#nct dream blurbs


[8:11 p.m]

it’s was unusually quiet in the dorms. based on most of the times you visited, it’s typically been a madhouse. this was true especially with the dreamies. they were ecstatic to finally have mark rejoin them, so many resumed game seshes and movie nights were held in their definition of ‘celebration’

jaemin loved having you around the other boys. he was comfortable knowing that you fit right in with the atmosphere of the group, constantly participating in their rowdy antics.

however, tonight was calmer than usual. despite all being crowded in the same room, the younger boys were busy existing in their own little bubble. renjun had his headphones in reading an audiobook, chensung were playing league on the ground next to the couch, jeno was watching the recording of this morning’s dance rehearsal, and mark was quietly strumming his guitar while humming an unfamiliar tune.

you were splayed across jaemin’s lap as he aimlessly scrolled through his phone. head nestled on top of his thighs, you began taking some selfies of yourself to send to jaemin, hoping to fluster him. jaemin’s eyes fluttered down to your face, where you were sticking your tongue out at yourself in the camera. he tapped at your thigh, smirk adoring his face and you hid your face with your phone, embarrassed to have been caught.

face hot in bashfulness, you turn the camera on jaemin, who is back looking at his phone. biting your lip, you seize the opportunity for revenge.


he looks down at the sound of his name as your finger hits the capture button.

the silence in the room is quickly disturbed by the laughter that bubbles from your throat. you never once thought jaemin could have a bad angle, but boy did this picture prove you wrong.

“hey—“jaemin protests but you shove a hand on his face as you sit up to show jeno the horrid picture of your boyfriend.

jeno’s laughter prompts the two youngest boys to pause their game and scramble to look at the photo.

“hyung, you look so ugly,” chenle laughs without any regard to formality. jaemin pouts at his remark, and at you for enticing them to pick fun at him.

he gently pushes you off his lap and storms out of the room. you roll your eyes, knowing how childish jaemin can be when his ego is bruised.

“you’re such a baby,” you shout after him, hopping off of the couch and out of the room. you see jaemin sulking on the way to his room, and you run after him, slipping under his arm right before he can shut the door behind him.

your eyes crinkle in amusement at the pouty expression on jaemin’s face. giggling, you toss your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes to pepper small kisses all over his downturned face. he doesn’t push you away, but you giggle as you can feel jaemin physically and mentally try to fight off your loving attack.

“i’m sorryyyyy,” you whine, jutting out your bottom lip at him. his eyes dart to your lips for a quick second, and you almost miss the small quiver of the corner of his mouth. you sigh, giving into what you know he wants. “if we cuddle will you stop being mad at me?”

jaemin can’t help the wide grin that spreads across his face at the sound of your pleads. you feel his arms slowly encase you into his embrace and you squint and purse your lips at him, annoyed at the fact that he most had this scenario mapped out in his head from the beginning.

“of course, baby.” jaemin gives you a sweet kiss that practically coats your tongue in sugar.

“you just wanted to get me alone, didn’t you?” you question, raising an eyebrow. jaemin looks up at the ceiling, pretending to ponder at your question.

‘hmmm, maybe?”

“well it worked,” you say, gently tugging him towards the bed you two shared often. “happy?”

“very,”jaemin grins, plopping onto the covers, bringing you down with him.

someone like u | n.jm


↳ na jaemin x fem!reader

synopsis:you’ve been waiting for someone like jaemin.

genre:fluff(but like sappy fluff ¿)
word count: 975
a/n:happy bday to the boy with the heartiest heart :[ this was not proof read and was rushed bc i started school already so yeah… and this is quite personal since it’s literally just me projecting all my insecurities in my love life lmfao so enjoy !!
someone like u - ariana grande

falling for a person like jaemin isn’t difficult. definitely not when he’s just so easy to love. it makes you wonder if it’s too easy, as if there’s a catch to it all. though, with the way his tired eyes light up instantly when he sees you walking toward him in the courtyard, anyone could recognize how in love he truly is. jaemin, the boy who wakes up early just so he can give you your morning coffee before your first class even though he doesn’t have class until noon.

the way your heart flutters when he immediately takes a seat next to you in the booth of your favorite diner just so he can hold your hand while eating, and the close proximity promises that he doesn’t miss a single (boring) word you say. still, jaemin makes it known that he’s listening by nodding his head, humming, and maintaining eye contact that is nearly impossible for you to hold.

the worries you once had of not being able to attain that undying love that lasts until you and your partner are wrinkly and weak, crumbles down when jaemin rests his chin on your head as he secures his embrace around you as you both lay on the bed. there are still nights where you assume that he’s just staying with you for pity. but you are proven wrong the next morning when you’re awoken alone in his bed as he got up extra early to make you breakfast, making sure to be quiet the entire time so he doesn’t disrupt your rest. throughout your time together, jaemin observes your expression when eating to see if the food satisfies you, then mentally takes note of the stuff you like and dislike.

all the bad experiences you’ve had with past lovers, moments that almost made you give up on trying to find “the one,” have all been replaced with the fondest memories made with jaemin. one of which is right this moment. the view of the sky from on top of jaemin’s rooftop beats any hill in this small town.

you lean against his chest, his knees act as arm rests for your comfort. jaemin’s toned arms have a strong hold around your waist while his chin is delicately placed on your shoulder.

no words are being exchanged, just deep breaths and the rhythmic beating of your hearts. fingers playing with one another. stepping on each other’s shoes teasingly like what middle schoolers do.

stars are scattered on its dark canvas. “that one is the prettiest,” he whispers, his warm breath hitting your neck. you can see a finger of his point from the corner of your eyes but you didn’t need to know which star he was referring to know which he thinks is the prettiest star of them all.

it’s the biggest one, twinkling in intervals of five seconds, you’ve been observing that one even before jaemin pointed it out. “i think so too.”

moments like these where comfortable silence and calm breathing with jaemin are so valuable. you aren’t sure where else you can find silence that lasts so long and still find it tolerable and enjoyable. jaemin is contradictory to your love life, or the love life that you used to have. the partners you used to date; the attention you used to attract; the treatment you used to deal with.

with jaemin, everything has been completely foreign to you, almost shocking as fiction you’ve read in your sappy romance books is becoming a reality for you. it boggles you. you’re guilty of wanting it to be too good to be true at times when things are suspiciously too calm. almost if calmness terrifies you as you expect it to be the “calm before the storm,” and you have no choice but to sit still and wait for that storm to hit.

“avoir elle est avoir les étoilés,” the voice behind you interrupts your thoughts. he pauses to place a kiss behind your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “to have her is to have the stars.”

heat spreads all through your face and neck. once again, your partner proves your worries false. as his ways of showing love continue and become more prevalent every passing day, those worries crumble down. when he cooks you dinner after a long day at school, that’s when you know it’s genuine. when he nags you to take care of yourself constantly, you know it’s because he cares for you. and when he maintains eye contact and nods while you ramble on about your boring day, you just know.

“you mean so much to me,” you whisper, it’s barely audible. “truly,” said with more power but still requires good hearing to comprehend what you said.

jaemin smiles, and his neck and the tip of his ears become hot. although he hasn’t said the three words in respect for your request to take things slowly, he knows the words you had just said hold the same weight. and to be real, jaemin will cherish anything you give and say to him despite how little it may seem to you — how effortless it looks to you — he will accept and love anything, because, well, he loves you and everything that deals with you.

you’re aware that there is no rush in your relationship, but sometimes, you want nothing more than these thoughts and second guesses to disappear suddenly so you can fully take in jaemin’s love. so you can dive into the ocean of his affection.

but for now, you’ll just remain in his tight hold, embracing the comfort and security he brings along with his endless love — reserved just for you. because a person like jaemin deserves to be reciprocated with the same amount of love he willingly gives to others with no hesitation.

[11:47PM]“Hyuck, you told me to come over just so we could spend time together.” You sulked as you watched your dear boyfriend busy giving his full attention to the screen in front of him.

“Just one more round, baby. I promise!” The male shouted, fingers furiously clicking on the mouse.

You looked down at your textbook before letting out a huff, “But that’s what you said 20 minutes ago.”


Donghyuck sighed, finally putting his headphones down as he shuts off his pc. Turning around in his gaming chair he spotted you on his bed, already fallen asleep with your face stuffed in between the open textbook.

The boy let out a laugh at your current state before getting up from his seat and walked towards you.

You felt a hand on your shoulder softly shaking your body. Letting out a whine, you finally lift your head up to face him.

“Sweetheart, let’s get you into a more comfortable position, yeah?” The male spoke up, taking the textbook away.

Nodding your head, you quickly shifted into an even more comfortable position, “Are you finally done with your games now?”

Donghyuck let out a chuckle, swiftly looking at the clock as he sat down next to you on the bed. The audacity of this man to laugh at you.

He pulled you closer, hands wrapped around your waist. You snuggled up with him, taking a wiff of his cologne.

“I’m sorry for not giving you attention earlier on, baby.” Hyuck spoke up, the hand that was around your waist now traveling up under your sweater to rub your back.

Giggling softly, you gave him a quick peck on his plump lips as way to say that you accept his apology.

[2:36AM] The sound of rain droplets softly tapping against your bedroom window fills the room. You let out a sigh, snuggling into your pillow bringing the blanket up to your chest.

As soon as you were about to fall asleep, soft scratching noises could be heard from outside your bedroom door. “You can come in, Jeno.” You spoke, sitting up as the door opened revealing Jeno. Adorable white ears perched on top of his now messy black hair along with his fluffy tail slightly wagging from side to side. Cute.

“Can I sleep with you tonight? The thunders are scaring me,” The hybrid spoke with a pout visible on his lips.

Nodding your head, the male happily walked over to the other side of the bed and moved under the blanket. You laid back down on the pillow, gesturing Jeno to come closer.

He wrapped his arms around your waist, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. “You’re safe with me, pup. Sleep now, I know you’re tired, love.” You caressed his hair, soothing the hybrid when another thunder struck.

Soon enough, soft snores could be heard from him. You smiled, leaving a kiss on the top of his head before muttering a soft ‘I love you’, falling asleep right after that.

got this idea when I was rewatching 7llin’ in the dream couldn’t resist writing about Jeno because he looked really adorable there :(

Jeno gets sulky easily, especially when one of his friends was taking your attention away.

“Y/n, come dance with us! I know you really like this song,” Haechan whined tugging on your sleeve. You playfully rolled your eyes before letting him drag you away from the hammock.

Your boyfriend watched you from afar, his lips slowly turning into a pout as he watched you dance along to the music along with his two friends not seeming to notice that he was there since you were having fun.

The male dragged himself to the hammock, softly pushing Chenle before laying down beside the younger. He was still sulking.

Chenle seems to notice the behavior of the boy beside him has changed. Chuckling at the older’s childish act, he pinched Jeno’s cheek before sitting up, now making his way to Jaemin.

“Alright I’m tired now, you guys can dance together I’m gonna rest.” You said while making your way to your boyfriend.

He noticed that you were coming his way, he was happy to finally get all of your attention to himself again. But he was still sulky.

You sat down on the hammock, reaching your hands out to pet Jeno’s messy black hair. His pout was still visible.

“What’s got you sulking so much, baby?” You asked, even though you already knew the answer. The boy in front of you lets out a huff.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s because you were busy giving all your attention to my friends instead of your beloved boyfriend,”

You let out a giggle. Jeno heard it and his eyebrows furrowed, “Oh so you think this is funny?” He moved your hand away from his head, crossing his arms.

You can’t help but laugh again, slowly moving your body to lay down beside him. Wrapping your arms around the black-haired boy.

“No baby, of course not. You just look really cute right now, I’m sorry alright? You got all of my attention now, will kisses make you feel better, baby?” You spoke, Jeno couldn’t hold in his smile any longer.

Of course it will, he loves your kisses.

The male looks at you with big doe eyes, lips puckering. You leaned in gently smashing your lips against his slightly chapped ones.

It lasted for quite some time before Renjun decides to interrupt, “Y'know I’m cool with you two being lovey-dovey but please try not to suck each other’s faces off in front of us,”

You and Jeno both giggled at his comment. The poor boy had a disgusted look on his face.

Before you even had a chance to respond to the other male, Jeno had wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to his chest.

He placed a quick peck on your forehead, “I love you, y/n.”

“are you stupid? i don’t like you.” you spoke, staring into mark’s eyes. the poor boy froze, not knowing what to do when you started walking closer to him.

“but i..” you paused, moving your head closer to his ear. lips ghosting just right above the shell of his ear before speaking again. “really, really, really love you..”

mark’s heart was thumping really loudly. a deep shade of red slowly creeping up to his cheeks, oh how he wish you would move away already so he could finally breathe in.

after what seemed like forever, you finally moved back to create some space between the both of you. “how’d i do? was that great?” you smiled at his current state, he looked so cute right now.

the black haired boy cleared his throat before straightening his position, looking everywhere around the room besides your eyes. “t-that was great, (y/n). im sure your crush would be flustered..” he stuttered.

oh little did he knew it was for him.

© hyvckluvr on tumblr, 2021.



hmm maybe im writing one atm rn :D

Love To Hate Me

part six – bestie vibes only

guess who’s back me ahaha did y'all missed me /j anyway im not back for too long.. I’ll be gone until like.. next two weeks?? my exams just started and i need to focus otherwise my mom would beat the shit out of me

taglist:@daegalfangirl@marklexleaf@purpleheejin@ikyk-leeknow@bbnana@skrtbeepbeep@nanamericano@renjunvibes@soobinbakerycouldn’t tag : @ne0yong @btssf9nct (dm/ask me if you wanna be added in the taglist)


[3:15am] chenle could hear faint sound of someone sobbing beside him. worried filling up his chest, he slowly forced himself to open his eyes and faced towards the noise.

he saw his significant other laying beside him with puffy red eyes that was too busy concentrating on the laptop screen that was placed on their chest. “baby? why are you crying, love?”

wrapping his arms around your waist as he snuggled his head in the crook of your neck, he faced the screen. feeling curious on why you were crying.

“h-he killed ali, chenle.. sangwoo fucking betrayed ali! he was my f-favourite character too..” sniffling, you brought up the tissue up to your face to wipe your tears away.

suddenly, your boyfriend started gigglling. you looked at him furiously, your cheeks puffing. “it’s not funny babe! i was rooting for him”

chenle finally managed to stop giggling, sighing as he brought up his hands to your cheek, pinching it slightly.

“you’re so cute y/n but you dont have to cry, it’s just a show. and also you need to go to sleep, it’s 3 in the morning. we can watch the show together tomorrow.” pouting at his words, you looked over at the digital clock that was on the nightstand.

chenle’s right, it is 3am. you were so concentrated that you didnt even realize the time. sighing, you put away your laptop, turning around so you could face your boyfriend that was slowly dozing off.

you smiled at him, bringing your hand to the back of his head to gently play with his hair. the boy groaned, pulling you closer to him as he hid his head in your neck before mumbling a soft “goodnight” to you.

I’M SORRY FOR SPOILING TO WHOEVER HASN’T FINISHED THE SHOW YET i just had to put it in cause im currently OBSESSED with that show kinda sad that i finished it in just 2 days but it was a great show! anyway i hope you guys enjoyed reading this <3

[7:14PM] a big smile was plastered on renjun’s face, jogging slightly so she could have a chance to catch him. and eventually, she did. the couple laughed out loud, his hands snaking around her waist as she wraps her arms around his neck.

“i love you, so much.” the brown haired boy spoke. eyes full of love while staring into her eyes. “i love you too, injun.” she responded, slowly starting to lean in so she could press her lips against his.

i smiled, feeling happy that he was able to move on. but deep inside, i could feel my heart slowly ache as i watched my lover with another girl. if only i survived, this would’ve been me instead of her.

although, it’s fine. as long as he’s happy with her. i no longer have to see the love of my life cry over my death over and over again. today marks as his 21st birthday. it also means that he’ll finally spend his birthday somewhere else other than my grave.

as they hold each other’s hand and began to walk away, i watched my other half become whole again with another.

a/n: aaaa im sorry for writing so much angst lately (〒﹏〒) i can’t help it heuheuehe but i promise to write fluff afterwards!! no!more!sad!stories! but anyways,, this was completely inspired by a tiktok vid i came across while i was scrolling :]

— “water fountain.”

pairings: jisung x gn!reader

genre: angst, just pure angst. (maybe a bit of fluff if you squint hard enough hueheu)

a/n: feeling kinda angsty lately ‍ im always feeling angsty most of the time but most of my fics here are fluff..‍♀️also i recommend listening to water fountain by alec benjamin bc this drabble is completely inspired by this song :v i switched up a bit of the lyrics so it would make sense but yeah!!1!1!!1

“he told me that he loved me by the water fountain,he told me that he loved me and he didn’t love her,and that was really lovely ‘cause it was innocent,

but now he’s got a cup with something else in it.”

“you know, i wouldnt have found this beautiful place if it weren’t for you, love.” jisung mumbled out before reaching his hand out to caress your cheeks. humming at his words, you looked down at the boy who had his head laid on your lap.

the two of you were seated on the mat that you brought near the water fountain. the both of you just so had to stumble across the place a few weeks ago and it had became your new favourite place to hang out with your dearest boyfriend.

“yn?” the black haired boy called out, causing you to get back in reality. “yes ji?” “you know i love you, right?” jisung stared into your own pair of eyes, his cute smile was visible for you to see. smiling back at him, your hand begin to caress his fluffy hair.. brushing his bangs of his eyes before responding. “of course love, and i love you too.”

he suddenly lift his head up from your lap, now sitting up to face you, his big hands gently reaching out to hold yours. “good. thank you for trusting me even though those nasty rumours were going around the whole school. you’re the only person i love, only you baby. no one else, not even her.”those were just sweet, sweet lies.

“it’s getting kind of blurry at a quarter-past-ten, and she was in a hurry to be touching his skin, he’s feeling kind of dirty when he’s dancing with her,

forgetting what he told me by the water fountain.

“hey sweetheart, you’re a little late to the party but at least you’re here now. wasn’t expecting you to come, your dress suits you a lot.” na jaemin slipped his arms around your shoulder, handing you a red cup. you were pretty used to his flirty personality, of course making sure that he doesn’t cross the line as you were in a relationship with ji.

smiling at the lad, you took the cup in your own hand, taking a sip from it before responding. “i apologize for being 30 minutes late, was having a hard time choosing out my outfit and i heard ji is here too so why not join him? ah- by any chance do you know where he is, nana?” “you don’t have to apologize, pretty. and I’m not sure sweetheart, I haven’t seen him around ever since he came in.”

jaemin spoke, a hand brushing his freshly dyed blonde hair which looked really good on him. the boy detached his arms from your shoulder, shoving it in the pockets of his ripped jeans before speaking again, “i can help you find jisung if you want me to, though.” straightening your body portion, you quickly fixed your dress by pulling the hem of the fabric down since it was riling up before politely declining his offer.

soon both of you parted ways, jaemin went back to jeno and renjun while you were walking around the house, looking for your boyfriend. you had been looking for him for the past 15 minutes, texting him several times but still hadn’t got a response from him. your eyes searched around the dance floor, suddenly landing on a particular spot.

there he was, dancing with her. his arms wrapped around her waist while hers was all over his body. anger, but mostly disappointment filled your body. he was there at the dance floor, with his arms wrapped around another girl’s waist instead of yours. it’s like he had forgotten what he said to you back at the water fountain.

“and if he ever goes back to the water fountain, the handle will be broken and the rust set in.

but my hand, it will be open and I’ll try to fix it. my heart, it will be open and I’ll try to give it”

jisung ended up at the water fountain, this time feeling extremely guilty. guilty that he had lied to you, guilty that he still loves her. guilty for making you upset. how he wished all of this wouldn’t happen, he wished to not love her anymore.

deep down, he knows. he knows that it would never happen. he would still love her no matter what, even if she’s not the one for him and the real one was standing in front of him the whole time. he feels stupid. stupid for still going after her even though you were so much better at almost everything. his thoughts were cut out from a faint voice coming from behind, the voice calling his name.

“jisung?” you called out. suddenly his heart was beating fast, not knowing how to act after the incident and you not responding to his chat. “what are you doing here?” you were slowly walking towards the boy, head slightly tilted to the side waiting for his answer. “…yn, I’m sorry-”

“no, it’s alright. let’s… not talk about it.” awkward silence lingering around the air between you two. both you and jisung did not dare to speak, until you decided to break it. “so.. what are you doing here?” clearing your throat, you waited for his response, “i was waiting for you..” the tall boy said.

“listen, i know you saw me with her.. and i wanna apologize for that. i know what i did was wrong, just.. please don’t leave me. i still love you, so so much.” oh how much you hated yourself for coming back to him with just those words. you hate how weak you are for park jisung.

in the end, no matter what he did. you would always come back in his arms, even if he lied to you multiple time.

Love To Hate Me

part five – twink

twinky jaemin era /j LOL but anyways thank you all sm for supporting my series </3 i didn’t think you guys would like it this much qhwkjsks (๑¯◡¯๑)

taglist:@daegalfangirl@marklexleaf@bbnana@ikyk-leeknow@skrtbeepbeep@ne0yong@renjunvibes@nanamericano (dm/ask me if you wanna be added in the taglist ^^)


Love To Hate Me

part four – pussy cat

sorry for not posting for so long omg i feel so bad for making yall wait but im backk for nowww :) also tysm for 50+ fllwrs it really means a lot (/^-^(^ ^*)/

taglist:@daegalfangirl@marklexleaf@bbnana@ikyk-leeknow (dm/ask me if you wanna be added in the taglist!! :D)

couldn’t tag for some reason </3: @ne0yong


Love To Hate Me

part three — boyfriend?

jssjsjks this one’s kinda shitty i feel like something’s missing but idk anyways–

taglist:@daegalfangirl@marklexleaf (dm/ask if you wanna be added in the taglist.)


— “pretty puppy.”

pairings: dog hybird!jeno x gn!reader

genre: fluff.. big fluff because puppy jeno is </33

a/n: guess who decided to post this first instead of updating the jaemin series ahsjsjsk sorry im a sucker for puppy jeno ლ(・﹏・ლ).. anyways enjoy this short drabble ill make sure to edit on the series soon <3 as usual not proofread bc i wrote this shit at 4am

jeno’s fluffy ears perked up upon hearing the keys jiggling from outside the apartment door, indicating that you’re finally home from work. his tail started wagging excitedly as he walked towards the door to greet you. as soon as he reached the door, his sparkling eyes was met with your own pairs. his eyes slowly turning into crescent, giving you a big smile before engulfing you in a giant hug.

“hey puppy, missed me that much?” you giggled, slowly melting into the hug. “of course! why wouldn’t i? how was work?” the black haired boy responded cheerfully, hiding his face in the crook of your neck to inhale your scent. “hmm.. i missed you too jen, and work was tiring.. I’d rather not talk about it. I’ll cook dinner alright? my sweet puppy, you must be hungry.” you pouted, hands traveling up to his hair before ruffling it, slightly messing it up.

faint sound of music was playing in background, you were seated on your desk, slowly losing your mind over the worksheet that was plastered in front of you. being a college student while working in a part time job was quite a struggle but you somehow managed to do it. suddenly all of your thoughts were interrupted by soft footsteps. shifting your gaze towards your bedroom door, a sleepy jeno was standing still with his oversized sweater on while hugging a pillow. “he looks so adorable” you thought.

“puppy? why are you up this late? you should he asleep.” smiling at the boy, he sleepily walked towards your bed, sitting on the edge of the soft mattress before answering, “m’ sorry, i just couldn’t sleep so i decided to come over to your room.. why are you studying at this hour?” jeno mumbled out, his lips was slightly pouting. his ears all floppy resting on top of his messy hair.

“oh pup, you don’t have to apologize. I’m not mad, i promise. you’re free to come over to my room whenever you want, alright? oh and don’t worry about this, it’s nothing.” yawning out at the end, you pushed in the chair before sitting beside the hybrid. softly patting your lap, jeno gently laid his head on your thighs, hands finding it’s way to the spot just right behind his ear before scratching it.

comfortable silence filled in the room, your eyes slowly dying on you. opening wide up when you heard jeno speak. “are you sleepy yn? i can go back to my room if you are.” he spoke while sitting back up to face you with the same sweet smile you received in the evening. “a little bit, but you don’t have to go back, i do need company here.” pushing yourself back to the middle of the bed, he followed your moves before comfortably laying himself on his side of the bed.

turning of the lamp light, you finally laid your head down on the soft pillow. suddenly you felt jeno’s hand wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. before you could even say anything, he had already made you lay your head on his chest. “we should cuddle more when you’re free” he said, eyes slowly closing. you had finally calmed down and slowly wrapped your arms around the boy. jeno yawned before letting out a soft “goodnight” to you.. in which you responded, “goodnight my pretty puppy.” before dozing off to dreamland.

(੭˃̵ᴗ˂̵)੭이민형; mark lee!

“are you stupid? I don’t like you.”(f)

(੭˃̵ᴗ˂̵)੭황인준; huang renjun!


(੭˃̵ᴗ˂̵)੭이제노; lee jeno!

pretty puppy(f)

when he gets sulky(f)


(੭˃̵ᴗ˂̵)੭이동혁; lee donghyuck!


(੭˃̵ᴗ˂̵)੭나재민; na jaemin!

love to hate me

(੭˃̵ᴗ˂̵)੭종진락; zhong chenle!


(੭˃̵ᴗ˂̵)੭박지성; park jisung!

water fountain(a)

© hyvckluvr on tumblr, 2021.

Love To Hate Me - Na Jaemin !in progress! [ON HIATUS.]

genre: social media!au,, highschool!au,, enemies-to-friends -to-lovers,, big fluff,, a bit of angst

pairings: na jaemin x fem!yn,, mark x fem!yn (a bit of noren)

warnings: cussing,, jaemin’s a bit mean (yea i think that’s all lol)

a/n: wowow i just wanted to start my own social media au for fun since ive been pretty interested in them for the past few days.. i hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as i love to make it!! ❤️

intro (½)

intro (2/2)

intro (3/3)

facebook mom

spilled coffee


pussy cat


bestie vibes only

more coming soon..
