#mcu wanda maximoff


A/N: the Alternate Ending is here! I’m so sorry this took so long and for the overall accidental hiatus. I have been busy getting things ready for a yard sale and I’m preparing for school and I just overall didn’t have much time for writing. Thank you all so much for all the love and if you’ve noticed I reorganized my Masterlists so that way everything is more organized and everything. I’ll have to edit every one of my posts to that way people can find things better but for now enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Wanda or Steve they are owned by Marvel, I don’t own the gif either.

WARNINGS:Angst, Swearing, the stages of grief, loss, dark themes, 18 + from here on out, SERIOUSLY DARK MENTIONS OF DEATH IF THIS IS TRIGGERING PLEASE AVOID THANK YOU

WORDS : 1,200

SUMMARY: the madness within is revealed

In case you missed last chapter

series masterlist

Complete Masterlist

Marvel Masterlist

Wanda Maximoff Masterlist  

REQUESTS ARE OPEN AND FREE (or if you just want to ask a question or say something) 

You didn’t know how long it’s been. 

Time passed by differently in the Hex. 

You were foolish to believe Wanda would respect your wishes. 

The morning after returning from the hospital you felt weird, lighter, stronger. Considering that a building came down on you a few days prior, you felt far too healthy. You had leapt from the bed and begged that what you thought wasn’t true, only to be met with one of your greatest fears once again.

Wanda had built an idyllic town, streets lined with perfect houses with perfect yards. School was far enough for the twins to ride their bikes to and from everyday. There was an ice cream shop down the street and there was pizza delivery any time of day. Wanda had even redecorated your home as well, overnight your rustic home had turned into the domestic suburban dream that you had remembered from the first Hex.

The only bright side to it was the lack of decade skipping, you woke in the modern century and that is where it stayed. 

“Mommy?” Lettie’s voice broke you from your thoughts as you remembered where you were. Family Dinner was a non negotiable event, it happened once a day every day. Sometimes that is what you used to keep track of the days gone by here. “Are you ok?”

“Yes baby,” You assured your daughter, giving her a small wink before going back to your meal. It was Friday so it was Pizza night, cheese mixing with tomato and sausage left a heavenly taste on your tongue. Half of the pizza was meat lovers special for you and Stevie while the other side was plain cheese for Wanda and Lettie. The one thing you had to give the Hex, the pizza was damn good. 

So far you gathered that the twins knew that something wasn’t right, they just didn’t know what. It made your stomach twist, you weren’t sure if Wanda put them under a spell or took their memories of the past few months away. You weren’t sure if Wanda was capable of meddling with their minds, you knew she loved the twins and would never do anything to harm them. 

However Wanda had loved you and yet she did this. 

“”Cолнечный свет you seem distracted,” You heard your wife remark across the table, “is everything alright?” 

“I’m fine Wanda.” You reply coldly as you refuse to meet her eyes. You continued to eat your dinner, listening intently to the children recount their day. 

“Miss. Johnson says I’m the brightest in her class,” Stevie said excitedly as he continued to ramble on about Miss. Johnson. You can feel Wanda’s eyes on you, but you paid her no mind as your son continues to talk. 

Eventually dinner ends and you tuck the kids into bed, giving them each kisses on their brows. 


“Yes baby.” 

“Mama did something bad didn’t she.” 

You paused for a minute, your children’s blue eyes staring back at you. You always knew that they were too observant for their own good. You sighed as you placed a kiss on their foreheads. 

“Mama loves you with all her heart,” You start, “She would do anything to protect you, same as I. It’s just that sometimes Mama can’t tell the difference between right and wrong, and that makes me worried for her.”  You tuck them further into their comforters, “the one thing I’m certain about is that she loves you so much and she would never hurt you. Much like how much you love her and would do anything for her.” 

“And like how much you love her.” 

Silence filled the air for a second, just a heartbeat before you found yourself replying. 

“Exactly,” You said, “And much like I would do anything to protect you I would do anything to protect her.” 

After that you bid the twins goodnight one last time before finally closing their door. 

“You know I love you too right,” You hear Wanda say behind you, “and I would do anything to protect you.” 

“I know.” 

“I don’t think you do.” Wanda said, your back was still facing her. You haven’t looked at her even once after waking up in the Hex and it was driving Wanda mad. 

Maybe she already was. 

You went to walk to your bedroom when suddenly you felt yourself being pinned to the wall, it wasn’t rough but it certainly wasn’t the gentle touch you knew. You kept your eyes on the ground, you knew the moment you looked at her your resolve would crumble. 

“Look at me,” Wanda let out in a choked whisper, “please my Солнечный свет, I know you’re beyond upset with me, but I did this for us.” She leaned in closer, her nose brushing against your cheek as you continued to look anywhere but her. However you still feel your resolve crumbling as her breath tickles your neck and her hands find their way to your waist. You could smell the familiar scent of roses and incense on her, the one thing that didn’t change. You feel her lips peck at your neck a bit, once, twice, before a sharp nip under your jaw caught you off guard. You let out a low moan as her hand firmly grasps your jaw making you look at her. 

You could see it in her eyes. Those beautiful pale green eyes that you looked into and felt safe. It was only now that you could see the obsession in them, the unspoken promise of never letting you go. 

Till death did you part and now that she took death out of the equation. 

You were hers. 


“I love you,” She says as she kisses the corner of your mouth, “I would destroy the world if it meant that I got to keep you and our family safe.” Her hands glide over your stomach, “I love our family with everything I am, I love taking care of you. I miss waking up every morning with your arms around me, I miss the way you smiled at me when I came home everyday, miss the way our hands always found each other, I miss us.” Her forehead presses to yours, “You hadn’t looked at me since before the Hex and it felt like I was running out of air, I was suffocating and cold. But now that you’re looking at me and it feels like I can breathe again, I feel warm and lightheaded and at peace.” Her hands move to cradle your face, “I don’t feel at peace unless I have you with me.” 


“Please don’t call me that.” Wanda says, her voice breaking just a little, “You never used to call me Wanda before.” 

“But this isn’t like before.” 

“Why can’t it be?” Wanda asks, her green eyes boring into yours, the intensity was enough to make you feel vulnerable. You could see something dangerous lurking behind those eyes, something telling you not to push it further. 

“In here you’re safe,” Wanda says, pinning you further into the wall, “in here our children are safe. No one will ever be able to take my family from me, ever again.” 


AU’s and Misc Character Masterlists are linked inside Masterlists as well

ALL Readers are inclusive, little to no physical descriptions of the readers are given.  

Bucky Barnes Masterlist 

Bruce Banner Masterlist

Steve Rogers Masterlist

Sam Wilson Masterlist 

Tony Stark Masterlist

Pepper Potts Masterlist

Wanda Maximoff Masterlist

Pietro Maximoff Masterlist 

Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 

Yelena Belova Masterlist

Thor Odinson Masterlist 

Loki Friggason Masterlist 

Sylvie Masterlist 

Peter Parker Masterlist 

Gamora Masterlist 

Mantis Masterlist 

Carol Danvers Masterlist 

The likelihood that these Multiverse of Madness theories are going to happen (according to me):

-Mephisto is the villain (1/10 because Mephisto theorizers are clowns.)

-Scarlet Witch is the villain (10/10. That is definitely happening even if it is a variant.)

-Wong dies (7/10. I don’t want him to die, but it would open up the spot for Doctor Strange to be sorcerer supreme)

-Wanda kills Wong (6/10. Most likely but not as likely as him dying in general)

-Professor X appears (8/10. I just feel like it’s very plausible)

-Jean Grey appears (3/10. I highly doubt that she will.)

-A variant of Iron Man will appear (5/10. I have no idea)

-Tom Cruise will play said Iron Man variant (2/10. No. They will want to save an actor of that degree for a more important role I feel like)

-Kaecilius returns (5/10. It’s 50/50 for me)

-Wolverine appears (6/10. Less likely than the Professor but still likely)

-The Fantastic 4 are teased (9/10. Highly likely. Especially in an after or mid credits scene)

-Loki appears (8/10. Very likely. Especially if it’s a variant)

-We see older teen/adult versions of Wiccan and Speed (10/10 because I hope so for the sake of the Young Avengers)

-Ghost Rider played by Norman Reedus appears!? (You know what…10/10 because I just want that so badly)

-Magneto appears (1/10. Not happening yall.)

-Enchantress is in the movie (4/10. I feel like that is a hard maybe)

-The entire X-Men appear (0/10. Yall are clowns if you believe that.)

-Deadpool appears (4/10. I’d love it, but I doubt it…maybe in after credits.)

-Christine dies (9/10. Yeah probably)

-Miles Morales appears (2/10. Marvel doesn’t love us enough to do that)

We’ll see if I right in a few months

If they introduce Jean Grey to the MCU and Wanda Stans start saying the character is mid…I will literally riot. If I ever see or hear the phrase that Jean Grey is a “Wanda Wannabe” I will bust some heads.


The likelihood that these Multiverse of Madness theories are going to happen (according to me):

-Mephisto is the villain (1/10 because Mephisto theorizers are clowns.)

-Scarlet Witch is the villain (10/10. That is definitely happening even if it is a variant.)

-Wong dies (7/10. I don’t want him to die, but it would open up the spot for Doctor Strange to be sorcerer supreme)

-Wanda kills Wong (6/10. Most likely but not as likely as him dying in general)

-Professor X appears (8/10. I just feel like it’s very plausible)

-Jean Grey appears (3/10. I highly doubt that she will.)

-A variant of Iron Man will appear (5/10. I have no idea)

-Tom Cruise will play said Iron Man variant (2/10. No. They will want to save an actor of that degree for a more important role I feel like)

-Kaecilius returns (5/10. It’s 50/50 for me)

-Wolverine appears (6/10. Less likely than the Professor but still likely)

-The Fantastic 4 are teased (9/10. Highly likely. Especially in an after or mid credits scene)

-Loki appears (8/10. Very likely. Especially if it’s a variant)

-We see older teen/adult versions of Wiccan and Speed (10/10 because I hope so for the sake of the Young Avengers)

-Ghost Rider played by Norman Reedus appears!? (You know what…10/10 because I just want that so badly)

-Magneto appears (1/10. Not happening yall.)

-Enchantress is in the movie (4/10. I feel like that is a hard maybe)

-The entire X-Men appear (0/10. Yall are clowns if you believe that.)

-Deadpool appears (4/10. I’d love it, but I doubt it…maybe in after credits.)

-Christine dies (9/10. Yeah probably)

-Miles Morales appears (2/10. Marvel doesn’t love us enough to do that)

We’ll see if I right in a few months

I was correct about Professor X. I’m going to increase the Magneto likelihood from 1/10 to 5/10. I’m also increasing the Tom Cruise theory to 6/10. Thank you for your time. Watch Moon Knight

Vision was really killing people and feeding them to his zombie wife that so crazy. I love them.



Allow me to write more meta about Stephen being a softie. This is about his and Wanda’s first encounter in the garden. I love how soft he is throughout the whole thing and the fact that he only raises his voice once. But, step by step.

Wanda: “I knew you’d show up sooner or later wanting to discuss what happened at Westview. I made mistakes and people were hurt”

Stephen: “But you put things right in the end and that was never in doubt”

This right there is one of the reasons I love Stephen. He knows what she did and he knows it was wrong, but he doesn’t judge her for her terrible mistake, he waits until she starts explaining herself and while he doesn’t excuse her actions, he puts the focus on her decision in the end, which defines her just as much as her mistakes.

He sees the whole and not just her flaws, and I think that’s beautiful. And so after that he calls her both “an avenger” and “one of the most powerful magic wielders in the planet”.

But of course, she’s lying. The very first thing Stephen says upon seeing the Darkhold is:

“I know the Darkhold corrupts everything and everyone that it touches. I wonder what it’s done to you”.

Still keeping his faith in her. He’s giving her a chance to either explain herself or give enough information so he can make a judgement of the situation. But it’s his reluctance to come to conclusions that I find so alluring. It reminds me of how intently he listened to The Ancient One in DS1 whereas Mordo turned against her pretty much immediately. There’s that side in Stephen where he doesn’t condemn people, not even when they make bad mistakes. He gives them room to talk, explain themselves, and then he acts accordingly.

Wanda: “I’m going to leave this reality and go to one where I can be with my children”

Stephen: “Wanda, your children weren’t real, you created them using magic”.

He says that almost in a whisper, head tilt + looking her straight in the eye. He’s so careful when saying that just so he won’t hurt her. It’s his compassion shining through that I love about that.

But he doesn’t forget that there’s a kid in danger because Wanda is hellbent on killing her, this is the only time during their conversation that Stephen raises his voice at her:

Stephen: “What you’re doing is a flagrant violation of every natural law. If you take that child’s power, she won’t survive”

Wanda: “Her sacrifice would be for the greater good”

Stephen: “Well you can kiss the lunchbox goodbye because that’s the kind of justification our enemies use”.

I like that he says “our” there. It’s clear he still sees her as one of them, one of the good guys, despite her mistakes at Westview, despite her sending a demon after America. He still sees Wanda when he looks at her, even with the suit and the tiara and all that devastation around them.

After the garden he returns to Kamar-Taj and tells the other sorcerers: “Wanda is gone, she has the Darkhold and the Darkhold has her”, but once she reaches the compound he still tries to reason with her: “Wanda you’re justified to be angry, you had to make tough sacrifices”. (It is quite something that this is Stephen saying that, he knows what making sacrifices really means, how much it hurts… and he knows better than anyone else that most of the time no one notices nor acknowledges the sacrifices you make).

The easiest thing would have been to disregard her as being no more than a villain now but he tries again and again and again to reach out to her, he shows kindness and compassion, he tries to be understanding and break through the delusion. It doesn’t work out but he tries… and I love that about him.

I think that’s one of Stephen’s greatest traits (among all other amazing traits because perhaps I’m slightly biased, LOL) is he doesn’t judge people. He even listened to Kaecillius before saying what he did wouldn’t work in the long run. Even when he was annoyed with Tony after getting insulted a few times in Infinity War, he still listened to what he said.

me: but why in the world wanda didn’t even name pietro once. the person she loved the most. Her twin

