, now it was up to Saeyoung.
“Just like you, I took a risk. After all, you still did save us. Things might not have gone as planned. A part of me had already forgiven you, but right now, if you ask for complete forgiveness, it might take some time. But we all wanted to start again together.” He said, of course. Saeyoung was right, it made V happy. Healing does take time.

V, felt his heart more overwhelming with warmth and happiness.

“Thank you… thank you.”

RFA on Instagram  ♥ I had a lot of fun making these, do message me (askbox?) if you have any other fRFA on Instagram  ♥ I had a lot of fun making these, do message me (askbox?) if you have any other f

RFA on Instagram  ♥
I had a lot of fun making these, do message me (askbox?) if you have any other fun ideas regarding on their possible instagram post, including the comment sections BECAUSE I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO WRITE STUFF T__T

♥ follow my art instagram account @iriszeible

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707 and MC chilling at home. The bed is so smol though. Probably smart storage furniture lmao. But I

707 and MC chilling at home. The bed is so smol though. Probably smart storage furniture lmao. But I love small room. Easy to clean. XD

Kindly follow me on instagram for more art updates! @iriszeible

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cherive:i made somethinggg cuz SEVEN IS LOVEEEE //kicked lyric based on https://www.youtube.com/wacherive:i made somethinggg cuz SEVEN IS LOVEEEE //kicked lyric based on https://www.youtube.com/wacherive:i made somethinggg cuz SEVEN IS LOVEEEE //kicked lyric based on https://www.youtube.com/wacherive:i made somethinggg cuz SEVEN IS LOVEEEE //kicked lyric based on https://www.youtube.com/wacherive:i made somethinggg cuz SEVEN IS LOVEEEE //kicked lyric based on https://www.youtube.com/wacherive:i made somethinggg cuz SEVEN IS LOVEEEE //kicked lyric based on https://www.youtube.com/wacherive:i made somethinggg cuz SEVEN IS LOVEEEE //kicked lyric based on https://www.youtube.com/wacherive:i made somethinggg cuz SEVEN IS LOVEEEE //kicked lyric based on https://www.youtube.com/wacherive:i made somethinggg cuz SEVEN IS LOVEEEE //kicked lyric based on https://www.youtube.com/wa


i made somethinggg cuz SEVEN IS LOVEEEE //kicked

lyric based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkMRzbB0Xlk and it’s BETTER IF U READ WHILE LISTENING TO THE OP hehehe

i hope there’s no typo OTL ive recheck many times but who knows– _(:’D

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Don’t forget these two are voiced by the same person, I won’t let you forget

Headcanon: RFA plays just dance with M.C.


• “M.C. uh when you said you wanted to play a game I thought you meant LOLOL”

• Baby boy may have great hand eye coordination but he has two left feet.

sometimes mixes which avatar he is following.

• Demands a rematch after every loss…

you two end up dancing for hours and poor Yoosung has never ever been so sore.

•You mess up a lot for him to win so you two can finally rest.


• The lovely Zen accomplish anything and dancing is no exception of course.

• This man goes all out during the songs, and makes sure to strike his poses with flare.

• He looks like a natural just following the screen while you’ve already broken a sweat and are falling behind.

•He loves dances that are good for couples, while following his own moves he helps guide your remote.

•"Hehe dont worry M.C., practice makes perfect"


• Before you two even start playing poor Jaehee is trying to figure out how to get the game console set up.


•You end up having to help her before she throws the console out of the window.

•She finds it easier to aim her remote in whatever position it is directing.

•She lazily does the dance moves but still manages to get a high score.


•When you said you wanted to play a dancing game, he thought you meant something a little more classy.

•But he was in the privacy of your home so he let loose.

•M.C. never thought she would see the day where Jumin Han would be strutting and throwing it back to "I’m So Fancy”.

•Elizabeth the 3red just watches as her papa perform movements she has never seen. She doesnt know if she should be alarmed or not.


•Oh this is a dance battle. Without even a doubt.

•The two of your are in perfect sync while dancing along to the game.

•"Sorry my love, only one of us can be the star" he says before booty bumping you so your could miss your points.

•Hey may be a man, but he can swing his hips as good as any girl. Gotta learn that natural away with all the crossdressing.

•He is soooo dramatic when striking his poses.
