


Mercury Signs

Questions about your Mercury sign, or other astrology wonders? Hit up my ask! It’s in the menu to the left if you’re on the computer, or just below my profile picture on the phone version! Du kan vara helt anonym.

Credit to creator and owner @miafrda on Instagram


Frågor om ditt Merkurius-tecken? Skriv i min Ask! Den finns i ”Menu” till vänster om du sitter vid datorn, eller precis under min profilbild om du använder telefonen! Du kan vara helt anonym.


The Mercury Signs

If you want to know more about how Mercury affects you and your life, or any astrology-matter, hit up my ask (click on the menu-tab if you’re on the computer or just below my profile pic if you’re on your phone)!

Credit to creator and owner @miafrda on Instagram.


Om du vill veta mer om Merkurius och hur dess placering och tecken påverkar dig (eller något annat tecken), skriv i min Ask (klicka på Menu till vänster om du är på datorn, elleri högst upp under min profilbild om du använder mobilen)!


The Mercury Signs

If you want to know more about how Mercury affects you and your life, or any astrology-matter, hit up my ask (click on the menu-tab if you’re on the computer or just below my profile pic if you’re on your phone)!

Credit to creator and owner @miafrda on Instagram.


Om du vill veta mer om Merkurius och hur dess placering och tecken påverkar dig (eller något annat tecken), skriv i min Ask (klicka på Menu till vänster om du är på datorn, elleri högst upp under min profilbild om du använder mobilen)!

Day 21: Anime

Part of a 60 day art challenge with friends on Gaiaonline.

Sailor Mercury if she was in a D&D like AU. Design based off artwork by Kutty-Sark on Devianart.

 Special 20% discount on my djinn stickers for Golden Sun 20th Anniversary Round 2! Get your own dji

Special 20% discount on my djinn stickers for Golden Sun 20th Anniversary Round 2! Get your own djinn squad or pick your favourite one! 

Don’t miss this chance! 12 -15th November on ✨ my Etsy shop!


You can find me here too: Deviantart|Instagram|Facebook|Twitter|Youtube.

If you’re interested: My page|Commissions|Redbubble Shop|Etsy shop.

Artist Support: Ko-fi

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-i find that people with uranus in the 12th almost always have conservative family or family with different beliefs than them.

-those with uranus in the 10th are in their element when going to protests or organizing social justice activities.

-venus conjunct uranus people are very magnetic and are often get involved with all sorts of people.

-mercury-uranus aspects seem to always know what to say to get people’s attention. they often say things just to get a reaction.

-those with uranus in the 3rd love to talk about their weird interests. they make sure that people know their weird quirks and ideas.

-positivesun-uranus aspects are known for being a little strange, but they own it and are loved for it.

-people with uranus in the 2nd have a weird relationship to their self-worth. they almost love and hate themselves at the same time.

-uranus in the 5th loves unconventional or maybe even frowned upon activities. they have fun by doing a lot of things that other people would be to afraid to do.

-moon-uranus often have a fluctuating relationship with their mother. they will go through phases of having a good relationship and then having big falling outs.

-jupiter-uranus aspects make somebody with an absurd and unconventional sense of humor. you will either hate or love them for it.

astrology notes

-those with saturn square part of fortune may have some bad karma (maybe from a past life)

-pisces mars can victimize themselves and not even realize it. they just have that mentality

-your ascendant persona chart’s ascendant should be thought of like a second ascendant

-7th house sun/moon/mercury can fall into a very negative head-space if their relationships aren’t to their definition of perfection

-somebody with 8th house in gemini might be very closed off emotionally because of their fear of intimacy

-havingpluto in the 1st house can make somebody seem intimidating

-venus in the 2nd house might be scared of being seen as unattractive or awkward

-lilith in the 4th house may feel as if they never had a ‘place’ at home

-those with jupiter in the 4th house could have been spoiled as a kid

-somebody with moon square pluto can see right through somebody’s facade

-people with chiron to venus aspects are the biggest culprits of downplaying pain and ignoring their problems

-negative jupiter to saturn aspects can hold somebody back from happiness or their ability to fully enjoy things

-sagittarius placements are quick to cut people off and often end relationships unexpectedly

astrology and speaking notes

-while2nd house has to do with the tone and sound of the voice, 3rd house has to do with self-expression and speech. look to what lies in those houses and what planets are affecting those houses

-mercury in taurus people have a voice that others could just listen to for hours. they’re most likely talented in singing too

-those with libra mercury struggle to be heard and often have a gentle tone or a soft voice

-gemini ascendant/mercury/venus tend to mimic other people’s voices

-ifsaturn has a lot of influence in your chart you may be a little hoarse or have a serious tone

-people with mercury square pluto sometimes sound bitchy and standoffish

-those with sagittarius mars speak forcefully and roughly

-pluto in the 3rd may have a deep or distinctive voice

-aquarius placements often have neutral tones and may even sound monotone

-virgo mercury/acsendant may have a soft voice and speak very quickly

-people with mercury to jupiter aspects have loud and intense voices

unfavorable aspects

-those with moon square midheaven often are torn between the opinions of others and listening to their emotions

-somebody with sun square moon has so much tension within themselves and their personality

-negative chiron to midheaven aspects may be held back by their pain. they become unsuccessful in their career if they cannot overcome these blockages

-sun square pluto often has a hard time letting go of negative thoughts. They will undermine their own happiness in fear of getting their hopes too high

-a person with mercury square lilith has little faith in themselves and can easily convince themselves that they are unwanted

-somebody with moon square venus is deeply insecure about their feelings and is sometimes saddened by the thought of love

-people with mars square saturn often can be overly aggressive and mean

-sun square chiron struggles with self expression and often has low self esteem

-those with venus opposite part of fortune will often self-sabotage and often expects the worst

-venus square neptune is incredibly self-critical and assume that people think the worst of them

-somebody that has mars square neptune can be rude or mean to people but justify it to themselves

astrology and humor

-havingsaturn to moon aspects makes you much more calculated and serious.

-sun to jupiter aspects make for constant joking and general loudness

-pisces in the 3rd/5th makes for random or sometimes depressing humor. a lot of people may not really understand their jokes

-mars to jupiter/mercury aspects can have a more agressive way of expressive their humor. they are very teasing and are definitely the type of people to watch ‘fail compiliation’ videos

-jupiter in the 3rd/5th makes you incredibly silly or you may express your humor in an immature way

-jupiter in gemini thinks it’s hilarious when things go wrong

-cancer placement humor is dramatic and crazy in a good way. they sometimes have the best comedic timing

-mercury square jupiter makes for somebody who tries really hard to be funny, but never really hits the punchline right

-moon square jupiter creates an oversharer with self-deprecating humor

-jupiter in the 10th laughs about themselves and almost self-sabotages in order to crack a joke

⭐️synastry notes⭐️

-personal planets in somebody else’s 8th house (especially mars or venus) can make the 8th house person obsessive over the planet person

-those with venus/mars aspects have a lot of sexual chemistry

-with many mercury aspects comes good communication and deep/stimulating conversations

-having positive sun to venus aspects creates mutual attraction and a supportive relationship

-moon conjunct ascendant causes hypersensitivity and the ability to affect each others moods drastically

-negative mercury to mars aspects can lead to arguments. the mars person may be impatient and force opinions onto the mercury person

-having moon in the 2nd house will base the relationship on emotional satisfaction rather than romance. the 2nd house person could be possessive of the moon person

-mercury in the 11th house will bring open communication and a sense of companionship

-sun conjunct jupiter indicates generosity and sharing. you both tend to hype each other up

-havingsun in the 1st house brings infatuation. the 1st house person sees the sun person as the best thing that’s ever happened to them

-venus/moon conjunct saturn aspects can cause the saturn person to be controlling of the venus/moon person

-saturn square mercury can cause both people to fight for power or dominance over the other

☁️astrology observations☁️

-virgo moons can be loud and outgoing, but will always keep a part of themselves hidden

-somebody who has any scorpio/aries/taurus energy tends to be okay with making themselves uncomfortable

-people sometimes think too highly of or are intimidated by people with multiple capricorn placements

-capricorn 4th house can signify a loss of childhood or lots of responsibility

-taurus moons really enjoy spending their money

-people with positive moon or venus aspects have the biggest heart and so much capacity to care about others

-aquarius placements can be the biggest hypocrites

-those with earth energy can be quick to cut people off if they threaten their sense of security

-yourmercury and/or jupiter aspects reveal your sense of humor

-people who have more jupiter energy are lucky or usually rely too much on luck

-libra/virgo moons seem to stress over the silliest things, but they really just want everything to be the best it can be

-people with 12 house stelliums can have a ‘dead inside’ kind of vibe


What are your dominants in Tropical and Vedic?

Tropical - Venus, Uranus and Jupiter

Vedic - Venus, Saturn and Mercury

Tropical- Mars, Saturn and Uranus dominant

Vedic - Mars, Mercury, Saturn (Mercury & Ketu based on Nakshatras)

how about you guys?

yourfavoritescoundrel: Went on a mini-adventure today to see this incredible mural in Denver. Painteyourfavoritescoundrel: Went on a mini-adventure today to see this incredible mural in Denver. Painte


Went on a mini-adventure today to see this incredible mural in Denver. Painted by PichiAvo as part of the city’s “Crush Walls” event– I’m in love.

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currentsinbiology: Synthetic coral could remove toxic heavy metals from the oceanA new material that


Synthetic coral could remove toxic heavy metals from the ocean

A new material that mimics coral could help remove toxic heavy metals like mercury from the ocean, according to a new study published in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. The researchers, from Anhui Jianzhu University in China, say their new material could provide inspiration for other approaches to removing pollutants.

Dr. Xianbiao Wang and colleagues have made coral-like nanoplates using aluminium oxide, with the aim of adsorbing mercury from water. Aluminium oxide has previously been used to remove pollutants, but the structure of the material has not been optimal, so they have not performed very well. The new nanoplates curl themselves up into a coral-like structure, which behaves in a similar way to real coral, making the material more effective.

More information:Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceVolume 453, 1 September 2015, Pages 244–251. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.03.065

Graphical abstract of synthetic coral. Credit: Elsevier   

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HBO mercury lamps are short arc lamps in which the luminous arc burns in an atmosphere of mercury vapor at high pressure. Narva HBO 502 500W HBO lamp, powered by 3,5kV 35mA NST. Image credit: B K via Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0 Their main characteristics and benefits are: · High radiance · Multiline s…

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maxsix:Details of Mercury | Original photography by NASA (2018) 


Details of Mercury | Original photography by NASA(2018) 

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Mercury in retrograde gets one heck of a bad rap. And with good reason. Out of all the planets, Mercury is the sassy one. In the Roman (and Greek as Hermes) Parthenon, Mercury is the patron Deity of thieves, travelers and gamblers. I mean, this is basically Loki, guys.

When his planet is in retrograde we find our computers blowing up, cars breaking down or getting broken into, travel plans going awry and miscommunication on all levels. If it can go wrong, it probably will. This is the trickster at his finest.

But Mercury also has a softer, healing side; particularly in regards to us mere mortals. He releases people from their problems, has the ability to explain any omen, is a powerful magician and healer, a philanthropist of beauty and desire, and a psychopomp: ferrying souls of the deceased to the underworld. It’s not his fault that when the planet is in retrograde that things go slightly… awry.

All of a sudden we lose our ability to think clearly, communicate with those around us, make good deals or keep a level head when beginning new projects. And don’t even get me started on technology.

But even in the midst of this chaos, Mercury is still a good guy that wants to be on our side. He gives us coping mechanisms and cunning ploys that will help us wing our way through this tumultuous time.

Mercury, above all, wants to make our lives better for us. And if that includes learning some solid lessons during his retrograde, then so be it. Retrograde is a time of tough love and because of its cyclical nature, repeating three to four times a year, if we don’t pay attention and learn the lesson being shown to us this time, it WILL happen again.

So really think - how does a retrograde affect you the most; what is being highlighted for you? Is communication between yourself and others leading to terrible misunderstandings? You need to look at the way you exchange information. Investigate ways to improve how you connect yourself to other people and the resources you need.

Calm down. Take deep breaths. Have patience.

Mercury in his magical, generous and loving way is trying to teach you something, and sometimes that lesson can be hard. But these times are gifts you need to utilise to their full potential. Expect visitors and connections with people from your past - reminisce and laugh with them! Instead of starting something new, bring old projects to a close. Back up your computer. Keep your phone charged. Go for a walk to clear your head.

This is a time to go inward and re-examine the parts of our lives that might need a bit of an overhaul. It is a time of wonderful breakthroughs, whether that is spiritual, mental or physical. And the more you take advantage of this time to go back and rework the aspects that are brought to your attention, the more ready you will be to speed ahead when Mercury once again turns direct and speeds you towards your hopes and dreams.

Aries / 1st house: intrustive thoughts. Throwing their anger onto other people, may bully people even though they dont intend to. May throw their emotions into art since aries moon is passionate.

Taurus / 2nd house: Buying items. Feeding the space with material things and try to hold onto that forever if they need to. Putting on nice clothes. Can have an extradionary style. Taurus rules the throat so may sing it out, or verbally talk to themselves in private. 

Gemini / 3rd house: working a lot, especially on school. They always feel the need to learn something. They also have a great imagination, so they might daydream it a lot away. Expressing it through writing , they are very good at words. 

Cancer / 4th house: Listening or playing music. Trying to find a new home within a comfort person. Always pleasing people and having the mother-role. Being a true care-taker of other people and forgetting to take care of themselves. 

Leo / 5th house: Jumping from one relationship to another, or reading hopeless romantic books, also something with creativity is a big thing. Focussing on a special person, and not being self-centered what leo’s are supposed to do. They need to be in touch with themselves to know their internal problems. 

Virgo / 6th house: Health problems, doing something to theirselves, physically or mentally. Ex: Eating less, having guilt feelings in their stomach, might also laugh it away (mercury influence) and literally don’t take anything serious at a point. Always trying to help each other except themselves

Since I have gained quite much followers on here and I’m thankful for I wanted to make a post where you can request stuff. Maybe then I can make a post about it and help you guys. 

Also if you need any help you with figuring you’re natal chart you can always send me a message. I’m not a proffesional but I will do what I can. 
