
Times does fly. Mother would have been 91 today Passed in 2007. Cherish your family xx+++ +++ #mot

Times does fly. Mother would have been 91 today Passed in 2007. Cherish your family xx

#mother #fam #smallkid #cutedog #dog #parent #love #mumsofinstagram #mum #scottish #rip #familyphoto #blackandwhitephotography #bw (at Warwick, Warwickshire)

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I’ve worked outside the home, basically with a career, even while I considered myself a homemaker. A homemaker is all I’ve wanted to be since I was a very little girl. I can’t remember a time in my life I didn’t want to be a woman in her home. I did the career thing in my 20s. It wasn’t without its profit, but it took me close to 4 years after I came home to re-buy into homemaking, to understand it as a glorious work instead of feeling put upon. It took me that long to start viewing it as my vocation.

Never once in my ‘career’ did I feel the invisible connection with women of the past. Not once did I feel rooted. Not once did I–in a Christian way, not a pagan way–feel tied to my ancestors, to the earth, to myself. I always felt like I was pushing against my purpose, even if I couldn’t put it into words.

Now, when I cook, clean, do laundry, hug my husband, make our lunches, beautify my home, run errands, bake, laugh with my sisters, share coffee with my Mom, spoil my nieces and nephews, and enjoy my home I feel connected. Hundreds of women, back to the dawn of time, related and unrelated, have done this exact same work. Hundreds of women have passed down wisdom to me. Hundreds of women have kneaded bread, scrubbed clothes, pondered over dinner, sought to manage a budget, grown flowers, and raised up the next generation while honoring the last. Women after women have done this work. I feel like I’ve found my place, my sisterhood, my purpose. Not outside the home, but in it. Not in loudly demanding everyone’s attention, but in quiet mornings set straight and ready for the day, long lingering breakfasts, grilling in our backyard, our stories, our life. Not in focuing on me, but in focusing on him and us. It’s simple. It’s incredibly hard. It’s challenging. It’s calm. Look back, down the line of women, going back to the beginning, there do I see my mothers, my sisters, my kin. And here, in my home, is where I belong.

Great message! You’re right…that genetic and historic connection is gone in the workforce, severed and sterile. But it can be felt so, so strongly in caring or providing for family. This is a beautiful point.

I’ve wanted to be a homemaker for years and now that I’m here… I’m struggling. There’s a loneliness and adaption that I’m hoping to someday soon overcome. The month before my son was born when I was alone, barefoot and pregnant (literally), keeping my home running, I felt… great. Everyday I felt accomplished. More so than I ever did working. I was happy, my husband was happy, I was creating life. These past 6 weeks with my son earthside has been challenging. For me, my marriage, though mainly I think for my mental health and self-worth. I hope to get back to my hearts desire someday soon, and remember why I chose this life. The satisfaction I received from a day of keeping a well-maintained home full of love and joy. I’m trying my best to give myself grace. Everything takes its own time.

For my beloved mother, my endless love. Always remembered.

#susee mable    #one year later    #endless love    #mother    #in memoriam    #mourning    


Back to work after being off for 12 days and all I want to do is go back home and snuggle with my 4 year old daughter. I put away all the Christmas decorations in my office and it looks sad, I watered the plant that i inherited from my friend that got fired a few months back. Once I logged into my computer it felt like I never even had the time off. The 200 unanswered emails, the lack of drive and motivation this place gives me is still here. I promised myself that 2022 was going to be different so I will answer the rest of those emails, create some posts for work. Breakout my new planner for 2022 and start writing down my weekly goals and motivations. I’ll start small, like re-organizing my closet and donating or selling things I no longer wear. Can you keep a secret? My dream would be to live in an RV or a tiny house. I know it sounds crazy with 2 kids but especially now when the world seems like such a scary place it would be amazing to just go. Go to a place that kids can run around free with no masks, I can go to sleep with not worrying about bills or anxiety about my job a place where we can truly spend time as a family. I wish to be the person that stays out in the rain when it’s raining instead of looking for cover, i used to be that girl. Somehow I lost her along the way, I miss her. The free spirit, go with the flow attitude was replaced by lists, planning and stress. I will find her again, she’s still in me. I feel her when I laugh at something my kids did, she’s with me when randomly my husband says lets go for a walk or a drive. Crafting has really been working for me to bring her back. She’s the girl that used to take the pee smelling subway into Cambridge for a watercolor class. I don’t blame my kids or my husband that I lost her, life got in the way. Mental health did a number on me and I am now working on picking up the pieces. It’s something I struggle with everyday but I need to be whole for my family. I need to enjoy moments with them, even on days when it’s hard. Anyone that struggles with mental health will understand how it’s a constant battle that you have internally. Somedays are good, others set you back. Because I am a mom, on the bad days I can’t just take a break the little humans still need me. Truth be told to keep going I need them just as much. 

  • April 16, 2012: I’M A NEW MOMMY!!!!!!
  • April 20, 2012: Baby and family are resting comfortably, everyone. But the baby doesn’t rest that much! LOL!!!!!!
  • April 25, 2012: Just spending time with my baby on this fine day. Hubby took the day off to hang out wish his friends. MUST BE NICE!!! LOL!!!!!
  • May 30, 2012: Haven’t updated in a while! Been so busy with the little one. He’s perfect in every way. What would also be perfect is a night alone with my hubby.
  • August 2, 2012: My boobs hurt.
  • September 17, 2012: Oh my. My little guy is quite the talker! I think today he said, “VODKA!” His first words and the first thing I drink in the morning before feeding him!
  • October 7, 2012: He tried to walk today! I tried to help him along by pushing him a little, but I ended up pushing him a little too hard and he fell. It was funny to me! Really funny! DON’T PUSH YOUR BABIES, PEOPLE. LOL!!!!!
  • November 7, 2012: I’m so lucky to have the best husband and kid in the world. My life is perfect! It’s great being a MOM!!!! Someone free me from this manufactured CAGE I’ve put myself in, please!!! I’m smothering my child because I resent him for taking away the best years of my already mediocre life!!!! LOL!!!!!!!

“Au revoir maman… | Marburg, March 2022”

#mom #mother #mommy #mommie #family #familyfun #familytime

#mom #mother #mommy #mommie #family #familyfun #familytime

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#Mother #Son #mom #momlife #momson #momsofinstagram #momsoninstagram #mommy #mommyandme

#Mother #Son #mom #momlife #momson #momsofinstagram #momsoninstagram #mommy #mommyandme

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#mom #mommy #mother #sister #daughter #family#symmetricaldocking

#mom #mommy #mother #sister #daughter #family

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#3some #threesome #mother #daughter #family

#3some #threesome #mother #daughter #family

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#wife #daughter #mother#family #temptation

#wife #daughter #mother
#family #temptation

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worldieco:#CampFire #Technology - My mom, Victoria Taft, was lost in the fire on Nov 8.  I will wo


#CampFire #Technology - My mom, Victoria Taft, was lost in the fire on Nov 8. 

I will work on an emergency platform as an internship as a result, change Worldie to be more modern (she didn’t like futuristic) with All-In-One Social Media as the tagline… and it’s been very difficult.

“Feeds, Posts, Video Channels, Photo Walls, Groups, Pages, Shop, Events, People, and More.

Worldie is a socially responsible leader in social media. We are an all-in-one place to meet people.

Worldie will create a better future in social media. We value change, innovation, consumer rights, freedom of expression, benefiting society, and political neutrality. Worldie values the individual. We act with ethics, transparency, and integrity. Limitless potential is a future we value.

Worldie has integration of features, better policies, and shows all user content with easy-to-use categorization. Have friends, contacts, fans, favorites, likes, and promotion.

Join the future of social media.”

This has been devastating and a very hard month plus. I haven’t been on here and only on Twitter. How can they put an evacuation notice on Twitter, then fail to contact any of us?

Why is there a culture of opt in to emergency notifications? IN AZ, EVERY flash flood showed on the TV and radio. My mom expected that and the culture of Los Angeles.

Butte County was a nightmare and I was complaining about it this year and for years. The last months too. In the bubble, neither could my mom see it either. It’s extremely sad and I regret that day forever.

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