#autoimmine disease


It’s ok to be blue sometimes. It’s ok to be fearful of what lies ahead. It’s ok to shut down every now and then. Just don’t get stuck there. Take some time then get up, get dressed and kick some ass!

Taking daily vitamin D supplements — or a combination of vitamin D and omega-3 fish oil — appears to carry a lower risk of developing autoimmune disease, with a more pronounced effect after two years, finds a trial of older US adults published by The BMJ. 

The researchers say the clinical importance of these findings is high, “given that these are well-tolerated, non-toxic supplements, and that there are no other known effective therapies to reduce rates of autoimmune diseases.” 

Autoimmune disease happens when the body’s natural defense system mistakenly attacks normal cells. Common conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and thyroid diseases, which increase with age, particularly among women. 

Researchers set out to test the effects of vitamin D and omega-3 fish oil supplements on rates of autoimmune diseases in 25,871 US adults. 

Autoimmune disease was reduced by 22% in those who took the increased levels of Vitamin D with or without fish oil. And those that only took fish oil supplements saw disease decline of 15%. More research is needed to better understand the effects of dietary supplements on autoimmune disease, like lupus.

Man, the lupus mouth ulcers are really acting up this week and I don’t know why. Painful and annoying.

Should be starting methotrexate on wednesday.. I hope I can, Want to get better!! 

Everyone is moving on with there lives, getting into relationships, moving out, getting engaged and having babies.. What am I doing? I’m stuck at home being ill waiting for the hospital to sort out my medication, stuck in a void.  

I’m itchy, constantly. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t itchy, it’s driving me crazy.
All the dermatologist have to say is, “keep putting your cream on” Well the cream obviously doesn’t work otherwise I wouldn’t of been on toxic drugs for the past 3 years. Putting cream on already irritated skin just makes it worse, even just moisturiser.. But the dermatologists can’t seem to understand that, unless I’m the only one who experiences this.
I’m tired, I don’t want to sleep because when I sleep I scratch, I wake myself up scratching, or my sheets have stook to me from blood and weeping sores so I move then it rips. It just seems never ending.
No one ever thinks that eczema can be this life altering but it is, it affects everything about my life, from not being able to go in then sun due to medications I’m on, what I eat, what I wear.. It’s horrible and nothing seems to be working to get it better. Rant over.

It’s been a long while since I last posted on here, I thought I would stop for a while as I just seemed to be getting more down, and maybe tumblr was the reason? But I can safely say it isn’t the reason. I’m back and I still feel like crap, still fighting my own body everyday as well as my own mind. I guess I just have to accept that this is life and it isn’t going to get any easier for a long while.


Diagnosis advice??

Alright y’all, I need some help. My rheum is saying that there is no chance I have lupus and that I have fibro but I don’t agree at all. My symptoms just aren’t explained by fibro or really many other conditions:

- Butterfly rash

- Brain fog

- Joint pain

- Mouth sores

- Photosensitivity

- Anemia

- Chest pain/inflammation

- Protein in urine (proteinuria)

- High ANA titer (1:1280)

- Homogenous, speckled ANA

I was told “20-30% of the general population has a high ANA like that.” I waited months for my appointment and was told to come back in 6 MONTHS for a follow up since “nothing was wrong.” She promised to send off referrals for an endocrinologist and PT and we waited another few months before finding out she never sent off either and the physical therapist she referred me to doesn’t even exist. I’m so frustrated. What do y’all think? Should I seek a second opinion? Do I even bother fighting for a lupus diagnosis? I’m just so tired of all this. First it was “just my depression,” then it was “me making it up,” and then “me not drinking enough water.”

boosting this because I really need some help


Distractions are essentials.

Whenever you are not distracted, as a spoonie, that just means that your brain can pay more attention to your pain.

For me, I can’t survive without something to occupy my mind. Something to push out the constant throbbing, something to escape to.

Because when your outer world is silent, your body seems to scream even louder than before.

Over the pain

Over the hurt

Over the fact

That even my shirt

Makes me cringe

Makes me whinge

Makes me stress

Cause I feel less

Than I should

Every time

This brings me down

Can’t let go

Of the frown

Make me see

That it can be

Better than

It’s doing to me

My wrists ache. My forearms scream every time I rest them on my office desk. My motivation is at an

My wrists ache. My forearms scream every time I rest them on my office desk. My motivation is at an all time low. But 2 weeks no sugar is the triumph I am clinging to right now to get me through the day.
Side note people at work give me the dirty looks while I wait to take the elevator down 2 floors instead of using the stairs. I just can’t face stairs at the moment.

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When your immune system is so shot that you only just got over being sick….and you’re sick again.

As you all may understand, my weight fluctuates just by sniffing a donut. Right now I am feeling a l

As you all may understand, my weight fluctuates just by sniffing a donut. Right now I am feeling a little bit crappy and trying to make a change by cutting sugar out again. The goal is to lose this belly bloat asap. But I can also see some pineapple lumps in my desk drawer calling out to me!

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When they hear you’re not doing to we’ll at the moment, and they tell you to just get better.
My bad obviously I just don’t have enough will fucking power!

I got a tattoo today for my autoimmune disease that I suffer from . Fibromyalgia
