#major ptsd


is it just me or..

do you go to end it all but the way you’ve planned is all outside and you have major ptsd and major anxiety to even step foot outside so you’re trapped inside your head with no way out so you just lay in bed for another long ass day, which makes your days blend into the day before that and the day before that etc.. waiting for everyone to leave so you can run out and forget about everything, and just end your life all together. which leads you to having your leg looking like a chopping board and you cutting to make you not feel numb.. and then you smoke weed to help you sleep but it doesn’t work because you physically cannot sleep, so camhs are arranging sleeping meds.. and everyone talks shit about you because you’re “lazy” and you aren’t the favourite and your family are in a major aruement which you apparently aren’t aloud to get involved in because apparently the family will hate you but they already do.

because same.
