#monster design


Meet Maizter, a pokemon inspired by the vastness of Mexican couisine revolving around corn and products related to it

Meet Chavicho and Chaltarin, two pokemon based on Chespirito’s work “El Chavo del 8” and “El Chapulín Colorado”, very iconic comedy shows from Mexico

Meet Mexamian Buneary and Mexamian Lopunny, inspired by Teporingos and the coldest regions in real life Mexico

Meet Arankey and Taranturilla, pokemon based on taking literally the name “spider monkey”

Meet Cerviweave, a pokemon inspired by looms and spiders making their webs on deer antlers

Meet Poorpoise an Reviathan, two pokemon with extinction and revenge in their concepts

Meet Surfish and Veleroz, two pokemon inspired by sailboats, sail surfing, sailfish and Manzanillo’s sailfish statue ⛵

Meet Mexamian Meowth and Persaguar, pokemon inspired by the jaguar and the mythos surrounding it on precolumbine civilizations

Meet Cololmec and Talltec, two pokemon inspired by Olmec heads and ‘Atlantes de Tula’ respectively

You think all water-types are cool and gentle? Nope! Deenie has a fiery temper and two fists to prov

You think all water-types are cool and gentle? Nope! Deenie has a fiery temper and two fists to prove that she is not one to be trifled with.

Follow her full story in Earthlings From Another PlanetonWebtoons! 

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Concept art for potential webcomic— Chris fighting a gut monster with her Cristal Fists

This is the other half of the Bloodborne sequel concept that I came up with for the VaatiVidya Bloodborne II contest, Chorister Bardhylli (Pronounced Bar-thule-lee) alone. is the one who beckons the lesser Great one Peregrinus and they become a tag team boss! You can read some info on him on the sheets, it’s written in the style of how I believe the game would present it.

So for Chorister Bardhylli’s role in the battle:

He’d be the first phase of the overall battle. Once he summons Peregrinus, I wanted sound to play a large role in the mechanics of the battle. Throughout the battle the different rings of the Chorister’s bell would be used by the player to predict attacks from the Great One. The Great One would be phasing in and out of the arena similar to the snakes during the Shadows of Yharnam fight. I also wanted the Chorister’s Censer Star to have a deceptively long range much like the Abyss watchers sword during their second phase. His weapon “extends” when the incense is burning inside of it. The lingering mist deals Arcane damage when fighting him only during the first phase and after as well!

After the first phase battle with Chorister Bardhylli, The player would then have to choose between focusing on Chorister Bardhylli or Peregrinus knowing that each strategy has its pros and cons. The Chorister has less health and isn’t as fast but by removing him the player loses important sound cues against the Great One. Peregrinus is a larger target and has an obvious weak spot (the head) but by ignoring Chorister Bardhylli it leaves him open to healing or buffing the Great One.

Fun facts about Chorister Bardhylli:

Chorister Bardhylli is named after an Illyrian king and also means “White star” in Albanian, I wanted to keep the Eastern European feel to his name similar to the other npcs of the series.

This is a Bloodborne sequel concept Old one Boss, I came up with for the VaatiVidya’s Bloodborne II contest! I was not in the winner video he made but I had a ton of fun making this creature! You can read on its abilities near the illustrations, I wrote them in a way that I feel like it’d be presented in the game.

A little more info on the Bloodborne art:

The idea for this boss stemmed from the fact that Bloodborne, unlike other souls games, lacked aerial enemies and tag team bosses. My idea was to have a two phase boss, starting with Chorister Bardhylli (Bar-thule-lee) alone. During the battle he’ll be beckoning the lesser Great One Peregrinus with his bell and once his health reaches half, there would be a cut scene of the great one gliding into the arena through a tear in space. The Chorister and the Great One would then have seperate life bars.

I created Peregrinus after reading about the flying creature in Lovecraft’s short story “The Festival”, I wanted to honor the Lovecraftian roots of Bloodborne and thought it’d be the perfect monster to base the lesser Great One on. Peregrinus is a mixture of bat, spider, arctiine moth and rhamphorhyncus. Its head shape is inspired by the bows of ancient Greek triremes. Peregrinus’ name is latin for “traveler” or “foreigner ”.

I’ll be posting Chorister Bardhylli soon, so be on the look out for him too !

The monsters below were originally supposed to be in the same image as Shuichi, but the combination looked weird so I separated them since I still liked the designs.

This isn’t vent art, I just wanted to draw Dr characters as monsters and needed motivation for why the characters would look like that. So I decided on survivors guilt warping the image of Shuichi’s dead friends in his mind, turning them into monsters!

Aka sad shuichi hours-

Original monster designs,

Someone please pay me to make these so I have a reason to spend so much time drawing monsters/j

I’ve been watching a Death mark/NG playthrough and sketched Shuichi and Kokichi as spirits from the game

Yes Shuichi only has his pointer finger and thumb on each hand, and yes I’m aware there’s already a spider themes spirit- I just thought it fit

Kokichi has mouths for eyes, and the weird horns/spikes sticking out of him are,,, well y’know how pinocchio’s nose grows when he lies? Same concept, different locations, also more painful! Also he’s not blushing, he’s choking himself

A little redesign I did for Beelzebub from Shin megami tensei

A little redesign I did for Beelzebub from Shin megami tensei

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 GUARDIAN OF THE DEEP ohh look at that it’s monstermay AND mermay! so why not bring the two together GUARDIAN OF THE DEEP ohh look at that it’s monstermay AND mermay! so why not bring the two together


ohh look at that it’s monstermay AND mermay! so why not bring the two together? here is an oc i’ve had for a while, but haven’t gotten around to properly drawing until now.

risodonth is an ancient, dragon-like entity that lives in a vast, ruined city beneath the surface of the deep ocean. it is believed that he was once the ruler of the fabled city of atlantis, but that’s merely speculation among monster fanatics. nobody knows if he truly exists.. or at least that was so until an unfortunate deep water expedition team uncovered a strange temple, one still filled with air and riches.. and an unhappy elder beast.

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A little beastie from the sketchbook

More creatures.Part 1More creatures.Part 1More creatures.Part 1More creatures.Part 1More creatures.Part 1More creatures.Part 1

More creatures.

Part 1

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