

I know a lot of people don’t know the exact time from their planets but as a child you share similar infleunce / placements. 

For example I have dominant neptune and uranus and this is what my mom also has. I do have a mercury dominant and then my mother has a venus dominant. I don’t know the time of my father so I can’t really know his dominants but I geuss I have the mercury dominant from him since he loves to socialize with people too.

So if you don’t know anything exact from you’re parents charts while reading my parents edition astrology notes you can maybe apply this <3 ofcourse it won’t be 100% accurate but it is something! 

Thank you for you’re open-mind. Thank you for making us laugh with you’re stupid jokes. Thank you for you’re intellectual conversations. Thank you for you’re intelligence. Thank you for you’re craziness. Thank you when you’re minds jumps to this and that. Thank you for being an air sign to give Aquarius & Libra comfort. Thank you for being a mutable sign to give Sagittarius, Virgo & Pisces comfort. Thank you for being the ruler of Mercury. Thank you for being here. Thank you for making a world a better place.

And as last, thank you for making the zodiac list complete. 

Gemini’s are my favorite zodiac forever, and they always will be. They just get a lot of hate because people can’t figure them out. For real they deserve more love. 

★  Most neptune dominants love music because they have in my opinion one of the most strongest bonds with music. A lot of musicians also have neptune dominants. 

★  Taurus placements can indicate someone having a good voice, since Taurus rules the throat. 

★ Libra also makes a lot of great musicians probably because it has venus energy just like Taurus, although I would say Libra musicians are lesser creative then Taureans but this really matters on the natal chart. 

★ An Aquarius dominant or few placements can indicate someone who writes.

★  Virgo placements makes someone intrested in reading, depending on the overal chart it would make the person an excellent writer. 

★ Sagittarius placements may love to make paintings even though they are not good in it. It makes them feel free. 

★  Artists who have IC Scorpio - Taurus MC are very intrested in my opinion since IC Scorpio isn’t a easy placement for someone to deal with and later on they grew into this awesome artistic personality. 

★  Gemini placements makes someone also intrested in making music but more dj stuff. 

★  I have noticed a lot of art teachers have a sun Cancer or Aquarius since these signs are both creative in their own way. 

★ Artists with air moon make more mysterious music that you really need to listen to the text and artists with water moons make more obvious music that you know what it is about. 

★ Individuals with air placements often listen more to the lyrics, earth individuals might listen more to the intrusments and voice, fire individuals want music that really brings them energy and water individuals want music that relates to them. 

★ Air signs (especially Aquarians) may listens to more underground music than other signs. 

★  Fire & Water doms make more drawings or paintings while Air & Earth doms make more music or stories. 

★  Air signs artists get a lot of inspiration from other art, they truly can make their own style, and the most creative of all elements especially Gemini & Aquarius.

★  I have found out a lot of Cancers started listening music because a friend of them recommended listening to music and then they got obsessed with it.

★  A lot of musicians have Aquarius dominant, that makes them art that stands out and gets attention. For example: Kurt Cobain, & Billie Eilish.

★ Libra placements can make someone a good director. 

★  Taurus placements may may someone who is intrested in the film area, think about: editing, filming, etc. 

★  Most editors I have met have Capricorn sun, Aquarius sun, Pisces sun or Taurus sun. 

★  Individuals chart with mars energy makes their art very passionate. For example: Vincent van Gogh. 

I dislike it when people say ‘Aquarius is the MOST detached zodiac sign’. There are plenty of other zodiac signs that can also be very detached for example: Capricorn and even Scorpio in a way. We wouldn’t say Scorpio is ‘detached’ because they are one of the ‘MOST’ emotional signs out here. (Not my words). They can be very detached too, that is indeed hard to see by a Scorpio. Look at the bigger picture. 

I dislike it when people say ‘Gemini is the MOST funniest zodiac sign.’ There are plenty of other zodiac signs that are also very funny for example: Taurus and even Virgo in a way. We wouldn’t say Virgo is ‘funny’ because they are one of the ‘MOST’ judgemental signs out here.(Not my words). They have great humor, and that can be hard to see because they are more detail-oriented. Look at the bigger picture.

I dislike it when people say ‘Sagittarius is the MOST adventurous zodiac sign. There are plenty of other zodiac signs that also have a very adventurous side for example: Capricorn and even Libra in a way. We wouldn’t say Libra is ‘adventurous’ because they are one of the ‘MOST’ dramatic signs out here. (Not my words). They like adventure too and that can be hard to see. Look at the bigger picture. 

And I can say more examples, the list can go on forever. I love every zodiac sign, I study astrology because I want to learn people better. I want to know WHY they act this way, I want to know their deepest roots so I can handle them with respect. Not because I want to label them with everything and put them in boxes. Every chart is complex. Please learn this if you are studying astrology.

Side note: What I mean with ‘(Not my words)’ is for example: ‘Scorpio is the MOST emotional zodiac sign’, this is said by society a lot. This also goes for: ‘Gemini is the MOST funniest zodiac sign’ and ‘Sagittarius is the MOST adventurous zodiac sign’. It is indeed true (depending on aspects of a chart) but there are more zodiac signs who have it and I think we forget that. Let’s give more zodiac signs love for their forgotten personality traits. 

Since AHS murder house is my favorite season of the series I wanted to do a study of her natal chart. Violet Harmon is quite a comlex character due her mental health, possible trigger warning since I will talk about her mental health.

First at all, I wanted to start with her dominant sign. Violet is a very sensitive girl and I was thinking about a moon (cancer) dominant or a neptune (pisces) dominant. 

Why a moon (cancer) dominant? People with moon dominant are easily influenced /  manipulated. They need a lot of support of their family but Violet never got that from her parents in the murder house. Next to that, Violet was a very good supporter for Tate on an emotional level. As we see back most sun/ moon cancer people love to stay home and have a great bond with their mother. The bond between Violet and Vivien was quite off & on relationship. Comparing to other mother-daughter relationships it was quite bad but they did understood each other. 

Why a neptune (pisces) dominant? Neptune dominant people are prone to having dark moods and depression, which Violet had. They are also prone easily being addicted to drugs or alchohol. They also get at times not being able to handle reality and float away in their own world. Next to that, neptune dominant people can easily fall in love with people. I think that clearly happened when Violet fell in love with Tate, I would give Tate some libra placements for being very charismatic but maybe I will discuss that later in another post. 

Some of the positive things about having a neptune dominant is that they can be very good at art, think about writers, artists, painters, etc. Of course we didn’t see Violet do anything related to art but she was very attracted to music and that is also an art form. I think Violet was too sick to do any art , but it would be intresting to see what she could create. I would also give in her chart some aspects to Taurus since most Taurus people are attracted to music and can make good music. Since nepturians are VERY sensitive it increases the pain they go through. So in the end I would give Violet more a neptune dominant than a moon dominant.

Since we now know her dominant I will discuss her big three: sun, moon, & rising.

☆  Sagittarius sun: I know this is what people wouldn’t say fast about Violet especially talking about the stereotype of sagittarius but I do think it fits very good. Sagittarius get rules by Jupiter, and that makes a person: fun, open minded, & curious about things. I did get the feeling Violet was very curious about things but her depression stopped her of doing it. Violet doesn’t look people who lie and this also goes for sagittarius placements. They also can easily get trust issues for that person but stays loyal in away. For example when the school students were following Tate & Violet to their room they have this fiery conversation. Violet ask if Tate knows they and so on. Tate just gives anwers with like that they are just high school students and were a bunch of pricks and that she understood that. In the end Sagittarius is the opposite of Gemini and they don’t like two faced people someone with strong gemini placements makes a person easily two faced and I didn’t get the feeling Violet liked two-faced people too. 

☆ Aquarius moon: Violet Harmon stood out, not because she had wore an unique chloting style but more because of her aura around her. Aquarius gets ruled by Uranus (weird aura) & Saturn (serious aura). Because Violet had this mix she didn’t get quite accepted at school and got bullied a lot. One of the other things I have noticed is that people who have Aquarius placements have parents who are very absent, that was in the case of Violet: they kind of neglected her and didn’t really check up on her. Talking about her emotions I would say she was very detacted, what an aquarius moon does to you. You feel ashamed of every feeling you have and since Violet has a strong water dominant it was a lot for her to handle. She wants to show how she feels but she couldn’t. Since aquarius is an air sign, they (over)think a lot. We could see that Violet was quite a thinker about things and she was also a humanitarian and cared about other people a lot. This goes perfeclty in hand with an aquarius moon and strong water dominant. 

☆ Virgo rising: as most virgos are known for is being very detail oriented and seeing most things people overlook. This was the case for Violet, she saw things how they were and she was a very intelligent girl, therefore Virgo is gettng ruled by the planet mercury. Mercury is the planet of cleverness. Since Violet has a Virgo rising that would give her a Leo rising in sideral astrology which will fit her appareance very good. She has a thin body build. Her hair might be straight but it also looks very big in a way, also it has kind of a glow on it. Leo gets ruled by the sun so you can look at the glow  as its from the sun. 

That’s no comet. Below the Pleiades star cluster is actually a planet: Mercury. Long exposures of our Solar System’s innermost planet may reveal something unexpected: a tail. Mercury’s thin atmosphere contains small amounts of sodium that glow when excited by light from the Sun. Sunlight also liberates these atoms from Mercury’s surface and pushes them away. The yellow glow from sodium, in particular, is relatively bright. Pictured, Mercury and its sodium tail are visible in a deep image taken last week from La Palma, Spain through a filter that primarily transmits yellow light emitted by sodium. First predicted in the 1980s, Mercury’s tail was first discovered in 2001. Many tail details were revealed in multiple observations by NASA’s robotic MESSENGER spacecraft that orbited Mercury between 2011 and 2015. Tails, of course, are usually associated with comets.

Image Credit: Sebastian Voltmer

Columbus, Indiana(Francis Miller. 1950)

Columbus, Indiana

(Francis Miller. 1950)

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First post! It’s everyone’s favourite messenger: Hermes! Im not really a fan of drawing digital (i h

First post! 
It’s everyone’s favourite messenger: Hermes! 
Im not really a fan of drawing digital (i hate doing lineart and coloring digital tbh), but I wanted to color the sketches before putting them up so this came out… 
Do you like this style or nah? 

Let me know which god/goddess you want to see next and which one is your favourite! 
You can expect many more in the future ;-)

- From my own (greek gods) project: working title currently Theoi
- Hermes, messenger of the Gods
- Follow me on instagram, tumblr and instagram @pixielisje  

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the signs as the nine types of intelligence

*check mercury + moon

interpersonal - the ability to connect with other people through speech and the interpretation of body expression. may find themselves being social and good at communication; often seen by others as a people person and generally admired. prevalent skills: teaching, human service work, public service, debate, politics, intuitive, bullshit-detectors.

virgo, sagittarius, leo

intrapersonal - the ability to identify and understand your own strengths, weaknesses, needs, and desires. may find themselves wanting time to self-reflect; often seen by others as highly motivated and independent yet introverted. prevalent skills: journaling, psychology, empathetic, philosophy, high self-esteem, can be very confident (depending on other placements).

cancer, pisces, taurus, scorpio

logical-mathematical- an ease in understanding science, reasoning, and logical problems. may find themselves very good at math and sequential problem solving; often seen by others as “geniuses”, classic form of smart. prevalent skills: mathematics, science, investigation, research, inventions, knack for creating/experimentation, technologically savvy.

gemini, virgo, capricorn

existential - innate interest in understanding the deeper meanings of life. may find themselves attracted to the spiritual or supernatural phenomenon; often seen by others as an outsider, someone who is different or very brave. prevalent skills: premonition, acutely self-aware, intuitive, appreciation of religion, can always see the big-picture.

pisces, scorpio, aquarius

naturalist - an intrinsic connection to the environment and understanding of the natural world. finds themselves very comfortable in nature; often can be seen in picturesque settings. prevalent skills: botany, design, cooking, eco-friendly, aware of weather changes, empathetic, kind.

cancer, virgo, taurus

musical - an attraction to sound and the capacity to discern musical patterns. may find themselves more aware of sounds people don’t usually hear; often seen singing to a tone or drumming on items. prevalent skills: musical instruments, singing, dancing, choreography, sensitive listeners.

aries, libra, taurus

bodily - the capacity to manipulate one’s own physical body. may find themselves able to perform very well in sports and use objects with precision; often seen as being energetic or active by others. prevalent skills: acting, performing, well-coordinated, good timing, tactile, has very good health.

aries, leo

linguistic - ability to understand words and express language in multiple forms. may find themselves with strong comprehension skills and very charming in their native language; often seen in public telling a story or talking to someone. prevalent skills: public speaking, journalism, foreign language, poetry, prose, song-writing, reading, crossword puzzles.

gemini, libra

spatial - the ability to to think in three-dimensions. may find themselves to be very visual learners with an active imagination; often seen as having an aptitude to be creative - like a secret skill, can surprise people when mentioned in conversation. can also often be seen daydreaming. prevalent skills: architecture, sculpting, cartography, pilots, engineering, painters, fastest to solve a rubik’s cube.

aquarius, sagittarius, capricorn

Today I met her. I thanked her. I cried. I blessed her. She presented me with beautiful gems. She is

Today I met her. I thanked her. I cried. I blessed her. She presented me with beautiful gems. She is mine. She is yours. She is ours. We are surrounded by beautiful mountains, endless sky, on the way up she welcomed me with a uplifting energy bringing me life. Then the universe gave me an extra present putting on Led Zeppelin while I drove up, my heart growing fuller and fuller & felt proud. I did this on my own. I learned. I bought. I chose. I have. I invested in my peace and joy. I invested in my land. Welcome to a small part of my legacy. Welcome to landers. Welcome to my land of communication and fertility. #landers #joshuatree #planets #communication #mercury #conejo #rabbit #desert #mojavedesert #landowner #gratitude #thankyoutomyancestors #manifest #acresofland (at Joshua Tree, California)

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Mercury Moon Combos: Head versus Heart (Pt 2 of 12)

Taurus Mercury // Aries Moon: “my head says sit back and observe but my heart says take initiative”

Taurus Mercury // Taurus Moon: “my head says be hardheaded but my heart says be passive”

Taurus Mercury // Gemini Moon: “my head says be slow and steady but my heart says do it now”

Taurus Mercury // Cancer Moon: “my head says be guarded but my heart says it’s okay to cry”

Taurus Mercury // Leo Moon: “my head says be cold but my heart says be warm”

Taurus Mercury // Virgo Moon: “my head says be practical but my heart says to over analyze”

Taurus Mercury // Libra Moon: “my head says stay in tonight but my heart says go be a butterfly”

Taurus Mercury // Scorpio Moon: “my head says be mellow but my heart says be deep and passionate”

Taurus Mercury // Sagittarius Moon: “my head says to be comfortable but my heart says branch out and try new things”

Taurus Mercury // Capricorn Moon: “my head says do it tomorrow but my heart says just get it done”

Taurus Mercury // Aquarius Moon: “my head says stick with what you know but my heart says to be open-minded”

Taurus Mercury // Pisces Moon: “my head says look at the facts but my heart says stick to your gut”

sive mutata iuvenem figura ales in terris imitaris, almae filius Maiae, patiens vocari Caesaris ultor. Serus in caelum redeas diuque laetus intersis populo Quirini, neve te nostris vitiis iniquum ocior aura tollat; hic magnos potius triumphos, hic ames dici pater atque princeps, neu sinas Medos equitare inultos te duce, Caesar.

“Or having changed shape, do you winged one, son of nourishing Maia, imitate the young man on earth, called the unyielding avenger of Caesar? May you return to heaven at a late hour and be present for a long while with the people of Romulus, and may no swifter breeze take you, injured by our crimes. Here are rather great triumphs, here may you love to be pronounced father and first citizen, and, with you as general, not allow the unpunished Medes to ride, Caesar!” – Horace Odes1.2.41-52

Remember the time that Horace wrote that Octavian is really just Mercury in disguise??

✨ GIVEAWAY: GOLDEN SUN DJINN! ✨Let’s stick together for ☀️the Golden Sun 20th Anniversary folk


Let’s stick together for ☀️the Golden Sun 20th Anniversary folks! ☀️

I’ve always dreamed about having my own djinn companion.. so I made stickers to have them always with me! And I’m here to share some with you!


Comment what’s your favourite element and what’d you do with its powers

Optional: Tag another GS fan

Reblog and like this post and also this one

❤️ Spread Golden Sun love!

Optional: Interact with and support other Golden Sun fans and artists! Consider a Follow and Like their works! ^.^

You can also join this djinn giveaway on my different social media accounts even if you already entered here!

End: Next (Golden) Sunday 08.08! Good luck! 


✨ THE GIVEAWAY IS OVER! ✨  (but the djinn are available at my shop!)

You can find the winner of my djinn giveaway in the comment section! ^.^)/

Worry not, probably it’s not my last giveaway! Just follow me on Twitter and other social media where GS fans are more active^_^)/


You can find me here too: Deviantart,Instagram,Facebook,Twitter,Youtube.

If you’re interested: My page,Commissions,Redbubble Shop ,Etsy shop (djinn design available!).

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I’ve always wanted to have my own djinn companion.. so I drew them! And I made something more I’ve always wanted to have my own djinn companion.. so I drew them! And I made something more I’ve always wanted to have my own djinn companion.. so I drew them! And I made something more I’ve always wanted to have my own djinn companion.. so I drew them! And I made something more I’ve always wanted to have my own djinn companion.. so I drew them! And I made something more

I’ve always wanted to have my own djinn companion.. so I drew them! 

And I made something more to share with you! Let’s stick together, stay tuned! ✌️✨

☀️Happy Golden Sun 20th Anniversary folks! ☀️


You can find me here too: Deviantart,Instagram,Facebook,Twitter,Youtube.

If you’re interested: My page,Commissions,Redbubble Shop,Etsy shop (djinn design available!).

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Close-upview of roundel, depicting Mercury wearing winged helmet and driving a car, during the 1909 Chicago Auto Show at the Coliseum and First Regiment Armory in Chicago, Illinois. Raised scrollwork decorates roundel. Stamped on back: “Spooner and Wells, 1931 Broadway, New York, duplicates any time, enlargements all sizes, tel. 3472-3473 Col., credit appreciated.” Handwritten on back: “Shows–Chicago Auto Show, 1909.”

Lazarnick Collection

Courtesy of the National Automotive History Collection, Detroit Public Library

Another mystery entity…

Another mystery entity…

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