#zodiac blog


Mercury Moon Combos: Head versus Heart (Pt 2 of 12)

Taurus Mercury // Aries Moon: “my head says sit back and observe but my heart says take initiative”

Taurus Mercury // Taurus Moon: “my head says be hardheaded but my heart says be passive”

Taurus Mercury // Gemini Moon: “my head says be slow and steady but my heart says do it now”

Taurus Mercury // Cancer Moon: “my head says be guarded but my heart says it’s okay to cry”

Taurus Mercury // Leo Moon: “my head says be cold but my heart says be warm”

Taurus Mercury // Virgo Moon: “my head says be practical but my heart says to over analyze”

Taurus Mercury // Libra Moon: “my head says stay in tonight but my heart says go be a butterfly”

Taurus Mercury // Scorpio Moon: “my head says be mellow but my heart says be deep and passionate”

Taurus Mercury // Sagittarius Moon: “my head says to be comfortable but my heart says branch out and try new things”

Taurus Mercury // Capricorn Moon: “my head says do it tomorrow but my heart says just get it done”

Taurus Mercury // Aquarius Moon: “my head says stick with what you know but my heart says to be open-minded”

Taurus Mercury // Pisces Moon: “my head says look at the facts but my heart says stick to your gut”

Capricorns are known for being serious. And they are. They take shit real seriously. They don’t like to fuck around. However, they have the best sense of humor. It’s so dry and clever and sometimes goofy?? Like they’ll go from angry grandpa to dad humor in 3.5 seconds, giving you whiplash. It’s the best.

Sagittarius are the some weird combination of nerdy and fucking wild. Like y’all be having algorithms developed for the most mundane things, and also somehow go harder than everyone else in any challenge thrown your way?? It’s probably a centaur thing. Head of a human, body of a stallion

Testing the Waters

I used to run a lil online store where I would sell reports and stuff (like id your dominant planets, elements, houses, etc).

I’m considering doing that again.

Who would be interested?

Scorpios. Holy shit, Scorpios. Y’all are the most intense, determined, stubborn mother fuckers out there. Taurus are stereotyped for being stubborn, and they are - quietly - but scorpios are on a different level. Hurt their feelings, and they’ll wage a goddamn war and not give up until they’ve won. It’s fucking terrifying and amazing. They literally have an iron will. They actually carry things through to the end. We could argue that they go too far, but there’s no point in arguing with a Scorpio, we know they’re gonna win.

My askbox is open to help me shake the dust off my astrology knowledge. 

Ask me things!

Aries: not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until its faced

Taurus: you can tell how angry a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly

Gemini: the circle of an empty day is brutal and at night it tightens around your neck like a noose

Cancer: experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. my god, do you learn

Leo: in the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary

Virgo: often I wonder where i would be if i put all of that faith and hope i put into others, into myself instead

Libra: my life is a struggle between my need for acceptance, my fear of rejection, and a desire to not care at all

Scorpio: at my funeral the priest will throw my corpse into the crowd and whoever catches it, will be the next to die

Sagittarius: stop talking about the problem and start thinking about a solution

Capricorn: how long should you try? until

Aquarius: i am living art; created and creator

Pisces: i would rather die of passion than boredom

Reblog with your Sun & Moon sign &

Tell me real quick, how has 2017 been for you, & what you expect from 2018.

I’m tryna see something

Also, I’m late but still, happy New Year to y’all

Aries + Scorpio- passionate and explosive

Sagittarius + Pisces- soft and spontaneous

Taurus + Cancer- gentle and sweet

Gemini + Capricorn- interesting and adventurous

Aquarius + Libra- delightful and moody

Virgo + Leo- bold and meaningful

Aries: positive with a bad attitude sometimes.

Taurus: negative, they nitpick at things.

Gemini: realistic, oversees the good and bad, facing the truth.

Cancer: negative, can’t look at the good things before the bad things.

Leo: positive, tries to make the best of anything.

Virgo: realistic, often thinks about situations and consequences.

Libra: realistic, finds a balance between good and bad.

Scorpio: negative, can’t find a single reason to not criticize.

Sagittarius: negative, tries to be positive but in the end they whine or complain.

Capricorn: realistic, can handle both the good and bad.

Aquarius: negative, can’t see the good before the bad

Pisces: positive, finds more good parts than bad.

Aries: Stop flirting and focus.

Taurus: Start being forward rather than a tease.

Gemini: Actually engage in a real conversation with their crush.

Cancer: Be realistic and drop the drama.

Leo: Speak up for once.

Virgo: Realize the truth behind their partner/crush’s words.

Libra: Actually make a move or move on.

Scorpio: Should stop liking so many people at once.

Sagittarius: Stop flirting with their crush/partner’s friends.

Capricorn: Start being truthful.

Aquarius: Start being realistic with their crush/partner.

Pisces: Actually listen to their crush/partner.
