#mlm positivity


Listen, I’m 22 years old.. 23 in December and I’ve been open with my friends about my gender identity since I was 16. I’m a trans man, that uses he/him pronouns only.

I spent so long getting comfortable with my gender identity that my sexuality was pushed to the wayside. I didn’t figure out I was solely MLM until I was one and a half years into a relationship with my now best friend. Our friends had shipped us together in school and we both thought like we /had/ to be together, which in turn confused both of us. I’m happily MLM and in 2018 a year after we broke up she told me she’d solely WLW. Shipping real people isn’t a good idea but that’s not the point of this post.

The point of my post is that it’s taken me a very long time to wrestle with what I’m comfortable with gender wise as a man. And I’m at the point where I’m comfortable with myself, (other than the fact I’m not on T and I haven’t had too surgery but those are future plans bc unsafe environment atm). I like flamboyant 70’s fashion and how my mullet looks after I put my hair in rollers. My hair, is at the longest length it’s been since I had it all cut off when I was 16.

The point here is that if any younger transmascs are struggling with figuring out ‘what they’re allowed to do in order to be a man’ I just want to point out that you can do whatever you damn well please. You’re your own man. If you want to wear a skirt, you go ahead and fucking rock that skirt. If you want to wear make up, do the best damn eye shadow the world has seen. If you want to wear pastel colours and flower crowns don’t let anyone stop you, serve us a complete look. I used to feel guilty about buying Lush products and taking bubble baths, but let me tell you now that shit is delightful and if I had endless amounts of money it would be a daily occurrence. So, if you want to take a bubble bath, take that damn bubble bath!

I’m telling all the transmasc kids this because I wish someone had told me when I was younger that doing certain things doesn’t make me any less of a man. If I can stop some kiddos thinking it’s wrong to like what they like because they’re supposed to be a man, then I’m gonna try.

Take this as a message from your Internet big bro ✌

husband is such a sweet word, i can’t wait to use it

i’m hot, gay and mentally ill what more do you want from me?

I see no reason why I can’t be both the love interest and the antagonist

Just a reminder to any young mlm followers, relationships take work, there are ups and downs, you will fight, there may be misunderstandings and there may be tears. But please, please always communicate with your partner. Do not fall victim to toxic masculinity.

Baby: 6/10 it’s cute but kinda basic and I don’t really like getting called it but my boyfriend does

Babe: 8/10 sweet, good and quick in casual conversation around other people

Sweetheart: 10/10 very good, very cute describes my boyfriend perfectly and makes him blushy

Love: 5/10 it’s fine but I just don’t really vibe

Puppy: 100000/10 I love being called puppy dunno why it’s just cute and when he calls me puppy I’m like yes, correct please validate my dumb werewolf vibe

Alsking: 1000/10 Swedish for lover, it’s sweet. Kinda a private personal thing I can call him that’s just between us. Very good for both public and private.

So I have the whole cottagecore/dark academia aesthetic going on while my bf has the edgy/punk aesthetic.

But then like ours vibes are completely swapped he bakes and reads and paints while I systematically dismantle the government

Brokeback Mountain really hits different when you have someone to run away with.

On an unrelated note I have decided to become a cowboy

So we all know this thing right?

Well I went the the movies with my s/o. They paid for the tickets and had their hand out to receive the tickets and yet the usher still gave them to me.

it’s the little things. when we hold hands and his thumb does the rubbing thing or he holds mine a little tighter. when he rests his head on my shoulder while reading batman. when we had our first hug and i couldn’t breathe because we were so close. the little things are so lovely.

his small obsession with batman. his huge obsession with king dice. the way he rambles on about how his watch has the exact seconds and milliseconds. how he continuously tries to get me to watch jojo’s. this boy<333.

constantly daydreaming about painting a boy’s (or boys’) nails, sewing on patches together, introducing them to pirate metal, sharing our current interests and then exploring new interests together.

tummies <333. guys who have soft tummies, guys who have flat tummies, big tummies, bloated tummies, built tummies, tummies with stretch marks, tummies with scars; all the different kinds of tummies.
