#mlb fandom


How To Survive The Hiatus

Here’s what to do to make these empty months pass in a healthyway:

-pick 3 animated (or not) series

-watch one episode of the one you chose first

-when you’ve finished, start the other one

For example let’s say the series you have picked have 10 episodes each season and 4 seasons in total (i’m just pretending that you chose an animated serie)

You will pass the first 4 months watching other series and maybe even joining their fandom, trying new things is always good!

Other months, you will watch and episode of Miraculous Ladybug every day and read a fanfic every week.

When you finish watching them, there will be only two and a half months till season 4

That’s approximately when summer holiday starts

Trust me, time flies very fast in summer :)

Good luck! I will do this myself too! Also here are a few suggestions for animated series:


•The Dragon Prince


You can find them all in Netflix.

Have a good day :))

“Kung Food” is the episode Adrien started to like Marinette

And “Antibug” is the episode Ladybug started to like Chat Noir

Marichat is so real



Guys, Adrienette will happen, don’t worry about it

If you watched Teen Wolf, you’ll get what i wanna say easier.

In the first season we see Stiles as a complete clutz, he gets way to excited about Lydia.

Then he starts liking Malia and they date for a while.

But in the end, Lydia falls in love with him and he loves her more than ever. But he changed throughout the whole series and now is a confident person.

Marinette is Stiles.

Malia is Luka.

Lydia is Adrien.

Throughout the whole series, Lydia and Stiles have some small interactions which make the fans scream for example the scene where Stiles has a panic attack and Lydia kisses him to make his heart stop.

Etc. etc.

-And in mlb, these dorks literally kiss all the time-

Do not lose hope, a little action will make the lovesquare even more adorable!

No one:

Not a single soul:

Me:*rewatching the first episode of mlb, knowing very well what shit is gonna go down and that it will fuck my soul*miraculous, simply the best, up to the test when things



Holy shit



So let’s just take a moment and think about this episode from Chat Noir’s perspective.

What happens in this episode? (according to Chat Noir) First, he thinks Marinette is Ladybug but later, Ladybug gives Marinette the Mouse Miraculous and they solve everything together.


When Ladybug got out of the building to give Marinette the miraculous, she was detransformed. And Ladybug couldn’t just drop the box by Marinette’s side, she had to explain what she should do in order for her to get her kwami back. Which means,


Miraculous Fandom: okay umm… So gabriel, honey, we really need to talk about this. You really should understand that if the teenager superhero you’ve been throwing supervillains at and putting in danger turns out to be your own son, you don’t yeet him across Paris, you stop being a total psychopath who is obsessed over his deadcomatose wife and help your teenage son get over the fact that you were keeping his mother literallyin your basement like the pervert protagonist in a thriller movie and move on with your life.

Gabriel and his abusive ass:

Just imagine..

A loose-haired marinette flipping her hair and smiling at adrien in slow motion

yes. please. thank you.

Umm, excuse me?!

But in Chat Blanc did anyone else see how Ladybug looked at Chat Noir after he was de-evilized ?!


The Boy That I Secretly Love

I love this song

I listen to it all the time and i want to talk about a few lyrics that engaged my attention

“Adrien disappears and Chat Noir steps in”

Oh well, i can literally feelthe facepalms of the fandom at this part. Jesus why is she so goddamn blind?!

“But what would you do if you knew what’s true, that’s why i so secretly love you”

Now, we’ve got stuff to talk about.

I feel like Ladybug is ashamed of who she is under the mask. She thinks Adrien wouldn’t be satisfied about her feelings and she is not at all confident about herself. This is actually really serious, this shows how much Marinette needs to be confident and realize how awesome she is. Even Adrien said that!

I think for a while she should date Luka, he returns her feelings and makes her feel loved. With Luka, she would become aware that she is not a complete mess and is actually pretty cool. She is Ladybug after all! Yes, we know Adrien likes Marinette already (he said that in Chat Blanc) but in order for him to realize this Marinette needs more character development.

It will be a looooooong road my friends!

Ps: Marinette HAS TO sing in front of Adrien (while the band is practicing for example) she has a beautiful voice and Adrien would be head over heels for her.


Marinette in Darkblade

So i was binge watching MLB again and realized Marinette really shows her Ladybug side in that episode. She is like do this, do that, giving orders, making a plan, being a badass and i was like yes go girl! Cause Marinette never gets how amazing she is.

However after Darkblade we NEVER see Marinette acting like that again and i don’t understand why. It was a huge step in character development for her to be aware of herself.

Just look at her! She is so awesome!


Gotham Love Square

Too bad her dreams had no chance to become real, because she managed to ruin her relationship with a guy before she even got to really know him.

Of course, her inflamed libido was not the main problem in this situation. More importantly, it would be harder to get Robin to train her now…

If only she could start all over again, she thought with a sigh.

And while using Fluff to do this might not have been considered a personal goal, the occasion seemed too small to her for the potential consequences that timeline games could bring.

Little did Marinette know that the opportunity to start all over would soon be presented to her without using the Miraculous of Time.
He wasn’t one of those who think in the subjunctive mood or want to turn back time, but if today it was proposed to Damian, so that he could start their acquaintance from the beginning, perhaps he would make an exception for her.

Marinette, who was sitting across the aisle from him, seemed to feel his eyes on her and turned her head towards Damian, and he immediately turned away, feigning stern detachment.

He didn’t know that the opportunity to start all over again would be given to him without any need to turn back time.

Chapters 1-3 are available with EARLY ACCESS on patreon.com/san_fics

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In The Wrong Bed?


Chapter 12/12 (Ao3)


Adrien gave him an understanding look, but what could he really understand in Damian’s situation?! He is now officially dating Cass, and Damian has lost his perfect match!..

Bonus chapter

In The Right Bed!


Cass woke up to find a young blond man in her bed, sleeping soundly.

She sat up in bed and looked at him with surprise, not feeling any fear or even anxiety though.

There was no way this man could be a danger to her. He was clearly not armed, and besides, she had already seen at least fifteen options for how she could kill him in the event of his surprise attack, depending on What type of martial art he mastered…

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Only Yesterday


Chapter 2(Ao3)


Marinette: goodbye
Unknown number: wait
Marinette: oh
Marinette: u r here
Marinette: i thought u weren’t
Unknown number: i was
Unknown number: i’m not used to things like this

p.3/5 preview:

Unknown number: what do u associate with me?

Marinette: a good luck

Marinette: what is latin for lucky?

Marinette: wait i’ll google it

Unknown number: don’t

Marinette: oh it’s felix

Marinette: do u mind me calling u Felix?


p.4/5 preview:

Felix: so now that u know for sure u don’t feel the same anymore, do u?

Marinette: i

Marinette: i don’t know what i feel

Marinette: when did u understand it was me?


p.5/5 preview:

Marinette: r we really discussing how to catch Shadow Moth right now?

Felix: of course we do
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Why the authors of Miraculous Ladybug hate Felix so much

It’s obvious that Felix is important — and they can’t deny it, and couldn’t even resist making him to be the reason of a big Ladybug’s failure in season 4 finals. And they left him in that scene looking at the burning Paris side by side with her anyway (the scene from PV-trailer, where Ladybug looks at the burning city together with Felix-Chat Noir).

Funny dynamics, isn’t it?

But why? Couldn’t they use Lila as a villain-type role? Or even Chloe?

And why did they even brought Felix back after saying that he won’t appear in the show?

On my opinion, the answer is purely psychological.

Felix is like a first born son to show, that they had to give away and someone else raised him…) — and that is why we often see Felix as an older sibling in fanfictions — because the fans intuitively feel his status.

Felix is more mature in comparison to a playful and sheltered Adrien, who of course took some hardness from his father (that we saw for example when he made Lila get Mari back to school and some other moments), but still much softer then Felix.

Adrien has his feminine side a little too developed sometimes. That’s how he gives the ruling role to Ladybug, for instance, although they start out as equal partners. And even when she becomes a Guardian, Chat Noir whines and suffers from her secrets instead of making a firm stand.

But also being so soft as Adrien! They even made him a princess to be saved! Come on! Is this what you expect from the leading male character?

So while Adrien is nice and all, he can never reach Felix’s potential of freedom and inner strength (not to be confused with the bravery, ‘cause that he has).

I think the authors of the show hate Felix for this, for being strong, self-sufficient, extremely smart, playful in his own way, but strict at the same time, taking from life what he wants and making decisions that he considers necessary. And with all that inner depth and outer freedom they had to refuse him. Give him up for sweet Adrien.

So now that they were aloud to bring him back to the show, they can’t stand but show his strength and importance, even making him an antihero (not the villain, btw, ‘cause he didn’t actually hurt anyone directly, but left to the hero’s fight their own fights, and played on their weaknesses in order to get what he wants.

After all — nobody asked Ladybug to give him that miraculous.

Felix also has a great relationship with his mother, which makes him potentially much more adequate in building relationships with a girl, while Adrien’s position would be distorted by rigidity (taken from his father) on the one hand and infantilism on the other.

To naive children for whom this show is made, Adrinette couple seems perfect, but in practice the two would not last long together. At the same time Felix would found the way to conquer Mari if he wanted to and found how to build a deep relationship. And with passion everything would be good as well.

That’s why I love to write Canon Felinette much more then even PV. I mean, PV are sweet and classic, but Canon Felix, who returned to the show as an antihero has just SO MUCH MORE potential.

I can see him as a strong man next to Marinette, with this girl changing the direction of his actions with her warm heart, and he can be that internally strong support that she really needs. Because while Adrien-Chat says the encouraging words based by his belief he n good, Felix would make sure that the good would happen, no matters the ways of reaching it.

He also wouldn’t stop by her rejections like Adrien did if he fell for any of Mari’s guises — I’d rather expect him to trick her into falling in love with him — until it wouldn’t be important why and how their romance started.

Because we saw that he is ready to play till the end to reach his goal, and not only with honest and direct methods that both Marinette and Adrien mostly use.

And Mari herself — who can still phones and dress funny to sneak to Adrien’s house — much closer to Felix’s way of acting, so honestly — they would understand each other much better then the “go the higher road” boy — once they would have a common goal.

So I see I went a little further then just the “why the MLB-authors hate Felix” topic, but it’s all about the same. Felix has a strong position to be at the leading male role in this show, and they feel it, and they’ll use him as such, even if they will have to turn him to the other side of the barricades.

Just because they cant let him go from their mind.

Drama of life)

I prefer Felinette over Adrinette, because I feel like Marinette and Felix are more like equals than Marinette and Adrien. Adrien is attracted to strong, determined people (like LB and Kagami), because he’s not able to stand up against his dad. I don’t blame him, it’s not easy to stand up to your abuser, especially since it’s his dad and he wants to believe, that he loves him. But yes, even though he likes to think of him as Chat as some knight, he’s more like a damsel in distress.

That’s ok, I actually think the “Boys can be princesses in need of saving, too” thing good. Let him be in need of a saviour, that’s ok. But that also means that any romantic relationship he gets into (while beeing in need of saving) is doomed or will have at least major problems down the line (and I don’t trust Miraculous to deal with them appropriately). There would be a power imbalance and that can’t be a good foundation for any kind of happy long term relationship.

Felix on the other hand doesn’t sit around to wait for a hero to save him. He’s ready to make a deal with the devil if that’s what it takes. He and Marinette compliment each other, their strengths and weaknesses balance each other out. She has a strong moral compass and can set the goal and device a plan and he can make sure the plan goes through, maybe by using his own methods in some sort of grey area (well, as long as the goal is reached … You know )

I haven’t seen the finale, I just sort of know what happens, so I’m not sure if it’s just LB again or if Marinette also has some interactions with Felix, but there is a reason why Marinette and Felix are always bickering like an old married couple in fanfictions (I think I even once read one which wasn’t Felinette and they were still bickering): They have that energy and that’s so much more compelling than the way Marinette is constantly forced to stammer and stumble when interacting with Adrien.

And this is why the writers hate Felix: He’s a threat to Adrien’s status as male lead and as “perfect”. I somewhere read that Adrien is meant to be “perfect” and that “the world has to change, not Adrien”. Huh. Well, keep your perfect little pretty boy, I’ll prefer the mischievous gremlin any day. Felix is not “perfect” and he doesn’t need to be to be a much more interesting character than Adrien and that’s why he’s a threat. Well, I’m not even sure all the writers hate him, could just be one person ().

Adrinette is a teenage romance that probably wouldn’t last and might even end in a nasty breakup, but Felinette is a power couple. They challenge each other but they could also work together - and I still think they might work together with Nino and then share custody over Adrien.

Felix, sighing: You’re spoiling him, Mari.

Marinette, defensive: I’m not!

Adrien, beaming with a pastry in hand: Yeah, she is!

Always so good to have a conversation with you

I think the MLB main fandom also have reasons to hate Felix)

It’s like that…

MLB 10-14 fandom: Felix? Faugh! He is bad boy!

MLB 15-17 fandom: Felix? Well, he is kind of smart and even cool, but he is a villain, so…

MLB 18-21 fandom: Felix? He is hot! He could definitely shake it all more, if they returned him to the show

MLB 20-30 fandom: Felix? Obviously he is the only clearly thinking there. I’m not even sure Marinette deserves him, but if she gets her head out if her butt, it could work.

MLB 30+ fandom: Adrien? Who is Adrien? Ohh, right, it’t Felix’s baby-brother who is still punished in his room while the big boy making kids with Marinette!..


Awww, thanks! I’m always happy to answer with my weird brain ramblings ☺️

He’s moraly ambiguous in the best case, there can be an argument made that he’s a villain or at least an antagonist. But Felix is without question the best at doing so. He had a lot more impact and a lot less opportunity to do so than any other character. Even Marinette, who is forced to endure some kind of groundhog day hell. Felix brings change. Just imagine what he and Mari could do if they worked together!

And yes, many fans don’t like him, that’s kinda the job of a villain/antagonist. But if it’s a good villain, you love to hate them. Chloe, Lila? They are teenager who do what Gabriel makes them do, if anything they need a set of responsible parents. Nathalie is a grown woman and still helps her boss to fight kids in colourful animal costumes, because of “love”. I want to shake her and ask her what went wrong in her childhood. And Gabriel? The guy who is so incapable of functioning as a human being that he can’t mourn his wife like a person? Instead he has this whole creepy basement/lair thingy? He literally has a body in his basement.

I mean, all the adults in this show are an embarrassment, but as the main villain he is extra embarrassing.

So, what I actually wanted to say: Not only as an alternative lead, but also as a villain Felix is a better character than the ones occupying those roles now.

Ohh, this part about embarrassing adults was amazing

Felix would make a perfect villain indeed, if he wanted. But the thing is that his goals personal and clear to him. And with all the capacity for emotions that we saw in the show, he appears very and very clear-minded. So, to really become a villain he must be at least a little bit mad)) which he is not.

And self-confidant, because he has a living mother again.

So I guess he wouldn’t spend years trying to gain power over people, enslave them, conquer the world, or whatever the villains are doing. It would just be boring for him, since he personally is much more interesting to himself.

So if Marinette would actually grow up — and she has a big potential to her character as well — I agree that this would be a great power couple, because she could bring his attention to right things (as a smart woman does) and he would reach any goal for her (as a strong man does).

In The Wrong Bed?


Chapter 11(Ao3)


Chat Noir suddenly stopped and opened his eyes wide.
“But wouldn’t that mean that we…” He didn’t have time to finish, because his figure began to melt in the air.

p.12/12 preview:

Damian was horrified to see Cass enter the living room with the blond boy from Marinette’s poster, holding his hand…

available onpatreon.com/san_fics

In The Right Bed!

(Bonus chapter to In The Wrong Bed?)


Cass woke up to find a young blond man in her bed, sleeping soundly.

She sat up in bed and looked at him with surprise, not feeling any fear or even anxiety though.

There was no way this man could be a danger to her. He was clearly not armed, and besides, she had already seen at least fifteen options for how she could kill him in the event of his surprise attack, depending on What type of martial art he mastered…

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In The Right Bed!

BonusAdriCasschapter to In The Wrong Bed?

Cass woke up to find a young blond man in her bed, sleeping soundly.

She sat up in bed and looked at him with surprise, not feeling any fear or even anxiety though. 

There was no way this man could be a danger to her. He was clearly not armed, and besides, she had already seen at least fifteen options for how she could kill him in the event of his surprise attack, depending on What type of martial art he mastered.

Therefore, Cassandra calmly and carefully studied his face.

No, this man could not be a sent assassin.

Of course, in a dream, everyone may seem serene, but she could strongly suggest that this guy did not harm anyone in his life.

Meanwhile, the blond stretched sweetly, opened his eyes, and sat up. He slowly looked around the room, frowning in bewilderment, then his gaze settled on Cass’s face.

She could read his mixed feelings from his face and tense body.

Alertness. By which she could understand that he had to regularly face danger and he expected that the new situation might contain a threat.

Perplexity. He clearly didn’t know where and why he was, so he did not come here with the intent to somehow harm her.

Fear. He thought that he was kidnapped and even assumed that she was his kidnapper. She could say that this guy clearly got into situations where his freedom was limited before.

Readiness. He was bold and determined, and could charge into battle, but Cass saw that he would not defend himself without her direct attack and was rather trying to figure out if she was a danger to others, not to him.

Interest. She could say with confidence that the guy was open to new things and met changes with curiosity, he peered into her features, seeing in her… beauty?

Excitement. He was pleasantly impressed by her appearance and found her attractive, and the girl could tell that the longer he looked at her, the more this emotion crowded out the rest.

Their silent dialogue continued for several minutes, then Cass saw the guy relax a little, probably not finding enough threat in her. She couldn’t blame him for this mistake, it was common to many…

The boy’s gaze slid down her face and settled on her lips.

Cassandra saw his body tense up again, but this tension was of a completely different nature.

The blond swallowed and licked his lips.

She knew for sure that at that moment he didn’t remember any possible danger and that he might have been kidnapped. He imagined what it would feel like to be kissed by her, and it… turned him on.

The boy looked up at her, and with an embarrassed smile, rubbed his neck with his palm from behind, trying to hide his excitement and desire to kiss her from Cass.

The boy started to say something in an unknown language, but Cass could see he was still thinking about kissing her, as he swallowed and took another quick look at her lips again.

The girl shook her head to indicate that she didn’t understand him.

“English?” He asked.

She nodded.

“I… uhh… I’m not sure what is going on here, and where the ‘here’ is, but…” He swallowed again and stopped talking, following her gaze.

Cass was staring at his lips.

She felt his anticipation of the kiss so vividly that now this anticipation haunted her.

In addition, this boy seemed so unusual and… interesting…

He seemed to her a brave and determined man and a small defenseless boy at the same time. She could read deep reflections of the sage and childish playfulness.

Studying him, Cass immediately felt the desire to feel his protection and protect him herself from any injustice that — she could definitely see it — he clearly met in life.

He seemed so… so… perfect.

Cassandra looked up at him.

“Kiss me.” She said quietly.

The boy parted his lips, slightly drawing in air and looked at her with the disbelieving eyes of a homeless kitten. Then he timidly leaned over to her lips and froze for another moment just next to Cass’s face, as if expecting for her to change her mind.

This gesture clearly read previous rejections and lack of love and warmth in his life — as if this boy was not sure that he had the right to be accepted by someone just like that, only for existing in the world. She could tell that he was used to fulfilling many other people’s demands in an attempt to earn acceptance and love.

Finally he closed his eyes and touched her lips with his, closing the last distance between them.

Cass readily accepted his timid kiss, anticipating his movements and encouraging him. Their lips moved slowly and carefully, studying each other.

The girl felt that he was afraid to scare her, and afraid that she would drive him away at the same time.

Yes, he definitely has been rejected before and didn’t receive enough love from others.

Although Cass couldn’t understand how it was possible, because by this point she could definitely tell that he was kind and gentle.

Plus, he was incredibly handsome. Such a face could easily be found on the pages of glossy magazines…

Their kiss deepened and Cass felt him excited and worried, not wanting to show her how excited he was but also not wanting to pull away from her lest she think he was rejecting her.

The girl pulled back slightly and placed her hand on his chest in red pajamas with black spots.

The guy looked at her with stunned eyes, and she understood that he was confused and overcome by a lot of doubt and embarrassment.

“I like you.” She said to show him support and calm him down. “No rush.”

The boy was looking at her with amazed eyes.

“I…” He swallowed again. “I like you too.” Then he looked around the room. “Where am I? Is this your room? Why do you speak English? Am I not in France? Did Akuma hit you too?”

“My room.” Cass said. “China.”

The boy’s eyes widened.

“Really? Did you bring me here?” Cass shook her head. “Then it WAS that Akuma. For some reason it brought me here while I was asleep. I need to contact La… my friend.”

Cass could say that he was hiding something. In addition to using a word she didn’t know, he was hiding a secret. But it wasn’t a malicious act, more like he was protecting someone or something.

Cass nodded.

“I’m Adrien.” He said, blushing slightly. “I’m sorry, I uhh… never kissed a girl without even introducing myself before.” He admitted.

“Cassandra.” She replied, giving him a soft smile. “Cass.”

“Can I…” He looked down at her mouth and licked his lips once more. “Can I kiss you again?”

Cass nodded.

His next kiss was more confident, but she was aware of his doubts, hidden in the timid movements of the hands that fell lightly on her cheeks. She could feel how passionately he reacted to her kiss in his intensified breathing and increased excitement of his body.

“Wow…” The boy whispered when he pulled away a little. “You are perfect.”

Cassandra looked at him, understanding what he was talking about.

Despite the fact that she saw him for the first time, it also seemed to her that everything about this young man was right, even the contradictory nature of his doubts.

She was keenly aware of how sincerely he believed in what he said, and felt her own sympathy, which arose almost from the first moment and only intensified with each new discovery that she made about him.

However he got here, she didn’t want him to leave.

“Can I come back?..” He asked. “If I won’t get home soon, I might be in trouble, but I…” his eyes again looked at her with outcast fear. “I’d really like to get to know you better if you don’t mind.”

“Come back.” She said, giving him another supportive smile.

“I will.” He promised.


Adrien got out through the window to the fire escape, went up to the roof.

Luckily, Plug ended up in China with him and was only hiding at the bottom of his pajama leg, so at least he could contact Ladybug and even hope to get home in time without anyone suspecting him.

Of course, even as Adrien, it wouldn’t be his fault that Akuma hit him, but he would have to explain why he didn’t say it sooner, and his father might forbid him to leave the house at all…

Adrien transformed and tried to call Ladybug, but she didn’t pick up the phone.

‘Hey Bugaboo! I’m in China. Come to get me at my location? Thanks, buy!’ He texted his partner, and decided to make a small circle on the rooftops so that he would remember the area well and easily find the right house when he returned.

There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to come back.

That strange Akuma that hit him yesterday… 

They said something about the Garden of Eden, right?

Definitely, his awakening with a beautiful, kind, sensual girl in the same bed, who also wanted to kiss him, felt like heaven…

Does it really happen in life? — Adrien thought, jumping from roof to roof. — That you like a girl at first sight, and she doesn’t reject you, as Ladybug always did. That you have no doubts about whether you want to kiss her or you like her more as a friend, as it was with Kagami…

He was sure that he wanted to kiss this beautiful girl again and again. There was acceptance and readiness in her kisses. It seemed to Adrien that she knew every movement of his lips in advance and already responded to them even before he began to move.

She was perfect.

His staff signaled and Chat Noir accepted the call.

“Hey Chat!” His partner exclaimed excitedly.

“Hey LB! What’s up!” Chat cheered, still enjoying the delight of today’s awakening.

“Chat, are you still in China?” Ladybug asked.

“Funny story, milady,” Chat replied, a little embarrassed. He forgot that there was still one person to whom he would have to explain himself. “I woke up in the bed with… uh…”

“With someone you have never seen before!” She finished.

“How did you…” Chat said, then suddenly remembered that Ladybug had been hit by Akuma right in front of him. “Wait a minute! You were hit by that akuma too!”

So she also woke up not in her bed, and if his suspicions about the character of the akuma are correct, she woke up in bed with a guy!

Somehow, the thought didn’t disturb Adrien as much as he would have expected it. As if the kiss of a beautiful stranger, who seemed to understand him without words, cured him of the suffering of unrequited love.

He felt an unprecedented ease and confidence, as if the very existence of this girl — without any guarantees for him — was in itself a guarantee.

A guarantee that things could be different. That ideal relationship, where you are understood without words and accepted without questions, exists.

“So tell me, Bugaboo, is he better looking than I am?” Chat asked playfully.

“I’m not gonna answer that!” Ladybug exclaimed, blushing slightly. “So what do you think this akuma did to us? Just sent us around the planet to explore our Garden of Eden?”

“My guess — they are matchmaking us,” Chat said, remembering his morning that started with a kiss from a beautiful girl. “This girl, she is…”

“There is no way I can match that psycho!” Ladybug protested, interrupting him.

“‘Psycho’ you’re saying… I see…” Chat smirked at her. “So it’s definitely matchmaking akuma then…”

“Chat!” Ladybug exclaimed.

“Sorry Bugaboo!” Chat Noir laughed, and he knew well what he was talking about, given how Ladybug could rage, especially in the heat of the moment. “But let’s face it: the guy must be really something to handle you!” He said through laughing.

“Traitor!” Ladybug said, but Adrien could see that she was at war not so much with him as with her own emotions. “I’ll unite Tikki with Kaalki and come to get you. Don’t change your location.”She commanded.

“I uhh…” Chat sighed. He actually hoped to run over to Cass’s room for a goodbye kiss…

But then he would have to detransform and look for cheese somewhere, and what if Ladybug will look for him while he is in his civilian form, or even worse, she will find him!

Adrien Agreste was not the most inconspicuous Parisian resident, so if meeting him in the same area it wouldn’t be hard to guess with absolute obviousness who is hiding behind the cat’s mask…

Chat sighed.

“Sure. Waiting for you.”

Adrien knew for sure that he would return. Because today, as if for the first time in his life, he woke up in the right bed.


See the previews for the upcoming Daminette on Ao3

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Nothing But The Truth

Felinette akuma shenanigans one-shot


He jumped as fast as he could, but even his excellent martial training wasn’t enough to save her from the hit.

Felix only had time to grab Marinette in his arms, but as they fell together through the open door of the classroom, he felt a shock of energy on his body, and the next moment the door slammed shut behind them.

“Get off me! Get off me!” Marinette yelled indignantly, trying to push him away.

“You are welcome.” Felix growled, rising and offering his hand to her.

Marinette stopped yelling and looked at him slightly surprised, but took the offered hand and stood up from the floor.

She immediately went to the door and pulled the handle.

“Damn it!” The girl exclaimed and her eyes widened from the fact that she cursed out loud.

Usually she did it to herself, and outwardly behaved like a decent girl.

“Is it locked?” Felix asked, coming closer.

“It definitely is!” Marinette confirmed. “And I need to get out of here fast!”

“It might be safer to stay here until the attack is over.” Felix suggested.

“I can’t stay here!” Marinette protested. “I need to get out!”

“Do you hate me so much that you can’t even stay in one room alone with me?!” Felix asked with resentment in his voice.

It was strange. Usually he was very cold, and during their many arguments Felix looked impenetrable, as if nothing could hurt him.

“I don’t hate you.” Marinette replied, she didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, even Felix’s. But then her mouth continued speaking as if by itself. “Actually I find your company interesting and like spending time with you.”

Marinette’s eyes widened on her own words.

What did that akuma hit do to her? Made her speak nonsense?! Since when did she find his company interesting?! And what was it about spending time together? Are constant disputes considered a joint pastime?!

In fact, now that she thought about it, Marinette realized that she really enjoyed arguing with Felix. Not the fact of quarreling itself, of course, but the fact that he always found interesting arguments and very competently expressed his point of view.

This constantly challenged her, made her grow internally.

To be honest, disputes with Felix so much occupied Marinette’s head that she hardly had time even to daydream about Adrien…

During the time Felix lived in Paris and studied in her class, it seemed that they spent all their free time between lessons together, sorting things out.

Marinette shook her head, trying to get the unexpected revelations out of her head.

“I…” She wanted to lie that she didn’t mean it at all and that she didn’t like spending time with Felix, but instead her mouth spoke completely different words. “I find you extremely smart and very attractive…”

While Marinette was experiencing quiet horror from the confessions that her mouth dropped, and which were discoveries even for her, — because where has it been seen for a girl to honestly admit her feelings to herself?! — Felix, who had previously been watching her in surprise, dropped his jaw and spoke slowly.

“Did you just say that you like me?” He asked, but there was no sarcasm and mockery characteristic of him in his voice.

In fact, his voice sounded in such a way as if her words genuinely touched him.

“I… I…” Marinette wanted to deny everything, but she was beginning to understand that whatever this akuma did to her, it was very reminiscent of the case when Luka was akumatized and forced her to tell the truth.

And Marinette was afraid that if she started talking or resisting the effects of magic, she would spill even more secrets.

So instead she covered her mouth with her hand and looked at Felix with the wide eyes of a guerrilla who had been captured but was ready to fight for military secrets.

“Was it…” Felix swallowed. “Was this akuma…” He narrowed his eyes. “There is a way to find out, I was hit too.”

Felix looked around and his eyes fell on the door.

“The door is locked.” He said.

Marinette giggled and even removed her hand, so ridiculous was his obvious statement.

“I know it’s locked.” She said, “I just tried to open it myself.”

Felix turned to her with a serious look.

“Yes.” He agreed. “But I tried to pronounce the sentence. ‘The door is open.’”

Her face immediately became serious and she looked at him, realizing that everything she had said aloud in the last minutes had to be the truth, even if this truth was hidden from herself.

Marinette began to seethe with anger inside — she felt so vulnerable in front of Felix, — she practically confessed to him feelings she didn’t even realize till now she had, and that now he would laugh at her.

“Why did you even come to rescue me?!” She yelled, trying to protect herself with aggression.

“Because your safety is important to me!” He yelled back indignantly.

They both stared at each other with wide eyes.

“I… I didn’t mean to say that.” Felix said, calming his tone down.

Her safety was important for him, Marinette repeated mentally, and this thought warmed her from the inside.

“I didn’t mean to yell at you.” Marinette admitted apologetically. “I… Thank you for… trying to…”

“I wasn’t fast enough…” Felix turned away.

“You’re not a superhero to save people, Felix. she tried to console him. “You didn’t have to save me at all.”

“Of course I had to!” He objected, turning back.

“And why is that?!” Marinette raised her voice again, following his example.

“Because I’m in love with you!” Felix snapped at her. He looked like he was shocked by his own words. “That is not… that isn’t… uhh…”

“Truth?” Marinette asked with annoyance in her voice.

Did Felix really have feelings for her, and he resisted them so much that he didn’t want to accept them even when the truth poured out of him by itself?

“I thought we stated that akuma’s magic prevents us from lying.” Marinette reminded him.

“But that is not the entire truth!” Felix argued.

Marinette’s eyebrows jumped in surprise. If Felix was able to say it out loud, then he was telling the truth, he had feelings for her, but… what other part of the truth he had in mind?

“So what is it?” She smirked.

Felix crossed his arms over his chest.

“I don’t want to say it.” He admitted.

“Come on, Felix!” Curiosity was eating her alive. “What can be worse than what you already just said?”

“I’m in love with someone else too, ok?!” He snapped.

Marinette was taken aback with his words. It turned out there could actually be something worse.

“I… I couldn’t imagine you have so much… Emotions inside you.”

“Well I do!” Felix replied angrily.

It was obvious that he didn’t want to be so vulnerable in front of her and it unsettled him.

And how much did she understand him at that moment?! Not only was she now talking to a guy she liked… Okay, a guy she REALLY liked. Okay, maybe she liked him so much that she had no idea what to do with herself when said guy wasn’t around to argue with her about something so elegantly and masterfully, as no one else could!

But this guy also just said… that he loved someone else.

And he could only speak the truth.

“And who is she?” Marinette didn’t expect not her own question, nor the bitterness in her voice in which the question was asked.

“I… you’ll think I’m an idiot…” Felix said, turning away from her again.

Marinette sat down at the nearest desk and dropped her head on her hands.

“You can’t be a bigger idiot than I feel right now, so… shoot.”

“I…” Felix swallowed. “I’m in love with Ladybug.” He confessed, and started chasing back and forth through the class. “I know this sounds crazy… but when she hit me, I felt… how strong she was… I mean, on the inside, you know, not the magical power enhancement…” He trailed off and turned to her. “And you… even when I saw you on that pathetic video, I could see so much heart inside you, and… I thought I’ll understand myself better when I’m here, closer to both of you… but… it only got worse, because I realized that your inner strength is just as great, even though you usually hide it. And Ladybug… Watching her, I can see that her heart is as big as yours… It drives me crazy!.. Why can’t one rational person just decide who he likes better?! This must be easy, right? But I… I just…”

“I’m Ladybug.” Marinette was staring into Felix’s wide eyes, shocked how easily her biggest secret slipped out from her lips… “I… I… Felix, you can’t… you can’t betray my secret!… this is not fair! I was keeping it so hard!” Marinette panicked.

“You. Are. Ladybug.” Felix pronounced every word separately, as if it could help him digest the received information piece by piece. “That means… that means that I only love one woman…”

“You…” Marinette started, but was interrupted.

“I stole his miraculous for you, but they turned out to be fake…” Felix declared.

“You… what?” Marinette’s eyes went wide. “From whom? From Shadow Moth?!”

“Funny story… haha!” Felix was laughing nervously, he obviously wasn’t prepared for this conversation as much as she wasn’t. “Ever since I learned Shadow Moth’s identity, I’ve been trying to steal the amulets to return them to you and show that I am worthy of you.”

“You know who Shadow Moth is…” Marinette almost whispered in disbelief.

“I… yes… He slipped me fakes when I opened the safe in his house…” Felix confessed reluctantly.

“You did what?!!” Marinette jumped from the chair.

“I know that you don’t approve of my methods, but sometimes the ends justify the means…” Felix said, making a step towards her. “Plus…”

His words were interrupted, when Chat Noir stumbled into the classroom, breaking through the door and fell to the floor.

The hero immediately jumped up on his feet and looked at those present.

“Hey, guys!” He smiled apologetically. “Sorry for the door. Gotta go. Bye!” And Chat rushed back into the fight with the akuma through the hole in the door.

Marinette looked at Felix, then at the door, then back at Felix.

“I need to help him.” She said, and ran after her partner.

The girl ran to the toilet to transform out of habit, forgetting that she could do it right in the class. She thought that despite the akuma’s influence, much remained unsaid between her and Felix.

Will they be able to be as open with each other once the akuma is neutralized?


Magic cure ended its action and Ladybug hit her partner’s fist with hers.

“I have an unfinished thing to do, Chat.” She said, “I need to go!”

Marinette transformed in an alleyway and approached the school, where the students were standing in small groups, waiting to be told if classes would continue. Her classmates stood together, so she went towards them.

“Mari!” Her girlfriends pounced on her. “Where have you been?!”

“I… was… I…” Marinette didn’t have time to come up with an alibi for herself, so much her head was occupied with new realizations of her… feelings?

“She was with me.” She heard Felix’s voice behind her and turned to meet his eyes.

Marinette felt as if everyone around disappeared and they were standing alone, looking into each other’s eyes with a silent conversation about what happened between them earlier.

Did they confess to each other? Do they really have mutual feelings?

Now it all seemed so confusing and incomprehensible, but then it seemed so obvious. Marinette felt that with every passing minute, her certainty that what had happened was real had vanished.

Felix’s eyes looked at her seriously and reservedly, and it was difficult to see through them now that his sensitivity and vulnerability were so well disguised by coldness and severity.

“Riiiiiight!” Chloe exclaimed. “Who would believe that you could spend so much time together, you can’t stand each other! In which I, Felikins, support you very much!”

Marinette opened her mouth to say something, her alibi fading before her eyes, but Felix beat her to it.

“The thing is,” He said, “We were both hit with that truth akuma, and were locked together in an empty classroom.” Felix continued without taking his eyes off Marinette.

“Poor Felikins, you had to spend so much time alone with her!” Chloe whined.

Marinette suppressed the urge to roll her eyes at Chloe’s comment. She didn’t want to tear herself away from those deep green eyes, looking at her so seriously and confidently.

“I was just fine.” Felix rеtorted, face still serious, while looking at Marinette as if they were still alone. “That akuma helped me to say what I should have said to Marinette a long time ago.”

“And what was it?” Chloe teased. “How much she annoys you?”

“No. I told her the truth.” Felix replied, and Marinette’s eyes widened.

She wanted to stop him. She saw how his face tightened and how his eyes burned, and she had a feeling that he was about to say…

“I told her that I love her.” Felix finished.

Most of the girls in the class, who had been following the scene enthusiastically before, gasped and whispered.

Approaching the crowd, Adrian looked confusedly at the couple in the center of it, then at other classmates, not understanding what was happening here and why everyone was silent.

“And what did our girl answer you?” Alya asked carefully, smirking knowingly between them.

Marinette was looking at this boy, who just confessed to her in front of the whole class, choosing to do so of his own free will and not under the influence of an akuma.

It seemed to her as if Felix had regained control of his own life this way. It was as if he had made a decision on top of what life had decided for him, hitting him with truth magic.

Like a rider rides a naughty horse, subordinating it to his will. So Felix decided to bend his life to his will, accepting responsibility for his words, even those spoken against his authority at first.

Marinette made a step to him and took his hand, still not taking her eyes off Felix.

The boy parted his lips a little and looked down at his hand in hers. Then he looked up at her and Marinette was engulfed in a wave of heat that flared in his eyes.

“She said,” Marinette replied finally to Alya’s question, and it seemed to her that the whole class was waiting with bated breath for her answer along with herself. “She said that she loves him back.”

Felix looked at her tenderly and lovingly – the open Felix that she met earlier today visible in him – and pulled Marinette in for a kiss.

She readily accepted the kiss, ignoring gasps and squeals around them, succumbing to the warmth of Felix’s lips on hers.

Chloe snorted, turned around and walked towards the entrance to the school, grumbling as she went.

“Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!” She exclaimed.

Marinette felt Felix smiling into her kiss and smiled back.

There was much more to say between them. But now she was sure that every word they say would be nothing but the truth.

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Only Yesterday


Chapter 3/5 (Ao3)


Marinette: i feel it so vivid as if it was happening for real
Marinette: and we never even met
Felix: i feel like we did
Marinette: me too
Marinette: but that would be even more crazy
Felix: just as crazy as u make me feel


p.4/5 preview:

Felix: so now that u know for sure u don’t feel the same anymore, do u?

Marinette: i

Marinette: i don’t know what i feel

Marinette: when did u understand it was me?


p.5/5 preview:

Marinette: r we really discussing how to catch Shadow Moth right now?

Felix: of course we do
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