

About a week or so ago, give or take a few days, I made a post about alchemy and how to integrate it into your life. Now, we’re going to get into the nitty gritty! This post is dedicated to explaining what kind of alchemy we’re really going to be practicing here, and how to get started on it!

First of all, I feel I should repeat myself: you don’t need a fancy lab or transmutation circles to be an alchemist. All you need to use is your body, your mind, and your soul. Alchemy will help you to understand and categorize your existence and the existence of things around you in order to better effect change in your life.

Let me also be clear: just because alchemy doesn’t requireexperiments, books, candles, or any kinds of spells doesn’t mean you’re prohibited from using them. The beauty of it is that, once you’ve wrapped your head around the metaphysical processes of alchemy I’m going to lay out in this series of posts, you’ll find your spellcraft, your research, and all other aspects of your life — mystical, mundane, and everything in-between — to be given a boost!

That’s the plan, anyways! ☆

So, to begin, let’s lay out what alchemists are really talking about when they use all their various symbols: earth, water, air, fire, aether, salt, mercury, and sulfur. I’ve discussed salt, mercury, and sulfur before, but to review a bit, they’re codewords for body, mind, and soul. The alchemist endeavors to align the mind to the purposes of the soul so that the body can change things or be changed. If you really apply it well, you could rewrite reality! Or something like that.

As for the other elements, they’re the real bread and butter of this series. Let’s give it a brief overview:

Earth ~ Sometimes associated with salt, Earth is represented by the color black. Earth represents physical reality, the body, and the illusion that all things are solid and unchangeable.

Water ~ Sometimes associated with mercury or quicksilver, Water is represented by the color white. Water represents emotions, the subconscious, and the realization that reality is an ever-evolving fluid interplay of energies.

Air ~ Sometimes associated with gold, Air is represented by the color yellow. Air represents thought, the conscious mind, and coming to an understanding of how one is able to comprehend the world’s true state.

Fire ~ Sometimes associated with sulfur, Fire is represented by the color red. Fire represents the soul to some extent, but is more accurately called the “agent of transformation” and the epiphany that you, too, can effect change.

“What, then, is Aether?” you ask, trying not to think about a certain CGI action-adventure series with four color-coded heroines. Aether is the fifth element, and the resultant you get by mastering and combining the other four elements. This is the pinnacle of magick, and one you’ll reach in time, if you’re patient.

As this series goes on, I’ll go through the elements step-by-step so that you can, within your own practice, integrate them into your life. For now, there’s some homework you can do to prepare yourself!

While continuing your research, begin to observe animals around you. Whether it be a deer in the park, the koi in your neighbor’s pond, or even just your cat, watch them closely and with a mind open to new lessons. How is this animal different from you? How is it the same? In what way does this animal go about its life differently from yours, and is this a way that might improve your life?

There are lessons to be learned from everything around us, from the sun in the sky to the ants in the grass, and even the device you’re reading this on right now. I’ll go into my own beliefs on animism and things another time, though.

Be diligent in your studies, and may the Tree of Life always shelter you!

 Yo! After a long closed period, my online store is up again! Updated with some new stickers, would  Yo! After a long closed period, my online store is up again! Updated with some new stickers, would

Yo! After a long closed period, my online store is up again! Updated with some new stickers, would you like to be able to get prints too?
Also, Djinns Wood Charms pre-orders are open!!!

Post link

Sun in Taurus: Solid sense of self, determined core

Moon in Taurus: Earthy intuition, connected to feelings like roots

Mercury in Taurus: Carefully picked words, practical mind

Venus in Taurus: Loyal lover, down-to-earth charm

Mars in Taurus: Slow boil

Ascendant in Taurus: Alluring like emeralds and a voice you can’t forget

TheSunradiates, it can be warm, life or energy giving, hot, burning, or even draining 

TheMoonreflects, there is understanding, recognition, beauty, sensitivity, feeling, but also unhealthy cycles, unfairness, temperamental energy, ugliness

Mercuryis always on the move, influx, always sharing, talking, gathering, and thinking. What a beautiful but also messy thing

Marsmotivates, acts, forces - it is a powerful energy that shouldn’t be underestimated both in terms of empowerment or challenges

Venusrelates and connects - it can be medicine or poison 

Jupiterexpands, and that can be hopeful but also terrifying 

Saturnrestricts, it imposes, but the planet also conserves - we can easily forget its unavoidable impact

Uranusbreaks but don’t forget it also links people, influences, ideas together

Neptunedissolves, clouds, drowns - frightening themes until you forget how beautiful mist can be or how tasty salt makes the rest of the soup

Plutodestroys…. but it also renews, soul and matter, this energy can be easily misunderstood 

Students Who Teach - Gemini AscendantLike the ruler of their chart Mercury who has got fluttering wiStudents Who Teach - Gemini AscendantLike the ruler of their chart Mercury who has got fluttering wiStudents Who Teach - Gemini AscendantLike the ruler of their chart Mercury who has got fluttering wiStudents Who Teach - Gemini AscendantLike the ruler of their chart Mercury who has got fluttering wiStudents Who Teach - Gemini AscendantLike the ruler of their chart Mercury who has got fluttering wiStudents Who Teach - Gemini AscendantLike the ruler of their chart Mercury who has got fluttering wi

Students Who Teach - Gemini Ascendant

Like the ruler of their chart Mercury who has got fluttering wings on his heels, they have a pair of wings on their minds and their blood in their veins. They’re known for either being a chatter-box or a nervous wreck, either way, they are vibrating and vibing all around. Since our ascendant determines the way we look a Gemini rising might have a face with a smirk on their face, looking like they are always up to something. Their noses might be pointed like their tone. Since it is in Gemini’s nature to not stand still and be nervous from time to time, the natives of the ascendant might also be on the skinnier side of the scale. Their eyes have a spark to them as if they are always having an “Eureka!” moment. The way others see the Gemini rising is more like “sister/brother from another mother”. People might feel close to them maybe not on an emotional level but on a level that they feel like they are free to talk about anything to these people. If you’re on the more introverted side and have this placement, good luck, cause people will want to mess around and have fun with you no matter. In that case, you don’t have to please anyone if you, yourself don’t feel comfortable. 

Example Natives: Michelle Pfeiffer, Lady Gaga, Kristen Stewart, Ashton Kutcher, Mick Jagger, Will Smith

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

Gandhi (9th House Gemini with Uranus)

Post link


It’s necessarily a long one, sorry! I’ve bolded all the retrograde zones.

  • Tuesday, January 1, 2019: Mercury at 23:51 Sagittarius
  • Friday, January 4 - Mercury enters Capricorn
  • Thursday, January 24 - Mercury enters Aquarius
  • Sunday, February 10 - Mercury enters Pisces
  • Tuesday, February 19 - Mercury enters Rx Zone, 16:05 Pisces
  • Tuesday, March 5 - Mercury stations retrograde, 29:38 Pisces
  • Thursday, March 28 - Mercury stations direct, 16:05 Pisces
  • Tuesday, April 16 - Mercury exits Rx Zone, 29:38 Pisces
  • Tuesday, April 16 - Mercury enters Aries
  • Monday, May 6 - Mercury enters Taurus
  • Tuesday, May 21 - Mercury enters Gemini
  • Tuesday, June 4 - Mercury enters Cancer
  • Thursday, June 20 - Mercury enters Rx Zone, 23:56 Cancer
  • Wednesday, June 26 - Mercury enters Leo
  • Sunday, July 7 - Mercury stations retrograde, 4:27 Leo
  • Friday, July 19 - Mercury Rx’s into Cancer
  • Wednesday, July 31 - Mercury stations direct, 23:56 Cancer
  • Sunday, August 11 - Mercury re-enters Leo
  • Thursday, August 15 - Mercury exits Rx Zone, 4:27 Leo
  • Thursday, August 29 - Mercury enters Virgo
  • Saturday, September 14 - Mercury enters Libra
  • Thursday, October 3 - Mercury enters Scorpio
  • Friday, October 11 - Mercury enters Rx Zone, 11:35 Scorpio
  • Thursday, October 31 - Mercury stations retrograde, 27:38 Scorpio
  • Wednesday, November 20 - Mercury stations direct, 11:35 Scorpio
  • Saturday, December 7 - Mercury exits Rx Zone, 27:38 Scorpio
  • Monday, December 9 - Mercury enters Sagittarius
  • Saturday, December 28 - Mercury enters Capricorn
  • Wednesday, January 1, 2020: Mercury at 4:23 Capricorn


birth chart readings: open

hi everyone !! requests are finally open again :) I had to stop and slow down during the last few months due to studying, but with christmas break I can surely take a few more requests! I won’t be taking many though, and I decided to only interpret birth charts for now as they’re easier and take me less time :)


- in my readings, I focus on the psychological matters of an individual. I analyze their ego, emotions, outer and inner reactions, wounds and approach to the world. I also take in consideration your physical appearance, your way of loving and receiving love and affection, your way of reasoning and expressing your thoughts and even your fashion sense, as I find that it’s influenced by your mind and ideals after all. I also describe your childhood, your love life, your friendships and even your approach to school and career. I don’t want astrology to feel too complicated, even though it is. I try to explain these topics with simple words, giving you advices to break free from restrictions, limitations and challenges in your life to live peacefully.

- I’m also going to do a few predictions about who you’re going to marry/date, and even about your children. If you’ve yet to choose your permanent career, I can also address you towards what you’re skilled at and offer you a few suggestions. I’m going to analyze your current transits and mood as well, in order to help you dealing and overcoming eventual bad feelings.

- another topic I like talking about in my readings is past lives. after all, anyone would be interested in knowing who they were in another body, right? I find it just as interesting as you, therefore I decided to add a section exclusively related to this topic. I’m also going to inform you about your purpose of this lifetime, in order to achieve the best of luck.

- I also like giving advices to increase your psychic abilities and manifest anything you desire through the law of attraction based on your birth chart.

- I write my readings in a pragmatic and neat way. I like pointing out which aspect I’m analyzing, and I take everything in consideration in your chart to make it yours. I don’t limit myself to tell and explain you what effects your placements have in general, I dive deep into your chart to link them to your childhood, relationships, hobbies and just you. let’s suppose you have difficulty opening up to others; I seek for clues in your chart that may explain why you act in that way, in order for you to understand your behaviour and eventually correct it.


each reading costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to book a reading, you have to click on the link I’ll leave down below, which will take you to a reliable website called ko-fi. you can send me money using the ‘support’ button. the payment is managed by paypal, therefore the transaction is completely trustworthy. once your payment has been sent, you’ll have to send me a private message here on tumblr with your birth info (date, time and place) and your pronouns too (he/she/they).


a reading usually takes me around ¾ days to be completed and corrected if I’m not too busy. understand that there’s a lot to look at, and I need concentration. this time may vary, based on the amount of commissions I get. you should be able to get your reading in maybe a month when I’m busy, but I repeat, it may vary. I will keep you informed about it though, and will tell you when I officially start working on it. I’ll start reading them in the order I get them.

if you’re not totally sure yet, you can take a look at the reading I’ve done for my first client here. you can read it, see if you like how I interpret birth charts and then book your reading. :)

thank you for your attention!! <3

TO BOOK YOUR READING: https://ko-fi.com/libramc

I have some free time, so I’m taking some requests!! feel free to book a chart reading <3


indicators of FAME in a BIRTH CHART

part two

warning: remember, to precisely determine fame potential you need to have more than one of these placements, I would say at least three or four of them. check part one here:)


when the moon forms an aspect with saturn, it indicates emotional weakness. people with this placement had to grow up sooner than other kids, they carry more burdens than other people, which is something that celebrities have to endure. it’s not a coincidence that some of the most important people in the world have their saturn making an aspect to their moon. fame has a price, after all.

prominent jupiterenergy

jupiter is the planet of abundance, therefore when it’s well-placed in a chart it indicates overflowing luck. people with an exalted or domicile jupiter are going to be naturally successful in their lives; jupiter is exalted when it’s in the sign of cancer or in the 4th house, especially if conjunct the ic (and therefore opposite the midheaven, which is the house of career), and it’s in domicile when it’s in sagittariusorpisces, as well as the in the 9thand12thhouse. extra points to sagittariusandpiscesrisings, who have jupiter as their dominant planet. if their jupiter is well-placed, they are going to be naturally successful, not necessarily famous but still very rich and satisfied with their lives.

anyplanet,ascendantormidheaven in a leo degree (5°, 17°, 29°)

according to nikola stojanovic’s degree theory, which assigns a sign to each degree, when a planet falls in a leo degree, it indicates fame. more specifically, 5° indicates short-term fame, while 17°and29°arelong-termnotoriety. some celebrities with these degrees are ariana grande, britney spears, tom cruise, doja cat, kanye west, bella hadid…


many celebrities often have a scorpio rising. that’s because people with a first house in scorpio tend to be very magneticandalluring, they have this innate charisma that makes them naturally stand out from the crowd. scorpio risings are often sexualized as well, which is unfortunately common in the industry. in addition, scorpio rising have their 10th house, the house of career, in leo, which is the sign of fame and notoriety. with a leo midheaven, people are usually popular at work, they are admired and usually in the spotlight.

planets in the upper hemisphere of the chart or in the 4th house

the upper hemisphere of a chart consists of housesfrom7 to 12, therefore the second half of the chart. when people have their planets in the upper side of their birth chart, these planets are usually more public and seen, they are exposed to the world just like the image of a celebrity. therefore, most celebrities have their personal planets in the upper houses of the chart, especially in the 10th (career) and in the 11th (fans, public). the only exception is the 4thhouse, which is the opposite house to the 10th house. when a planet is conjuncttheic, it naturally opposes the midheaven, which indicates that their privacy could be more public to the world.

planetsmakingaspects to the ariespoint

thearies pointindicatesrecognition, not necessarily fame but in general what people will recognize you for. it’s therefore quite common to see celebrities having their planets making aspects to the aries point. the aries point is 0° aries, therefore for a planet to form a tight conjunction to this point, you need to have any personal planetsin28°or29°ofpisces, which makes a conjunction with 0° aries, as well as ,oraries placements. we also count oppositions, therefore we can also find celebrities with 28°,29°virgo planets or ,,libra, and also squares as well, therefore 28°,29°geminiand,,2° cancer,28°and29°ofsagittariusand,andofcapricorn.

and this is it for today :) stay tuned for part two!! -libramc xx

indicators of FAME in a BIRTH CHART

part two

warning: remember, to precisely determine fame potential you need to have more than one of these placements, I would say at least three or four of them. check part one here:)


when the moon forms an aspect with saturn, it indicates emotional weakness. people with this placement had to grow up sooner than other kids, they carry more burdens than other people, which is something that celebrities have to endure. it’s not a coincidence that some of the most important people in the world have their saturn making an aspect to their moon. fame has a price, after all.

prominent jupiterenergy

jupiter is the planet of abundance, therefore when it’s well-placed in a chart it indicates overflowing luck. people with an exalted or domicile jupiter are going to be naturally successful in their lives; jupiter is exalted when it’s in the sign of cancer or in the 4th house, especially if conjunct the ic (and therefore opposite the midheaven, which is the house of career), and it’s in domicile when it’s in sagittariusorpisces, as well as the in the 9thand12thhouse. extra points to sagittariusandpiscesrisings, who have jupiter as their dominant planet. if their jupiter is well-placed, they are going to be naturally successful, not necessarily famous but still very rich and satisfied with their lives.

anyplanet,ascendantormidheaven in a leo degree (5°, 17°, 29°)

according to nikola stojanovic’s degree theory, which assigns a sign to each degree, when a planet falls in a leo degree, it indicates fame. more specifically, 5° indicates short-term fame, while 17°and29°arelong-termnotoriety. some celebrities with these degrees are ariana grande, britney spears, tom cruise, doja cat, kanye west, bella hadid…


many celebrities often have a scorpio rising. that’s because people with a first house in scorpio tend to be very magneticandalluring, they have this innate charisma that makes them naturally stand out from the crowd. scorpio risings are often sexualized as well, which is unfortunately common in the industry. in addition, scorpio rising have their 10th house, the house of career, in leo, which is the sign of fame and notoriety. with a leo midheaven, people are usually popular at work, they are admired and usually in the spotlight.

planets in the upper hemisphere of the chart or in the 4th house

the upper hemisphere of a chart consists of housesfrom7 to 12, therefore the second half of the chart. when people have their planets in the upper side of their birth chart, these planets are usually more public and seen, they are exposed to the world just like the image of a celebrity. therefore, most celebrities have their personal planets in the upper houses of the chart, especially in the 10th (career) and in the 11th (fans, public). the only exception is the 4thhouse, which is the opposite house to the 10th house. when a planet is conjuncttheic, it naturally opposes the midheaven, which indicates that their privacy could be more public to the world.

planetsmakingaspects to the ariespoint

thearies pointindicatesrecognition, not necessarily fame but in general what people will recognize you for. it’s therefore quite common to see celebrities having their planets making aspects to the aries point. the aries point is 0° aries, therefore for a planet to form a tight conjunction to this point, you need to have any personal planetsin28°or29°ofpisces, which makes a conjunction with 0° aries, as well as ,oraries placements. we also count oppositions, therefore we can also find celebrities with 28°,29°virgo planets or ,,libra, and also squares as well, therefore 28°,29°geminiand,,2° cancer,28°and29°ofsagittariusand,andofcapricorn.

and this is it for today :) stay tuned for part two!! -libramc xx


birth chart readings: open

hi everyone !! requests are finally open again :) I had to stop and slow down during the last few months due to studying, but with christmas break I can surely take a few more requests! I won’t be taking many though, and I decided to only interpret birth charts for now as they’re easier and take me less time :)


- in my readings, I focus on the psychological matters of an individual. I analyze their ego, emotions, outer and inner reactions, wounds and approach to the world. I also take in consideration your physical appearance, your way of loving and receiving love and affection, your way of reasoning and expressing your thoughts and even your fashion sense, as I find that it’s influenced by your mind and ideals after all. I also describe your childhood, your love life, your friendships and even your approach to school and career. I don’t want astrology to feel too complicated, even though it is. I try to explain these topics with simple words, giving you advices to break free from restrictions, limitations and challenges in your life to live peacefully.

- I’m also going to do a few predictions about who you’re going to marry/date, and even about your children. If you’ve yet to choose your permanent career, I can also address you towards what you’re skilled at and offer you a few suggestions. I’m going to analyze your current transits and mood as well, in order to help you dealing and overcoming eventual bad feelings.

- another topic I like talking about in my readings is past lives. after all, anyone would be interested in knowing who they were in another body, right? I find it just as interesting as you, therefore I decided to add a section exclusively related to this topic. I’m also going to inform you about your purpose of this lifetime, in order to achieve the best of luck.

- I also like giving advices to increase your psychic abilities and manifest anything you desire through the law of attraction based on your birth chart.

- I write my readings in a pragmatic and neat way. I like pointing out which aspect I’m analyzing, and I take everything in consideration in your chart to make it yours. I don’t limit myself to tell and explain you what effects your placements have in general, I dive deep into your chart to link them to your childhood, relationships, hobbies and just you. let’s suppose you have difficulty opening up to others; I seek for clues in your chart that may explain why you act in that way, in order for you to understand your behaviour and eventually correct it.


each reading costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to book a reading, you have to click on the link I’ll leave down below, which will take you to a reliable website called ko-fi. you can send me money using the ‘support’ button. the payment is managed by paypal, therefore the transaction is completely trustworthy. once your payment has been sent, you’ll have to send me a private message here on tumblr with your birth info (date, time and place) and your pronouns too (he/she/they).


a reading usually takes me around ¾ days to be completed and corrected if I’m not too busy. understand that there’s a lot to look at, and I need concentration. this time may vary, based on the amount of commissions I get. you should be able to get your reading in maybe a month when I’m busy, but I repeat, it may vary. I will keep you informed about it though, and will tell you when I officially start working on it. I’ll start reading them in the order I get them.

if you’re not totally sure yet, you can take a look at the reading I’ve done for my first client here. you can read it, see if you like how I interpret birth charts and then book your reading. :)

thank you for your attention!! <3

TO BOOK YOUR READING: https://ko-fi.com/libramc

I’m finally on summer break, hence I finally have time for some readings requests are now open!!

how to EARN MONEY with your birth chart

- by libramc.

✧・゚: *✧・゚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧*✧・゚:*

hey guys!! this is the first post of 2022, so happy new year <3 I hope everyone finds happiness and stability this year. since money can be a hassle for some, I’ve decided to kick off this 2022 by showing you how to find the best way for you to earn money with the help of your birth chart by looking at the 11th house :) let’s get into it!

✧・゚: *✧・゚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧*✧・゚:*

The 11th House

the 11th house in the birth chart symbolizes, aside from fame, friendships and long-term goals, your finances. yes, finances are generally linked to the 2nd house, but the 11th house is responsible for whatever you get from your career, therefore it is related to money as well. by looking at the sign, the planets and the degrees of your 11th house, you’ll be able to determine the best way for you to become wealthy. keep reading to discover more!!

✧・゚: *✧・゚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧*✧・゚:*

11th house in aries, mars in the 11th house, 11th house in 1°, 13°, 25°

if you have aries or mars in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in an aries degree (1°, 13°, 25°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • sports
  • sports marketing
  • coaching
  • sales
  • physical activity (for example you could be the ceo of a gym)
  • dentist
  • otolaryngologist
  • ophthalmologist
  • neurologist
  • hairstyling
  • free-lancer

11th house in taurus, venus in the 11th house, 11th house in 2°, 14°, 26°

if you have taurus or venus in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a taurus degree (2°, 14°, 26°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • singing
  • designing
  • banking
  • fashion
  • finance
  • real estate
  • business
  • fashion marketing
  • cooking

11th house in gemini, mercury in the 11th house, 11th house in 3°, 15°, 27°

if you have gemini or mercury in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a gemini degree (3°, 15°, 27°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • pulmonologist
  • marketing
  • communication
  • storytelling
  • acting
  • dubbing
  • journalism
  • teaching
  • writing
  • public relations
  • politics

11th house in cancer, moon in the 11th house, 11th house in 4°, 16°, 28°

if you have cancer or the moon in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a cancer degree (4°, 16°, 28°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • chef
  • babysitter
  • lifeguard
  • nurse
  • pediatrician
  • teacher
  • acting
  • psychology
  • criminology
  • musician
  • real estate
  • interior designer
  • gynaecologist

11th house in leo, sun in the 11th house, 11th house in 5°, 17°, 29°

if you have leo or the sun in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a leo degree (5°, 17°, 29°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • acting
  • performing
  • dubbing
  • entertaining
  • screenwriting
  • movie directing
  • modelling
  • cardiologist
  • event planner
  • creative director
  • animation
  • stylist
  • influencer
  • streamer

11th house in virgo, mercury in the 11th house, 11th house in 6°, 18°

if you have virgo or mercury in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a virgo degree (6°, 18°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • writing
  • research
  • science
  • gardening
  • teaching
  • doctor
  • nurse
  • vet
  • therapist
  • finance
  • human services

11th house in libra, venus in the 11th house, 11th house in 7°, 19°

if you have libra or venus in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a libra degree (7°, 19°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • stylist
  • interior designer
  • make-up artist
  • beautician
  • nail technician
  • modelling
  • content creator
  • poet/writer
  • marketing
  • event planner
  • pastry chef
  • law
  • politics
  • human services
  • counselor

11th house in scorpio, pluto in the 11th house, 11th house in 8°, 20°

if you have scorpio or pluto in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a scorpio degree (8°, 20°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • criminology
  • detective
  • police officer
  • therapist
  • surgeon
  • gynecologist
  • psychologist/psychiatrist
  • anatomopathologist
  • occult services
  • pharmacology
  • research
  • thriller/horror writer
  • engineering
  • market analyst

11th house in sagittarius, jupiter in the 11th house, 11th house in 9°, 21°

if you have sagittarius or jupiter in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a sagittarius degree (9°, 21°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • interpreter
  • translator
  • pilot
  • tour guide
  • flight steward
  • travel consultant
  • hotel manager
  • photographer
  • filmmaker
  • teacher
  • professor
  • philosopher
  • public relations
  • runner

11th house in capricorn, saturn in the 11th house, 11th house in 10°, 22°

if you have capricorn or saturn in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a capricorn degree (10°, 22°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • dentist
  • osteopath
  • sales
  • marketing
  • law
  • politics
  • banking
  • management
  • science
  • research
  • medicine
  • ceo
  • finance

11th house in aquarius, uranus in the 11th house, 11th house in 11°, 23°

if you have aquarius or uranus in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in an aquarius degree (11°, 23°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • coding
  • photography
  • modelling
  • content creator
  • research
  • science
  • streamer
  • youtuber
  • tiktoker
  • web design
  • videogamer developer
  • cloud engineering
  • engineer
  • free-lancer

11th house in pisces, neptune in the 11th house, 11th house in 12°, 24°

if you have pisces or neptune in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a pisces degree (12°, 24°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • writer
  • dancer
  • musician
  • singer
  • painter/artist
  • swimmer
  • club manager
  • shoe designing
  • psychic/medium
  • acting
  • therapist
  • photographer
  • movie director/editor
  • animation
  • bartender

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this is the end! if you arrived here, thank you for reading everything, hope this helped you <3 follow me for more!!

- libramc xx


birth chart readings: open

hi everyone !! requests are finally open again :) I had to stop and slow down during the last few months due to studying, but with christmas break I can surely take a few more requests! I won’t be taking many though, and I decided to only interpret birth charts for now as they’re easier and take me less time :)


- in my readings, I focus on the psychological matters of an individual. I analyze their ego, emotions, outer and inner reactions, wounds and approach to the world. I also take in consideration your physical appearance, your way of loving and receiving love and affection, your way of reasoning and expressing your thoughts and even your fashion sense, as I find that it’s influenced by your mind and ideals after all. I also describe your childhood, your love life, your friendships and even your approach to school and career. I don’t want astrology to feel too complicated, even though it is. I try to explain these topics with simple words, giving you advices to break free from restrictions, limitations and challenges in your life to live peacefully.

- I’m also going to do a few predictions about who you’re going to marry/date, and even about your children. If you’ve yet to choose your permanent career, I can also address you towards what you’re skilled at and offer you a few suggestions. I’m going to analyze your current transits and mood as well, in order to help you dealing and overcoming eventual bad feelings.

- another topic I like talking about in my readings is past lives. after all, anyone would be interested in knowing who they were in another body, right? I find it just as interesting as you, therefore I decided to add a section exclusively related to this topic. I’m also going to inform you about your purpose of this lifetime, in order to achieve the best of luck.

- I also like giving advices to increase your psychic abilities and manifest anything you desire through the law of attraction based on your birth chart.

- I write my readings in a pragmatic and neat way. I like pointing out which aspect I’m analyzing, and I take everything in consideration in your chart to make it yours. I don’t limit myself to tell and explain you what effects your placements have in general, I dive deep into your chart to link them to your childhood, relationships, hobbies and just you. let’s suppose you have difficulty opening up to others; I seek for clues in your chart that may explain why you act in that way, in order for you to understand your behaviour and eventually correct it.


each reading costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to book a reading, you have to click on the link I’ll leave down below, which will take you to a reliable website called ko-fi. you can send me money using the ‘support’ button. the payment is managed by paypal, therefore the transaction is completely trustworthy. once your payment has been sent, you’ll have to send me a private message here on tumblr with your birth info (date, time and place) and your pronouns too (he/she/they).


a reading usually takes me around ¾ days to be completed and corrected if I’m not too busy. understand that there’s a lot to look at, and I need concentration. this time may vary, based on the amount of commissions I get. you should be able to get your reading in maybe a month when I’m busy, but I repeat, it may vary. I will keep you informed about it though, and will tell you when I officially start working on it. I’ll start reading them in the order I get them.

if you’re not totally sure yet, you can take a look at the reading I’ve done for my first client here. you can read it, see if you like how I interpret birth charts and then book your reading. :)

thank you for your attention!! <3

TO BOOK YOUR READING: https://ko-fi.com/libramc

I have some free time during winter break and feel like reading some charts, therefore if you book now you should receive your reading in a few days ✨

Astro Observations.

-by libramc.

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hi guys!! how have you been? I’m back with a new astro observations post! I’m going to talk about birth charts, synastry charts and asteroids in this post, as I haven’t written an observations post in months. hope you guys find them interesting, and remember to take everything with a grain of salt as these are just things I’ve noticed from celebrities and people I know irl, therefore they may not apply to everyone. I’m also going to leave my masterlist at the end of the post if you want to take a look at the rest of my content <3 now let’s go!!

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ancient astrolgers affirm that it’s recommended tocutyourhairwhen a waxing moon is transiting the sign ofleo,as it’s supposed to grow thicker and healthier.

taurus placements, especially taurus sun and mars, are the type of people todosomethingonly if there’s a rewardfor it. for example, they’re the ones who’d help with the cleaning only if they get pocket money after. they value their efforts, and they don’t want people to take them for granted.

whereyou have aries in your chart, it’s where you tend to be moreassertive, it’s where you feel more motivated to accept and win challenges. for example, people with an aries tenth house may be particularly driven to do well at work, to have a successful career and a good reputation.

on the other hand, where you have libra in your chart is where you tend to compromise, where you put your ego aside to collaborate with others and think about the impact of your actions in the world. for instance, individuals with libra in the third house may tend to sugarcoat their words in order to get along with others, even if that means hiding their real thoughts.

where you have capricorn in your chart is where you are determined to succeed, even though you may experience many hardshipsand challenges before reaching your goals. for example, a sagittarius rising with a capricorn 2nd house may have problems with finances, and as a result they’d do anything to earn more money and be financially stable.

where you have scorpio in your chart indicates where you’re going to have a major transformation; you’re going to face many hardships at first, but then you’re going to have your phoenix moment. people with scorpio in the 7th house, for example, may have a very troubled love life, they may have the tendency to attract manipulative or even abusive partners, but then once they overcome these hardships they’ll literally start flourishing, they’ll shine brighter than they ever did.

people with mercury in the 11th house/ruler of the 11th house aspecting mercury tend to have more online friends than irl friends, or at least they find it easy to make bonds with others online.

we generally tend to relate to artists whose moon makes aspects with our personal planets or neptune, especially with our venus or moon. for example, singer marina’s leo moon is conjunct my natal leo venus and I can literally find myself in all of her songs.

scorpio risings tend to suffer from headaches, vertigo andmigraines due to the presence of aries in the 6th house of health. they may also have issues with their eyesight, skin and with their teeth, they may have to wear braces or glasses throughout their life, and they could suffer from acne for example.

pisces placements, especially rising, moon and mars, may feel the urge to change their personalities as if they were clothes. they struggle to understand who they truly are, especially if the rest of chart has other mutable signs (sagittarius, virgo, gemini), and as a result they try to wear different masks as a way to find their real self.

the degree of your north node in your birth chart can give you further information about what you’re meant for in this lifetime,aside from the sign it falls in and its house. for example, if you have your north node in a leo degree (5°, 17°, 29°) you may be meant for fame, you may pursue a career that will allow you to express your creativity. or perhaps if you have the north node in a taurus degree (2°, 14°, 26°) you may be meant for wealth.


we definitely all have that one celebrity we’re obsessed with, the one we dream to marry and have a beautiful, fairytale-like love story with. well, chances are, you have 12th house synastry with that celebrity. the 12th house is ruled by pisces, the sign of dreams, of fairy-tales, but also the sign of deception. when we share 12th house synastry with someone, especially when the sun, the moon and venus are involved, we tend to idealize that person, we create their own version of them in our head and suddenly everything about their persona seems magical to us. that’s why, when we look at certain celebrities, we may feel as if we were meant to be with them.

another reason we fall for people with whom we have 12th house synastryit’sbecause this person will seem like the personification of our dreams to us. they’ll seem like everything we’ve always desired, not only looks-wise but also for their personality, their demeanor, the way they approach the world. this placement usually indicates love at first sight, especially if the planets are placed in the 12th house conjunct the ascendant.

asteroid aura(1488)depicts the way you appear to others. look at the house overlays and the aspects this asteroid makes in your synastry chart; you’ll define the way your partner sees you and viceversa. for instance, if your partner’s aura falls in the 8th house, they may seem extremely magnetic, sexy and mysterious to you.

look at the aspects that jupiter makes with pluto and mars;they’ll show your sex life with this person. we generally prefer easy aspects (trine, sextile) for these placements, but even though hard aspects can be quite challenging, they bring way more attraction into the relationship, especially conjunctions.

when your partner’s personal planets make contact withyoursaturn (or viceversa) it means you’re dealing with a karmic relationship. this placement indicates that this person was meant to find you, they’re a part of your karma and they’re here in this lifetime to teach you a tough lesson that will make you grow mature. it could be painful, as you have to pay off your karmic debt, but once you overcome this hardship you’re going to be a better, stronger person.

I feel like most people tend to overlook mercury in a synastry chart; don’t get me wrong, venus, the moon and mars are just as important, but people seem to forget that mercury is the planet of communication, which is the foundation of a healthy and stable relationship. if your mercury makes a square or an opposition with your partner’s personal planets (or viceversa), especially mars and the moon, there can be serious communication issues between you two. you may argue often, you could struggle to find a common ground to get along, turning your relationship into something pretty toxic.

and this is it for today’s post! hope you guys enjoyed my observations :) oh and remember, if you’re interested in getting your chart read by me, you can book a reading following my pinned post!! xx

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- libramc xx

The Gemini Seasonal Spell ~ 20/5 - 22/6 2022

The Gemini Genies welcome us to the Gates of the Astral Realms to re-teach humanity the practice of astral travel. While guarding the Twin Pillars, we cross the Guardian of the Threshold as part of our seasonal archetypal role. The Guardian of the Threshold is a full-length mirror that shows us the psychological state in which we find ourselves at each given moment. Hermes, our starring role during this month, transitions between the 3 worlds - the physical, psychic, and spiritual in order to communicate with every god from Apollo to Hades.

The glyph of Mercury exhibits the Cross of Soul and Matter, crowned with the antenna of the Magician’s Hat. The glyph of Mercury exhibits the Cross of Soul and Matter, crowned with the antenna of the Magician’s Hat.  The Mercury portion of our consciousness is the aperture of our awareness, the Awakener whose sweet lips awaken Sleeping Beauty as the inner guide to knowledge and wisdom. A spell is a story; a spell is to ‘tell’ or to ‘spill’, to ‘storytell’. A spell is an incarnation of charms, a pattern of words that mean enchantment. In the 3rd House that belongs to Gemini, to ‘write’ is a ‘rite’, a ‘ritual’ to ‘spell the Word. You said the Word, and you are all the forces in the Universe. What will the Magician have you manifesting?


Best Mercury Signs To Have Deep Conversations With


When it comes to deep conversations, Virgo is always down to have them. A Virgo mercuries mind is always filled with many thoughts, it’s very opinionated and having deep conversations is one thing they would love since it allows them to express their opinions on certain topics. Virgo being mutable is great for deep conversations, because it allows them to be able to have a deep conversation on almost everything! they are always naturally prepared. Virgo mercury may stutter a bit or get nervous from time to time, but they always get their point across. Their intellect is striking and most of all they’re great listeners.


Oh Aquarius, you expected to see your sign on here didn’t you? Well it’s no suprise, as a sign who’s extremely creative and interested in deep topics in the first place. Deep conversation makes your heart jump, and makes your mind happpy. Having a deep conversation with an Aquarius would last long, and it’ll always be interesting. Aquarius mercury always has something to stir the conversation up, and since they’re intelligent it wont sound like random words falling all over the place. Aquarius mercury can see things from different perspectives making it easier to have a deep conversation with someone who has different theories than you.


This mercury sign is rather intense and already deep natured, so it’s natural that they would be good during a deep conversation. Scorpio mercury is very passionate, and loves a challange. So discussing different opinions on the same topic they would enjoy the most. Scorpio mercury being very observational and skeptical, and intriguing another person can make a conversation go on for hours and hours, making it intense but interesting at the same time. Scorpio mercury can be a great conversationalist, but only if you can tolerate them.

Astrology Thoughts

  • I absolutely adore Scorpio Mercuries, they’re so intense with wording things. I absolutely love it as a Virgo Mercury
  • Cancer Venuses in my eyes are the most caring and loving Venus signs, they have so much to offer. I love their protectiveness over loved ones too. 
  • Fire moons are ok, they can be immature but sometimes I wish I could be as carefree as them. 
  • I tend to get really close with fire moons though, really surprising since I’m an earth moon.
  • Scorpios, Virgo’s, Cancers, Aquarius and Geminis are really misunderstood being mainly seen as their stereotype or negative traits
  • I hate none of the signs, every single sign has their bad traits. I see signs I don’t get along with as challenging rather than toxic. I say challenging because a challenge, can be overcome. There’s a goal and the goal is understanding and good compatibility, to reach that goal you must overcome the challenge. Every sign can work out, a simple bad relationship with a Scorpio Venus, wont make me hate Scorpio Venuses, I’ll just try better to overcome the challenges on my next encounter. You can die in a video game when you fail an obstacle, but you always have chances to start over. 
These three images are of the BepiColombo spacecraft, following its launch last week. BepiColombo is

These three images are of the BepiColombo spacecraft, following its launch last week.

BepiColombo is a joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. It’s on a mission to explore our Solar System’s innermost planet: Mercury.

According to the ESA

The mission will study all aspects of Mercury, from the structure and dynamics of its magnetosphere and how it interacts with the solar wind, to its internal structure with its large iron core, and the origin of the planet’s magnetic field. It will make global maps of the surface elemental and chemical composition and image features to better understand geological processes and how the surface has been modified over time by impact craters, tectonic activity, volcanism and polar ice deposits.

The trip is Europe’s first excursion to Mercury. BepiColombo launched Oct. 20 and will take seven years to get Mercury.

(Image Credit: ESA/BepiColombo/MTM –  CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO)

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#hermes #mercury #hermetic #greek #ecolinebrushpen #red #art #tradicionalart #wings #godmessenger

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