#mark fluff


Chapter 8 (Final)

Venom! Yuta x human! Mark x human! reader

Synopsis :

Mark thought he’d never find love with Yuta living inside his body, having his life turned upside down when he met the alien, or more accurately, was ‘chosen’ by Yuta during an afternoon of a very normal university tour which turned out to be a tour to the biotechnology company he had to destroy to save the world.

So definitely, with the hero duties and school, and the fact that he’s no longer your typical university kid, love was sort of out of the picture for him. But what happens when he stumbles upon a girl who loves him and his alien buddy?

Warnings : Tentacles, unprotected sex, slight mxm, fluff :)


You woke up to cold sheets beside you, the blanket is tugged high up until your chin, the curtains were drawn to block out the sunlight from streaming in.  

You reluctantly got out of bed to the connected bathroom, thinking of retrieving your own toothbrush when you see it at the ledge below the mirror, and all your other things beside it. Smiling to yourself, you quickly wash up to see what’s for breakfast.

Opening the bedroom door, you catch the sight of shirtless Yuta busying away on the stove, the scent of eggs in the air, making your tummy rumble.

“Are you my breakfast? Because you’re looking like a full course meal,” you said cheesily, cracking Yuta up as he throws in the chopped up spam into the scrambled eggs.

“Did you copy that one from Mark?” he asked, watching you from the corner of his eye, careful to not overcook the eggs.

“Might have,” you said, recalling how Mark had utilised any way possible to have you heed his advances before you finally gave in last night.

“I wanted to let you have breakfast in bed, why are you up so quick?” Yuta chided, his plan of surprise now being flushed down the drain by you.

“It was literally ten in the morning when I woke up, that’s not early, this is going to be brunch more than breakfast” you said as Yuta handed you your plate of scrambled eggs.

“Just thought I had tired you out for the next 24 hours,” Yuta said with a cheeky smile as he sat down with his own plate, digging in quickly.

“Just because I’m no superhero, doesn’t mean I’m that weak,” you complained, you’re so used to be the strong one among your friends, even your ex wasn’t all that masculine, but compared to Yuta? You’re like tofu.

“Okay, okay, no need to demonstrate,” Yuta says with a laugh when he sees you roll up your sleeves to show him your biceps, “Let me get Mark out, he hasn’t ate yet,” Yuta had eaten as he cooked your share of breakfast, thinking it’s finally time to wake the boy up.

When Mark was summoned, his eyes were still closed, Yuta had sat down on the dining table, Mark was just about to face plant into his hot breakfast before you catch his head, jolting awake at the pressure of your hand.

“Wow, that was close, nice reflexes,” Mark complimented with a proud look on his face, living together definitely had you improving in that department.

“You need to stop sleeping in like that, just because Yuta could fix a broken nose doesn’t mean you should break it all the time,” you chided, shoving more eggs into your mouth, savouring the salty taste from the juice of the spam.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Yuta would’ve caught me if you didn’t,” Mark said before he heard Yuta say that he was actually planning on cleaning the dishes, so he would most definitely, broke his nose if it wasn’t for you, but you didn’t need to know that.

You were enjoying your breakfast to the max, zoning out at the sight of the sun rays streaming in the balcony, not noticing Mark’s eyes on you, staring at the love bites scattered on your neck as well as the faint suction marks littered across your arms, suddenly he recalls last night’s scenes, especially after Yuta came, how you were pumped full of cum, Mark could feel himself growing hard, shaking his head to clear his mind, choosing to quickly finish his breakfast before he dives into the next meal in front of him.


After breakfast, you decided to laze around in the living room, pulling up YouTube from your phone to catch up on whatever that’s interesting on your feed, deciding on watching a short interview of a singer you’ve known since you were a child, calling Mark over who had just finished putting away the dried plates, knowing that he listens to Adele sometimes.

Mark wasn’t really interested in the interview, not when you’re just in a pair of his boxers and his shirt, your bare legs draped over his, but when he starts kissing your neck, you pause the video.

“Just a heads up, I might need more than just ten hours to recover from last night, I might pass out for another few hours if you want to impale me with your big tentacle cocks again,” you joked.

“What if we just have normal sex? Yuta could reside in your body while we’re at it,” Mark suggested, which was always his plan, he isn’t ready to use whatever blessing from Yuta he has down there just yet, planning on watching Yuta maybe a few more times before he wants to try it, he doesn’t want to put you in danger after all.

“Does that change my anatomy during sex in any way?” you ask, wondering if somehow Yuta could give you a ‘magical pussy’.

Yuta latched onto you at that suggestion, but when he focused on his 'new genitals’, nothing changed from how a normal vagina.

‘Nope, you might be a bit tighter now though, but I’m sure Mark would love that gorilla grip,’ Yuta joked.

“I don’t know about gorilla grip, Yuta, but suddenly, I feel like I downed five red bulls,” you said, moving your limbs, the soreness from last night’s events completely disappeared, reminding yourself to let Yuta switch bodies whenever after sex.

As an experiment, you got up and lifted Mark up from the sofa, surprised when you realise you felt like he weighed like feather, carrying him to the bedroom.

“I could get used to this,” Mark said with a laugh before he felt his bed under his hands as he watches you intently, the sight of you above him was so tempting, but he wants to top the first time, you could always top next time, or the next few times even, he’s not picky.

So he flips you over, smiling like a child in a candy shop when he sees your surprised expression.

“And here I thought all your strength was from Yuta,” you teased, a hand tracing his defined abs.

“After this, you won’t be doubting my strength no more,” Mark said before tugging off his shirt, low key flexing his muscles.

You can feel the power in your body, strength waiting to be harnessed, but you let him be, you’re a fiery person on the streets, but you just want to be babied in the sheets, most of the time. You stripped off your clothes eagerly before getting into position, on all fours, the sight of your wet pussy greeting him.

Yuta, seeing how the situation is, quickly made himself known by extending three tentacles out from your back, morphed into suckers at its ends to attach to your nipples and your clit. You moan when you felt the combination of Mark’s fingers opening you up and Yuta sucking away on your breasts at a quick pace, the tentacle attached to your clit was slower after Yuta noticed how sensitive you reacted to the quick sucking, he doesn’t want you cumming untouched, Yuta wants Mark to know that this is his doing.

After working two fingers into your velvet walls, Mark discarded his clothes and positioned himself at your entrance, pushing himself into you slowly, carefully because he knows last night couldn’t have been easy for you, aphrodisiac or not.

You didn’t struggle at Mark’s size after last night, but he was by no means small, in fact, he was thicker than most men you’ve been with, filling you up to the brim.

Experimentally, you thrusted your hips back onto Mark, sighing in delight at the first movement, looking back at Mark expectantly.

Mark who was still caught up on the first contact of pleasure, quickly caught on to your silent consent to move, swallowing a lump down his throat, he held your hips in his hands before he starts off with shallow thrusts, his teeth biting down onto his bottom lip as he indulges into the feeling of your tight walls wrapped around his cock.

Deciding to switch things up, Mark slowly backs his cock out before slamming back inside you quickly, making you whine breathlessly at the sudden change of pace, Mark tightens his grip around your hips before he thrusts at a fast and hard pace, the sound of skin hitting against skin resonating throughout the room and the sweet melody of Mark’s name falling from your lips is a tune Mark would never get tired of.

You didn’t know Mark had it in him, you would have never thought the cute little boy you first met would now be the ruthless man behind you, determined on making you see stars as his cock hits your sweet spot over and over again, your toes curling at the sensation as you struggled to hold yourself up, you would be flat on the bed if it wasn’t for Yuta’s aided strength.

Yuta, deciding on wanting to quicken the pace of both your demises, began sucking faster on your clit, making your knees buckle at the sudden pleasure coursing through your whole body, but of course Yuta wouldn’t only have his attention on you, he summoned another tentacle out of your back to attach himself onto Mark’s body, Mark, thinking it was just Yuta’s way of showing affection to him, Mark had let him be, busy chasing after both your highs, he decided to pay him no mind to Yuta’s touch, which is exactly what Yuta wanted.

Yuta, knowing both of you are distracted, extended the tentacle until it was at Mark’s perky ass, it was a normal tiny tentacle, the tip no bigger than a human finger, Yuta wiggles it between those fat cheeks before coating the sheen of natural slick his tentacles have at Mark’s hole, sliding it in without Mark noticing until it was too late, moaning at the intrusion, Yuta’s name falling from Mark’s lips so naturally that you felt a shudder down your back.

It wasn’t the first time Mark had experienced this, Yuta’s done this to Mark a few times, the first time was to get him to get his ass off from studying so much, but instead of eating like he had demanded him to do at that time, Yuta had to fuck Mark’s juicy ass to calm his boner.

Now was no different, in fact, Mark loves it, it gives him pleasure at both ends, taking in a staggered breath before he decides to continue, knowing that both of you were very much close.

Mark’s pace began to become sloppier after Yuta started playing with him, thrusting into you slower, but most definitely harder, determination clouded his mind as his hips meet yours over and over again until you felt the knot in your belly snap, cumming around Mark’s cock, your convulsing walls tightened up, pushing Mark over the edge, his warm spurts of cum painting your walls white as Yuta slows down his pace on both you and Mark, riding out your highs before he detaches himself from your bodies, slinking back into your body, falling onto the bed seconds after, fatigue quickly settling into your limbs.

Mark mimics you, falling onto the other side of his bed before he rolls over to face you, his ears tinted red at its tips.

“How do you feel?” Mark asked, a hand coming up to caress the area between the underside of your breast, where your skin was more sensitive.

“Good, you were great, Mark, didn’t know you and Yuta do that though, you’re full of surprises, who would’ve thought a cute face like that could be so freaky,” you said, teasing him more.

“Stop,” Mark whined as he buries his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling a sweet scent that’s uniquely yours.

“It’s a good thing, that was a compliment, Mark,” you said, reassuring him as your hand brushes his back like he was a giant puppy, the action making Mark sleepy.

“After this nap we need to head to the pharmacy to get a plan b,” you informed Mark, scared that you’d forget about it afterwards, Mark tends to have a better memory than yours.

“Okay, I’ll get some condoms too,” Mark said before stifling a yawn, closing his eyes as both your breathing evens out, drifting off into slumber.


When you woke up, the first thing you did was check your phone, digging it out of your discarded house shorts before sitting at the edge of the bed, playing with Mark’s hair.

The first thing you saw was a Google news feed alert, monster resembling Venom wreaks havoc upon downtown Seoul.

“Mark! Mark! Wake up!” you shouted as you shook him.

“I’m up! What’s wrong?” Mark asked, darting awake from his warm bed.

You shoved your phone into his eyes of the blurry photo of a white thing perched on Lotte tower.

“I think one of Yuta’s friends are here,” you said before rushing out to the kitchen stark naked, looking for the one thing that might help them, the fire gun you used for steak, it might not be able to burn the alien if needed, but it’s easier to start a fire with it.

Retrieving it from the highest cabinet, you gave it to Mark.

“You can’t start anything big with this, I know you don’t like damaging cars, but worse comes to worse, you need to ignite the petrol tank of the nearest vehicle, you understand me?” you pleaded, you don’t know how powerful this alien is compared to Yuta, you’ve never seen any other of his kind before, and they might be much more hostile than Yuta for all you know.

“Okay, hey, don’t worry so much, we’ll be okay,” Mark reassures you as he dresses himself.

“Promise me you’ll leave if he’s too powerful,” you need him back, you need Yuta, for the both of them to be back home safe.

“Okay, we’ll come back to you, I love you,” Mark said, it’s the first time he’s said this, and he hopes it’s not the last.

“I love you too, both of you, Mark, Yuta,” you said, trying your best not to panic, you’ve seen them in action, it’ll be alright, right?

You kissed Mark, deeply and passionately, usually it would be just normal pecks when they leave to save the day, but this is different, when you pulled away from the kiss, Yuta was standing in front of you.

“You have the fire gun, right?” you asked once more.

“Yeah, I’ll try to talk to them, if it’s my kind, it might not escalate to a big fight,” Yuta hopes, more so than a reassurance, but he doesn’t dare to air out his worries to you.

“Okay, I’ll be waiting, come home to me,” you said before Yuta leaps out of the window, transforming into the hero that everyone knows and grew to adore, Venom.


this story continues on in Anti Venom ;)


you feel yourself become filled with an almost childish glee when bestfriend!marksuggest for you two to go on the ferris wheel together with the last two tickets you have to wrap up the day spent at the amusement park together. hand in hand you step into a pale blue cabin as you watch the cotton candy skies with a bright wonder in your eyes. you point out different shapes of clouds, remarking on how the little lion-shaped one reminded you of mark. he smiles shyly at your comment, his gaze meeting yours for a split second before returning to the sky ahead of the both of you. you could feel your heart start to race a bit faster from his warm eyes meeting yours. as the ferris wheel starts to slow down, you feel a slight tap on your shoulder coming from mark. you turn towards him, puzzled before he places a tender kiss upon your lips. you feel yourself pause at the sudden feeling of his soft lips against yours while you were registering that mark lee, your best friend of nine years and that you hopelessly pined in those said nine years, was in fact kissing you. you felt your heart suddenly race and your stomach flutter as you gave into his touch, his hands slowly cupping your face. you could feel your cheeks burn up furiously and you were almost certain your knees would have given out if you weren’t seated. when you two parted lips, your face still cupped in his hands, he smiles softly at you before he utters quietly under his breath.

“you have no idea how long i waited to do that.”

heebie jeebies.

pairing : fratboy!mark x sororitygirl!reader

genre : fluff, fluff, fluff, and fluff!! crack, college!au

warnings : drinking, profanity, mentions of cheating, adult jokes (under 18 pls dni)

word count : 10k (sorry i got carried away lol)

summary : HOEPROTOCOL:ACTIVE. Main objective? Protect Princess Karina from the Black Mamba, obvi. And please- don’t jeopardize the mission just because Mark Lee from Public Speaking class is coming your way.


Sighing, you exchange glances at Ryujin, Lia, Giselle, and Yeri. They already look exhausted, all ears and advice to the girl with long black hair. It’s been an hour since you all arrived at Nu Chi Tau, they are hosting the semester break party. It’s that time of the year, when the students finished their semester finals, it’s time to loosen up after all the mathematical equations stuck on their head, or those sociology theories, or heck, maybe the vitamin contents of a basket of oranges.

“Karina, honey. You’ve been downing your 6th glass of beer tonight. You might wanna slow down now.” You start, touching your friend’s shoulder. She looks absolutely stunning tonight, but hammered as fuck, only letting out a little chuckle from her lips.

Ryujin and Giselle can only shake their heads. They literally did this 2 days ago, when Karina was bawling her eyes out at the sorority dorm, she didn’t get up from her bed, except she had to pee. You and Yeri had to drive to the nearby McDonalds, getting her comfort food, McNuggets with honey mustard on the side. Lia was in charge to stash her some chocolates, to supply some serotonin up in her pretty brain.

For tonight, you and the girls actually promised Karina to accompany her in the dorm while the rest of the house is partying. But then suddenly she jolted out of her bed, showered, and put on one of her best dresses, the glittery purple one. Sis really said “I’m getting fucking ripped tonight.”, and told all of you to dress up and put makeup on.

And yet, here you are. With your other 4 pretty friends. One is heartbroken-drunk. The rest of them are only here for moral support, not even bothered to find some boys to be tormented or girls to talk with. Just vibing in the dark blue velvet couch together, right in the middle of the living room of some frat house.

Karina sniffles, it looks like she ran out of beer. She starts to turn her head left and right, looking for some beer keg for her to kick in. “m’getting more beeeeer..” she said, completely hammered.

Lia sighs, seizing the red cup from Karina’s hand. Shaking her head, Lia nags, “You are not getting more, miss. I am sending you to detention.”

“No, ma’am. I will not. But please don’t send me to detention, ma’am.” Karina pouts, with her glimerry eyes, drunk Karina is something else. You chuckle at them, then go back to scanning the whole living room, packed with dudes and girls, dancing and grinding to each other. On some occasions, you may spot a wild Hendery Wong chugging a whole ass Tequila bottle with Yangyang, Chenle, and Renjun in the background chanting “Chug! Chug! Chug!”.

But today, all you can see is a pack of dudes playing Just Dance on PlayStation 5 or whatever. You thought you saw Ten Lee from Psychology major, playing a tight match against Taeyong Lee from Fine Arts major, but then a boy caught your eye.

“Girls, the fucking snake has landed. I repeat, the fucking snake has landed. Activate the hoe protocol. I repeat, activate the hoe protocol.” You quickly announce your friends. In a flash, they tidy their hair and dress up.

Jeno Lee. A boy from the Nuclear Engineering major. He had the AUDACITY to cheat on your best friend, with an unknown girl from his class. Karina found out and dumped his ass, but still, crying and heartbroken. He begs for her forgiveness, but you and the girls forbid her to get back to him. And now, all you wanna do is just lit his fucking ass on fire.

“Roger that. Y/n and Giselle, bring the Princess faraway from this fucking Black Mamba. Far, far away. Please, I can’t stand this man and I will personally whoop his ass and-”

“ROGER THAT, RYUJIN. I think we all agree that we can jump him afterparty. I say we tie him into a tree, yes?” Giselle cuts off, giving a hand gesture for Ryujin to calm the fuck down.

“I have a better idea, do y’all maybe wanna cut off his-”

“Okaaaay maybe we can activate the protocol now.” Yeri joins in, cutting Lia off before she can continue her words about slaughtering something.

Karina, still dazed, not knowing what is happening. She is being dragged by you and Giselle, into a whole new part of the frat house that can only be unlocked when you go straight ahead from the huge ass ping-pong table in the middle of the goddamn house. The girls separated ways to activate the protocol, to spy on Jeno and distract Karina. But knowing Ryujin, she probably would’ve lit Jeno’s ass on fire right now. But no, she can’t jeopardize the whole team right now. Jumping Jeno is the final stage. Not now.

You, Giselle, and Karina are currently in the kitchen right now. Sitting on the top of the kitchen counter, eyes closely watching Karina chugging a whole ass glass of water. She needs it right now, considering the amount of alcohol running through her systems. You scan the whole floor from the kitchen, you probably just know a few faces, but not all of them. Giselle is busy typing on her phone, probably just busy tweeting on her Deadpool stan account.

Sighing, you come down from the counter, start rummaging through the fridge. One by one, you gain more and more information from frat life. Turns out these are what they consume on the regular : milk; leftover orange chicken from panda express; watermelon that is gouged out, probably with a fucking soup spoon (who the fuck eats watermelon with a fucking soup spoon?); burnt out cheesecake; frosted flakes (why the fuck do they put a whole ass cereal in a fucking fridge?); a few rotten veggies; quinoa; a fucking candle, a fucking TV remote, and a whole ass ipad pro. Yes, and an ipad pro. Inside a fucking fridge. In conclusion : men are weird.

Disgusted, you quickly shut the fridge door and glance at Giselle and Karina. “I’ll never open a fucking frat fridge again, ever.” you announce,

Karina just laughed a bit, she’s probably not sober yet. Giselle just snickers at you without looking up from her phone. “Tell me about it.”

“It’s so fucking weird, they literally put everything in there. There’s a whole ass ipad in there. And worse, a fucking watermelon, gouged out, I don’t know what these men use- but it looks like they used a fucking garden shovel.” You explain, complete with a gesture that you are purely disgusted.

Looking at you directly, Giselle is convinced. She is now doing the throwing up expression, and proceeds to hold up her index finger. “Hold up, let me tweet about it. Men are fucking gross. Tweet. Tweet sent.”

Giselle and her twitter wonders, you can only roll your eyes about it. The reason you use twitter is to thirst over Sebastian Stan, and maybe to retweet memes and collect them.

“Uh yes, about that- That’s me. And I use a spoon. We’re men, but not that barbaric.” You hear a voice from your back. Oh god. Giselle just gasps, while Karina is downing another glass of water.

The embarrassment. You can’t even cope with it anymore. You’re just ready to apologize to whoever it is, and probably drag Giselle and Karina out of the kitchen to find another place to hide from Jeno the fucking Black Mamba. You turn around slowly, tidying your hair. Well at least if you’re going to be embarrassed, you’re gonna look good.

“Look, I’m terribly sorry, I just thought it was weird to eat a whole ass watermelon with a-”

It’s Mark Lee, from the public speaking class. International Relations and Affairs major.

“-oh it’s you. Should’ve known you’re that kind of guy.” You’re relieved to see him. You once used to be a partner with him in public speaking class, he’s a great guy for an assignment. Responsible and filled with ideas.

He giggles, his blue hair is half wet, probably because of the sweat that he produced, considering the frathouse is fucking packed. His earrings and necklaces really complemented his green sweatshirt.

"Yeah. I’m actually the only one who eats the watermelon here. Everyone else is just hooked into either junk food or overpriced organic shit.. Except for Johnny, he has a wholeass Frosted Flakes stock for a year, Kellogg’s sent him because he was wearing that damn Tiger costume in a Halloween party, posted it on Instagram, and tagged Kellogg’s. As for Xiaojun and Hendery, they can live with Bella’s food.” he explains, with a canned beer in hand.

“Who is Bella?”

“She’s our lovely dog. During a party like this, we keep her on the second floor. Specifically in Lucas’ room.”

“So, if Lucas brings a girl upstairs, then Bella will be watching?” You raise your brow at him, he chokes on his beer.

“Technically speaking- maybe. Wh-why would you wanna know that?” He asks back, coughing from the drink that he choked on.

You just chuckle at him as a response, while being mesmerized by his choice of outfit. Pretty neat for a frat boy who is recently just confessed that he is the one who eats a watermelon like a fucking wild beast. He rubs his neck, looks more flustered than before.

“Um, Y/n.. I know it’s probably gonna sound weird but..” he starts, looking down on you, since he’s a little taller than your figure. You wait in anticipation, the party itself is already shit once Jeno comes crashing, and you did insult the entire frat kitchen though, so nothing’s gonna surprise you anymore.

He glances at Karina, who is currently holding her own head like her life is depended on it. Giselle, on the other side, is busy taking selfies, probably sending snaps to that one boy named Shotaro, who once sent an entire box full of glazed Krispy Kreme to your dorm. He’s a sweet boy, and probably is out somewhere in this frat house, dancing his ass off like his rent is due tomorrow.

“See, my friend, Donghyuck- or maybe you girls just know him by Haechan, he saw your friend there, and he wants to get to know her.” He says, pointing at the girl in a glittery purple dress, who is now done holding into her head like her life is depended on it, is now back to chugging water.

Your eyes follow his fingers, and you’re thinking real hard. Is it the right time to introduce Karina to a new guy? Are they gonna make it? You made a mental bet to yourself, she ain’t gonna budge. A part of her still wants Jeno back, but it is mandatory to follow the new rules that you and the girls made : Jeno Lee is fucking canceled. But it’s probably good for the distraction part. But poor Haechan, he’ll be a rebound.

“You sure? My girl Karina here just broke up with a fucking snake. Or maybe you boys just know him by Jeno. Think your friend can live as a rebound?” You lift your eyebrow at Mark, he takes another sip of his beer.

“Affirmative. Jeno’s one of us, but after hearing the news about the affair, I now believe that he is a shitty man.” He answers, and you nod. Finally, a boy who knows the clear line between wrong and right, not caring whether Jeno is one of his frat brothers or not. This man has a brain.

“And about Donghyuck.. Well, his head is practically made out of rock. He is capable of not giving up on someone. I’m sure he’ll work it out, he won’t be a rebound.” He continues,

Okay. Now you’re convinced. But if so, why is he not here? Why did he send Mark from Public Speaking class to talk to you instead of himself?

“And where is that friend of yours now? If he doesn’t really give up on someone, can he just come over and talk to Karina himself? Instead of sending his friend to talk to her friend?” You ask, glancing at his beer. “Anyway, where did you get that? All I see is just beer keg, not the canned ones.”

He looks down on his hand, glancing at the beer that he holds. “Yeah no, I bought this myself. Beer from the keg tastes like shit.”

Damn straight. That’s why you decided to avoid the goddamn beer that Karina’s been drinking. It tastes like shit. It has always been. Kudos to him for understanding.

“Donghyuck is watching from afar. He said he will come over once the introduction is completed. I’m only a messenger here, to notify you to notify your friend so she’ll be notified that a boy would like to get to know her.” he continues, and you just shrug.

D’accord, monsieur. I will notify my friend so she will be notified that a boy would like to get to know her.” you answer, copying his tone from earlier. He chuckles, fishing out his phone out of his pocket. He’s probably busy notifying his friend that you’ll notify your friend so she is notified that a boy would like to get to know her.

“Uh, one question.” You hold your index finger up, gaining his attention from the phone. He nodded his head, “Don’t y’all got some bro-code in this house? Like, is dating one brother’s ex allowed?”

Mark laughs, “Jaehyun is the president this year. This bro-code doesn’t exist, not on his watch! If you decided to break a girl’s heart and one of your brother is willing to make her happy, then it’s your fucking problem. The whole house has nothing to do with it.”

Informed and satisfied, you mutter him a small “Okay”, and shuffle back to Karina, whose face is now fresher than before, probably all the water she chugged like her life depended on it has finally put an end to the alcohol running (but Yeri, as a med student, swore it doesn’t work that way). Seeing you, she flashes a smile.

“Hi there, pretty, is that your boyfriend?” she starts, pointing at Mark, who is now glued to his phone again. Ah yeah. Yeri is correct, the water doesn’t work that way towards the beer, but at least she is getting better.

You throw a stare at her, “No. But he has a friend that wants to get to know you. Like, right now.”

You can feel that Giselle is putting down her phone, scooting over, closer to you and Karina. “See, Karina, my love, every gentleman wants a piece of you! You don’t need that snake.”

Nodding, you approve of Giselle’s word of wisdom. “Gigi’s correct. This is your time to shine, boo. Remember, activate the hoe protocol, right?”

Karina grins at the two of you, tidying her dress and coming down from the kitchen counter. “Yeah. Okay. Bring him. Anyway, how do I look?”

“Perfect. Okay, Y/n, bring him in.” Giselle answered, sweeping Karina’s hair to the side.

Affirmative, you stick a thumbs up to Mark, who is now standing right beside a boy who is dressed in a pink-white checkered shirt and a white t-shirt underneath. You swore you almost cackled when you first saw the way his pants and necklace matched Mark. So, those frat boys also have friendship outfits or what?

Receiving the signals, Mark pushed his friend lightly while saying something, probably some good-luck spell or something. Haechan takes light steps toward you, Karina, and Giselle. The way he walks really indicates that he’s pretty confident. Probably the type to smooth talk his way out of something.

As Haechan approaches Karina, you signal Giselle to scram together or something, to leave them with their moment, but of course, you still gotta keep tabs on her sometime, because she is in no condition to be left alone completely. You’re preparing to take your leave from the kitchen, but Giselle still managed to pull you closer, whispering something.

“You mind babysitting Ms. Yoo with her new man? I gotta grab something real quick.”

You eye her, “Giselle, you know what, if you really need to see that Shotaro boy somewhere in this house, I completely understand. You don’t really need to say that you gotta grab some-”

“OKAY Y/n, I’ll see you in a bit. You know what, maybe you can have some fun with that canned beer guy-”

“Okay, Giselle. Just get lost before I change my mind.” You cut her off, she responds by giggling and makes her exit. She’s probably right, spending time with Mark from Public Speaking class won’t be bad either. But probably not, since he’s probably not interested, and you’re definitely not the type to chase boys around.

You sigh. Trying to leave the sight of Haechan and Karina giggling together like 12 years old. Ew. Karina has cooties. You can’t help but notice Mark again, who is about to leave the kitchen area with the same canned beer he held a few minutes ago. He mutters something, but you can’t seem to hear what he’s saying, since the goddamn music from the big ass speakers is practically covering the whole house. Gulping, you finally believe that he’s not interested, because he just walked away from the scene where you’re a third wheel.

Defeated, you sigh while walking to the white dining room, staying true to your purpose of the night : watching Karina like a fucking eagle, while the rest of your friends are probably getting Tequilla shots with Hendery, or probably planning Jeno’s embarrassment scene, or probably joining the Just Dance competition with that Shotaro boy. Oh well, only god knows it.

As you sit on the dining chair, you can’t help but notice the big ass pizza box sitting in the center of the dining table. A piece of pepperoni pizza won’t hurt, you thought to yourself. You finally stretch your hand to the brown large box with large pieces of pepperoni pizzas inside it. You’ve always loved pepperoni pizza, especially when someone would accompany you to eat one.

Checking every bit of the pizza, you choose the one with 7 pepperoni pieces on it, you already counted each one of them, the rest only have like 5-6 pieces. As you take a bite from the pizza, you hear a notification sound from your phone, it’s a message.

Mark from Public Speaking class : wya? still cookin’ in the kitchen? thought you want some canned beer

You chuckle at the message. This guy is pretty cute, he really paid attention to what you said earlier. You type back to him using your left hand, for your right hand is holding a piece of a big ass pizza.

Y/n : haha yeah im at the dining room
Y/n : the pizza’s great, im starving
Y/n : you literally left the crime scene as soon as they linked up

You put down your phone, still munching on the pizza that you grabbed a while ago. Watching Karina and Haechan from afar, like a goddamn mother whose job is to spy, but spying after her daughter. They look like they’re having the conversation of their life. Okay. Good for them. But you can’t help but feel jealous, you want what they have, but with who?

“Really can’t believe you took the one with the most pepperonis on it. I was marking that one, but you stole it.” You hear a familiar voice resonating through your left ear, and then to your right ear. Someone sits in a dining chair beside you, placing a tall canned beer on the table, right beside your phone.

Chuckling, you know who exactly it is. You turn your head facing him, his lips forming a wide smile, and his hair is already swept to the side, no more signs of sweat rolling down his forehead. His eyes glued to the pizza box, completed with his hand reaching to the biggest slice on the box.

“Hey, first come first serve, you know. Like I said, you fled the scene.” You let out a giggle, finally finishing the pizza slice on your right hand, but you left out the crust on a piece of tissue. Still staring at his facial features, he’s actually very attractive when up close.

He turns his eyes from the pizza to you and lets out a little chuckle. On the other hand, you can feel your heart beating very fast.

“Did I? I was heading back to my room, getting some more canned beer for you. I thought I already told you, though?” He answers, while munching the pizza.

Oh shit. He’s cute. Adorable. Lovely. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Even if he’s munching a goddamn pizza like a fucking kid. Absolutely stunning. You just know that moment, you’re probably getting the cooties from Karina, and this is the side effects. Crushing on Mark from Public Speaking class.

And that’s when you realize that he was actually muttering something to you, not some random words, right before he left. You just couldn’t hear him earlier. You can feel the nervousness kicking in. He’s just too good to be true, right now. A model student living in a fraternity house, cute, caring, responsible, creative, a gentleman, he’s absolutely perfect. His only flaw is he’s eating a fucking watermelon with a soup spoon. Other than that, he’s definitely getting straight As in your book.

“Oh really? I didn’t hear it. Why thank you for the fancy drink, kind sir. I find that very gentleman of you.” You smile at him, reaching for the beer can.

“Anytime, my lady.” He replies, laughing, before he takes a bite of his pizza.

My lady? Did he just- did he just call you- my lady? You swear that you’re about to burst. Well, if he wants to do it that way, you can too.

“Well, cheers to Haechan and Karina. Cheers to you too, my kind sir, for making a lady’s heart happy.” Popping the beer can open, you wink before you gulp it.

He lets out a laugh, while his pizza has already disappeared. Little did you know, his heart beats so fast as well. Putting his hands together, he brushes the pizza crumbs off his hands, while eyeing the pizza crust you left on a piece of tissue.

“Yo, dude.. You don’t EAT the crust?” he asks, pointing at the pizza crust.

You peek at him behind the canned beer that is right in front of your face, “Yeah, dude. What about it?”

He giggles, letting out a little burp in between his little giggles. Adorable. Even if he’s burping, and if most guys do it, it’s fucking disgusting. “Let me have it, I’m still fucking hungry.”

You laugh, setting your beer aside to the table. Letting him have your pizza crust, you also question him, “Why don’t you get a second slice, dude? This box is hella loaded.”

Shrugging his shoulder, he finally takes the crust to his mouth, with his joyful expression on his face. It’s such a sight to see, a boy with a cute smile, eating your leftover pizza crust happily. You don’t wanna freak him out, so you decided to open your phone instead of watching his cute face all the time.

You have new messages.

Pressing the passcode, you open the message app, specifically the girls’ group chat whose name is HOEPROTOCOL:ACTIVE.

Ryu-jean covey : so no one’s gonna talk about the fact that y/n is jeopardizing the mission
Ryu-jean covey : sis really said fuck watching karina imma bout to get married

Ryu-jean covey sent a photo.

Gigi had it : ryujin he’s from biology class tf

Lia seydoux :wait
Lia seydoux : is that mark lee
Lia seydoux : idk how much weed did y'all smoke but he’s from public speaking class

Gigi had it : my bad

Yerimiese : do i need to remind y’all that men ain’t shit

Ryu-jean covey : damn right men ain’t shit

Lia seydoux : men ain’t shit but felix lee is tolerable

Yerimiese : y’all have fucking cooties and it shows

Gigi had it : jealousy is a disease bitches get well soon xoxo

Ryu-jean covey : shut up giselle ik ur somewhere out there with osaki

Lia seydoux : shut up ryujin ik ur somewhere out there flirting with yeji

Ryu-jean covey is typing…

You chuckle, reading the group text from the top to bottom. Seeing the girls argue about things is a sight you see almost everyday, no matter where. You scroll back to the top, clicking on the image attachment that Ryujin sent. It’s a picture of you and Mark laughing in the dining chair, right where you are right now. The image quality is quite low, considering the low light and the fact that it was taken from afar. You look around, trying to spot the girls one by one.

Karina, by the counter with Haechan, check.

Ryujin, out in the living room by the stairs, typing vigorously on her phone, with Yeji by her side, check.

Lia, nowhere to be found.

Giselle, nowhere to be found.

Yeri, nowhere to be found.

You just shrug it off, replying their messages.

Y/n : yall just jealous i get a man who would bring me a goddamn canned beer straight outta his room when the kegged beer tastes like piss

Yerimiese : bad taste, y/n. bad taste. get yourself a man who would bring you a whole-ass pyramid made of gold

Ryu-jean covey : so it be like that huh lia? you thought i didn’t know you went UPSTAIRS with felix?

Reading Ryujin’s messages, you glance around. Right. You can’t find Lia anywhere.

Yerimiese : shame on yall for not beating the snake’s ass
Yerimiese : smh these lovesick girls

Ryu-jean covey : you want me to do it right now?

Yerimiese : RYUJIN NO

Gigi had it : RYUJIN NO

Lia seydoux : RYUJIN NO

You’re about to hit send as soon as you’re finished typing the same exact message your 3 friends sent, when you suddenly hear a loud crash from the living room.

Startled, you and Mark turn your heads in sync to the living room direction. That one true fear you and the girls have, come true.

“Shit.” you curse, glancing back at your phone,

Yerimiese sent a photo.


You sigh loudly. Loud enough to make Mark turn his head from his own phone to you, “Something wrong?” he asks.

You glance at him with a worried expression. “I.. I gotta go, and can you send dudes?”

Mark blinks and smirks. “Send nudes? Damn, Y/n. I know that you’re getting impatient but I really didn’t think you’re that kind of-”

“Dudes, Mark. Send me some dudes to the living room. Ryujin jumps Jeno. They are in a fight. Right now.” You look at him dead in the eye.

This is not the time for him to misheard your statement. And you can see it right on his face, embarrassed, and flustered.

“Oh- Sorry. I misheard. Shit. Oh yeah- right. Send dudes. Wait up, I’m gonna get Johnny to settle things-”

You nod, and sprint your way to the living room. To your horror, the brutal imagery of Ryujin stepping on Jeno’s back while pulling his hair comes true, what Yeri sent to the group chat got nothing on the vivid view you see right now.

The crowd goes wild, chanting “Ryujin! Ryujin! Ryujin!”, while the others chant “Jeno! Jeno! Jeno!”

You can’t believe you’d be today years old to see Ryujin actually jump this boy. That’s a rare occurrence, but the chances are never zero. That’s literally it, Ryujin pulling Jeno’s jet black hair while shouting a few curse words, while Jeno winces in pain, trying to shield his head from Ryujin’s hands, but fails miserably.

You quickly run to Yeri, who is still frozen in her place, “How long has this been going on?” you ask her, and she just shakes her head in panic, placing both of her hands on your shoulder “Goddammit, Y/n, I can’t think right now! Is this my fault, I shouldn’t have sent that! I was just messing with-”

And then you remembered something you left on the kitchen, “Fuck, Yeri, I left Karina in the kitchen- She’s half drunk, I can’t leave her!”

Yeri, who is now panicking, can’t even imagine her own panic flooding through her blood right now. First, she probably trigger the fucking physical fight between Ryujin and Jeno, and now, this too, you accidentally left Karina in the kitchen.

You run as fast as you could to the kitchen while Stupid Love by Lady Gaga is blasting through the goddamn speaker. Yeah. So true, Lady Gaga, Stupid Love. Especially when it’s blasting through the air while Ryujin is involved in a physical fight. As you make your way to the kitchen, you spot Mark with Jaehyun, Kun, and a tall, blonde, and gorgeous man running to the living room, who you believe is Johnny or something.

Nice, he’s such a guy with great ears. He listens well to you, he’s sending dudes directly to the fight, what a nice boyfriend material- wait. Are you imagining things right now, while one of your friends is involved in a goddamn catfight that consists of hair pulling, and the other one is half drunk sitting in a kitchen counter? Goddammit, Y/n. Get a hold of yourself.

Finally arriving at the destination, you spot Karina still sitting on top of the counter, with a glass of water beside her. Haechan, who is standing right in front of her, notices your presence and waves at you, “Hey, Y/n. I was looking for you for a bit, I need to go check on the living room, Mark summoned all the brothers to the living room at once, but I don’t want to leave Karina alone so I had to-”

“It’s okay, Haechan. You go, I’ll be with Karina. Thanks for watching her.” You cut him, assuring him that you’ll take over. He nods and gives Karina a smile before he runs off to the living room.

You sigh in relief. How nice. Mark and his lovely friends, such a gentleman. Unlike the goddamn Black Mamba. You sit by the counter beside Karina, offering her more water. You love your best friends more than anything, and you want the best for them. And right now, probably not letting Karina know about Ryujin and her snake-wrestling fiasco is the right thing to do, you all can just tell her the next morning.

“Where did Haechan go?” Karina asks, eyes heavy like a sleepy girl,

You smile at her, “He needs to take care of a few things, he’ll be back.”

Karina giggles, “He’s a nice guy.”

Her words bring your mind to the other nice guy, who eats a watermelon with a goddamn soup spoon. You can’t help but smile with her, head leaning to each other’s shoulder like true sisters you are, not by blood, but through good vibes.

“Yeah. He’s a nice guy.”


You wake up to the blaring sound of Giselle’s alarm, it’s birds chirping uncontrollably. At first, it was mesmerizing and relaxing, like you’re in the middle of a garden of dreams. But then it comes crashing in, the sound of the chirps are no longer relaxing, it’s annoying.

You and Lia have been assigned to the same room with Giselle from the beginning when you joined the sorority with the girls. But you’re never used to her goddamn alarm. The room was quite big for you three to have beds of your own, unlike the apartment you used to live in before joining the sorority, where you used to be roommates with Yeri, who is now rooming with Ryujin and Karina in the house.

“Giselle, can you tell your goddamn birds to fuck off? My head hurts.” You grunt, barely opening your eyes. Giselle hums on her bed as a response and shuts her alarm off, while Lia is still sleeping soundly.

You try to shut your eyes again, hoping for another sleep. But it seems like the universe won’t let you, especially since the sunshine trespasses your shared room through the curtains. It’s closed though, but the sun manages to barge in unbothered.

Tossing your body back and forth, you notice Giselle still lying on her bed, smiling at her phone like an idiot. Probably on her Deadpool stan twitter again, or maybe her daily good morning texts with Osaki Shotaro. Or maybe she just stumbles upon some juicy memes on tiktok she is about to send to you.

Finally giving up another hour of sleep, you check your phone for new notifications, or maybe if you don’t have one, you can just simply open Instagram, seeing the wild shit that went down last night in Nu Chi Tau house. But it says otherwise, you have new messages.

Mark from Public Speaking class :dude
Mark from Public Speaking class : haechan told me he has a date with ur friend today
Mark from Public Speaking class : u wanna tag along and spy on them?

A wide smile formed on your face. Ah yes. Lazy sunday with Mark from Public Speaking class slash from Nu Chi tau slash the one who eats watermelon like a freak, spying on Haechan and Karina. What can be more interesting than that?

Y/n : count me in

You smile and get up from the bed, gaining interest from the girl whose alarm is annoying. She glances at you as you walk to the door,

“Going somewhere, Princess?”

“Spying on Karina and Haechan.” you shrug,

Giselle groans, “Goddammit, Y/n. Let them be, they’re adults for god’s sa-”

And then her expression changes, mouth forming ‘O’ as she changes stance on her bed, from lying down to sitting up. “My bad, whatever your Mr. Public Class planning for the date with you, using the excuse of spying on friends, go for it.”

You roll eyes at her as you continue to step out of the bedroom, “It’s not a date. We’re just gonna see how Haechan and Karina are doing.”

Giselle just smirks. “Whatever. You know what- I’m starting to think that Haechan is the wingman here-”

“Yada, yada, yada, Giselle. Me and Mark are just friends. We’re just helping our friends.”

“Friends that might end up kissing each other, sure.”

You close the bedroom door behind you. Friends? Really? You and him barely know each other, just classmates from Public Speaking class, and maybe helping mutual friends out. Though deep inside your mind, you wish what Giselle said earlier come true, even though just 70%. Wait. That percentage is kinda high.

Making your way to the bathroom, your phone rings as a sign of a new message.

Mark from Public Speaking class : great! i’ll pick u up after haechan leaves


“And when you said spying, this is exactly what I did not have in mind, Mark.” You say to him as you try to adjust the black bob wig on your head, “By the way, where did you get this wig? It’s odd to see that you are THIS well prepared.”

Mark scrunches his nose, probably adjusting his fake mustache. He shrugs, “Last year Hendery went as Willy Wonka to the Halloween party. Don’t ask me why, he just did.”

“Goddammit, dude. We spy on Haechan and Karina, who are going on a date. Not a goddamn drug transaction.” You stare at him and his stupid white cap and his stupid mustache. He looks like somebody in his 40s looking for sugar babies.

“Speak for yourself, Edna Mode. You had a choice to look obvious as hell, but you did get along with my plan.” he stares at you and your stupid black bob wig (which Hendery wore to the Halloween party), completed with round sunglasses and a black coat.

Stupid Mark and his stupid plan. Stupid disguise. Why did you agree to do this in the first place? Well maybe yes, you have that tiny itsy bitsy crush on him, but did you expect him to be this weird? Nah. But the fact that you and Mark sit in a diner booth that is located 3 booths behind Haechan and Karina’s says otherwise. You must like him A LOT that you had to do this.

You and Mark keep covering your faces with the menu with the constant gaze to the couple, spying on them as they laugh together, and telling stories one to another. You and Mark are waiting for the juicy details like maybe brushing hands to one another or sharing milkshakes, but that scene just won’t come out.

After ordering 3 to 4 servings of french fries, you and Mark finally give up spying on them, it’s their first date, yes. Juicy details rarely come around on the first date. “Should we give up? It’s their first date.”

Mark turns his head to you, hands scratching his philtrum, probably itching from the stupid mustache he wears. “Yeah. What am I thinking? This is so weird.”

You laugh, “Yeah. My head itches, how did Hendery manage to wear this all night long?”

He laughs, “Rumor has it, he has a stone scalp. Let’s get out of here, I’m starting to get bored.”

You agree with him and make your exit to his car, taking off the so-called disguises one by one to the backseat as he does the same, then proceed to sit in the driver’s seat with you right beside him.

“Now what?” he asks, eyes on his driving wheel.

“I don’t know, dude. You drag me into this.” you tease him,

“Goddammit, woman. Come on, give me some suggestions.”

“Well, I’m lacking of sleep this morning, Giselle and her goddamn alarm-”

“Ah.. I see.. Do you wanna.. Like.. sleep together? SHIT that’s not what I meant-”

You widen your eyes at him, “Mark, can you stop being a horny teenager for like- 3 seconds?”

Mark covers his eyes, “That’s not what I fucking meant! Ah fuck, I made it sound weird.”

You laugh. He’s jumbling over his own words, battling his own mind, “That’s not what I fucking meant, I swear! I was asking if you want to like take a nap together because honest to god- I don’t have THAT intention with you- I just-”

You laugh at him again, he’s so fucking adorable. You just know it’s him, he’s such a sweet gentleman, and try to ignore your thoughts about what he accidentally said. His real intention is to take a nap together. A nice, innocent, great nap with a friend. That’s all.

“Yeah, Mark. A nap would be great.”

He smiles, “Thank god you understand what I mean. And please don’t take this the wrong way- I don’t want to make you uncomfortable so you can maybe sleep in Haechan’s bed.”


“Ah shit I’m so sorry for making this weird… If you want to go home, it’s alright, I’ll drive you home- I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess-”



“Shut up and drive to Nu Chi Tau before I drag you to my sorority house. You know that Irene, our president, eats boys, right?”

He falls silent. Probably remembering how scary Irene is when she’s angry, she once fought Taeyong and Kun, for the prank war that was conducted between Nu Chi Tau and your sorority house last April. Needless to say, she was not pleased. The prank war ended when Nu Chi Tau’s swimming pool was fizzing with glitter bath bombs with your house’s signature pink color. It took them days to clean up the pool full of bath bombs.

“Oh yeah. Right.”

And with that, he shifts his gears and heads to his frat house as fast as possible. On the way there, he tells you how much he lacks sleep too, since he had to clean the house this morning after the goddamn party, especially when Ryujin and Jeno’s catfight broke a bottle of Grey Goose, shattering everywhere along with the spilled vodka, he had to prevent Jaemin from licking the goddamn liquor on the floor.

He also tells you how Johnny suggested that Ryujin and Yeri should be banned from Nu Chi Tau for 3 weeks, and how he and Haechan defended the girls, because Karina, obviously. And you wonder, if Mark did that because of you too. Did he? Or didn’t he? All you can do is just hope for the sake of your tiny itsy bitsy crush on him.

As soon as you and Mark arrive at Nu Chi Tau house, your entrance is welcomed by a few whistles from his frat brothers, only to reveal themselves as Lucas, Jungwoo, and Yuta.

“Good lord, Mark, it’s 2 PM, and you’re already getting it?” Lucas teases you and Mark as you both climb the staircase, you just flip him off. “At least we don’t have Bella watching.”

“Hey! That’s an honor, if Bella is watching!” Lucas and Jungwoo laugh as they kick their feet on the couch, watching Top Gear or something in TLC. Yuta gives Mark a look, “My baby brother, don’t forget to use protection!

Mark groans, “Goddammit, I told you all we’re just gonna take a nap until Haechan gets back from his date!”

They just laugh it off, as you both enter his shared room with Haechan and Taeil. Pretty much the same as your room back in sorority house, a spacious room with 3 beds along with wardrobes and study desks. You spot Taeil studying on his desk, with his airpods on. He’s startled when you and Mark entered the room, staring at both of you.

“Oh boy. Do I need to get out-”

“No! No, no, no! Carry on! We don’t do what Lucas does every Saturday, we’re here to take a nap!” Mark quickly explains to Taeil, who looks skeptical, but he carries on studying.

You quickly jump to the bed nearest to you, placing your head on the white pillow. Mark chuckles, “That’s my bed, but it’s okay. You go ahead, I can just sleep in Haechan’s.”

You quickly sit up, “Ah sorry, it’s fine, I can take Haechan’s-”

“No, no. You go ahead.” He smiles, as he lies down on the bed beside you. You smile back at him and sink your head back to the pillow, finally getting some peaceful nap after this morning’s re-sleep failure.


You open your eyes, and the first thing you see is Mark. Startled, you quickly get up from his bed, and watch his sleeping figure on Haechan’s bed. You check your phone, it’s 6.03 PM, and a few missed calls from the girls. New messages? You name it, there are 54 new messages from the group chat.

You don’t want to wake him up, so you decide to sprint out of the Nu Chi Tau house as fast as you can before the girls can blow your phone up any longer now. Thank god the universe is on your side, because Mark’s frat brothers on the ground floor are pretty preoccupied in the kitchen and you can successfully escape.

The trip to your sorority house is not that long, 7 minutes if you sprint, 15 if you walk.

And when you arrive at the door, you can see 5 girls line up at the entrance, with hands folded in front of their chest. You gulp, you’re pretty sure there will be a hell of an interrogation tonight.

“Miss girl, did you use protection?” Giselle starts, you let out a heavy sigh. “Goddammit you guys, I was not-”

“So you mind telling me why were YOU in Nu Chi Tau for 4 hours?” Ryujin continues, and the other girls nod.

Wait. How the fuck do they know that you were in Nu Chi Tau? You literally told Giselle this morning that you were going to spy on Karina- who is now standing right in front of you with 4 other girls, still wearing the same outfit you saw earlier, nothing else. How did they-

Oh yeah.. Fuck iPhones and their Find Friends feature. You forget that you and the girls linked on the Find Friends feature, they can see you wherever you go when they need to know where you are. You gulp, trying to make up an excuse,

“I was-”

“Spying on me, I know. You look like young Edna Mode, having lunch with your sugar daddy, Y/n. Can’t believe you wore that hideous wig.” Karina rolls her eyes,

“You what?! Goddammit Y/n- why would you- ugh, I can’t even finish the sentence.” Lia responds,

And all you can do is blink and crack an awkward smile. “I just wanna make sure you’re having a good time, bestie.”

“Well it looks like you were the one who is having a good time, miss girl. You were missing for HOURS only for us to find you in Nu Chi Tau.” Yeri adds,

You groan and stomp your feet, “Let me clarify. There was nothing happening today except me and Mark spied on Haechan and Karina, and then we went to his house to take a goddamn nap. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Taeil! He saw us sleeping our ass off!”

They chuckle, “We’re not buying it but we totally ship you with Mark, it’s so cute!”

You shrug and roll your eyes, then proceed to head upstairs to wash up. As if it’s that easy. You do like him though, and your friends are blessing you with it. But what about Mark, does he feel the same, though? Again, you and him started as classmates, and then now your mutual friends kinda go out together. Does he see you more than that?


Mark feels something touching his nose, as he opens his eyes, the first thing he notices is Haechan- or he just calls him Donghyuck. His finger poking Mark’s nose bridge like he’s trying to awaken a cat.

“Dude, what the fuck?” Mark startles, getting up immediately, and then stares at his watch, it’s 6.54 PM. He looks around the room, only to meet with Haechan, still wearing the outfit that he saw today, and Taeil, who is now sprawled across his own bed, face covered in his Quantum Physics book. He’s looking for Y/n, but it seems like she is now long gone.

“Your Cinderella left, she’s now at home. Karina told me.” Donghyuck sits on his bed, scrolling through his phone.

Mark gulps, but then can’t help but smile as he glances at his bed. Still messy just like somebody just slept on it a few moments ago, and he can’t wait to go to sleep on it, with the scent of Y/n’s hair sticking on his pillow.

“By the way, dude. If you want a fucking double date, just tell me. It’s embarrassing to see you looking like a man in his 40s with his sugar baby, who happens to be a younger version of Edna Mode.”

Hearing it, Mark can only pinch his nose bridge. Right. That was embarrassing. But he can’t help but think of the event that you spent with him today, it was so fucking eventful.

“Yeah, shit, sorry. I was running out of excuses to hang out with her.”

Donghyuck chuckles as he puts away his phone, “Dude. We were supposed to help each other out, remember? I’m your wingman, and you’re my wingman. Just ask her out or something, I’m pretty sure she’s into you!”

Mark smiles like a fool. “You think so? I don’t know if I was being self-absorbed, but I’m sure she’s into me, like-”

Donghyuck laughs. “There you go! Come on, man!”

“She gives me heebie jeebies, man. But, in a good way.”

Donghyuck lifts one of his eyebrows, “Elaborate?”

“Y’know.. Heebie jeebies… That jittery feeling. But with her, it’s some good heebie jeebies.”

Donghyuck shakes his head, “Mark, you’re weird but I get it.”


Sipping your iced coffee on the kitchen counter, you scroll past your Instagram feed, but all those interesting posts just can’t seem to avert you from opening user @onyourm__ark over and over again. You can’t help but stare at his video post from 7 months ago, having a pool party in Nu Chi Tau house, hands linking with Xiaojun while jumping to the pool.

You continue to scroll past his profiles, trying your best to not be stalker-ish by accidentally pressing like on any of his posts.

“Ah, would you look at that… Lovergirl, stalking her Prince Charming on Instagram. How cute.” Karina chimes in as she places her dirty dishes on the sink.

You quickly put your phone away, turning your head to her, “My, my, isn’t it Miss Karina, who went on a date yesterday.”

She chuckles, “About that,”

You glance at her, “Yes?”

“Donghyuck- errr- Haechan thinks that you and Mark should tag along on our next dates.”

You choke on your iced coffee, “Me and who?”

“Mark. Mark Lee. Lee Minhyung. From your Public Speaking Class. From Nu Chi Tau.”

“Karina, dude, you’re not trying to pull a joke on me, aren’t you?”

She shakes her head. “Why would I?”

“I- I don’t know what to say-”

“For fuck’s sake, Y/n. You like him, don’t you? Just go for it, Jesus Christ.”

You blink. You do like him. Maybe is this a sign from the universe that you and Mark should date? Probably, “Yeah. I like him, though.”

She sighs, “Finally. Goddammit.”

You smile at her, unaware of your phone screen, where you accidentally liked Mark’s post from 2014, where he ate salmon with his brother.

On the other side, at the same time, in a different place, Nu Chi Tau’s living room, a blue haired boy is screaming with joy. He was lying on the couch, scrolling on twitter, probably gonna end up collecting memes. But by the time a notification from Instagram is stating that user @thisisnotyn liked his photo, he jumps and clicks on it immediately.

Xiaojun notices his frat brother dancing in the living room like a worm in heat. He’s watching from the stairs as he comes down, Jaehyun makes him go for a grocery run again for the 4th time this week. But this time, he prefers not to bring Jisung and Chenle along, because they’ll be back with 8 packs of oreos and capri suns, again.

“Did somebody accept your marriage proposal?” Xiaojun asks as he fishes out his car key out of his jeans,

Mark turns his head to Xiaojun like a happy puppy, “Dude, she liked my photo from 2014! She visits my Instagram profile!”

Xiaojun is purely confused, “Was that supposed to be significant in your love life with her?”

“Dude, if she visits my Instagram profile THAT deep, it means she’s interested!”

The blonde boy just rolls his eyes as he walks straight to the door, “I hope it’s true. If not, Mark, please, go to a therapist.”

Mark doesn’t care, he’s still joyful. As Xiaojun walks out of the house, Donghyuck rushes downstairs, “Green light. Karina and Y/n said yes.”

With that, Mark couldn’t be more ecstatic. He’s up there in cloud 9.


Since then, Haechan and Karina have been inviting you and Mark to tag along with them. Literally every Friday evening, the four of you always see each other. It all started with the pancake double date, trip to the supermarket just to grab a few drinks, and many more.

But then, you and Mark have been sneaking around a lot too, he started to ask you to go on a late night drive with him a little more often now. It has been going on for 2 months now, and you’re still not sure if he sees you as more than a friend.

Your phone rings, bursting your bubble of thoughts. Ah, speak of the devil. It’s Mark, calling you, in the middle of the night,

“Yeah hello, very ethical, Mark, calling someone in the middle of the night.” You answer the phone with a sarcastic tone, which he’s already used to all of it by now.

“Well maybe if you just look out of your window when I fucking throw rocks on them, I wouldn’t.”

Your heart skips a bit. He what? You quickly leave your big ass textbooks that are lying on your bed and rush to the window. He’s literally right there, wearing the signature green Nu Chi Tau varsity jacket with his hand holding up his phone beside his ear, looking directly at you.

“God- what the fuck are you doing in here? You’re trying to be eaten by Irene, are you? You know if she sees one Nu Chi Tau boy, she will combust-”

“Yeah. I know. So won’t you come down and save me from being eaten by Irene?”

“Yeah, she won’t be able to eat you if I eat you first.” You laugh at him, sticking out your tongue.

“Hey! You-”

You hang up the call and quickly open the bedroom door, leaving the sleeping Giselle and Lia behind. They’re sleeping so soundly after Seulgi and Yeri practically dragged their ass to the tennis court, to play against them.

You run your way to Mark, who is now sitting on the wooden bench that faces your bedroom’s window.. He smiles, like a goddamn fool, but you like it the most. He’s very cute.

“Hi, Mark from Public Speaking class, what brings you here?” You nudge his shoulder playfully as you sit beside him,

He looks at you, and you feel like the whole world is doing its favors to you. It’s one of the best views you’ve ever seen in your life. While seeing you in the middle of the night is considered a regular thing for Mark, actually seeing you this clearly face to face, especially in your own sorority’s house lawn is something he does for the first time. At midnight, he usually sees you in the dark, inside his car, while he’s driving and you’re busy queueing the songs for the drive.

“I- uh.. Um.. Aren’t you cold?” He stammers, taking off his signature green frat varsity jacket, only to reveal he’s wearing a black sweater underneath.

“Uh- no, it’s okay-”

Too late. Mark already snakes his jacket around you, covering your shoulders with the arms of the jacket.

And you can feel your heart beating unusually fast, cheeks spreading heat so rapidly. Little did you know, Mark shares the same experience as you right now. Especially when his arms brush into yours, it feels like you both are going to combust together.

“Okay, dude. State your business or I’m calling Irene.” You joke, trying to relieve the tension,

Mark chuckles. “God- you’re really ruining the mood, I’m trying to be romantic.”

HE WHAT? You almost pop your eyes when he says that, trying to believe what you just heard, and all you can do is just blink, while Mark is now shifting his glance to the sky, trying to avoid your gaze.

“You keep calling me dude, for god’s sake! I can’t let myself stuck in a fucking dude-zone forever.”

You’re still silent. You don’t know what to say, you just can’t believe what you just heard, over and over again. Did he just- did he just fucking-

“I- Um.. Uh.. It’s embarrassing, I-I know, but I just want to let you know, Y/n. That I.. I.. I like you so much,” he stutters again, “and um.. I got this funny feeling when I’m around you- you- you give me heebie jeebies.”

Still no response from you, still trying to convince yourself that this is not a fucking dream.

Mark sighs and starts to grab his own hair in frustration, “Fuck. Now I just ruined our friendship by telling you that I like you- goddammit why am I so reckless? Shit, Y/n, if you don’t feel the same way about me, it’s fine- I swear it’s fine. Oh god- fucking Mark Lee you can’t keep your mouth shut for-”

And while he’s blabbering on his own, you finally take your chance to actually hug him tightly, with his frat jacket still attached to your body. With it, he freezes on the spot.

“Am I giving you the heebie jeebies?” You feel your heart warms as your face fits perfectly on his neck,

And now it’s his turn to fall silent. As a fucking rock.

“What happened? Heebie jeebies got your tongue?”

After the last taunt, Mark pulls away from the hug and cups your face as he squishes your cheeks,

“Can I kiss you?” he asks, and you slowly nod.

He pulls you in for a kiss, and you feel like the universe is once again in your favor. His lips are so soft, and taste like watermelon. You can’t even begin to describe the feeling, it’s so comforting, and joyful.

Ah, is this what love feels like?

You pull away from the kiss, staring at his red face, and laugh.

“What’s so funny?” he asks as he lets out a little chuckle,

“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t expect for you to like me- I thought it was really a one-sided crush but I was oblivious as fuck.”

“Yeah, it’s fine. I was scared of being too bold or too obvious but here you are.”

“Really? Name one thing you hinted.”

He sighs as he starts counting with his fingers, “Dude, I literally asked you to spy on Haechan and Karina when it’s fucking ridiculous. I fucking ask Haechan to ask you and Karina on a double date. I literally drove 7 miles to the taco bell just because you tweeted that you want some taco monstrosity down your tummy. Dude, I poured the maple syrup on your waffle in literal heart shape and you didn’t notice-”

You cackle. Yeah. The waffle one, that’s the best, you thought was drawing a butt on your waffle, but now you know.

“Wait, that was a heart shape? I thought you drew a wholeass butt!”

“Dude, not cool.”

“Hey! You told me I called you dude so many times, and now you call me dude! Do you wanna go back to dude-zone?”

“No, ma'am.”

You laugh, “Stop calling me dude!”

“Okay,babe. Is that what you want now?” He says, placing a soft kiss on top of your head.

Babe. Oh wow. Maybe it is time for your soul to ascend to the sky, isn’t it?

“Shut up.” you pout,

“God, if you keep pouting like this, I’m afraid I need to kiss you again-”

“YEEESSSS!!!” You both hear loud cheer and applause from the sky.

Oop. Is it the universe applauding and cheering for you both, or-

As you both look up in horror, you see the least sight you want to see right now. Your bedroom window is full of girls including Giselle, Ryujin, Karina, Lia, and Yeri. But someone you expected the least actually makes an appearance, Irene Bae.

“Congratulations!” They shout from upstairs, and all you and Mark can do is just freeze on the spot.

“Hi, Mark Lee. Nice to know you’re now dating one of my sisters. Now please get lost before I come down to drag your ass back to that damn house.” Irene speaks, and needless to say, Mark is scared shitless. He’s terrified.

“Yes, Irene.” He nods as he looks at you,

“See you tomorrow, babe. I gotta run.”

You chuckle at him as he is now a goner. He literally sprints his way out of the lawn, terrified of Irene Bae. You stare at the girls’ crowd on your bedroom window, facepalming yourself in frustration, “You girls! I’m having a moment!”

They just laugh and tell you to get inside and spill the full tea. You agree and head inside, totally aware of the frat jacket you’re currently wearing, feeling content as ever as Mark’s scent lingers around you. What he doesn’t know, the heebie jeebies also get into you whenever you’re near him.

On the other side, Mark is running for his life, completely delighted. Intentionally leaving his jacket to you is another strategy to sneak in the middle of the night to the house again, maybe right after the date during the day. Mark feels nothing but heebie jeebies full of happiness.

MARK asdfghjkl

The best god’s creature


♡ 2.6k, fluff  =^._.^= ∫

  • you first met Mark on a Nature Republic photo shoot where your friend was a hair stylist 
  • she called you frantically because the SM staff caught multiple employees from each department posting on their personal social media stories the location and whereabouts of the members and dismissed them from the site
  • they were shooting at an island in the middle of nowhere which you were conveniently writing a thesis on different landscapes of South Korea 
  • you had no experience of styling other people and only did it for yourself but you knew you couldn’t leave your friend deserted so you came to help in any way that you could
  • half of the staff were fired on the spot so they immediately pushed you towards the members to prepare them for their next shoot after threatening legal action if you decided to act as stupidly as the other stylists did 
  • you saw your friend quickly adjusting the collar of theHawaiian shirt that was roughly put on Jaehyun and she gave you an apologetic look and mouthed a ‘thank you’
  • you were assigned at styling Mark’s hair, which you were scared of because you had never styled a man’s hair before never mind a celebrity but you squared your shoulders and hoped for the best
  • he was already used to the chaos but he was slightly concerned at how well you would perform considering that your eyebrows were furrowed and had sweat rolling down your temples as you scrunched the ends of his hair with mousse to create beachy waves
  • every stylist that he met was always either professional and stoic or overly friendly to try and get with the members romantically but he tried to suppress his laughter when he saw your distressed face under your medical mask
  • in such a stressful and hectic situation, he would never talk to the staff to help them focus but he couldn’t help but strike up a conversation with you
  • you looked younger than him too so he felt more comfortable
  • “first time?” he asked with a smile on his face as he looked up at you
  • your hands stopped in the middle of combing the fluffy mousse through his hair and your face dropped slightly, “you could tell?”
  • Mark covered his laugh with his hand as he didn’t want to discourage you but couldn’t help but chuckle at the cute expression on your face 
  • “yeah,” he answered but then realized that it came out meaner than he had intended
  • “but you’re doing a great job! Keep going!” He tried to encourage you by motioning with his hands to continue
  • you patted his hair into place for finishing touches but you pouted under your mask when you realized, “how would you know? You can’t even see it” 
  • there were no mirrors in sight except for the hand mirrors that stylists held on their belt
  • he choked on his saliva out of embarrassment and rubbed his hand awkwardly on the back of his neck
  • “well let’s see then!” He exclaimed and you begrudgingly gave him the hand mirror to see 
  • you were bracing yourself in case he thought you made his hair into a bird’s nest and demanded you to be fired on the spot but he let a “wahh” escape his mouth as he admired the hairstyle 
  • “this actually looks great!” He said a little too excitedly 
  • “we were both expecting it to look bad then, huh?” You joked but really you were relieved that he thought it didn’t look atrocious 
  • Mark shook his head to deny but you held his shoulders in place to not disrupt his hair 
  • his face went pink and you realized that you just touched a client, a very influential client 
  • you lifted your hands off of him quickly and stepped back so that he could stand up from his chair and go in front of the cameras to prepare for the shoot
  • “thank you” he said and you both exchanged bows before awkwardly getting back to work 
  • you stayed on the set with your friend for the rest of the day until the sun went down and the sky turned a bright pink from the previous ocean blue 
  • luckily, that was the last hair and clothes change that NCT needed and everyone started to pack up after the photographer and managers shouted “thank you for your work” and everyone bowed and clapped to each other 
  • while each member started to load into their vans to get back to the city for their next schedule, Mark ran up to you and asked if you were apart of the SM staff or were for hire from another beauty boutique
  • “oh, I just came last minute,” you said 
  • “I’m not actually licensed for this I came to help”
  • he let out a disappointed “oh” and decided not to take your number down since it was unprofessional and knew that after the fiasco today that there could be anyone around to expose him if he did 
  • “good night, see you around,” he said in hopes that he would see you again
  • you doubted that he would see you around but you repeated what he said and waved at him as he ran into the van 
  • the other members were confused as to why he ran off to greet you and were ready to tease him since they noticed that you were his type physically 
  • but he knew that they were about to so he lied and said that he forgot to take a bracelet from you and pretended to fall asleep so that they couldn’t question him further
  • you thought about that was a once in a lifetime experience until 2 weeks later the campaign was a hit and everyone was fawning over Mark specifically since he looked like boyfriend material in a white button up shirt and blue jeans with messy beach hair 
  • your friend called to tell you that she recommended you as a freelance hair stylist after they asked her who did Mark’s hair 
  • as a broke college student living in another country you took the offer but felt guilty getting an amazing job with no credentials so you got licensed at a beauty school within 2 months 
  • the next time you saw Mark was on the Punch music video set 
  • he had everything on except makeup and hair 
  • you were taken aback at how different he looked with the leather pieces, chain jewelry, and overall bad boy vibes
  • he was sitting in front of the dressing room vanities and his face lit up when he saw you stand behind him with your cart of hair products and tools 
  • usually he’d stay still in his chair but this time he turned around to face you, “hey! I thought you said you weren’t even licensed?”
  • “I decided to after getting offered a job” you smiled 
  • he turned around and looked at you through the mirror’s reflection, “or did you come back because of me?” 
  • you coughed through your mask and felt the heat creep from your neck all the way to your cheeks and temples
  • Mark smiled to himself when he saw your bright red face and was even more excited for the music video shoot knowing that the stylist he thought was cute would be doing his hair on a regular basis and could see him act cool on stage
  • to not let you out of his sights again, Mark pulled his phone off of the vanity table in front of him and went straight to his Instagram search page, “can I have your Insta by the way?” 
  • you were combing the translucent gel through his hair when you tilted your head out of curiosity of why he would want your socials 
  • “I send what kind of hairstyles and concepts I’d like to try to stylists on here,” he said 
  • in actuality Mark wasn’t one of the idols that really cared of how his stylists dressed him like Johnny or Jaehyun but he wanted an excuse so that his interest in you was too obvious
  • “oh sure,” you spelled out your Instagram handle and you saw him follow you right away
  • for the rest of the shoot for the two days that it took place, Mark would admire you every time you came up to him between scenes to wipe the sweat off his forehead and to spray his hair with setting mist 
  • although you were a fan of the group, you didn’t want to make them uncomfortable so you invested all of your focus on making them look their best
  • Mark appreciated that; you weren’t completely cold and professional but you also didn’t cross any boundaries by asking him about his personal life or interviewing him like some new stylists did 
  • when you got home you decided to look at Mark’s profile and saw that he was only following his family, friends from Vancouver, idols friends, and a few celebrities that he looked up to 
  • you were the only staff member that he was following other than his managers
  • but you didn’t think for a second Mark liked you
  • even though during promotions he would text you on his time off about your day and ask you about yourself 
  • “because I don’t want to be to formal” was his excuse to his unofficial game of 21 questions 
  • even though after promotions when he was on his break, he’d ask you to go shopping with him “to get some inspiration from uh hair stuff” 
  • at one point he was bold enough to ask you to go to a cafe because he said he felt like you two were friends at one point
  • behind the scenes, Johnny caught on quickly at how Mark was on his phone more often when he’d usually just use it to play mobile games or listen to music 
  • “I don’t think you left the bracelet with the pretty stylist,” Johnny would tease Mark one day when he saw him re-reading your texts and smiling to himself 
  • “you left your heart,” he’d say and slap himself on the knee from laughing too hard at his own joke
  • “can you get out of my room?” Mark would retort in embarrassment but it was worse for him from there
  • Johnny told both floors that Mark had a big fat crush on the young stylist and was flirting with them 24/7 
  • Mark wasn’t really the type to get in his feelings 
  • sure he’d find different celebrities or employees that he’d work with attractive but he knew it was for business or that they’d just be really good friends in the industry 
  • but you felt like home 
  • like he could imagine that if he was back in Vancouver that you two would meet at a library or something and he’d ask you for a coffee after you asked him to watch your bag to go to the washroom 
  • that was what he’d imagine before he went to sleep at night anyways 
  • half of the time he’d stay up thinking about asking you out officially and keeping your relationship as a secret and the other half of the time he’d kick his blankets scolding himself for even thinking that because it would put both of your careers on the line and he didn’t want you to feel the burden of dating in secret
  • you also had feelings for Mark but thought that he was just friendly and flirty 
  • even if he did have feelings for you, you thought that it would be best to just stay as friends because you didn’t want to get in the way of his career
  • one day Mark couldn’t take it anymore and went to the convenient store by himself instead of riding bikes with Haechan and Renjun like he originally planned to 
  • they noticed that he didn’t get embarrassed or annoyed at the teasing anymore and just kept to himself so they followed him to the store and found him outside on a bench with a beer in his hand
  • both of them sat beside him and Haechan grabbed the beer and took a swig, “just tell her” 
  • Mark placed his elbows on his knees and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, “I don’t want to ruin it for us… Or for her”
  • Renjun placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly, “if you both have strong feelings for each other then it’ll always work out in the end” 
  • Mark shook his head although he appreciated the support, “what if the stress gets us to break up? What if I make it awkward for her at work?” 
  • Haechan stopped him and told him sternly, “I see the way you two look at each other and I know that she’d accept if you asked. If the press or pressure causes you to break up then at least you tried.” 
  • Renjun added on more gently, “do you just want to continue suffering forever? What if she’s waiting for you too?” 
  • Mark didn’t want to think about it any longer and as a lightweight, the 2 cans of beer in his system were already giving him courage
  • if he had another night to think about it, he’d probably never confess to you so he decided in his tipsy state to confess right then 
  • with urgency, he told you to meet you at Hangang River right away 
  • “thank you guys,” he said while standing up too quickly 
  • he stumbled a little bit before starting to walk towards the meeting place, “I can do it!”
  • “you can do it!” Renjun laughed while holding up too fists to show his support
  • Haechan on the other hand held up his phone and started to record Mark walking clumsily towards the river, “don’t mess up loser!” 
  • you were finishing up on your readings when you got Mark’s text 
  • it sounded like he was going to confess but you shook the thought out of your head at the thought of a global star asking you out 
  • “probably wants to de-stress with a friend,” you thought before putting on a hoodie and jeans before walking to Hangang
  • when you arrived you could smell a mixture of beer and mint in his breath
  • His face was flushed pink which was a result of the alcohol and the 2.2km he had just walked
  • “why did you call me out all of a sudden?” You asked 
  • “will you go out with me?” He said a little bit too loudly
  • you quickly looked around to make sure that no one was within a kilometre near you too and asked in a hushed voice, “what?”
  • “I like you!” He nearly shouted, not aware of his volume due to the nervousness of the chance of rejection
  • “I tried not to like you ever since I met you but I can’t get you out of my head,” he avoided your gaze and couldn’t believe how cheesy he sounded
  • Mark continued regardless, “I know that we have to date in secret if you do like me but I promise to protect you and I won’t regret my decision if anything happens. So uh-”
  • “yes,” you grinned. “I’ll go out with you”
  • he was surprised at how you accepted with ease, “oh wow I wasn’t expecting this. Thank you for listening to me talk on haha, I don’t even know what to say I-”
  • to stop his blabbering you held onto his arms to steady yourself for when you went on your tippy toes to peck him on the lips
  • “that’s not fair” he pouted
  • “what’s not fair?”
  • “that’s it?” He murmured under his breath 
  • “then get some more” you teased
  • his hands cupped the sides of your face and bent his neck down to reach your height
  • your hand wrapped around his waist to pull him into a hug while his warm lips pressed onto yours

[12.00 am] You and Mark chasing Pokémons in the middle of the night, both too competitive to stop, even if you knew that you’d be hearing it from your managers when you got back to your dorms.

Mark is packing for tour and it will be the first time in Mark and Y/n’s relationship that they are going to spend a significant about of time apart from one another. 

Part of the long term couples series. 

           Sitting crossed legged on Mark’s bed you watch as he opens one of his dresser drawers and pulls out some shirts and transfers them into the suitcase sitting next to you. You glance at the shirts he’s put in then follow Marks movements as he makes his way to the closet. This is going to be the first time that you and Mark are going to be spending a long period of time apart from one another since you started dating. It was a strange feeling to know that the two of you would not be able to see one another for over three months maybe even longer. Depending how long promotions took and if they added more stops to the tour. This does not leave a lot of time for him to come back to South Korea and it wasn’t like you could just leave your job and follow him around. You also didn’t feel like the two of you were at that point yet in your relationship. You hadn’t even spent the night at his place yet. It was definitely not time for you to follow him on tour.

           Maybe that was why you were feeling weird about him going on tour. Because your relationship was still pretty new, and you were worried about what this time apart would do to the two of you. Would this make your relationship stronger or would it end up breaking the two of you apart. It was something that you had to seriously consider. You were no fool and knew that many relationships like yours struggle to last when one person in the relationship was always gone. Relationships were hard in general and then you add distance into it, it’s just another added challenge.

           “How many sweatshirts do you think I should take?” Mark questions drawing you out of your thoughts. You look over at Mark and see that his arms are overflowing with sweatshirts, and you laugh at the sight. Getting up from the bed you walk over to Mark and take about half of the sweatshirts out of his arms.

           “You are able to do laundry on tour. So, you don’t need to bring all of them. Three is probably enough.” You start to refold his sweatshirts and placing then back in the closet while Mark does and put the sweatshirts you left him with in his suitcase.

           “I hate packing this is the worst part about going on tour,” Mark grumbles. Placing the last sweatshirt back in the closet you make your way back to Mark and wrap your arms around his and rest your cheek against his back. Mark rests his hands over yours and peers at you over his shoulder. You squeeze him before shifting so you are now standing in front of him.

           “You’re almost finished. I think you’ll survive,” you tell him. Mark nods his head in agreement then leans down to kiss your cheek before he goes back to packing and you reclaim your spot on his bed.

           As Mark continues to pack the two of you talk about what places he is looking forward to seeing. What songs he is most excited to perform and other random topics. He asks you about how you research into going back to school is going and you admit to him that you still aren’t sure what you want to do and don’t want to waste money on school until you know what you want to go to school for. As Mark zips up his final suitcase he smiles at you in triumph. You return the smile but feel like it is forced and Mark notices.

           He moves the suitcase off the bed and takes it spot. He pulls you onto his lap cradling you, you wrap your arms around his neck and take a moment to enjoy being close to him. Because you are going to have to let this feeling last you for a long time. Your eyes start to sting, and you blink rapidly hoping that Mark doesn’t notice. You don’t want to cry and make him feel bad for going on tour. You’re happy that he is doing this and want him to go. It’s just sad to think that he’s going to be so far away from you for a long time.

           “I’m going to miss you while I’m on tour. I think this is one of the first times that I have ever been sad about going on tour.” Mark admits.

           “I don’t want you to be sad about going on tour,” you tell him looking up into those wide eyes of his. “You should be excited about going on tour. I’m excited for you. It’s just a little sad to think about being away from you for so long.”

           “Some of the guys told me what it’s like to be apart from someone you care about while on tour. I used to think that they were being silly when we were on tour, and they talked about how much they missed the person they are with. I get it now. I haven’t even left yet, and I already miss you and can’t wait to come back.” Mark lets out a humorless laugh.

           “Bet you listen to your hyungs better now huh.” You tease trying to lighten the mood a little bit.

           “Don’t tell them but yeah I’ll listen to them from now on.” Mark smiles a little, but you can tell that it’s a forced smile.

           “Did they happen to give you any advice on how to handle a long-distance relationship? What works and what doesn’t?” You would have asked your best friend but the two of you were actually in the same boat and you didn’t feel comfortable yet asking any of the boys’ girlfriends.

           “They said that it was important to be honest with each other. Don’t lie about being fine when you aren’t. And that making your relationship a priority was important. That trying to connect with each other even if it was for a few minutes was important.” You nodded your head in agreement.

           “Maybe there will be a time that I can take off of work and come see you for a little bit,” you throw the idea out there then quickly add, “if that were something you would like.”

           “Of course, I would like for you to come visit me. If I could I would bring you with me for the whole tour.” Mark admits and you feel your eyes filling with tears again. This time you aren’t quick enough to stop them and have to wipe them away. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

           “I know and they’re not tears of sorrow. What you said was really sweet and it got to me. I’m going to miss you a lot while you’re gone. But I’m going to try and find a time to come see you.” You said with more determination in your voice. You were going to make this happen.

           “I’ll help you in anyway I can. We’ll be fine. It’ll be hard but I know we can make it through this.” Mark leans down to connect his lips with yours and as his lips touch your you know that he’s right. You two were solid and even though you were just starting off in this relationship you were going to make it work because you both cared deeply for one another.

Y/n has one goal and one goal only. To make a gingerbread house. It shouldn’t be hard right? When Mark walks in to Y/n’s place though he’s not sure what to think when he sees what you’ve been working on.

Part of the long term couple series. Can be read as a stand alone.

           Scooping out another large glob of frosting you are determined this time to make sure that the walls of your gingerbread house stay up. When you had gotten the brilliant idea to make a gingerbread house for Christmas you didn’t think that it would be this hard. But it was proving more difficult than you thought it would be. Every time you got three walls standing the last wall would somehow fall and you knew that if you couldn’t get the walls to stand on their own there was no way that they were going to stay up when you put the roof on. Carefully adding frosting to the bottom of your stand and the gingerbread wall you move it into place once again.

           Holding your breath, you push the wall up against the other two walls hoping that they’ll all stay standing this time. Slowly moving your hand back, you pump your fist in the air when the walls stay standing. It had only taken you four tries, but you finally managed to get the walls to stay standing. Now all you had to do next was get the roof on and then you could really start to decorate. Glancing over at the clock on the wall you knew that Mark would be to your place soon and while you had hoped that you would have the gingerbread house done before he got to your place you didn’t think that was going to happen anymore.

           Turning your attention back to the gingerbread house you focused on getting the roof on without any of the walls collapsing. Somehow you had managed to get the roof on with all of the walls standing up. Maybe the hard part was over and everything after this was going to be easy.

           “Are you kidding me why are you falling!” Mark hears as he opens the door to your apartment.

           “Y/n?” Mark calls as he walks further into the apartment. He wasn’t sure what was going on but from the sound of your voice whatever was happening was making you upset.

           “In the kitchen,” you call back to him. “Why are you leaning to the side?”

           Mark enters the kitchen and sees your kitchen table is covered with a variety of gumdrops, m&m’s, frosting, and other candy. He also sees what he is assuming is supposed to be a gingerbread house though it looks more like a pile of cookie, frosting, and candy. Mark then looks at you. Your hair is thrown up into a messy bun, pieces of hair are falling out of it. You have frosting on you and some red dye smeared across your face.

           “Do I even want to know what is going on?” Mark is approaching you like you are a wild animal and that any sudden movements by him will cause you to either bolt or strike out at him.

           “I’m trying to make a gingerbread house,” you tell him barely giving him a glance as you try to shift the leaning house back into an upright position. “But the stupid house won’t stay standing, the roof is collapsing in, and I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten my weight in chocolate because I’m getting stressed out from this stupid thing.”

           “Okay why don’t you just calmly set down the frosting and butterknife and we can figure out a way to fix this.” Glaring at Mark you can’t decide if he’s being serious or if he is teasing you.

           “Mark, I swear if you’re teasing me about my gingerbread house, I’m going to throw it at you.” What you don’t do is set down the frosting or the knife. Instead, you focus back on the leaning house and wonder if you could use pretzels to support the house and keep it upright.

           “I’m not teasing. I’m being serious just set everything down and take a step back. Maybe what you need is a break and when you come back with a fresh mind, you’ll be able to get it to stand upright.”  Mark does have a point. You have been working on this house for hours maybe you should step away for a bit and come back to it later.

           “You might be right,” Setting the frosting and knife down you really look at your boyfriend and while you know he is being serious you can see it in his eyes and the twitching of his lips that he wants to laugh but won’t.

           “Making a gingerbread house is harder than it looks!” You defend yourself. Though you’re probably the only person on this planet who has struggled as much as you have with getting a gingerbread house made.

           “I’m sure it is,” Nods Mark. He moves towards you and leans in to wipe the frosting from your face. “I think even with your gingerbread house leaning to the side and the collapsing roof it still looks great.”

           “Really?” You question because glancing over at the house you think that it looks like a mess, and you don’t think would give Mark the same complement if your places were reversed.

           “Maybe it’s not great but I like it because you made it.” Mark admits causing you to laugh and Mark joins you. It’s as the two of you are laughing that the house leans even more and eventually the whole thing collapses into a pile of cooking, frosting, and candy.

           Your eyes widen and you look over at Mark who is looking at the pile with wide eyes as well before he turns to face you. He’s waiting for your reaction your sure of it. He probably doesn’t know if you are going to laugh, cry, or scream. And while you want to do all three laughter wins out. You throw your head back and laugh. Mark joins you once again and moves towards you to pull you into his arms.

           “Still think my house is great?” You laugh into Marks chest. You can feel Mark’s body shaking and you look up into his laughing face. He leans down to kiss you while the two of you continue to laugh.

           “I think anything that you do is great. Even a collapse gingerbread house.” Mark reaches out to the gingerbread house and picks up one of the pieces that is covered in frosting and candy and holds it out to you to take a bite. The house may not have turned out, but it sure does taste good.


He’s very observant when it comes to you, Mark likes to know where you are at least even if you’re not by his side, he doesn’t want to push you, but he certainly at least wants the comfort of knowing you’re safe.


The two of you bickering doesn’t happen too often, you usually only bicker if it really feels like the right thing to do. Most of the time it will be over stupid things that you can both be incredibly stubborn over, such as who’s going to foot the bill for dinner or who’ll have to pick up the snacks for you both.


Whenever you’re having a hard time, Mark is right there with you he never leaves you alone. You often try and tell him not to worry, knowing how busy he is, but that never stops Mark being there for you, knowing that he can always set work aside for a little while when it comes to being there for you and supporting you.


The two of you have a pretty good understanding of one another, and so disagreements between the two of you are rare. You both know how to make each other tick so you’re usually very careful with how you speak and act to make sure that you don’t end up winding each other up. Your disagreements come to a natural end when they do happen as neither of you really know quite how to fix things.


Both of you found yourselves getting alone really quickly which was the sign that you needed to know that you were going to be close. You just got chatting and the conversation never seemed to spot every time the two of you met up with each other. It was that which made Mark more and more keen to see you every single time because he loved how easy it all felt, even when you were getting to know each other.


Mark’s family absolutely loved you, knowing the Mark had someone like you in his life meant a tremendous lot to all of them. They worried about him a lot being so far away from him, but they knew that if they ever needed anything doing for him that they could ask you and you’d do it. Even when they flew over to surprise him, you were the middleman who helped them organise it all unbeknownst to Mark.


When the two of you hung out you would usually just explore, walks were often your go to as they gave you plenty of space to talk and catch up. You loved being outside and enjoying the peace and quiet, but most of all you enjoyed being able to share your stories and jokes that you wanted the other to know.


The two of you had a habit of talking about the other person, even sometimes when the conversation had absolutely nothing to do with them. Mark just found himself somehow relating everything back to you, and you did the same for him, even if the people that you were with didn’t want to hear about it.


Whenever the two of you got together there was plenty of laughter, which led to plenty of inside jokes. You always remembered the ones especially that tickled the both of you, the ones that would leave you both complaining that your sides hurt when you eventually managed to compose yourselves again.


There weren’t many times when Mark would get jealous, at least to the faces of your other friends he was polite and respectful. He would keep his opinions to himself most of the time, but if there was a friend that particularly rubbed him up the wrong way, Mark would make sure to mention it to you so that you knew to try and keep him away from that friend and watch yourself around them as well.


Mark got a kick out of seeing you do well, although he was your best friend, he was also your biggest fan. He loved nothing more than when you text him to tell him that you had good news or something exciting to share with him. No matter how big or small it was, he always encouraged you with your news.


He loved how big his smile was whenever he spent time with you. Mark felt settled whenever he was with you and knew that whenever he was with you that it was going to be a good time. The two of you worked alongside one another perfectly, so even when the two of you were doing next to nothing when you hung out, because of how well you got along together you still managed to feel content and happy.


The two of you first met when you had to sit at Mark’s table in the coffee store because it was so busy. He invited you to sit down so that you weren’t just stood around waiting for a spare table to pop up, and as soon as you did sit, Mark started a conversation, so things weren’t awkward between you both.


One of his favourite things about being with you was that he didn’t have to be anything but himself, there was no need for him to control anything or be an idol in front of you, he could just literally be Mark.


Mark was obsessed with how genuine you were, there weren’t many people that he fully trusted, but he knew that you always meant well, and that most of you always looked out for Mark’s best interests.


The times that meant the most to him were when he could just do nothing with you and breathe for a little while. His life was busier than most people’s with so many units and teams to be a part of, so when he just got to sit back and put his feet up for a while when he was with you, Mark was glad to relax with you.


He was constantly checking up on you, Mark would be asking how you were as much as he possibly could. Despite how busy he was, he never let that stop him from worrying about you and checking in with you too.


The two of you loved to head down to the river when you were both busy and relax for a little while. You had a spot that was yours and would often take food and sit down for a while so that you could escape and relax which was one of Mark’s favourite things to do and talk without any interruptions too.


Whilst he tried to seem unbothered by a need for support, when it came down to you, Mark loved it. He tried to pretend not to be bothered when you showed up unexpectedly or called him just before a show, but on the inside his heart would absolutely race knowing that you thought enough to be there for him.


His family were big fans of yours, and often tried to get Mark to take you with him when he went home to see them all. He loved how well you got along with them and how accepting they were of you as his friend.


He felt as if he’d won something having you as a best friend, he was constantly worried that someone would tell him it was a prank.


Quite often Mark would visit you when you were at work when he had a break, even if it was just to say hello. He loved to just see you, especially as in person he really could judge that you were doing alright.


One of the things that Mark worked particularly had at was giving you advice so that he could try his best to help you when you needed it.


Neither of you were afraid of being affectionate with one another, but at the same time you were very rarely over the top with one another, your affection blended in so that no one else ever really noticed it.


You were his comfort, Mark always felt relaxed and content when he was with you.


Most of the time when the two of you hung out, Mark made you spend the night at the dorm, refusing to let you drive yourself home, especially when it started to chill off and get uncomfortable outside.

